General Election - Tumblr Posts
Trying to think positively here
In 2024, when our next scheduled election will take place, all of the elderly Tories and Brexiteers who helped get the Tories their majority in this election, will be dead.
The youths who are too young to vote will be of age, and the rest of the young adults will be fuelled with rage over 10 years of this bullshit.
We will rise up and crush the right wing fuckers. Hell hath no fury like a generation ignored, belittled, fucked over and scorned.
And if you're undecided (or even if you think you know what's what) use the fantastic website: Just to make sure of who you're voting for.
As a left wing voter the statistics on this website give me huge hope, as the Tories have the lowest percentage of all five major parties (including UKIP). So, if you think yourself a Tory voter, make sure that you actually consider their policies to be the best before you vote.
Let's hope for a positive outcome this election, and hopefully Single Transferable Vote will replace our terrible (terrible, terrible, terrible, terrible) voting system. For reference see CGP Grey's, "Politics in the animal kingdom".
u.k. people - the election is tomorrow. (8th june) polls are open 7am to 10pm. you don’t need your polling card to vote. if you don’t know where to vote, go to this website and put in your postcode, it will tell you where your polling station is.
this website will tell you who to vote for in your constituency for the best way to get the tories out. please vote. i don’t care if the weather’s shite or if you’re too busy or what. put a coat on, plan your day as best you can and get to the polling station.
Wise words from my history teacher today about the 'upcoming' general election.
"Governments, any governments, apologising for mistakes in the lead up to an election IS propaganda."
It doesn't matter who you're voting for, remeber that just because they're apologising for that shitty thing they've been doing the past 4 years doesn't mean they're going to change.
Apologising in the lead up to an election is propaganda.
and in springfield... theyre eating the dogs, the people that went there, theyre esting the cats, theyre eating the pets of the people that live there.
ladies and gentlemen literally what creature is donald trump
“No pride for some of us without liberation for all of us.” — Marsha P. Johnson
We need to keep this in mind when we are voting on the 4th. We vote for our futures, their futures, and to make this a enter country and world.
You Should Vote and Here's Why
The thing is, people aren't perfect. Politicians especially so. There's never going to be a perfect candidate that solves all of our problems and has no faults whatsoever. And waiting for that candidate forever only gives more votes to the worst people, in this case, that's Trump, a notorious extremist who blatantly lies on television, is racist, is transphobic, and is a convicted felon. His voters will show up to the polls no matter what, because they worship him like a god. So where does that leave us?
Listen, I get being disillusioned, I really do. There's nobody out there who's gonna swoop in and save us from the mess that we've all found ourselves in, and I'm not pretending that Harris is some kind of superhero. But at the very least, she isn't in support of project 2025. She isn't accusing immigrants of eating babies. She isn't a convicted sex offender. And frankly, right now, she's the best option we have.
Now, I'm not saying that's automatically a reason to vote for her, but here's the thing. If Trump gets elected again, things are only going to get worse. Last term, he fired everybody who was supposed to keep a leash on him and packed the court with conservatives. We all saw how that ended up. This time, he's got an army of corrupt floozies at his back, and Project 2025 as his battle plan. I'm not saying the country will turn into a dystopia on day one, but it's hardly gonna be good, either. Not for you or me or anyone else.
Harris isn't exactly a paragon, but at least if she gets elected, things might stop getting worse. Hell, if she's telling the truth about her stances on things, they might even get a little better. And maybe, one day in the future, we'll have politicians worth voting for. But before we get there, we have to get out of this mess.
So we have two options: stand there and watch, or pick up a shovel and start digging ourselves out of this hole full of shit. It'll be slow, and painful, but sometimes better than nothing is really all you've got. Now, I can't make you dig with me, but I can try and give you a shovel.
Maybe someday, better than nothing will turn into better. But if we all just stand here, it's only gonna keep getting worse.
Today, in a moment of weakness
I found myself actually pitying Rishi Sunak. He's about to take the single biggest shoeing in the history of this country.
Then I remember he's just going to move to America with his billionaire wife and become a tech bro douchebag who'll probably invest in something like a lanyard that doubles as a shock collar for Target employees who haven't taken over 2,000 steps per hour
Fellow Tory-haters, please consider donating to my partner's fundraiser! She's an autistic trans woman who's been completely failed by every government organisation going and needs help getting out of a horrible living situation.

Today, in a moment of weakness
I found myself actually pitying Rishi Sunak. He's about to take the single biggest shoeing in the history of this country.
Then I remember he's just going to move to America with his billionaire wife and become a tech bro douchebag who'll probably invest in something like a lanyard that doubles as a shock collar for Target employees who haven't taken over 2,000 steps per hour

In case y'all wanted to know how these mail-in ballots work.
just found out when i turn 18 i won’t be able to vote in any uk general elections unless i become a british citizen and that could cost me up to £1500.
bro i just wanted to get rid of the tories not go into debt 😔
Begging y'all to actually vote
you turn conservative as you grow older because you learn that there's no point in struggling because it makes the blowback worse, in case people are wondering
Friends, enemies, whoever: there is a massive, money-soaked rightwing voter suppression effort targeting social media users who identify as progressive and/or are seen as potential Democratic supporters. Let's all keep that in mind, okay? Let's not make accidental unpaid operatives of ourselves, all right?
For people in the UK: the Twelfth Doctor tells you about which party has the best policies regarding environmental issues.
The legend that is Peter Capaldi.

When you get back with your ex at the end of a heavy night
reminder to anyone in the uk,
even if you don't have anyone you like enough to vote for, vote *against* the Tories
and when you go to screw the Tories over,
passports and driver's licences are great for this! but things like student ID cards won't work, so check what you can use here: