Dead Inside - Tumblr Posts
at this point I'm pretty sure the iww is a honey trap
Europeans: “I don’t understand you Americans, if your working conditions, wages, and social safety net are so bad, why do you not simply unionize or strike?”

I still remember big box PC games that came with actual merchandise packed in and a "manual" that was more like a magazine

its 12:31 pm I am dead inside :0
I ain't good at digital art but I hope its fineish
Y’all know those fanfics where the Civvie Batfam deal with Villains/Rogue (who don’t know their nightly activities) in daylight?
Well, yes, to those fics. I need more. Like >
Luthor : “Hello, Mr. Drake!”
Tim : “It’s Drake-Wayne!” *Literally dead inside*
Harley : “Isn’t he just a cute pudding? A little air headed, but definitely good!”
Ivy : *Nods*
Bruce : *Internalised groan* “Hahahah!”
Damian : *Kidnapped by low level Black Mask thugs*
Five mins later…
Damian : *Kidnapping the low level Black Mask thugs*
You get the point, I feel.
You go unwanted long enough that you just stop wanting anything because you know you won't get it.
I feel so dead inside but hey did you know that fanfiction is really great to fake having emotions-
Brocken girl drowning in thoughts and said things

They don’t love you like I love you

trying to draw chibi but god it’s hard... XD the middle one is me after this XD

Am I in a lecture right now?
- Yes
Do I have any idea what we are talking about?
- No
Do I give any shits?
- Absolutely not
What’s my point?
- I have no point besides the fact that I’m bored and wanting to post this cursed Image of Ushijima

Me: “I’m such a catch, I don’t understand why the hell im single. I’m funny, charismatic and overall great person. I just don’t get it...”
Also me: *literally won’t stop talking about 2D characters as if they were real, Constantly talks about how I wish they were my significant other, reads fanfics about them, listens to kpop 24/7, talks about how I would leave my real life boyfriend if any of my fictional characters or kpop artists proposed to me, cries about them all the time*
Me: “yeah I just don’t get why I’m single”
Read translated part of full manual how to kill yourself by Wataru Tsurumi
I liked it
If you have some materials like this pls send me, i'm collecting such information

I hope you'll like them! Me and my phone are best friends together, I can take pictures in the weirdest way but still make it appealing to my eyes and it's time to share it with others
I don’t deserve to die.
Not because I deserve to live.
But because I don’t deserve the sweet release of death.
The dissonance inside me
Frequently happens that we hate and love one person in the same time. This dissonance ruins us, but gives specious memorable pleasure

Oof forgot to shade this one properly but I already posted it other places so no turning back now!
Redid an mlp oc, gave her a whole human design JUST for this Willy wonka experience meme. Wouldn’t you look like that if you worked at the rainbow factory? I would.

So I might’ve gone too hard on the first one, it didn’t resemble the original enough so I just slapped her on the OG background. Miss Saoirse “Thunder” Evins! Lead alchemical researcher tasked with improving and possibility finding alternatives to the process!