newfrankcity - welcome to frankville, new hampshire
welcome to frankville, new hampshire

positivity is a drug and i'm fighting the war on drugs. but i respect you so block the "dead inside" tag if you don't like my wanton negativity

1119 posts

You Turn Conservative As You Grow Older Because You Learn That There's No Point In Struggling Because

you turn conservative as you grow older because you learn that there's no point in struggling because it makes the blowback worse, in case people are wondering

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5 years ago

I know most people say the bunny ear servant is Georges Melies but I'm going with the theory that she's the spirit of Hollywood

Also because the bunny is a woodland creature and the famous sign did say HollyWoodland when it was first built

newfrankcity - welcome to frankville, new hampshire
newfrankcity - welcome to frankville, new hampshire

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5 years ago

this is how i imagine that conversation went, including background ambience



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5 years ago

"oh, like the one with Lucy Liu as Watson?"

Sherlock likes Guda because no one has ever looked at him, a super genius fabricated from fiction and reality into an all-knowing being removed from history but thoroughly weaved with humanity, and gone “Oh!!! Like from BBC????”

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