Lit. Indie. Non-Selective. D&D-centric Multimuse RP blog. || Default muse is always Spyro. || Reads rules too if ya get a chance.[Mun is 34. he/him]
51 posts
Note To Self: Make Each Of Malefor's Variants Different From Each Other.
Note to self: Make each of Malefor's variants different from each other.
Same goes for Spyro too.
More Posts from Mythic-trio
Timeline 1 - Spyro > Ripto’s Rage > Year of the Dragon > Enter the Dragon > GBA Games > A Hero’s Tail > Shadow Legacy
Timeline 2 - A New Beginning > The Eternal Night > Dawn of the Dragon
Timeline 3 - Spyro > Skylanders Academy S1 > Skylanders Academy S2 > Skylanders Academy S3 > Skylanders Academy S4 > Adventures of Spyro
"Yes, that would be be me. A time traveler from the future is threating the stability of all realms." He was only 120, and still had tons of potential within himself. "His name is Mementos."

"Greetings, the four of you. The multiverse is in danger, I need help defending it. I cannot do this alone."

"A purple dragon? Are you perhaps the Legendary Dragon Spyro?" The Kaioshins had lived for a long time, so they had heard of some legends here and there. "We will try and assist you, but there are limits to even what we can do."
Also, ooc, but I saw Lord Soth on your muse list, you actually also are a dragonlance fan? :DDDDDD
// Yes, yes. I love cool badass villains in this house.