she/he ★ omni ★ ANTISHIFTERS / PROSHIP DNI!!! ★ im just here mostly for fanfics ★ but i also draw! ★ shifter ★ multifandom ★ selfshipper ★ stupid as hell, NEVER spoiler-free
400 posts
I Cannot Believe I Have Fallen For The Shark Guy With Fucking Muscles From Wander Over Yonder What The
i cannot believe i have fallen for the shark guy with fucking muscles from Wander Over Yonder what the fuck is happening to me
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this shit is like drugs but better
2012!Vampire Raph x reader
CW: very poor vampire writing, hard angst, “write side effects of reading this includes imagining yoursef with him out of nowhere”- my best friend 2022, you might cry idk, she did during class.
A/N: this fic was made for my best friend because i love her and wanted to make her some well deserved Vampire raph x reader content. this is literally my first time ever writing anything for vampires and for tmnt(surprisingly) so please if you have any criticism to make future works better I’d greatly appreciate it.

╰┈➤ Type of story: one-shot
╰┈➤ Characters included: vampire Raph, Mikey, Leo, slight mention of Renet.
╰┈➤ Genre: x reader (romantic)
word count: 2,444

“Come on! Come on! Come on!” You pounded viciously against the door with both hands, trying your best to catch the attention of anyone on the other side. “Mikey! Donnie! Leo!” You soon resorted to kicking and slamming your body against the door, trying anything and everything just for the taste of freedom. Your side ached, hell, every part of your body asked. Your side, your legs, your throat, your head. It all stabbed into your system like a million daggers.
Your mind was running wild, your eyes burning as you recalled the past events that led to this moment. It was incredibly stupid; you knew it was. It was only going to end in disaster; everyone told you so. But you hoped and hoped and hoped, yet that still wasn’t enough to break him free. Raph; your friend, your crush, your hero. He needed your help, and you just couldn’t do it. He was too stubborn to admit how quickly his eyes searched around the foggy open plans for your silhouette, the way he had shakingly muttered your name one last time before the bite mark’s venom had swallowed him whole into an eternal pit of the monster he had become.
It was cold. The floor. Letting your knees drop to the mansion’s wooden floor swallowed you with immense guilt and frustration. You had hoped they all got out alive, that they found their way to the exit and Renet’s septer had enough power to travel back home, even if that meant having to leave you behind. Yet, even the tears that stained your face didn’t object to the happiness that everything would go back to normal. Bittersweet was the only word you found that fit the plethora of emotions you were feeling.
“Y/n, darling?” His voice was slick, comforting even but held such a machiavellian undertone. You couldn’t look up at him; you didn’t want to. It was too disheartening. “Why look so sad? No need to fret, my love. As soon as our master rids the world of its impurities, everything will be alright again” You could practically hear his smile as he leaned in to grab you by the shoulders, starting slow before completely clasping onto you.
Your eyes widened before you latched onto his hand; you didn’t notice how he froze under your touch for a slip-second. “That's… not going to happen. The boys will make sure of it.” He could tell you felt unsure of your answer. “Now, let go… please.” your breath shuddered as you felt his malefic gaze on you.
You couldn’t give up; you knew you couldn’t, but you wanted to jump into his arms again so badly. His true self had only been gone for what you could only assume was hours, but you were already mourning him. You missed the way he shared his secrets with you in the darkness of his room, the way he’d shove his brothers aside to reach that last pizza slice he saved just for you, the way he’d wink at you every chance you got because he “liked the way you’d smile every time.”
You loved and hated the way he made you feel. You loved how he’d wrap an arm around your shoulder, whispering words of encouragement and cheat tactics for you and only you to hear. You hated the heat that’d rise to your cheeks whenever he spoke so close to your ears you could feel his breath. You loved how he’d leave a snack stash in his room filled with all your favorite treats. You hated how you’d stumble over your words each time he asked you a question. You loved the way he’d tell you to shut it and fight for what’s right, the way he’d give you a gentle shove in the right direction, the way he’d tell you not to take shit from anyone, especially himself.
“Not until I get a taste–” he fell to the floor, groaning in pain as he clutched his cheek. You hastily scrambled away from his withering figure, stumbling over your own feet as you stood tall over him, watching the shock in his eyes turn vindictive.
“I really, really, didn’t want to do that.” You muttered under your breath. as much as you wanted him to hear your doleful apology, you couldn’t find yourself raising your voice past a whisper. So instead, you made eye contact with Raph, staring into his eyes one last time in a mournful silence before turning around and sprinting once more. Your legs were still throbbing, but you had to fight it. You had to get out. You couldn’t stand to see Raph like this, like the monster he had become.
You pushed past mountains of different obstacles. Doors, carts, monsters. They towered over you every feeble second, and you could feel your patience slowly drain into oblivion. You just wanted to go home, jump into the comfort of your bed, call the non-vampire versions of the boys over for some pizza and maybe even watch a movie. Anything that didn’t have to make you deal with stereotypical Halloween ghouls was more than fine by you.
That door, that one door. You could see it from far away. Despite the dark, gloomy atmosphere, the way ominous black gloop dripped from the ceiling, causing the chills on your arms to return, and the rotten brown wood that matched the dark green color painted across every ripped wallpapered wall. There stood the door, shining in all its imagery gold hue. The end. You had finally reached it.
You could hear what sounded like talking, whispering, and muttering. It was enough to make your hand shrink away from the doorknob, to let your breathing hitch as you froze in place against the only way out.
“We can't– now!–” You could hear a voice inside, it was unclear and considerable inaudible, but you could tell it was a state of protest from the way their voice was higher than the rest
“Mission– come back–” the words intrigued you so much, so you lead your hand right back to the doorknob. You shivered as soon as your hand made contact with the piercing feeling.
You finally turned the handle.
The cacophonous sound of bickering soon came to a sharp end, the shuffling of feet Simultaneously coming to an end. You gulped, regretting your actions immediately as you took a couple of steps back. They were already aware of your presence; you Might as well go the whole way.
“Breathe. Breathe.” You repeated over and over to yourself, although the attempt at solace had only made your emotional state increasingly distressed. You didn’t want to go back to thinking about him; you really didn’t. You had spent the last few hours worrying and crying over him. Now was not the time to revert to that.
Breathe. It was something you had to repeat over and over again to him. To Raph. It was something you had gotten used to saying every time he’d storm into your bedroom late at night, ranting about how Leo had argued with him about his temper. Despite the hinges on the door you’d have to remind yourself to replace later, he always made sure to be gentle with you, freezing up every time he thought he’d hurt you before quickly following up with embarrassed apologies. He wasn’t always good at communicating, but he always made an effort, just for you.
Your mind had gone hazy, you hadn’t noticed how long you’d be standing at that door, and you hadn’t seen the arms slipping around your waist, bringing you into a tight but loving hug. You were tired, just so tired, you had completely given in to the feeling of comfort as the vampire placed his head into the crook of your neck, you could feel the fangs brush against your skin, but you couldn’t care. Finally, he lifted his hand, making you sigh in dissatisfaction as he gently cupped the hand gripping onto the handle before placing it into his and bringing it back to around your waist.
“You’re lucky I’m not ripping your head off for that little stunt you pulled.” He chuckled teasingly, clearly joking but the slow tone of voice had you think differently. You leaned back into him, sighing as you placed one of your hands on top of his, Rubbing his knuckles ardently.
You liked this. You liked this a lot. For the first time since this entire endeavor, your mind had gone silent, your thoughts had stopped racing, and your head had stopped pounding. The tears that once stained your cheeks were gone, and the pain in the back of your throat had disappeared. It felt right, being this close to him, the sound of only each other’s heartbeats filling the room.
“But this isn’t real…” it pained you to admit it. You wanted to be this close to Raph, bodies leaning into each other in comfortable silence, the feeling of each other’s chests rising every few seconds as you both enjoyed each other’s company. But this wasn’t Ralph. You prayed every day to enjoy moments like these with Raph, and this, this wasn’t Raph. The body was his, the voice, the bandanna, but his mind didn’t match up with the man you were in love with.
“But it can be… just one bite, and everything you ever wanted can come true.” It was terrifyingly tempting. You turned your head, trying to get a glimpse of his expression. In all that time you spent thinking, you hadn’t taken notice of the way his head had lifted itself from your neck, his eyes staring lovingly at your ruminative expression. “You’re scared. I can tell, but the bite can take all that worry away.” His words were dark but soft and delicate. You couldn’t let him. You couldn’t let him turn you. “I had so many personal battles, and they were all solved each one. Just let me bite you, and we can finally be together without worry…” no, no, no, no. Stop. Stop it. You couldn’t fall for it. You tried to pull away, wiggling against his grasp as he continued to secure you in his hold. “I love you.”
You stopped; you couldn’t move anymore. Your mind had gone almost entirely blank. The only thing replaying on repeat were his words. They sounded so genuine, so soft and lovingly. He had already begun targeting your neck, his mouth twisted into a smile at your flustered state as he maneuvered a hand up to your neck, slowly pulling down fabric before taking one last glance your way. You were again lost in thought, your eyes wide in shock as your breathing turned unsteady and quick. You were still rattled from his short confession, and he loved every bit of it. He had always loved you, and turning into a vampire didn’t change that. Nothing could.
He sank his teeth into your skin, or well, tried to. The door in front of you both had been slammed open, striking you so hard in the face it was enough to break you out of the trance you were in and contemplate if your nose had broke during the action. You both were knocked to the ground, Raph hitting his head against the floor while you’re back hit his plastron.
“Y/n?!” You could hear muttered people shout at the same time. The sounds of shoving and gasps as you lay back, your hand on your head as you could feel the world spinning around you.
“Good going, Mikey. You knocked them out cold.” You could hear Leo scold the other boy as Mikey gasped in offense.
“It was only an accident. I didn’t mean to!” Mikey retorted, glaring at Leo, his arms crossed before sticking out his tongue and then looking away.
You could feel Raph shift underneath you, groaning a bit from the impact as his arms stayed glued around your waist, keeping you from leaving as you tried your best to remove yourself from him. As much as you’d love to stay here and cuddle, you knew for sure Raph wouldn’t be too happy to find out his brother’s caught him clinging onto you like you were a teddy bear.
“I’ll help you up.” Leo offered as soon as his bickering with Mikey had ended, his hand extended in front of you as he waited for you to take up, giving you a small smile as your hand found its way into his. Mikey had to help remove Raph’s arms away from you, snickering as he did so, not before taking a few pics on his t-phone, though, of course.
You watched as he turned onto his side, the sound of unnecessary arguing fading into the background as you fondly smiled at the scene in front of you. He always seemed so peaceful when asleep. You didn’t mean to sound like a creep, but you liked watching him sleep; it was nice. After every movie, you’d find him asleep on your shoulder, or when he’d stay the night and end up passed out in your bed, he’d never admit to it, but you could tell he loved it as well. The others had already walked away, leaving you alone once more, but you didn’t care. You could catch up to them later, anyway.
You took a few steps closer before crouching and landing on your knees. Your eyes filled with adoration and warmth. He was deep asleep. You knew this state he was in wouldn’t last forever, you both would go back to cat and mouse until Dracula was defeated, but if that meant you’d get more moments like these, then you didn’t mind the ache in your legs anymore. He leaned his cheek into the palm of your head, a smile gracing his features as you tried your best not to squeal and ruin the moment. Instead, you gently closed the gap between you and him, moving your lips to gingerly kiss the top of his forehead, smiling as you heard him sigh in contentment under your touch.
“I’ll save you, I promise.” You whispered, making it so he and only him could hear, just like he’d always do to you. You gave one last kiss to him, moving your mouth to kiss his lips, hesitating for a moment. His lips were chapped, but you had already expected that; he had probably never been introduced to chapstick in his life, but you didn’t mind.
am i supposed to type my thoughts every second because that's what im doing and i feel like i just overshared even though i sent like 2 posts
my bestie seeing my 20+ messages on Instagram (mostly) every single fucking time she wakes up

gonna go horr mimi brb in 8 hrs