positivity is a drug and i'm fighting the war on drugs. but i respect you so block the "dead inside" tag if you don't like my wanton negativity
1119 posts
Cut For My Usual Negativity
cut for my usual negativity
because I am obligated to post about current events I just want to say
remember when this shit happened in 2016 and the backlash was trump and other reactionaries coming to power across the globe
now apply the definition of insanity. the question isn’t if we’ll end up fucked but by how much, especially with a newer conservative generation ready to please their elders to make up for our “failure”
tribalism will prevail as human nature usually does. don’t act like what’s happening now isn’t anything but defiance of our hard wired behavior, and that the only thing that has ever toppled powerful reactionaries was other powerful reactionaries
and that’s all I got to say about that
More Posts from Newfrankcity
twist: the kid is the imposter, he just murked someone while “getting lost” and is waiting for dad to pick him up

it's still completely normal because the demons aren't going to disturb their summoning circle

Took me a while but I am happy how it turned out
Not only that but the event runs from the 1st to 12th...
Which overlaps completely with the cherry blossom recipe drops (1st to 10th) and will affect your fishing totals for the tourney today (11th) because fished-up eggs don’t count during the active timer either

teach him how to bring goodness back to Urdak one shell at a time
(no further explanation here due to spoilers)

p a r t n e r s or DoomSlayer decides that Vega needs to learn how to shoot things. also sorry for any mistakes in ASL I tried my best (the words in * are signed)
hey did you know
that if you’re still worried about more republicans ending up on the supreme court
2/3rds of the senate are up for election with the president/vp
so even if trump does get back in, a democrat senate won’t pull the supreme and circuits courts as far to the right as mitch fucking mcconnell’s would, and that’s assuming they’d give trump’s pick the time of day
as long as you secure a simple majority you’re good