Queen And Tori Stand In The Office Quiet Until Diamond Knocks On The Door.

Queen and Tori stand in the office quiet until Diamond knocks on the door.
(Before Diamond finds out about Jermaine’s Infidelity)
Queen thinks about how much time she has spent with Jermaine. How he was just in between her legs earlier that day. Does Diamond know? Does she suspect anything?
Like Queen has so many secrets on Jermaine that would ruin their relationship if she really wanted. Queen thinks about how she can use this relationship to her advantage.
(Diamond knocks on the door)
Diamond: Ladies. How are you? I just want to take some time to speak with you two as I was informed you two were in charge? May I sit?
(Queen sits at the office desk with her arms crossed. Silent)
Diamond: Queen? Tori?
Queen continues to think about all the rendezvous’ Jermaine and the other women have had with him at the same time. This girl here, Diamond is a fool. If she honestly thinks Jermaine loves her, she needs a reality check. It’s a wonder if he washes his body completely before touching Diamond. Is this a feeling of jealousy? No. More like betrayal. This is Queen’s club. She was alone when this place was a dump. She built it up to be a million-dollar business. Now some big foreheaded, no self-esteem having bimbo is coming here to take over? F**k that. In fact Queen f**ks Diamond’s man more than she does. Queen has him begging for more after 5 hours. Queen taught Jermaine all the nasty positions that he knows. He was a loser when he first joined the club. Well, he is still a loser. He lied about his life. But Diamond, she doesn’t stand a chance against Queen.
Diamond: Queen?
Queen: Look, we are working on getting all the necessary paperwork together to submit to the City Newcrest. Tori and I hope to have you on your way back to San Myshuno sooner rather than later. The girls answer to myself and Tori. We are in charge. They will not report to you. No hard feelings but I have this place running and successful and leadership changes can cause issues. I don’t want any issues with you. Please.
Diamond: If I leave this place will close Queen.
Queen: When this investigation finds myself and Tori innocent, you will be on your way. Submit whatever paperwork you have to but stay out of my way.
(Queen exits the office)
Diamond: Did something happened before I got here?
(Tori looks Diamond up and down and snickers. She walks out of the office.)
Under Tori’s breath she says:
The only thing that happened was my p*ssy on your man’s face
Diamond walks out confused.
Diamond: Well I guess I will get Jermaine and head home.
Diamond walks around the club looking for Jermaine. He has been missing for an hour after she spoke with Queen.
Diamond: Have you seen Jermaine?
Lili: (snickers) Nope.
None of the other ladies are speaking to Diamond. She is confused. The ladies look at her like she is sh*t on the wall. She has no idea why there is so much attitude and hostility.
Diamond tries calling Jermaine’s phone. No answer. She walks around the stage, and checks the bar area. The VIP lap dance rooms are all locked. He wouldn’t be in there would he? Where could he have gotten lost that fast?
Diamond tries calling again. No answer.
Diamond: Diamond heads to the VIP rooms to see if he is back there and he appears. He startles her.
Jermaine: Are you ready? (out of breath)
Diamond: Oh, I’ve been looking for you. Why are you so sweaty? Are you ok?
Jermaine: The air needs to be fixed in here. I am so hot. Are you ready?
Diamond: Why are you back here? I’m not hot.
Jermaine: I was inspecting this place. There are alot of upgrades that need to be done.
Diamond: Well, I am ready to go. Can we stay at your place tonight? I don’t want to make the train ride home.
Jermaine: You know we planned to be at your place. Soon I will have enough money to buy a car. Please relax. How were the ladies?
Diamond: They are on the defense. Queen doesn’t want to hear anything I have to say.
Jermaine: Well, I am sure when they get to know you, they will loosen up. Don’t worry about it.
Jermaine looks back at the ladies on stage and winks. He was just almost caught with one of the girls in the back room. He is very h*rny and is dreading leaving so soon. He especially doesn’t want to touch Diamond after that last round with Queen.
Queen is pissed though. She refused to speak with him. Jermaine can bet that he won’t get to touch her for a while. He should of told Queen the truth but he couldn’t. He lied to her. He feels bad about it but hopefully Queen can keep her cool long and keep their secret under wraps until the investigation is over.
To be continued.....
First Episode of Queen’s Night Life Series
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The Surprise Babyshower for Tori and Queen
Tori: OMG, it is so CUTE in here! Who put this together?
Queen: You are asking me? I am just as shocked! I don’t know. Look at this place!

The ladies enjoyed themselves. Needless to say. They danced, ate great food and opened gifts for the babies.

Tori: Hey Logan, how’s it going?
Logan: Surprise! Are you enjoying yourself?
Tori and Queen: Awwww really?! Thank you!
Logan: So Royce and I got together and wanted to throw you two a shower. I know Queen you said you didn’t want one, but this is our first baby. I want you to feel celebrated.
Tori: Omg where is Royce. That is so nice.
Queen: Logan you are always doing the most! But I appreciate you so much. I feel so special. How did you get this place like this?
Logan: Oh, I got a baby shower planner.
Royce walks over.
Tori: Thank you Babe! Do you see all these people?
Royce: So there are actually more gifts in the other room. They wouldn’t fit in here and we didn’t want to ruin the display.
Queen: Omg. You two are amazing. I may have to marry you Logan.
Logan: Shoot just say when Queen.
The four of them laugh.

Queen: This is real nice. Do you see that car seat? Super cute.
Tori: Yea but we don’t have cars.
Queen: Yea not yet. Let me build my mansion first and then I am getting my first car.
Tori: Sheesh, I can’t believe all the nice clothes we were given. I can’t wait to deliver.
Queen: You and me both.

The baby shower lasted all night. Everyone had a great time. They played games and ate amazing food.

Please check out the Pinned Post - There are “Jump to Links” that has the information on these characters.
This series is featured on Youtube. There are over 20 videos posted with more that will be added in the future.
There is more to come. Thank you for all the support. Stay tuned!
Diamond and Jermaine discuss the club finances
After reviewing the finance reports, Diamond and Jermaine agree to meet at the club. Diamond doesn’t have access to the office, so she has to sit at one of the serving tables. She sits down and reviews the reports while she waits for Jermaine.

Diamond: Hey Babe
Jermaine: What is all this?
Diamond: I was able to pull some reports from the City Database and according to the last reporting, this place was only pulling in $35,000. That was 6 years ago. Based on the 14 employees who are currently employed, there are funds unreported.
Jermaine: So what does that mean?
Diamond: I sat back and calculated the current revenue, you know the door prices, bar prices and dancer fees.
Jermaine: On my report that alone on a daily basis brings in over $30,000
Diamond: Well actually it is more than that. So the ladies who provide VIP services get paid 20% more. That brings the price up to about $60k a day and that doesn’t include tips.
Diamond and Jermaine fall silent and took at each other. Their eyes grow as they review the calculations.
Jermaine: So what does this mean?

Diamond: This means that if taxes were taken out, uh..
Jermaine: How do you tax something like this?
Diamond: Well the last 6 years’ worth of taxes hasn’t been paid. So, we have to catch up. We will have to take out extra to keep this place open. We are looking at price hikes and pay cuts.

Jermaine: Is this the only way? The services are already high.
Diamond: Either that or take money from the dancers now. We have to come up with something to keep this place running. Wages are going to be garnished.
Two dancers are sitting nearby eavesdropping.
Jermaine: The deadline is ..... (flips through documents)
Diamond: I was able to get an extension. I am going to get another opinion to make sure this is the right thing to do.
Jermaine: If we can keep the ladies busy and dancing, maybe they won’t notice any money missing.
Diamond: I will also raise the prices on the services.

Diamond catches the Eye of Lili
Diamond: Hey Lili is everything ok?
Lili: Yes. Do you need any help with anything? I hear you over there discussing wages.
Jermaine: We just need you ladies to keep doing what you are doing. You ladies are such amazing dancers.
Lili is suspicious. She gets up and heads to the back to speak with the other ladies.

Diamond catches Queen and Jermaine in bed at the Club Pt 5
Jermaine: Hey what’s going on?
Jermaine knocks on Diamond’s door with worry on his face. He also is sweaty and looks like he had a long day. Diamond is glad he finally showed up, but she is also disappointed she had to call him 55 times for a reply.
Jermaine: Diamond have you been crying? What’s up?
Diamond sits on the couch and rubs her hands together. She has a feeling of hatred and rage at the sight of Jermaine. His face causes her whole body to heat up. Jermaine tries to reach out to Diamond to touch her and she jumps off the couch. She stares at him, thinking about how to have this conversation without committing a crime.
Jermaine: What’s wrong? Why can’t I touch you?
Jermaine has a stupid look on his face. It’s as if he is completely oblivious to why Diamond is upset. He has no idea Diamond watched him roll around with Queen in that Night club bed for an hour. He keeps calling her name like a little boy lost, looking for his mommy. Diamond wants to break down and cry but instead channels that energy into rage.
Diamond: Jermaine.... why haven’t you answered my calls? I called you all day yesterday. We were supposed to meet and work on those reports. The deadline to submit them is in 2 days. I need help. You know I need help.
Diamond’s voice becomes shaky as she has flashbacks about the previous day. Her voice becomes hoarse. She has been crying all day and is really drained and it is quite noticeable. She asked that question to see if he would be truthful for once but like every other time, she is getting her hopes up.
Jermaine: I was busy. I was at home working on the reports. You know I get so caught up in working. I hate being distracted.
Jermaine said that lie so quick and with a straight face. Diamond’s heart dropped again. She was in complete disbelief at how easy it is for Jermaine to lie. What was he working on when Diamond is the one with the reports. Diamond can’t hold back anymore. She loses her cool.
Diamond: You are a f*cking liar Jermaine! I am so sick of you!
Jermaine: What?!
Diamond: What the f*ck are you working on when I am the one with the reports. What are you working on!
Jermaine: Diamond why are you so upset? What happened!
Diamond: Omg I’m going to be sick.
Diamond starts dry heaving. She has the urge to throw up. This man has been sleeping with Queen and whoever else and he comes home to Diamond like nothing happened. That is disgusting! There is no telling what type of diseases he is picking up in the streets. He smiles in her face and tells her whatever she wants to hear to get his way. There is no way he loves her. Diamond walks into her bathroom and slams the door.
Jermaine: Diamond?
Jermaine sits on the cough confused.
Logan and Queen talk - throwback - pt 2
Queen: It has been so bad here. Many of the girls don’t want to dance anymore. She changed the dancer pay rate so the girls make less. She claims this is to take out taxes. She won’t let me see any of the financial reports she types up. This are really bad.
Logan: I haven’t seen you dancing lately.
Queen: I stopped dancing. It’s been about 3 weeks now.
Logan: I know I have been asking about you. I’m here but I never see you.
Queen: Every time I come in here, she gets in my face. It’s like she is watching me.

Logan: You seem really sad.
Queen: I had to fight her.
Logan: What? Where is this witch at!

Queen: Logan stop. She has been accusing me of sleeping with her man and not doing my work. She is just making life really difficult for everyone here. I hate her.
Logan: Did she hurt you?
Logan grabs Queen’s face and kisses her forehead. Queen is startled, they lock eyes for a few seconds. Queen gives him a kiss on the lips.

Queen: Sit down Logan. I am going to be ok. Don’t worry.
Logan: When you’re sad, I get sad. Not to mention she is messing up our time together. You need to tell me what happened. When did you two fight?

Queen: hmmm you’re so sweet.