please credit me if you’re going to use my arts thank THE POWER OF MULTIFANDOM (except tmc, we don’t talk about it)
303 posts
Back In February When I Made This Meme And It Became My Headcanon
back in february when i made this meme and it became my headcanon
i don’t know why i haven’t posted this to you guys but here it is
meadowsmawce liked this · 6 months ago
kidciitrix liked this · 1 year ago
wildcowfarmer liked this · 1 year ago
sutsonna liked this · 1 year ago
hauntedhallwayz liked this · 1 year ago
More Posts from Natnat98
YOU’RE NEEDED (if you want ofc)

I will be posting updates on progress and how many slots are taken on twitter and here under #EVERY frame project
but for now, since its fresh
when you DM me, you can probably choose a moment in the scene and Ill give you a frame from there.
other than that feel free to ask questions if you have any ^^

day 4: angel x demon
i think muriel wants to touch eric’s horns out of curiosity ^_^
We're back! Following up from the interest form, we're hosting a reverse bang this time - artists lead with art, and authors write an accompanying fic. It's a great chance to switch things up and give the artists a chance to shine!
This challenge will take place from now through New Year's. Holiday themes are not required but absolutely allowed! Important dates:
Oct 13th: Sign-ups CLOSE
Oct 20th: Partners announced
Dec 30th: Deadline - start posting!
Check out the FAQs HERE, sign up HERE, and let us know if we missed anything!

Bart Curlish (Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency) "The Holistic Assassin, the Universe's Delete Key. Bart goes where the universe sends her, killing who needs to be killed in ways that range from the mundane to the hilariously macabre. Bullets miss her and end up killing her target, people flee from her and end up directly in the path of traffic… you get the idea. She represents the inevitable, and she always hits her target in the end."
Laudna (Critical Role) "She died, hung from a tree alongside the rest of her family. Not even killed for something she’d done, but so that her death would stand as a warning to someone else. Her life thrown away for someone else’s story. She woke up though. Came back eerie and wrong. But she’s at peace with the horror of her becoming and often optimistic because the worst thing that could ever happen to her has already happened. Which to me feels very similar to the peace of “the moment you die will feel exactly the same as this one.”"

day 6: neko
oh no! not this strange cat!