✧.* Simple girl who dreams ✧.*

342 posts

Joshua Sought Comfort In You

Joshua sought comfort in you…

(joshua rosfield x reader)


summary: Joshua had a nightmare and went to you for comfort…

Joshua Sought Comfort In You

The moonlight seeped through the open window, curtains blowing gently in the night wind. You laid awake yet again, you could never sleep.

A soft sigh escaped your lips as you gazed at the moon which shone so bright outside. A quiet night, but peaceful.

Knock, Knock, Knock

Three quiet knocks placed themselves at your door, as if the person knocking was doing so cautiously. Confused you sat up, removing the covers.

At this hour?

You thought as your feet placed on the floor. With a few strides you arrived at the door, taking a deep breath as if you were preparing for the worst. You always seemed to do that.

You grabbed onto the cold, metal door knob and gently turned it.


You spoke confused yet softly, your eyes landing upon familiar blue ones.

“…My lady, forgive me for the disturbance.”

Joshua appeared nervous, almost like he was ashamed.

“No no, it’s alright I hadn’t slept yet.”

You gave him a soft reassuring smile. You felt the need to calm his nerves, even though you doubted your ability to do so.

The soft spoken man gave you a sheepish smile.

“If you do not mind…”

Joshua fidgeted his fingers, though hard to notice you did immediately.

“May I enter, my lady?”

His voice and expression were hesitant, he was afraid of your rejection.

With a soft reassuring smile you nodded and opened the door wider for him to enter.

He nodded in return, a small thank you escaping the young lord’s lips.

The small click of the door shutting and locking, the gentle flap of the curtains, the synchronic breathing of the two became the only sounds.

A comfortable silence fallen upon the two. The lord’s uncommon awkward gaze looking to the side.

“Is everything alright Joshua?”

Your soft voice broke the silence, making his eyes fall upon yours. You could swear you noticed a hint of red on his ears, but maybe it was the lighting playing tricks on you.

“You were gone…I had lost you…”

A sudden pained voice emitted from Joshua. This had caused you to inch forward towards him.

Before you could speak he had started again, “I-…I cannot…”

Your eyes widened slightly as you noticed the young lord getting choked up.

“oh Joshua…”

You reached forward, wrapping your arms around him in a protective embrace.

“You could never lose me Joshua…I will not stray, ever.”

You reassured him, gently caressing his hair.

“My apologies…”

His voice ached with unshed tears.

“You have nothing to be sorry for…”

Joshua’s head dipped and buried itself into the crook of your neck. A wet spot formed which practically broke your heart.

“I love you, I will stand by your side for as long as you’ll have me, my lord.”

A soft kiss planted onto the side of his head, your touch soothing him.

“I love you too, more than anything”


First post on here !! I’ll be posting more though it will most likely be inconsistent. I’m not really that good of a writer sadly, but I do enjoy it very much soo. I hope you enjoyed this and I shall write more when I can !! :) btw not proofread (I couldn’t be bothered)

This does take place in the hideaway. I didn’t include background much since it was a short fluff :))

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More Posts from Mythoswarrior-23

5 months ago

Young Love

Toshinori Yagi/All Might x Reader

Summary: Toshinori doesn’t want his little girl growing up too fast...so what is the logical thing he does? BANS THE BOYS!!!

Builds off of this headcanon


Extended Ending

Young Love

It was the little things he noticed, you know? His daughter would be watching Spirited Away and sigh away wistfully once Haku was gathered together by the thousands of colored pixels on the screen. His young daughter would also giggle uncontrollably when he would introduce her to the many pro heroes, especially upon meeting Hawks....and it didn’t help that he only indulged her childish crush upon him by holding her hands as she babbled away to him, let her touch the feathers upon his wings. His daughter may have been 5 and the heroes were just smitten by how adorable she was....but it didn’t change the fact that it made his heart sink to the depths of his abdomen whenever she would make googly eyes at boys. It drove him insane! That was his little girl! He didn’t want to be reminded that one day she would date and then pack up and move away! This fear reached its limit though once he began to take her along with him when he taught class 1A. That was the last straw...

Her eyes scanned over the many future heroes...but once they landed upon Shoto Todoroki? It was over for her young, tiny heart. At first she was too shy to even look at him, but finally she began to edge her way up to his side while other groups were doing scenarios, small hand tugging on his pants leg to grab his attention.

“Hi...what’s your name?” She whispered out, the young teen only leaning down a bit to hear her, his face derived of any emotion as usual.

“I’m Shoto Todoroki...” he whispered back before standing up straight. His attention was only grabbed once again by another tug of his pants leg, looking back down to the young girl beside him.

“You want some of my gummies?” She whispered out again, holding up one of those small packets of gummies that were usually shaped like spongebob, scooby doo, or maybe even Disney characters. Shoto only gave a nod of his head before opening the bag, offering her some before eating the rest (there never were that many in those packets). And just like that, she was hooked. She had begun with sharing little things with him, like her snacks she would bring. One time she even brought a bright pink beaded bracelet, offering it to him so they could match with the one she was wearing and he only once again calmly took it from her and slid it onto his wrist. Then her father began to learn how to braid hair. She would flaunt it off to everyone, but to Shoto?

“Shoto, do you notice anything different?” She would ask sweetly, giving a tiny little spin before him, which he only just looked. Honestly, he had no idea what the hell was different. Should he have known? But he finally decided on an answer.

“Is it...your ribbons?” He asked as he let his fingers tug on them gently, All Might’s young daughter only breaking out into a fit of giggles as she clutched onto his hand to give herself balance as she gave another turn to show her hair.

“No, silly! Daddy braided my hair different today!” She boasted as she reached one of her tiny hands to toss around the ends of her braids, the ribbons that were tied to the ends, that were once in bows, flopped about as she did so. “Do you know how to tie a bow though? The ones Daddy did fell out...” the young girl pouted, which Todoroki only motioned for her to turn around, a bright grin and the smallest of blushes on her cheeks as he redid her bows in her hair. Toshinori shouldn’t have been surprised when he would catch glances of his daughter talking to Todoroki and giggling that love sick giggle. Heck, he knew what was up the minute she shared her snacks!

She never shared her snacks! Not even with her own father!

But then she became bolder.....

“Shoto....can I hold your hand?” She asked sweetly as she rolled back and forth onto her tiptoes and back onto her heels.

“Hm...? Sure..” he simply stated, that goofy grin back upon her face as she reached her tiny hand up to his, his huge hand grabbing onto hers automatically as class continued on, the other classmates casting their glances to him and the young girl to give their little ‘awes’ at the cute scene they had just witnessed. It got to a point where she even stopped asking to hold his hand, she would just do it, skipping along side him and jumping over cracks if they had to walk somewheres.

“Awe...Todoroki is such a good friend.” Ururaka gushed out as he was once again fixing the ribbons in her hair as they stood around on the training grounds.

“He’s not my friend...he’s my boyfriend..” she corrected, Todoroki not really reacting much to the comment, though the older girl before her had to press a hand to her mouth to surpress her laughter as the young girl only once again grabbed onto his hand, humming and skipping away as the group began to move somewheres else. Though Toshinori had finally had enough one day on the way back home.

“Daddy....I really love Shoto...” his daughter sighed out as she kicked her legs around in the back seat, strapped into her car seat, fingers messing with the bright pink bracelet that Shoto also wore (he didn’t have the heart to take it off). Toshinori’s hand came slamming down on the edge of the steering wheel, glancing back to his daughter.

“Nope! This is not happening! You, young lady, are 5! You are too young! No more boys!” He said sternly, but he felt guilty as he heard her sniffles as he parked the car outside of you and Toshinori’s house, she already managing to unbuckle herself and stumble out of the car, wailing all the way with tears running down her face. You opened the front door with a confused look, your daughter already clutching onto your legs.

“Daddy is so mean!” She dramatically said through her wails, you kneeling down to begin wiping away her snot and tears from her face, you casting a glance to Toshinori that basically just asked ‘what the fuck is happening’. Which he only sighed to before speaking.

“She said she loved Todoroki, so I said that she was too young and so no boys.” He shrugged his shoulders, which his daughter only began to cry even loud as you stood up, picking her up along with you, her arms already clutching around your neck as you stepped into the house, Toshinori stepped in after you and shut the door.

“I love Todoroki....” your daughter continued to wail out “He’s my boyfriend...” which you only tried to hold back your laughter as you listened to the little girl wail over a boy and throwing a small tantrum over her father saying boys weren’t allowed. “Tell daddy that he can’t do that!” She said as she hiccuped, your hand soothingly rubbing against her back as you sat down onto the couch in the living room. Toshinori only stood before you, guilt creeping in the more he watched his daughter cry.

“Toshinori...take back what you said..” you finally mumbled out as you rocked your daughter, giving him a glance. You raised your eyebrows, motioning him to begin speaking. Toshinori only gasped for air, wanting to protest, but that look you gave him silenced his rebukes he wanted to make, sighing in defeat.

“I take back what I said..” he mumbled out, your daughter’s cries finally stopping as she pulled away from your chest, looking back to her father with her red, puffy eyes, sniffling and hiccuping still from her crying.

“Look..see? Now go give daddy a hug and a kiss to make up.” You spoke out as you set her down on the ground, which she tiredly walked up to her dad, reaching her hands up which he soon picked her up, giving her a hug while she gave a quick kiss to his cheek before resting her head down onto his shoulder, totally exhausted from her crying.

Toshinori had to give it to Shoto Todoroki though....he has got to be the world’s best virtue holder of patience....

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5 months ago



pairing ; adrian tepes , trevor belmont , sypha belnades x female reader

ཐི ➥ summary ; As the world begins to pay the toll of Dracula's rage, four unlikely heroes must band together and defeat him--no matter the price.

warnings ; swearing

notes ; hopefully the dialogue reads accurate to how the characters actually talk in the series😓😓. Lmk what u guys think!!

ONCE LEAVING ALUCARD's TOMB Sypha wished her people many sorrowful goodbyes, watching for the first time as they traveled somewhere she could not. Soon they themselves would too depart from Gresit and in turn leave for west where their destination rested in between the territories of both OTTOMAN and MOLDAVIA.

Admittedly the journey was...unfavorable to say the least, paths were thick with snow and ice—turning their fires into signals for enemies which hid in the cover of night. Conversation was admirable, but only when Trevor and Alucard were not knee deep in conflict (which happened more often than not).

After yet another disagreement, Sypha attempted to lighten the atmosphere with questions. "Soooo Savior, how exactly do you know of this true blood? And how are you so sure they'll help us?" He released a drawn sigh and look towards the pile of burning wood before him, "we aren't exactly going to meet just one pure blooded vampire—this is a family of them."

Trevor was quick to sit up in protest, but Alucard held out a hand, almost pleading with the man to stay silent for just a moment. "They are family friends... or once were, before my father had a falling out with the family's head." His face became tense with focus as if it was painful to recall such years ago. "The fight wasn't anything extravagant or gruesome—pure bloods' consider themselves above such 'unnecessary brutality' in their words, but we've never spoken another word to each other since."

Alucard clenched his fist in frustration, to keep himself from saying the unthinkable. "Anyhow, they won't slaughter us when we step onto their doorstep if that's what you're thinking, by the time we get there they'll probably be full off lunch." Sypha huffed before crossing one arm over the other.

"You never answered my second question, are you so sure they'll help us—pure blooded vampires are still vampires nonetheless." Alucard placed a hand between his brows where a wrinkle formed, "I'm not."

"Oh bloody Christ almighty!" Trevor held quiet for long as he knew how, now standing from his icy snow bed he threw his arms high in the air. "We're out here in fucking god knows where about to walk into the god forbidden den of an apex predator! JUST MY LUCK!" Alucard scoffed at what he could only describe as a tantrum, "we need a true blood Belmont, whether you soil over yourself at the thought or not. Now as I've said, it's possible they'll refuse to join us, but in any case they won't kill us. That I'm sure enough of."

"Trevor you quite literally kill vampires for a living, how much different can these pure bloods be?" Sypha shrugged her shoulders in confusion, not exactly exhilarated by the idea of the human race depending on the choice of a single unworldly being. "Oh! I don't know speaker, maybe because they're a 100 times faster, stronger, not to mention smarter then your average run-of-the-mill vamps."

"Like I've said time again, there will be no fight."

"Sure, because we'll already be maggot food before we can get a single word out."

And here they go again, Sypha watched them bicker like children over the last slice of bread—how much longer will she have to put up with this? The more they fought, the angrier she became until eventually water appeared from thin air to slightly soak the two. "What in heaven's name?"—"What the hell!" They shout in union, "Enough! Both of you! We have a long journey ahead and none of your childish yelling will get us there any quicker."

With that concluded the conversation for the night's entirety, Sypha slept soundly knowing there wouldn't be any interrupting noise while Trevor nearly froze to death, his lifeline, the glowing fire in front of him. Though Alucard had his fill on slumber, this wouldn't be of any use as he too clung tight to any of the warmth provided to him that unfortunate night.


After nearly a week of tireless walking during the day while constantly having to fight off hoards of unearthly creatures at night, the trip was proving quite testing. But there efforts were not in vain, finally they'd made it, relishing in their success as a great wooden sign nailed neatly onto high gates read: Welcome to LAVATRIS—population 4,500.

Before they even attempted to make their presence known a man rose from above the gate's entrance, his appearance was a bit disheveled, he had been dressed much too casually to be an official guard of any sort. "State your names and business with Lavatris." His voice was monotone, like he was bored beyond comparison. The three of them looked around to another for a moment, "Ahem. We are stopping by for some shelter...we've been walking for a many days and are terribly exhausted."

The guard stared down upon them with a look of doubt, but prying any further might've killed him. So with a wave of his hand the gates rumbled loudly against ground flooring, opening up just enough for the three of them to pass. "Don't cause any trouble or we'll kill you—blah blah blah." Once entering the gate began to close just as soon as it opened, "that was odd..to say the least."

"Didn't even matter what we woulda said to the fucker, what kind of security is that? I'll be surprised if this town wasn't a complete sh—" Trevor's assumptions had been cut short at the sight of the city. It's streets were bustling and busy, everywhere you looked had been a different story. People were smiling, playing, loving, exactly opposite of what they'd grown accustomed to in Gresit.

Walking along the streets they were in awe, music played on every corner, new smells of delicious foods anytime you turned, it's almost like they had been disconnected from what went on in the outside world. "The city's always been like this," Alucard spoke, a small grin protruding on his face. "These people have been protected by vampire royalty for generations, and in turn they are food pens."

"Tch like a dog on a leash." Trevor said through muffled anger, hands knee deep in his pockets as he looked around with disgust. "No like a fair trade. True bloods value status, and this proves it—having their meals ready to eat whenever they need, without the hunt? That's lavish living for any vampire." Alucard once again contradicts Trevor's statements with venom on his tongue.

"So these pure bloods don't hunt at all?" Sypha inquired, the happy aura becoming almost contagious as she too found herself smiling. "Not in this city, they travel to surrounding areas if their feeling extra peckish."'

Deeper they traverse into the city of Lavatris each part being as lively as the rest. "For heaven's sake I need a drink." Trevor dashed towards the ale vendor, slamming down about three gold coins onto the wooden surface below. "Can't you wait a moment's more? Their home is just through this passing."

"Alucard's right Trevor," she snatched the currency in her hands before the vendor could collect, sending them an apologetic look. "The fate of humanity is resting on our shoulder, and all you can think of is a drink?"

He groaned, appearing as if he would combust at any moment now, mumbling beneath his breath: "At the very least wanted a cold one before I died."

They would begin to walk up a steep hill overrun with large trees the size of mountains that have long since lost their coverage caused by the unforgiving winter season. As they continue to march forwards, a dark grand castle begun to shown through, easily seen in deep contrast with the bright evening sky and nature's frosty white blanket. Breathtaking was one word to describe it upon many others.

When approaching, they were met by two towering iron doors that appeared almost implausible to push open on their own intent. Alucard stood in between both Sypha and Trevor, stepping up further than either of his comrades, knuckles raised and ready for impact. "Before we enter, both of you must remember. True bloods aren't like regular vampires, they are not driven by the need for food or power. Instead pleasure and entertainment."

"Just open the godforsaken door." Trevor began to stretch past Alucard, but before he could make contact the doors slowly unfurl revealing only unending darkness inside, ancient gears turned from within while the density of the doors weighted against the marble floors.

Everyone looked to each other, a silent uncertainty weighing heavy on their minds. Alucard was first to ascend further, the others following soon after, and once everyone had gathered entirely inside—the doors swiftly closed shut, a loud BANG promptly following suit—trapping them helplessly inside.


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5 months ago

Reunited at last…

(Joshua Rosfield x reader)


summary: Joshua searched for you, the dominant of Leviathan, his love.

Reunited At Last

Joshua had travelled to a distant village, one where the dominant of leviathan was said to be spotted.

could it be…? this time…

Joshua only hoped. After all the leads he had followed to no avail, he was growing tired. He was losing hope…but no he couldn’t give up, not ever.

If there was even a tiny chance he could see his love again, he would take it.

He had been searching secretly in the shadows through the village, still he couldn’t find a thing. Finally he had ended up in a secluded spot, somewhere by the shore.

A defeated sigh escaped his lips.

could this be it? would he never find his love again?

“Don’t take another step.”

Your sharp tone caught the man off guard. The side of your sword aligned with his neck.

You weren’t stupid, you had noticed the unfamiliar presence snooping around.

“m-my lady…please-“

The young lord tensed up as your angry tone cut him off.

“Who are you and what do you want?!”

Your gaze burned through the back of his head.

“You mistake me my lady!”

He spoke nervously his hands up in surrender even though his back was faced to you.

“Then speak.”

A sigh of relief escaped the man as you lowered your sword. He finally turned to face you…

no…no…no…it couldn’t be? it can’t be…?

Your cold composure faltered, eyes widening at the sight of him.

His eyes softened, a warm smile appearing on his lips.

“it truly is you…”

Joshua breathed, “When I heard word of the dominant of Leviathan…I knew…I knew it would be you…”

You felt as if your world had regained color, as if your will had returned.


You let out a shakey exhale. You hadn’t even noticed how much you were shaking, the sword gripped in your hand suddenly fell to the floor. A loud clang echoed which soon mixed with your footsteps, you ran to his arms.

The familiar scent hit you has your arms tightened around him.

“…I thought i’d never see you again.”

His soft voice spoke into you as he held you closely. He kissed the top of your head.

You tried to respond, but only got choked up. Your arms tightened around him and you buried your face into his neck.

You felt alive again…


not proofread again i’m too lazy.

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5 months ago

I’d be his number 1 fan. 🎸

Id Be His Number 1 Fan.

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5 months ago

✨hidden inventory smau: movie night✨

Hidden Inventory Smau: Movie Night

*:・゚✧cast: gojo, geto, shoko, utahime, nanami, and haibara

✧summary: shoko’s hosting movie night but can’t decide on a film. asking the group for suggestions does not go as planned.

♡a/n: bonus points to whoever can pinpoint what movie the reader was referring to, i feel like it’s obvious if you’ve seen the movie but idk.

ྀིwarnings: light swearing

Hidden Inventory Smau: Movie Night
Hidden Inventory Smau: Movie Night
Hidden Inventory Smau: Movie Night
Hidden Inventory Smau: Movie Night

haibara absolutely loves disney movies change my mind.

might write a drabble for the actual movie night later if i have time.

♫tag list: @ofcqdesi @duwangdays

like what you see? click here to request something! (see here for guidelines)

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