Lit. Indie. Non-Selective. D&D-centric Multimuse RP blog. || Default muse is always Spyro. || Reads rules too if ya get a chance.[Mun is 34. he/him]
51 posts
Your Suffering Is Irrelevant To Me! I Hunger For Magic. So Speaks, Manos!

“Your suffering is irrelevant to me! I hunger for magic. So speaks, Manos!”
deaddovestellnotales liked this · 5 months ago
More Posts from Mythic-trio
the line between friend and foe is often blurred . - Curumë ( @deaddoveadventures ) to whichever DnD Muse you think this would be the most interesting with x)
"Oh? What makes you say that?" @deaddoveadventures

Cynder the Dragoness is coming up!
October 10th, it's gonna be great.
@pompedia @strcngered
Timeline 1 - Spyro > Ripto’s Rage > Year of the Dragon > Enter the Dragon > GBA Games > A Hero’s Tail > Shadow Legacy
Timeline 2 - A New Beginning > The Eternal Night > Dawn of the Dragon
Timeline 3 - Spyro > Skylanders Academy S1 > Skylanders Academy S2 > Skylanders Academy S3 > Skylanders Academy S4 > Adventures of Spyro

Literate & Independent Spyro the Dragon as crafted by Angus
Not-selective, Multiship & Multiverse based
Canon-Divergent, Headcanon-based
OC & Crossover friendly
Includes Verses for Spelljammer, Baldur's Gate 3, The Elder Scrolls, Marvel, Dark Souls, and Kingdom Hearts
Rules / Mun / About

@starwrittenfates/@sungiftedbard + My OC'S
Inquisitor Ellana Lavellan from Dragon Age: Inquisition
The Dark Urge/Hope Wildheart from Baldur's Gate 3
Harmony Goodwater from Hogwarts Legacy
Synnove Willowlight from Baldur's Gate 3 (mutli-versed & mutli-fandom)
Lolita/The Master's TARDIS from Doctor Who & EU
Inquisitor Faith Trevelyan from Dragon Age: Inquisition