Rex Lapis - Tumblr Posts

10 months ago

Small bit I thought up while gaming today, hope you enjoy babes~

It was a rather sunny day, the sun shone brightly over Liyue, the beautiful light reflecting off the cor lapis that surrounded the area.

You were in the chasm, visiting the Millelith memorial between Cinnabar Cliff and Tiangong Gorge. You had gone there to clean the area due to it being neglected for months since the Chasm was closed.

You made sure the sacrificial bowls and the items within were dust free and sparkling before you sat on the dry grass before the many stones. Looking up at your work you felt a sense of pride before a cold chill ran down your spine.

The bushes nearby rustled and sticks snapped, startling you and bringing you to your feet.

"Who's there?" You asked as you slowly inched closer to the bush. "Hello?" Your tone was soft as you neared the bush and pulled back some of the branches.

Before many branches could be touched something jumped out at you, making you yelp as you stumbled back and fell onto the grass you were sitting on previously.

Laying for a moment, you gathered your nerves then sat up to see... a dragon?

Completely confused you looked at the dragon to the bush and back once again. What was this small creature doing?

Gently, you reached out to test the waters, seeing if they were friendly. To your surprise the brown and amber dragon crawled into your lap and curled up as a cat would.

"Um- Hey there buddy." You began nervously. "Can I help ya?"

The amber-orange eyes of the small being looked up to you before it nuzzled it's head against your torso.

You chuckled, "What am I doing? Talking to a dragon?" You laughed. "Guess I finally lost it huh?" You jokingly asked as you poked the dragons cheek.

As you gently poked at it's smooth scales, it got up and jumped off you.

"Hey don't go-" You pleaded softly as you got up to follow them.

Having been alone in the chasm as one of the few workers permitted to stay during it's lock down, you had gotten lonely. Everyone was in the mines while you stayed up for maintenance topside.

As you followed the creature you smiled as you saw it's chunky little legs waddling with purpose as if he were leading you somewhere.

After following them for nearly 10 minutes you found yourself standing at a dragons cave.

"Whoa- this your home?" You ask as if you were expecting an answer, which to your surprise you did.

A plume of smoke that looked like orange clouds erupted before you as a deep voice sounded from within. "Indeed, this is where I reside."

As the smoke cleared, a tall man with long chocolate brown hair with glowing orange tips stood before you. His height was impressive, he towered over you with ease and the horns only added to that height.

"____, correct?" His voice filled the cave as he spoke your name. Unable to find your words you nod.

"I've taken note of you around the chasm, your kind acts and efforts are impressive." He complemented with a grin, sharp canines peeking through his lips. "Thank you....?" You replied, not knowing his name to properly thank him. "Morax." He said, answering your unspoken question.

"You mean, you're-" Voice trailing off, you gazed into his glowing eyes. "Indeed." He spoke, "I am Rex Lapis, the Geo archon, pleasure to make your acquaintance, my darling."

He held out his hand and you placed your shakey one in his. The moment your fingers grazed his palm, he pulled you close to his body. "My dear, you're beautiful." He states as one of his arms wraps around your waist and pulls you close. "I'd like to inquire if you would be interested in residing with me?"

"Wha- me?" You squeaked. Your voice had cracked as your eyes blew wide in bafflement. A smirk graced his features. "You didn't say no." He comments before sweeping you off your feet and carrying you into his home.

Deeper in the cave the area altered, beginning to look like an adeptus' abode. Clouds swirled as floating islands and glowing paths intertwined.

"I claim you as my own, dear ____. I'll be yours as much as you are mine." He states, leaving no room for your rebuttal, if there even were to be one. He takes you to a circle of clouds and set you atop them. It was comfortable and soft, you could feel yourself relaxing into the nest shaped bed.

Your fatigued gaze followed his form as he moved into the nest behind you. His tail wrapped around your legs as he pulled your back against his chest. "I'll treasure you forever my Glaze Lily." He murmurs into your ear as your eyes drift shut. Sleep taking over your mind as his warmth seeps into you.

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10 months ago

A Much Needed Respite

Kima I fucking beg of you as your one and only bestie PLEASE GIVE ME MORE

Seeing as you also gave me inspo, I can't say no <3

1.5K words

The days have all been long and rough but recently they’ve been blurring together. Commission after commission, request after request, you couldn’t stay with it anymore. However, no matter how tired you were or how loud your stomach growled, you persisted. You needed the mora to fund your expenses, especially for the little gremlin that was your “Travel Guide”. Paimon spent mora like it fell from the sky and she never even worked to get any of it, she just took what you had earned.

After so long, your body couldn’t take it much longer. You had slowed down, lost your momentum, yet Paimon still pushed you to continue the commissions. “Traveler look! Mr.Zhongli put up a commission!” She exclaimed. Before you could comment or even get a single breath into your lungs to respond she had already taken the commission from Katheryne and returned with a mora hungry grin. “Let’s get a move on! The commission says to go to Wangshu Inn to meet Xiao, so he can lead the way for us!” With a groan you nodded and began your trek.

Upon your arrival you saw Xiao waiting by the entrance. “Traveler.” His monotone voice called out to you. “Zhongli advised me to take you to his abode, lest you get lost.” He explains with a pointed glare towards Paimon.

Xiao was fully aware of the ‘commission’ Morax had sent out for you specifically. Though you felt as if your endeavors had gone unnoticed, Zhongli had kept a watchful eye on you. He knew you were drained, he saw the way you looked as if you were going to collapse. And so he put out a commission to help you.

Not picking up on the rather hostile aura that Xiao emitted, Paimon smiled and spoke. “Great! Let’s head out then!” She blurted. The group soon moved out as soon as Xiao gave the traveler a small bowl of almond tofu, his favorite, to eat as they made their way to their destination. 

Hours later, everyone arrived and entered Zhongli’s abode. Paimon hectically flew into the open area, looking around at the seemingly never-ending world. The fluffy white and orange clouds floated peacefully through the levitating islands that were connected by glowing paths.

“Welcome Traveler, I’ve been expecting you.” You hear Zhongli’s voice from your right, turning to look you see him in his half dragon form. Beautiful antler-like horns protruding from his head, Black arms with golden veins, and a dark tail that followed behind his tall form. “Hello Mr.Zhongli-” You spoke in turn before rudely being interrupted. “Hey Morax!” Paimon yapped. Her high voice getting on her nerves, resulting in your eye twitching. “Saw you have a commission, so what can we do for ya?” Her words only served to anger you more. ‘What can we do for ya?’ WE?! Last time you had checked, you were the only one putting work!

“Ah yes, the commission.” Zhongli repeated as he looked to Xiao for a split second. “There is actually two that I require, so Xiao shall take you while I take the Traveler.” He says, the words flowing from his mouth and soothing you. Just the thought of getting a break from Paimon felt like a gift from Celestia. Xiao nodded as he began to lead Paimon away before she could refute the former Archons words. 

The moment the pair were out of sight Zhongli was at your side. “So what… do you need?” You asked, a yawn interrupting your words as you walked beside him, assuming he was leading you to what would be your next commission. “I need nothing dear Traveler.” His response made you look up at him in puzzlement. “But you had said-” “Yes, yes. I said I had two. However, that was an essential falsehood I had to tell to get Paimon to temporarily leave.” He elaborated his long thought out plan that went through rather smoothly.

“Then why am I really here?” You inquired softly. With a sympathetic look Zhongli took your hand. “My dear, you are at your limit and are in desperate need of a respite. One of which I am going to give you.” He said before unexpectedly lifting you into his arms and making you yelp in surprise. “My apologies Traveler, but I can no longer watch you drain your energy.” He says, silently explaining his actions as he carries you through the winding paths of his abode. 

At his mention of your energy, you noticed how sore you truly felt. After the first, what? 6 commissions? You stopped feeling the pain that had accumulated in your muscles. “I appreciate it.” You say as your head falls against his chest. “It’s really nothing my dear-” “No, really thank you.” Looking up at him, you cut him off. “Don’t downplay your actions, I really appreciate this.” 

A gentle smile stretched across his features as he lowered you onto a batch of clouds. “You’re welcome, my Glaze LIly.” He responds as he sits beside you. “Now rest, I shall stay here.” He stated as his clawed fingers gently raked through your hair. “Would it be okay for me to request a blanket?” You asked, the cold of the abode only now being registered. “Unfortunately I have no blankets. However I myself could keep you warm.” With a small nod you permitted him to proceed with his offer. 

With ease, Zhongli lifted himself onto the bed of clouds and laid behind you. His strong arms pulled your back to his chest as he spooned you while his tail draped over your waist. With the assist of his warmth and added comfort, you fell asleep in his arms feeling safe for the first time in ages.


The next morning you awoke with the wonderful scent of slow-cooked bamboo shoot soup. SItting up your bones popped, further waking you. “Good morning my Glaze Lily. Did you sleep well?” You heard his gentle voice come from behind you. Turning, you see him approach you with a large bowl with plumes of steam waving above it. “Yeah, that was some of the best sleep I’ve had in ages.” You reply as your arms stretched above your head. 

“I’m glad to hear it.” Zhongli sets the bowl in your lap before he sits behind you, his arm wrapping around your waist. “Where;s the chopsticks?” You ask as you look down at the bowl. “Right here my love.” He responds as he holds the utensils in his hand. Going to grab the chopsticks from his hand you hum in confusion as he pulls them away. “I insist that you continue to rest.” With a soft chuckle he picks up some of the softened shoots and feeds them to you.

Another hour passes and the bowl is empty and laying on the ground as Zhongli held you in his arms. A gentle, soothing, tune was hummed into your ear as your head rest on his shoulder. You couldn’t even remember the last time you felt this relaxed.

“Traaaavellllerrrrr!” You heard Paimon yell as she made her presence known. Flying over to you was the white haired pixie that currently felt like your arch-enemy. “Time to get up Traveler! We have more commissions to go do!” Trying to remain calm, you simply turned away and nuzzled your face into Zhongli’s chest. “Hey! Traveler!” She raised her already annoying voice. “Whaaaat?” You groaned. “Time to get up! Mora doesn't grow on trees, so lets go make some!” That was where you snapped.

“Really Paimon?!” You raised your voice in return, making her back up a bit. “‘Mora doesn't grow on trees’? Don’t you think I know that?!” You shouted. “Travel-” “No!” You interrupted her like she had done to you many times before. “Last I checked you spend most of the money I make!” Your tone dipped at the word ‘I’. “D-don’t you mean we?” She asked. “No I do not! I will do the commissions, earn the mora, actually put in the work while you hover over me and just watch!” You shouted. 

Not knowing what to do, Paimon looked to Zhongli. “Paimon, I believe the Traveler is correct and I also believe you should leave before anything…. Unsatisfactory happens.” Zhongli voices as his hands absent-mindedly drew patterns on your back.

Paimon, seeing she was out numbered, floated away. Once Zhongli was certain the pixie was gone he turned his attention back to you. “I’m proud of you my dear, that took a bountiful amount of courage.” He comments before placing a kiss to your temple. “Please feel no regret, this was for the best,” You nodded, he was right, he always was.

For the remainder of the day you slept and relaxed in the peaceful abode with your love. Zhongli gave you all sorts of affection throughout the day, always having you be his main focus, not like that was any different from normal.


Hope ya enjoyed, bye babes <3

Any ideas are welcome, just leave them in my inbox.

(Tap the 'ask me anything' on my page 😘)

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2 years ago

Lover's Oath is NOT Guizhong's Lullaby

(Guili shippers might attack me for this. I have nothing against Guili, it's just that this headcanon had been made "official" by most of the fandom because of misconception and I found no correlation of this song to Guizhong.

It also didn't help that I read this archive piece from a long time ago.

But feel free to keep the HEADCANON if it makes you happy. But remember, you shouldn't push it if it's not canon🤭😊. If any of you misunderstand, this does not mean I'm stopping you from shipping whoever you like.)

The reason why this track is called Lover's Oath is because Wangshu Inn is a hotspot for lovers, which is ALSO where we first heard the original rendition of this song.

Source: Vigilant Guardian's Vantage Point

Lover's Oath Is NOT Guizhong's Lullaby

People just decided that this was Guizhong's Lullaby because of the original track was a vocal version and people just decided to think "Oh, that's Guizhong!" and decided to call it Guizhong's lullaby because "THERE WAS A WOMAN SINGING" before the official title was released.

Link to the original track: LINK

For those who haven't this heard of this version before (Can't blame you, it was VERY quiet), it was when we meet Xiao for the first time.

Where else can you hear another song with a bit of vocals? The main theme of the game! I don't remember if it's the night or day version.

Interestingly enough, the reason why this played for Xiao when he first showed up is because the other title for this song is "Lone Tower in the West" which was the title we see from one of the music events, I think it was the Zither event. And who do we play it with? Xiao!

The alternate song title refers to Wangshu inn and a call-back to the name of the waypoint, where we know Xiao is also perched over to watch over the people.

The reason why Xiao was there was because he was provided housing via the qixing.

(I'm using this screenshot from the wiki because I don't have Xiao)

Lover's Oath Is NOT Guizhong's Lullaby
Lover's Oath Is NOT Guizhong's Lullaby

Heck, I wouldn't even be bothered if this was mistaken as Xiao's theme rather than Guizhong's because of these reasons.

If one day HoyoVerse decided to play this on a cutscene with Guizhong in it is probably because the fandom made their headcanon official with many people thinking it and HoyoVerse decided to "officialise" the headcanon to please the fans. 🤨

I decided that this was the right time to make this post because it was finally acknowledged in the wiki. I was like, THANKS! FINALLY!

In conclusion, this song has no affiliation to any character.

Lover's Oath Is NOT Guizhong's Lullaby

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9 months ago

𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧 𝐈𝐦𝐩𝐚𝐜𝐭 | 𝐙𝐡𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐥𝐢 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭


Main Masterlist || Wattpad | AO3 | Quotev

Rᴇɢᴀʀᴅɪɴɢ Rᴇᴏ̨ᴜᴇsᴛs [ ʀᴜʟᴇs [ ʀᴇǫᴜᴇsᴛs ᴏᴘᴇɴ ] ]

𝗨𝗽𝗱𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗱: 𝟲/𝟭𝟮/𝟮𝟰



To Be Released.


Blissful Home

In the past, Zhongli never would have thought he’d get to have this experience throughout all his time walking the lands of Teyvat. Of his past sins but also merits, he thought nothing could truly be novel to him anymore. Until he fell in love with you, and the life he got to now have with you after giving away his Gnosis. And he didn’t regret it a single bit.

Pairing(s): x Fem Reader

Content: Fluff, romance, established relationship, marriage, married life, domesticity, comfort, post Liyue Archon Quest, soft Zhongli, married Zhongli/Reader, retired/former Archon Zhongli, suggestive themes at the end.

Warnings: None.

More To Be Released.


To Be Released.


To Be Released.


To Be Released.


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9 months ago

𝐁𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐇𝐨𝐦𝐞

A/N: Thought I’d finally write for Genshin after getting into it. Though honestly Zhongli was what first caught my attention after the game grew popular a few years back before I really took interest. Now I’m a fan.

Fandom(s): Genshin Impact

Zhongli|Morax/Rex Lapis x Fem Reader

Summary: In the past, Zhongli never would have thought he’d get to have this experience throughout all his time walking the lands of Teyvat. Of his past sins but also merits, he thought nothing could truly be novel to him anymore. Until he fell in love with you, and the life he got to now have with you after giving away his Gnosis. And he didn’t regret it a single bit.


Content: Fluff, romance, established relationship, marriage, married life, domesticity, comfort, post Liyue Archon Quest, soft Zhongli, married Zhongli/Reader, retired/former Archon Zhongli, suggestive themes at the end.

Warnings: None.

Main List | 𝐙𝐡𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐥𝐢 | AO3

In the past, Zhongli never would have thought he’d get to have this experience throughout all his time walking the lands of Teyvat. Of his past sins but also merits, he thought nothing could truly be novel to him anymore.

Until he fell in love with you, and the life he got to now have with you after giving away his Gnosis. And if he had to do it all over again or was offered a return to his archon days, he’d unwaveringly decline. As nothing would amount to being your lover and now, your husband. Where his first priority above everything else was you.

Like currently, as Zhongli returned home from his work. Done with meetings with clients, filling paperwork, or Hu Tao’s antics. He gets to come to a home shared with you, where the lights are already on and the kitchen being used for dinner to be served.

And while this doesn’t happen every day, your routines changing once in a while where your schedules don’t always align in your different jobs. It doesn’t diminish the fluttering and swelling feeling in the former archon’s chest when he gets to have you like this. Something so sweetly intimate and domestic, a word he’s now grown quite acquainted with. For a dragon, this was his nest, a cave where the most precious things he kept safe were here, such as your shared moments together.

“Welcome home, Li!” you smile serenely at him as you turn around from attending the working stove.

“Hello, my love.” Zhongli’s gold eyes soften as a gentle smile of his own reaches his lips.

Especially when you meet him once he enters the kitchen, wrapping your arms together in an embrace. Pressing your head against his chest, hearing his heartbeat despite his layers of clothes, your husband lays a kiss to your head. A light sound of a purr rumbled from him, leaving a tiny giggle to escape you at the sound. You can just imagine his hybrid form’s tail swaying around as he does so as he hugged your waist.

“Hungry yet?” you ask as you turn to look up at him, but not pulling away. “Dinner is almost ready.”

“Yes, I am.” he nods. “Your cooking smells as lovely as ever.”

A light blush spreads across your cheeks at his compliment. A man of words, your husband was, and how skilled he was at it when praising you to the sky. Your habit of being flustered by his attention like a new bride never faded. Something Zhongli found incredibly endearing.

Moving on your tiptoes, you kiss his chin, earning a chuckle from him. Raising his hand to cup your cheek, bringing you forward to properly kiss you. Slowly moving your lips together in sync, the action was sensual and all consuming. It took a few minutes for you to break apart. Admiring each other from close proximity.

“I could never miss out any chance to dine with my wife, after all.” says Zhongli as he grasps your left hand to lay another kiss to your knuckles. Where your wedding and engagement rings were worn. A beautiful gem of Cor Lapis shining under the lights, matching the color of your husband’s affectionate gaze. His left thumb rubbing the backs of your fingers as his own ring twinkled.

“Okay, I’ll let you wash up then.” you reply, giving him another squeeze in your hug before turning back to the meal you’ve been preparing.

“Though, beloved,” Zhongli says as he sheds his blazer off, keeping his wedding ring his bare skin after taking his gloves and thumb rings off.

“Hmm?” you tilt your head back to him, listening in curiosity.

“Please do keep some room for desert. I would like to have it later.”

Your face emitted a dark red flush, heart fluttering at the look on Zhongli’s face as he eyes you with intensity. Like a beast watching his prey, yet an admirer appreciating an artwork.

Gold irises glowed as he stared back up from observing your body to your visage, his left hand on his chin, the right supporting it with it crossed over his chest. A smirk now dawning his face. Playful, sultry.

‘Oh…’ you thought, knees almost trembling. This was definitely going to become a long night.

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9 months ago
Oh, I Have Seen Some Works On This Theme! From What I Understand And Have Read, While Im No Expert(sorry,

Oh, I have seen some works on this theme! From what I understand and have read, while I’m no expert(sorry, I know I’m rambling): specifically, Fenghuangs are mythological birds of Chinese mythology, also interpreted from other eastern cultures, do symbolize the union of yin and yang. They also tend to be considered one and the same as Phoenixes, which blur a lot of what separates between them. The two birds are both thought to contend to the same status as the dragon. Hence, they are portrayed to be perfect pair.

Representations and symbolisms vary about either bird. Fenghuang can be interpreted to represent yin and yang by itself instead of having another being as the other half. The Phoenix is mostly regarded with rebirth than the Fenghuang.

The name, Fenghuang, is a combination of names from Feng(male/yang) and Huang(female/yin), the symbol of yin and yang. But later on the Fenghuang would symbolize femininity while the dragon represents masculinity. The bird(fenghuang/phoenix) and the dragon generally represented the harmonious union of husband and wife, depicted at weddings and royalty.

When I first learnt about it when reading some Zhongli stories with this premise, I was really fascinated and liked the idea a lot. But it honestly slipped past me to try it until you came, Anon! I’d love to write it! I just need to think of a plot. So I hope you don’t mind being patient with me while I figure it out.

Oh, I Have Seen Some Works On This Theme! From What I Understand And Have Read, While Im No Expert(sorry,
Oh, I Have Seen Some Works On This Theme! From What I Understand And Have Read, While Im No Expert(sorry,

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6 months ago
Quick Thingy, Trying To Work On Backgrounds

quick thingy, trying to work on backgrounds

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8 months ago

G.I Incorrect Quotes#40 No refunds here-

Y/n: Zhongli, have you seen the oven glove-Why are you burning our marriage certificate!?

Zhongli: Good luck trying to return me without a receipt dear~

G.I Incorrect Quotes#40 No Refunds Here-

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3 years ago
Hello Sir, What Lovely Eye Liner You Have

hello sir, what lovely eye liner you have

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2 years ago

More Zhongli??? Yes! Because I can never draw enough of him, I wish I had more time to do so.

More Zhongli??? Yes! Because I Can Never Draw Enough Of Him, I Wish I Had More Time To Do So.
More Zhongli??? Yes! Because I Can Never Draw Enough Of Him, I Wish I Had More Time To Do So.

Some Morax-days Zhongli is always an easy fix for a rough day. Ngl, this was a blast to draw. And even in the start it wasn't supposed to have a background - but those happen to be my specialty and I remembered some lore from the game, and I just had to add a Chasm-like background. Hope you all like it too! <3

Don't repost my art without credit or permission!

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2 years ago

• Under The Glaze Lilly's Glow

 Under The Glaze Lilly's Glow

- A request for @c-a-v-e-town !

A/n: But, no- I feel the same. Zhongli is a big comfort to me and admittedly, he made some rough times easier, so you know I had to do this one first. I thoroughly enjoyed writing this, and thank you for the birthday wishes!. I do hope you enjoy this! :)

Content: fluff, drabble, F/Reader, use of (Y/n), soft Zhongli, established relationship, a little bit suggestive at the end but no NSFW in this one. Zhongli has arms like in his Archon days, not heavily proof read.

Words: 1,260

 Under The Glaze Lilly's Glow

“Are you most certain you must leave us all so soon?” Iron Tongue Tian asked as the gentleman in the first table at his right rose from his seat. 

“Past certain, my friend” - Zhonglis' polite, yet tempered tone replied as he gathered what few possessions he brought, that being a sweetly tied up box that fit into his palm.  “I have an important person I must meet, and if I am any more late I'm afraid she will worry herself ill” - he excused himself, bidding farewell to the storyteller and any familiar faces that tuned in to listen to the tonight's tale of the mighty Rex Lapis, oblivious to the fact they were in the company of the same. He heard the others bid their goodbyes to him, and he responded to them accordingly before his body was swallowed by the distance and the crowd of the evening markets. 

Having wandered these streets for a millenia too long, watching them be built, he was able to walk with his eyes closed without a worry he would slip or bump into anything. Zhongli walked under the towering iron-and-stone gate, taking note of the glaze lilies at the sides of the public gardens. Their gentle smell was ever present, and unmistakable, carrying the weight of many memories, old and fresh. In the past, he would have seen the horrible views of the Archon War, his mind plagued with grotesque images but now, all he sees is her. 

One of the blue stems found its way between his gloved fingers, firm and bigger than other blooms, still waiting for night to fall to reveal its true beauty, yet none of it could be compared to the one's beloved. Zhongli arrived moments before she did, stripping off his long coat and heavy layers until was left in the simple plain shirt and pants he wore only around the house, relieving himself of modesty that covered his coal colored arms and the golden marks that spanned like veins.

Sooner rather than later, the house came alive once more as the long haired man waltzes about, putting the kettle onto the stove along with another pan for dinner he was planning to prepare. The wafting smell is what greets his beloved when she walks in, a mix between mildly sweet herbs and salt water that was boiling, the meat already half way done.

“Zhongli, I'm home!” - she called out, despite hearing his light footsteps nearing her position in the short hall; already having heard her entrance. 

“Oh, my love-” - Zhongli greeted, taking hold of a grocery bag tucked beneath her arm and helping her up once she removed her shoes so he could gaze upon her face, tucking away the stray hairs the wind had swept from her hairstyle. To say he missed her was a big understatement, and no words he ever has known or possessed in his vocabulary is sufficient enough to say so. His lips greet hers in a fleeting kiss with a promise of more laced into it.  “How was your day? I've already prepared us some tea and a quick meal to lighten our spirits, should you be tired out”

The conversation is swiftly lost amidst the exhaustion and the smells and his warm touches and words. It flew by too swiftly, like a mountain spring until it reached flat ground where it slowed its course. That being the moment when all tea cups have been emptied, the food eaten and her finding her place in his arms on their shared bed. Finding themselves covered by the thick veil of night, the two lovers intertwined, becoming a big mass of shadows while there was no light source in the room, only one, coming from the outside.

Little to no words are exchanged between them, her hands caressing his back while his rubbed soothing circles into her naked hips. “I've missed you..” - she breathed, meanwhile his lips found her hairline and pressed against it. The golden lined comb he had gifted her tonight lay on the nightstand.

“Not as much as I missed you '' - he responded gently, a tone carrying warmth only reserved for her and her alone. The glaze lilly he had placed in a little vase of water had spread its petals wide, bathing them in the silver waterfall cascading from the window.   “You have too much effect on me, I should be ashamed to have fallen so hard. But I am not, and I never will be.." Zhongli added with a curl of his lips, pulling back to find her eyes in the dimmed setting. The color he remembers she possesses is drowned out, but her beauty prevails  nonetheless. With the silver outline of her cheek, hairs and nose as her back was turned to the window, he couldn't help but go speechless.

His love playfully scoffs, rolling onto her back with one arm remaining around his shoulder. “All you do is flatter me, day in and day out.. You have no end.. Why do you never let me show you my affections too?” - (Y/n) teased softly, in no way offended with his non stop praise that effortlessly flew past his lips. 

“Flattery? My words are no mere flattery, they are the truth I hold within my heart, and I intend to keep proving it to you until the time itself comes to an end” Zhongli promised with an airy, quiet laugh, dragging himself up to his elbow to hover above her. The long strands of his freely flowing hair  cascade over his shoulders and tickle her exposed skin that gathered a pearly glow. Her heart has accepted him as he is, in his entirety and he can never repay that kindness enough, no matter how many times she told him there was no need, as this was no favor - this was love. Love they both mutually felt for each other.

“You, my dearest, have become my everything. I love you.. with my body and soul” - his face came near, stealing the air from her lungs with his lips brushing against her own as well as the tips of their noses. A cord is struck, or maybe it has been struck since the moment she stepped into the house, but its effects are showing now. A deep rooted feeling, walking the thin line between overwhelming love and a form of sadness deranged from the same happiness brought by this tenderness.

“I love you” - She whispered, so quietly he almost missed it. Her hand found his face and rested atop of it, thumbing at his soft cheek. That's when he finally gave in to the feeling of yearning, tilting his chin up and meeting her lips into a gentle kiss. The soft plush of her pressed against him is what will be the end of him, and he doesn't regret it, nor stop it. He accepts it with open arms and allows her to deepen the kiss as she pleases, following her pace as she sets it. 

“I know- and I love you even more” - Zhongli told her between the dance of the kiss, their air supplies dwindling significantly, but neither pull away. (Y/n) chuckles lightly at his claim, cradling his face with both hands and pulling him on top of her,  feeling how his warmth radiated off of him in tidal, gentle waves that caress the shore that was her. He was her love, her life, her support, and she would do anything to see him smile every day too - just like he would do everything for her to remain happy, and at his side.

 Under The Glaze Lilly's Glow

Ⓒ n0tamused 2022. Do not repost, translate, edit, and/or copy any of my works. Likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated.

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Zhongli: hey do any of my followers know how to render really well?

Childe: i can render my enemies immobile

Zhongli: i meant like 3d computer renders but ill keep you in mind for future reference

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Childe: i think i might’ve ate Xiao’s almond tofu

Childe: how long do you think i have to live?

Zhongli: five

Childe: five??? five what???

Zhongli: four

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Xiao: defending morax on the internet isn’t enough i need a gun

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Childe: vibe check test came back negative :(

Kaeya: 6/10. the joke hits but it’s not that funny

Childe: what the fuck

Zhongli: 0/10. no dragons

Childe: i’m right fucking here

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Xiao: i know you think my judgment is clouded because i like venti a little bit

Zhongli: you doodled your wedding invitations

Xiao: that’s our joint tombstone

Zhongli: my mistake

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Childe: zhongli and i have been fighting lately

Childe: how do you deal with arguments between you and ningguang?

Beidou: me and my bitch don’t argue

Beidou: she tells me to shut up and i do

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3 years ago

I just had to cause I love him so much!!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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