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2 years ago

Theory time (PLL: Original Sin)

I was a pre teen when I started watching the original PLL and I was obsessed with it back then, PLLOS has made its way into my adult life and now i’m obsessed with theorizing everything again so let’s go

At that beach scene Imogen is still wearing the clothes from Karen’s party which makes me think baby was conceived that night, so something happened either at the party or on the way home.

Tabby was SA’d that’s why she keeps the camera at the boy’s locker room, she’s probably trying to discover who was it and tbh I have a feeling it might be Noa’s boyfriend. The opening has a lot of futebol references

One of them is for sure helping A, that text message? “Reveal your true self, 1 bully down 5 to go” was shady asf

Minnie is off but I don’t think she has anything to do with A but something equally sinister has happened to her

Karen really died, Kelly planned her death. There was a lot of swapping that day but i’m sure Kelly is the evil twin, the way she told the ‘truth’ after her dad gave a speech about how he would end those girls life? self preservation, she needed him to stop digging further into her sisters death

The sheriff definitely has an affair with the principal. I said what I said

Angela was being followed by someone/threatened the night of the party

Also, that wasn’t a party. No one calling the cops or 911? no way, literally no way. I’m pretty sure it was just the moms and Angela that night, as Tabby’s mom said “they know what everyone thinks is the truth” there’s more to it.

Masked man and A are different people but work together

Now this is just a random thought, NO ONE NOTICE THE JANITOR IS GONE????

I need Imogen to be gay that’s it. that’s the comment.

There’s a teddy bear close to Angela’s memorial (?) below the scarlet letter book, masked man carries the same bear in the series intro

that’s it my inbox is open if anyone wants to discuss any of it <3

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5 months ago

me me me me mememrwjhwhshhaahHAHAHA LET ME IN.

i have a mandela themed discord server who wants in

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5 years ago

I haven't posted in like 5 years, what's up bros.

Stories may be posted soon I'm not fully sure. I have never in my life finished a story thanks to my adhd uwu but I shall try

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Why such single target devotion to MC? Why did Harper walk into a stack of cans and go sprawling at first sight?

It’s cute but confusing how he went from antisocial to everyone (except Nonna) to complete goofy puppy dog obsession.

What changed so fast? Is it mental illness, limerence, attachment issues, some other trigger, or is he demi and experiencing romantic/sexual attraction for the very first time?

Little of Column A, little of Column B, personally I refer to it as being MCsexual uvu

Harper does have them good ol abandonment issues from being given up by his parents as a baby, and issues with the fear of being unwanted due to abuse from his Nonno as well

He loves MC, but they also feel very much like a security blanket for him, when they're around he feels like he can really be himself, like he can open up and come out of his shell

When he's away from MC those feelings go away and he feels like he's all alone and has to retreat into himself again

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11 months ago

need to find a very smart high academically performing girl to develop an unrequited crush on to motivate me to study and get good grades in the hope that maybe she’ll notice me and also like me back ://

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1 year ago

my other nail broke im going to riot

My Other Nail Broke Im Going To Riot

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5 months ago

The more that infold teases caleb being a love interest, the more unhinged i get, wdym caleb's symbol on his necklace was on that photo studio template :(( i need my caleb to be safe and sound. he's my second fav lads character and i just know that infold has more for him because he cant just show up and not be in the story anymore.

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Human Sayings Jake Sully Tries to Bring to the Na’vi Accidentally (imagine these all in Na’vi all janky as fuck):

-Jake, during a war council meeting: you win some you loose some. 

Tarsem, nodding sagely: This is very wise, Jake Suli. 

-Jake: Lo’ak will be back before eclipse, Eywa willing if the creek don’t rise. 


Jake: Wait, no–

-Jake, before Lo’ak’s iknimaya: break a leg!

Lo’ak, tearing up: wHaT?!?

Jake: wait–

-This man is constantly knocking on wood. There’s so much wood available, he lives in a tree for God’s sake. He’s like “the hunt will be blessed today, knock on wood,” or “I think it might rain later, knock on wood,” and all the Omaticaya are so confused. 

-He called Neytiri’s medicine bag a fanny pack one time. 

-During a war council meeting: Alright, let’s table this. Revisit after dinner. 

Tonowari: You want us to attack the human fleet with tables??

Jake: Ugh, no, sorry. 

-Told Neteyam not to be “such a wet blanket” one time when he told Lo’ak not to jump down to Jake from a really high waterfall when they were little. Definitely broke his nose when Lo’ak misjudged the jump and landed on him. Definitely also got in trouble with Neytiri when the kids won’t stop calling each other wet blankets for at least a month. The wetness of the blankets ratchets up based on how mad the person is. Kiri once told Lo’ak he was a sopping blanket when he stepped on Spider’s foot. 

-Told Neytiri Neteyam tripped over a branch by saying he “ate it” once and she was horrified, mostly because why would an eight year old be dumb enough eat a branch. 

-Told Mo’at he was “feeling under the weather” once when she asked how he felt. She did not question it at all, deciding if he really wanted her to know he’d tell her in real words.

-Told Ronal he and Tonowari were going to “shoot the breeze.” Ronal was disgusted with this waste of time and resources. 

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4 years ago

So,,,, this guy is nice and all, but I’m not sure he knows that I’m not his dead cousin. Like yes, we’re doing the same job, yes, I’m living in her apartment, yes, I like supporting him and making sure he’s doing okay, yes, both our names start with R and are 4 letters... wait, am I his dead cousin? 

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5 months ago
kodaisswag - T

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2 years ago

When they found out that Mc has wings (Angel! MC)

Notes:Male!MC x the various dorm leaders

prompt: when the dorm leaders found out that MC has angel-like wings after he’s been injured lightly (TW alert) by their dorm fellows 

Riddle Rosehearts


he went to ramshackle to check on you since the other day a couple of blokes from his dorm mocked you and made you fell to the ground  (the two were collared the second he found out thanks to Ace and Deuce)

The ghosts tried to stop him from going to your room, saying that you weren’t there and other things, but he didin’t care. He wanted to see you, make sure that you were ok 

He opened the door without knocking and saw you

You were shirtless and were stretching your big, white-feathered wings

The second you tuned, hearing the door open, He wide opened his eyes, unbelieving 

it took him a couple of seconds to realize your left wing was injured, and you were medicating it with some raw bandages.

“ R-Riddle look I’m sorry I didn’t tell you earlier-!” You were scared he was going to leave you alone. Or mock on you. Or hit you.

Riddle stepped closer, a serious yet really worried expression on his face, “firstly, we have to get you medicated by a real doctor, then we will talk!”

In the end He was just really curious of your Wings, he even asked if he could touch them, like a child.

You agreed since the only reaction if someone touches them is a sensation similar to tickling, and how to say no to that little face?

He touched them as gently as he could, complimenting how soft your Feathers were.

a couple of days later one of your feathers naturally fell off, and you brought it to him as a gift

“When an angel gives a human one of his feather”, you said, “it’a symbol of great trust and love!”

he went from white to his color’s hair in 0.001 seconds

“t-Thank you very much, (y\n)! I will protect this at all costs, to show you how much I deserve this!”

Leona Kingscholar


He was napping as always in the School’s greenhouse

When he heard a suffocated scream followed by quick steps. He smelled your scent was somehow strange

he smelled a feather scent...which was really unusual. Did you dress as a bird or something??

He opened one eye, seeing you hiding behind some big plants...he saw a white schield.

He widened his eyes a little, crawling closer to you without being noticed.

“damnit! damnit!” you cursed, taking gently with your hands  the end your wing. A stupid savanaclaw student decided to mock you and give you a push. You fell to the ground, hurting your fragile wing.

the savanaclaw student entered the greenhouse, wanting to apologize to you. He didn’t meant to make you fell.

Instead, he found his dorm leader growling at him

“ and what are you supposed to be doing here, you little Punk?” . the student felt like Leona was about to eat him Alive

he told him everything, clarifying that he wanted to apologize to you: he even took you a little flower from Sam’s!

there were seconds of silence. You shyly lifted your head up from the plant to look at the boy, and were surprised to see Leona. Where did he pop out from?!


“leave before I make all of your parent’s effort useless, ripping your face to shreads”

he ran fasted than bee-beep 

The lion man stepped closer to you. 

leona carried you bridal-style, ignoring your words, making the wings look like a feathered cloak, to your dorm, where he made you sit on your bed and medicated you

“ you could’ve just told me that you were a bird, stupid herbivore”, he smirked, “ I wouldn’t have eat you the same”

you were now a flustered mess as you looked up at him

“ t-thanks Leona... I guess..”

you hugged him out of agitation, englobing both of you with your big wings

the lion man was surprised at first, then smiled and hugged you back, careful to not hurt your wings

“tch, next time call me when someone tries to pick on you, understood, herbivore?”

Azul ashengrotto


He was going back to mostro lounge after his club activites

while going he saw, in a classroom, a couple of his dorm fellows whose were laughing at something...or at someone?

He went there to check and saw you, asleep on your seat, with big feathered wings showing.

The two boys, who didin’t notice him, were mocking the asleep boy, touching his wings and playing with them

Azul was this close to turn them into seagulls

“ and what are you talking about in such a joyful tone, gentlemen?” He asked with a death glare

The two boys were shocked to see their dorm leader there (and as angry as ever) and immediately apologized to him. the one who was looking at your wings left it in hurry, making it fall ho the ground making a horrible noise, for some reasons.

Azul had death and flames of hell in his eyes.

“ you’ll apologize when this little youth is awake. now out of my view, before making your position worse than how much it already is”

the two ran faster than light, already guessing who’s gonna do the bath job at mostro lounge for the month

Azul took you in his arms gently, covering your wings with his coat and bringing you back to your dorm.

When you opened your eyes, remembering how you fell asleep right after classes, you saw Azul sitting at the edge of the bed

When he saw your big eyes, looking at him, he smiled: a lovely,warm smile

“ I see you’re awake, little angel” he giggled, making you remember your wings 

you looked at them in hurry, and saw that the edge of one was bandaged. You looked at Azul, who explained the situation he found you in

you smiled and took a little feather, positioning it on his fedora, smiling and saying “When an angel gives a human one of his feather, it’a symbol of great trust and love!”, you placed your hands on his, which were bigger than yours

he blushed hardly, smiling shyly

“Thank you, my little angel...I promise I won’t make it go to waste”

Kalim Al-Salim


He was just happy going around in his dormitory, doing absolutely nothing as always.

while going around he saw a couple of boys moking his precious friend and crush (y\n)

he was all wet on his knees, one boy was holding a big metal bucket, him and his fellow were laughing 

Kalim coughed loudly to get their attention, looking at them with a frowning face

“ so, what happened here?” he asked as Jamil, who was looking for him stepped forward.

the two looked worried af as they tried to excuse themselves

“ Jamil”, Kalim’s tone was really angry, “excort them. seems like someone wants to do extra-training for the day!”

When the other were gone, Kalim turned to you and widened his eyes in shock: you had two big, white wings covering and englobing your shivering body.

“ oh dear seven! you have wings?! are those wings?! you’re shivering- oh my!”

he took you gently to his room, where he gave you a scarabia uniform for changing.

he noticed his wings tho, took a pair of scissors and cut it in order for your wings to be comfty.

“w-why did you did that!?” you exclaimed.   “because i want you to be comfty with your wings!” he smiled as he gave you it and indicated you the bathroom, where you could change.

after you went out, he looked at you and lightly blushed, saying how beautiful you looked in his dorm’s uniform

“ and the wings..?” you asked looking at him, worried. You didn’t want him to hate you. “don’t you think that I’m too much different...?”

he smiled, stepped closer to you and gently placed his hand on your cheek, with the other hand he lifted your hair from your forehead before pressing his lips on it. Then looked back at your beautiful eyes and exclaimed

“You could be a centaur, a monster from hell, a beast. I would not care at all!”

Vil Schoenheit


Vil was going to your dorm, since Epel told him that two guys from Pomefiore gave you some problems and unwanted comments

the two deliquents were left to rook if you were wondering. 

He asked the ghosts if you were sleeping or something

regardlessy on how they responded, he went straight to your room, knocking at the door

there was no respond tho.

after a couple of minutes, he entered, seeing you in a corner of the room, englobed in a white weird-looking thing..?

it took him a couple of second to understand that those were feathers..that were coming out of your shirtless back.

were you asleep? he couldn’t tell

he kneeled in front of the figure, removing as gently as possible the wings.

you fell asleep after returning in your dorm. you wing was black in the inside, Vil thought for the worse. Did they try to arse you or something!?

he tried to remain calm, gently taking you bridal style and making you lay on your bed. in that moment you opened one eye

“ oh, Vil! why you’re here looking all worr-MY WINGS!” you exlaimed remembering that there wasn’t the spell covering them.

you panicked trying to hide them, but before doing anything Vil blocked you

“ hey, little potato, calm down! I couldn’t care less that you have wings now, you’re injured!”

you looked at your blackened wing, then at Vil. than you started laughing

you explained that yes, you had a little cut, but the wing made its feathers black to cover it, so it wasn’t really a big deal

but for vil it wasn’t a big deal, no, it was a HELL of a deal!

he stayed with you until your wings returned white

he seemed almost protective toward you, if he was before now more than ever.

before he was about to leave, you asked him to dance, since you liked dancing

he smiked a little, pulled you close to him and started dancing.

you were a flustered mess, the ghost even played a classical waltz song

at the end of the music, he kissed your forehead gently, giving you a little smile and caressing your rosy cheek

“ seems like I can’t call you a little potato anymore...what about little bird then? do you like it? in case you don’t, feel free to demand how you would like me to refer to you”

Idia shroud


he found out thanks to his brother

a couple of blokes from Ignihyde tried to mock you, but ortho saw everything and brought you to Idia, so that you could tell him what happened and make the two have a terrible day.

Idia freaked out  when he saw your injured wings yes...but out of curiosity

he asked some questions while medicating you, and you decided to tell him about your family, an aristocratic-like angel dynasty, well-known for their love for luxury. They had many eyes and hands all over the world, and their greatest flex were their pearl-like feathers. you weren’t different for them. but you hated how  they didin’t care at all for humans. a demon you knew was way more interested in Humans’s well-being than them, and they were angels!

Idia listened to you, and at the end of the story he timidly asked you if you would’ve liked if he could talk to you about videogames or anime.

he felt closer to your story. a complicated family was no new to him, so he wanted to cheer you up a bit and distract you from your pain. even if only a little...he was ready to try!

you were excited at the idea, so you sat next to him on his bed, listening to him talking for hours

you completely forgot the wing pain

in the meanwhile, you even hugged him, cuddled close to him and used your wings for embracing him

Idia was now a flustered mess as he gently caressed your hair and a little your wings

“ Y-you look like you...emh...fell from heaven? I guess?”

Malleus Draconia


he was walking near your dorm at night. nothing special

He heard a shout, it came from your room

He dashed in the dorm, ignoring the ghost, and opened the door

he saw you kneeled to the ground, with a little of blood dripping from what it seemed like a white-feathered wing

he went closer to you, gently taking you by your shoulder and making you red against his shoulder, making you seat on his knee. You looked tired

“ what happened little child of man?! who dared do this?!” he asked, fury in his voice

it made you feel scared, you covered your face in embarassment

“a couple of boys from..Diasomnia I think...They noticed my spell for hiding my wings and started ordering me to show them what I hid. When I refused the started hit me, making me loose a couple of feathers...”

Malleus knew how hurtful it was loosing a feather not naturally. It was one of the most painful thing for non-humans..and angels, he supposed.

he embraced you in his arms, gently holding you and using a healing spell to make your wing heal

“ don’t worry, child of divine, for I will confront them personally!” he said, am little of anger and worry in his voice

he caressed you cheek, removing a tear you shed from pain

he demanded you to describe the two authors of such cruelty, as he held you as he was holding a baby

once you finished, he made you lay on your bed, made sure that you were comfortable, then sitting right aside you and starting to sing you a lullaby, like Lilia used to do

he wanted his little child of man (or divine now) to feel safe and sound

white falling asleep, you took his hand in yours, placing it on your cheek. You felt indeed safe with Malleus by your side.

the following day, you found out that the two boys were punkished by malleus himself, and Lilia said that he seemed really angry

but when you met him in the corridors, he smiled at you, acting even more protective and happy than usual with you.

you gave him a feather that fell this morning.

he smiled, knowing what that meant to and angel, and embraced you

“ fear not my little child of Man, for I will always be by your side in the darkest moments, and in most joyful too if you would like me to”

hope you enjoyed! :D

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Hey so I kinda doubt many people will see this, but does anybody have Sanders sides fic recommendations for just... a lot of familial and platonic cuddling? I feel like projecting my need for affection but I’m too lazy to look for fics myself.

And if you do happen to see this, I want you to know that you are loved and important, and it would make my day if you have a good day, ok? I hope you find it easy to smile today :)

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9 months ago

Ok gays I feel like writing send me some prompts for percabeth if u want!!

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2 years ago

I really hope the era of my life in which I’m romantically pursued by a ghost dilf that thinks I’m his soulmate (preferably by candlelight in a structure with gothic revival architecture) is rapidly approaching

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7 months ago

I would have been calm waiting for a new chapter in one of the series I am currently reading. But... IT ENDED IN A CLIFFHANGER, A CLIFFHANGER, WRITER I LOVE YOU BUT 😭😭😭

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2 years ago


warnings: maybe a little suggestive if you squint your eyelids real close but otherwise just pure fluff!!!

drabble drabble drabble


just thinking about dilf!bakugo who has a daughter who is absolutely the sweetest angel you have ever met and i have two different scenarios for this.

you have her in your kindergarten class and she is just the cutest little thing. she’s always so polite and kind to others. one time the class went to a petting zoo and she was so quiet and gentle with the animals. at one point she was sitting on the hay covered ground with a piglet asleep in her lap. some other kid went over to her screaming about how cute it was and how they wanted to hold it and she scolded the kid. “now hush! can’t you see it’s sleeping. you can have a turn when it’s awake.” she whispered just a tad bit ticked off.

the day they got out for winter break you had a christmas party for the kids and boy was it hectic. there was hot chocolate spilt, cookie crumbs all over the place, frosting smeared on the chairs, you know all the normal kid things. as your picking up you hear her quiet voice behind you, “miss (l/n) would you like some help?” and your heart melts. you send her a sweet smile and shake your head, “no i got it baby, but thanks for asking pumpkin!” she makes a thin line with her lips, “are you sure? my daddy won’t be here for a little while, i really don’t mind!” she wasn’t gonna take no for an answer huh? 10 minutes go buy and you both finished and are now dancing to every breath you take by the police when suddenly you hear a knock and a gruff voice at the doorway. you turn around and katsumi runs in that direction. “hi daddy! how was work?” she says as she hugs him tightly. “it was good sweet pea thanks for asking.” as he plants a kiss on her forehead. he turns to you and stumbles a little. god you were gorgeous. “sorry i’m late, i had a little incident to take care of, i hope she didn’t cause too much trouble.” you shake your head and smile “never! she is the sweetest girl i have ever met!” you giggle a little and he smiles. katsumi runs up to you and hugs your leg. “i’ll see you in a few weeks miss (l/n)! have a great christmas break!” she hands you a card of her and her dad wearing matching green turtle necks and jeans. she had saved a christmas card for you. you smile so big and give her hug, “merry christmas katsumi! i hope you have a wonderful christmas and new year! be safe you two!” you wave goodbye and bakugos eyes gaze a little longer and then you can’t see them anymore.

another one would be you being bakugos assistant and sometimes (3 times out of 5) she’ll come to the agency afterschool. she’ll sit in a chair right next to his desk in the office, or she’ll go to the break room to sit at a table (a disney princess one with matching chairs that bakugo got for her) and she’ll draw and color on a notebook that you bought for her. sometimes she’ll even ask for you to lift her up and sit her on your desk and just talk your ear off. which you enjoy because it truly is interesting to get a peak inside a 6 year olds mind, especially pro hero dynamights childs’ at that. she’ll ramble and ramble about “miss (l/n), did you know that baby kangaroos are called joeys?” “do you think ants have nightmares miss (l/n)?” “what would happen if a volcano just erupted right now miss (l/n)?!” “miss (l/n) have you ever had a durian? they stink P U!” and you can’t help but entertain her thoughts by saying “really? i thought they’d be called dunkins!” “i’m sure ants have nightmares, they’re probably scared of some little blonde 6 year old girl drowning them with a water hose.” “well if a volcano exploded right now i’m sure your dad would pick you up and get you as far away from here honey!” “no i haven’t had a durian pumpkin, im sure they can’t smell as bad as your father.” you say as you pinch your nose and waft your hands and she bursts out in laughter.

katsumi sees her dad from the corner of her eye and covers her mouth to try and muffle her giggling, but it doesn’t work to any avail. “what’s all this laughter huh? this is a no laughing environment, only serious faces here.” bakugo says as he goes to tickle her sides. “m-miss (l/n) s-says you’re more stink-ier than a-a-a durian!” she lets out in between giggles and he pauses. “is what i’m hearing true miss (l/n)?” he says with a knowing smirk. you turn your head back to your computer with a straight face. “i said no such thing.” with a side eye. “hmm if i can recall last night you were saying my bedsheets sme-” you shush him and shoo him off shooting katsumi a smile to which she gives an even wider one back.

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