(View For Better Quality) After A Long Hiatus, I Am Finally Happy And Excited To Show My Most Recent

(View for better quality) After a long hiatus, I am finally happy and excited to show my most recent artwork! Zhongli has become my comfort character since I started playing Genshin, and the sketch of this has been sitting in my drafts for way too long. It was overdue time to polish it all up 🧡
Hope you all like it as well. :) I am hoping to jump back into more art and writing stories soon enough.
Don't repost my art without credit!
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More Posts from N0tamused
• Under The Glaze Lilly's Glow

- A request for @c-a-v-e-town !
A/n: But, no- I feel the same. Zhongli is a big comfort to me and admittedly, he made some rough times easier, so you know I had to do this one first. I thoroughly enjoyed writing this, and thank you for the birthday wishes!. I do hope you enjoy this! :)
Content: fluff, drabble, F/Reader, use of (Y/n), soft Zhongli, established relationship, a little bit suggestive at the end but no NSFW in this one. Zhongli has arms like in his Archon days, not heavily proof read.
Words: 1,260

“Are you most certain you must leave us all so soon?” Iron Tongue Tian asked as the gentleman in the first table at his right rose from his seat.Â
“Past certain, my friend” - Zhonglis' polite, yet tempered tone replied as he gathered what few possessions he brought, that being a sweetly tied up box that fit into his palm. “I have an important person I must meet, and if I am any more late I'm afraid she will worry herself ill” - he excused himself, bidding farewell to the storyteller and any familiar faces that tuned in to listen to the tonight's tale of the mighty Rex Lapis, oblivious to the fact they were in the company of the same. He heard the others bid their goodbyes to him, and he responded to them accordingly before his body was swallowed by the distance and the crowd of the evening markets.Â
Having wandered these streets for a millenia too long, watching them be built, he was able to walk with his eyes closed without a worry he would slip or bump into anything. Zhongli walked under the towering iron-and-stone gate, taking note of the glaze lilies at the sides of the public gardens. Their gentle smell was ever present, and unmistakable, carrying the weight of many memories, old and fresh. In the past, he would have seen the horrible views of the Archon War, his mind plagued with grotesque images but now, all he sees is her.Â
One of the blue stems found its way between his gloved fingers, firm and bigger than other blooms, still waiting for night to fall to reveal its true beauty, yet none of it could be compared to the one's beloved. Zhongli arrived moments before she did, stripping off his long coat and heavy layers until was left in the simple plain shirt and pants he wore only around the house, relieving himself of modesty that covered his coal colored arms and the golden marks that spanned like veins.
Sooner rather than later, the house came alive once more as the long haired man waltzes about, putting the kettle onto the stove along with another pan for dinner he was planning to prepare. The wafting smell is what greets his beloved when she walks in, a mix between mildly sweet herbs and salt water that was boiling, the meat already half way done.
“Zhongli, I'm home!” - she called out, despite hearing his light footsteps nearing her position in the short hall; already having heard her entrance.Â
“Oh, my love-” - Zhongli greeted, taking hold of a grocery bag tucked beneath her arm and helping her up once she removed her shoes so he could gaze upon her face, tucking away the stray hairs the wind had swept from her hairstyle. To say he missed her was a big understatement, and no words he ever has known or possessed in his vocabulary is sufficient enough to say so. His lips greet hers in a fleeting kiss with a promise of more laced into it. “How was your day? I've already prepared us some tea and a quick meal to lighten our spirits, should you be tired out”
The conversation is swiftly lost amidst the exhaustion and the smells and his warm touches and words. It flew by too swiftly, like a mountain spring until it reached flat ground where it slowed its course. That being the moment when all tea cups have been emptied, the food eaten and her finding her place in his arms on their shared bed. Finding themselves covered by the thick veil of night, the two lovers intertwined, becoming a big mass of shadows while there was no light source in the room, only one, coming from the outside.
Little to no words are exchanged between them, her hands caressing his back while his rubbed soothing circles into her naked hips. “I've missed you..” - she breathed, meanwhile his lips found her hairline and pressed against it. The golden lined comb he had gifted her tonight lay on the nightstand.
“Not as much as I missed you '' - he responded gently, a tone carrying warmth only reserved for her and her alone. The glaze lilly he had placed in a little vase of water had spread its petals wide, bathing them in the silver waterfall cascading from the window.  “You have too much effect on me, I should be ashamed to have fallen so hard. But I am not, and I never will be.." Zhongli added with a curl of his lips, pulling back to find her eyes in the dimmed setting. The color he remembers she possesses is drowned out, but her beauty prevails nonetheless. With the silver outline of her cheek, hairs and nose as her back was turned to the window, he couldn't help but go speechless.
His love playfully scoffs, rolling onto her back with one arm remaining around his shoulder. “All you do is flatter me, day in and day out.. You have no end.. Why do you never let me show you my affections too?” - (Y/n) teased softly, in no way offended with his non stop praise that effortlessly flew past his lips.Â
“Flattery? My words are no mere flattery, they are the truth I hold within my heart, and I intend to keep proving it to you until the time itself comes to an end” Zhongli promised with an airy, quiet laugh, dragging himself up to his elbow to hover above her. The long strands of his freely flowing hair cascade over his shoulders and tickle her exposed skin that gathered a pearly glow. Her heart has accepted him as he is, in his entirety and he can never repay that kindness enough, no matter how many times she told him there was no need, as this was no favor - this was love. Love they both mutually felt for each other.
“You, my dearest, have become my everything. I love you.. with my body and soul” - his face came near, stealing the air from her lungs with his lips brushing against her own as well as the tips of their noses. A cord is struck, or maybe it has been struck since the moment she stepped into the house, but its effects are showing now. A deep rooted feeling, walking the thin line between overwhelming love and a form of sadness deranged from the same happiness brought by this tenderness.
“I love you” - She whispered, so quietly he almost missed it. Her hand found his face and rested atop of it, thumbing at his soft cheek. That's when he finally gave in to the feeling of yearning, tilting his chin up and meeting her lips into a gentle kiss. The soft plush of her pressed against him is what will be the end of him, and he doesn't regret it, nor stop it. He accepts it with open arms and allows her to deepen the kiss as she pleases, following her pace as she sets it.Â
“I know- and I love you even more” - Zhongli told her between the dance of the kiss, their air supplies dwindling significantly, but neither pull away. (Y/n) chuckles lightly at his claim, cradling his face with both hands and pulling him on top of her, feeling how his warmth radiated off of him in tidal, gentle waves that caress the shore that was her. He was her love, her life, her support, and she would do anything to see him smile every day too - just like he would do everything for her to remain happy, and at his side.

â’¸ n0tamused 2022. Do not repost, translate, edit, and/or copy any of my works. Likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated.
if I see one more person say that zhongli didn't care about liuye nearly being destroyed during the liuye archon quest they're gonna feel my wrath.
"zhongli while liuyes in danger: *sips tea*" my ass
I'd like to remind you that zhongli was still in possession of his gnosis at the time. my man was literally ready to throw hands if anything went wrong.
I'll rephrase - even if he was tired and weighted down by being a god, by everything he went through, he was ready to throw his dream of being a normal human away for his people. for their sake.
he didn't act because he wanted to see if liuye could live without him, because he wanted the best for them.
you really think that rex lapis, someone who stood at the very first row of his army while going to any war, never left anyone behind, went undercover and talked to his people to get to know them better, cared about every single one of his devotees, has adepti who are ready to die for him, would just not care if his country was in any danger.
zhongli is such a good god, person, father, teacher and friend. I just don't understand how some people can mischaracterize him. go read his lore or something smh.

'Please Wait For Me A Little Longer'
>Warnings: death, blood, description of wounds, character death(reader dies), angst, not really proof read, written before I even played the game so it may be a bit ooc
Characters: Zhongli/Morax x f/Reader
Words: 1,414

The field was littered with bodies and discarded weapons; the stench of blood billowed and blew all around through the blades of grass that swayed in the gusts of wind. It was disgusting, grotesque as the new colors of the once green and colorful field became steel and crimson. Trees laid broken in half from the massive strength of the stampede of the armies that galloped the whole place to the ground. Alas, over the centuries of life, Zhongli did not find that disturbing anymore, but in any other circumstances he wouldn't be as panicked as he was now. One person was missing, and he couldn't find her among the living. He wanted to scream his head off with your name on his lips but his throat closed tight and he hardly breathed as he ran through the field, looking over the many faces of the dead, twisted and gray. He ran like never before, his mind running ahead of his movements as he tried remembering if he ever even saw you after the battle began, he wished this was some cruel joke and that you were in the medical wing- a hand suddenly sprouted from the ground and grabbed him by the ankle.
Zhongli stumbles but catches himself, and before even he knows it, his spear digs itself into the head of the person; crunch of bones and squish of the man's insides go flying by Zhongli's ears as his eyes stare widely at the corpse. For a moment your face flashes before his eyes, thinking he had accidentally struck you, but he breathes a silent sigh of relief before another sound reaches his ears. This time he's frozen. Like a battle horn that had sung the death song today, your silent, pain filled moan of his name howls into his eardrum as if you were screaming. He has no time to even pull his spear away before he's spinning to the direction the sound came from- and there he sees you. Your limp body laying among the dead, barely moving, your back turned to him but you knew- you knew the feel of his presence, the smell he carried with him, you knew him.
His weight dropped beside you, and it was like he suddenly turned limp himself, as his eyes glued themselves on the awfully large gash below your ribs, metal shards and a blade sticking from it. Your hands were clutching on it previously, as evident by the cuts on your fingers. Zhongli's breath hitched, but his mind seemed to clear suddenly, an awful and scary realization dawned on him. The calm he found himself in was terrifying. His arms folded underneath you, and as if you were made of the most fragile glass, he brought you into his lap.
"Y/n.. darling.." he called softly, seeing how your lashes barely fluttered, how your eyes stared aimlessly, your pupils blown and tired.
"Zh... Zhongli.." it was death's whisper on your lips, words you managed to get out with the little breath you had in your damaged lungs. The taste of copper and iron stung your tongue and swallowing made it further worse, the sting in your body made it hard to do even the simplest thing as breathing; it was then when you realized your legs had gone completely numb. You could feel nothing but the biting cold.
"What happened to you my dear..? Hey... speak to.. me" he spoke, yet his voice seemed to stammer with the tightness of his throat, almost broken with sadness he felt take hold of his heart. His hand cupped beneath your cheek and his thumb tried to wipe away all the blood that bubbled and poured out of your mouth.
"I don't-.. i don... want to die.." you croaked out suddenly, voice breaking like his heart as you found strength to take hold of his hand. "Please..."
He held you closer, sharing all the warmth he could offer, arm wrapping around you and bringing you further into him. As your figure shivered he tucked your head beneath the crevice of his shoulder and neck. Your pleas echoed in his head, bringing tightness to his chest.
"Hush now... It will be alright. Just stay calm, the healers are already on their way.." he hushed softly to you as his tears threatened to spill with the lie he told. He knew no healers was close by, and he knew even if they were close that no one would be able to save you, not even a god would be... his heart was shattering at your sad flicker of a smile.
"I'll stay here with you, just relax...don't strain yourself" he said as he caressed your cheek. The hairs at the back of his neck rose at their ends at the way you stared through him, even if your eyes searched for him they didn't seem to find him. More rivulets of blood poured down your chin.
"Please... don't let.." he nodded swiftly, holding your head close to his chest as he knew you liked. Remembering all the time you had placed your head over his heart to listen to the steady rhythm he never seemed to lose. Only difference was that you carried your own steady rhythm back then, your own warmth and happiness and hope.
Celestia, he wanted to weep with you. But he didn't dare make your last moments more sorrowful than they already were.
"I will not. I'm staying right here.. How about I tell you a story while we wait..hm?" he felt you weakly nod, eagerly so, and he tried to get his throat to let him breathe, his adam's apple bobbing with anxiety he attempted to refuse to feel.
"I never told you about this story.. It is about a man; who was quite different from the standards his residency had written out. He didn't like change much and did everything to keep things running smoothly, his heart laid where his business and career were, duty and work were his girl and wife. He became rejected from the others due to this, as he grew quite detached.. yet there was reasoning to all his hard work, my dear. All the time he spent building his work, all the countless hours he had spent working were so his beloved could be happy.. a girl he had met not too long ago- you hear?- he.. he fell for her. Like a meteor from the sky.. He loved her so much. He loved her like the oceans loved the moon, and the way flowers loved the sun. And he would have done everything to see her smile and laugh, to see her safe and looked after-"
Your skin felt cold beneath his fingertips, and your eyes were fixated on his face suddenly. His thumb continued to caress your cheek, the softest of smiles stretched on his face. No.
"-and he had her for a while. Those times were the happiest moments the man had ever lived through. He never wanted to leave them. He never did. The woman was so kind to him, so sweet and gentle and she knew all his weakest and softest spots, and she was the person he could rely on with even his darkest secrets he had kept buried for years long. He loved her, my dear, do you hear me..?"
Your breathing had stopped with a shudder, your body becoming even heavier in his arms.
"He did everything for her, everything to see her smile- Oh, how he loved her smile..... Before that, before he met her, no one loved him. But with her, he knew- he was loved, she loved him like he loved her and more...Yet.. soon came fate, knocking on the door of their happy lives, and it took her away. The woman he loved so much so, even more than his duty and work. Fate took her away.... it took her away.. you hear..? they...took you away, my darling-" his tears finally spilled from his eyes, and he doubled over your body that had gone cold minutes ago.
Zhongli would have done anything to turn back time, and be with you again. To feel your warmth, see your smile, hear your laugh and to feel your lips on his. But like the ocean can't have the moon, he couldn't reach you anymore - no matter how much he wanted to.
| 05:08 am |

There's no space for love in war, but you manage to make some, because gods can.
He's standing proud on a stone pillar, one he ordered to sprout like a flower from dirt, his white clothes betraying the amount of blood he'd spilled in these endless bits of divine conflict. There's molten gold over his figure, the rising sun not nearly as exquisite as the cor lapis nestled in his eyes, and yet it honours his eternal glory well enough.
You almost forget you're a deity yourself, as you seat on another stone throne he kindly offered you, lost in the gentle twirls of his hair at the mercy of the breeze. And you're conscious that yours is much more than admiration for such a strong god, that yours is unadulterated love, blind to the slaughter his firm hands cast upon the land. Or perhaps your rioting heart finds it just as fascinating.
You too dirtied your hands. "For a greater cause." You promised.
But you doubt there's anything greater than him.
Time is meaningless to the both of you. It measly flows like river waters, privileged just enough to graze your ankles, to give you a sunrise that seems the last in the history of the known world, but the first in the history of yours. A sunrise that can nothing against his grace and beauty.
"What is it that is on your mind?" His baritone doesn't break the magic, it only solidifies it.
There's no hesitation in your answer, the same sharp, unwavering emotion that surges through your blade while you fight. And his smile reassures you that the same goes for him.

Coping and dodging my duties