The Surprise Babyshower For Tori And Queen
The Surprise Babyshower for Tori and Queen
Tori: OMG, it is so CUTE in here! Who put this together?
Queen: You are asking me? I am just as shocked! I don’t know. Look at this place!

The ladies enjoyed themselves. Needless to say. They danced, ate great food and opened gifts for the babies.

Tori: Hey Logan, how’s it going?
Logan: Surprise! Are you enjoying yourself?
Tori and Queen: Awwww really?! Thank you!
Logan: So Royce and I got together and wanted to throw you two a shower. I know Queen you said you didn’t want one, but this is our first baby. I want you to feel celebrated.
Tori: Omg where is Royce. That is so nice.
Queen: Logan you are always doing the most! But I appreciate you so much. I feel so special. How did you get this place like this?
Logan: Oh, I got a baby shower planner.
Royce walks over.
Tori: Thank you Babe! Do you see all these people?
Royce: So there are actually more gifts in the other room. They wouldn’t fit in here and we didn’t want to ruin the display.
Queen: Omg. You two are amazing. I may have to marry you Logan.
Logan: Shoot just say when Queen.
The four of them laugh.

Queen: This is real nice. Do you see that car seat? Super cute.
Tori: Yea but we don’t have cars.
Queen: Yea not yet. Let me build my mansion first and then I am getting my first car.
Tori: Sheesh, I can’t believe all the nice clothes we were given. I can’t wait to deliver.
Queen: You and me both.

The baby shower lasted all night. Everyone had a great time. They played games and ate amazing food.
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More Posts from Nightlifeseries

Diamond catches Queen and Jermaine in Bed at the club Pt 4
Diamond finishes cutting the ingredients and starts the gas stove. She turns her back to Tami. She can’t muster up the courage to tell her best friend the truth. She can’t like into her eyes at least.
Diamond: I walked in on Jermaine and Queen having passionate s*x.
Tami doesn’t say anything at first. She goes and sits down. She lets out a big sigh of disappointment.
Diamond is stirring her food and doesn’t realize Tami has sat down. She can’t make up her mind about if she wants to speak on this situation now or just cry on her friend’s shoulder.
Tami: So what are you thinking of doing? This whole job situation and moving. You know I was, that I am in the process of moving to Newcrest to support you. But just say the word girl. I am here to support you.
Diamond stops stirring her food and she sits beside Tami. Tami has clear disappointment on her face, but she stays quiet because she doesn’t want to upset Diamond anymore. This situation is bad enough without adding to it.
Diamond: I need clarity. I need to know the truth.
Tami: So you’re going to call him tomorrow?
Diamond: I am going to call him now and see if he can come by. I know he hasn’t answered my calls because he was with her, but if I say it’s an emergency - let’s see if he shows up.
Tami: I am going to hold my opinion until you make up your mind. It’s late.
Diamond: I really don’t want to be alone. Can I stay with you after I speak with him?
Tami: Of course! Wash your face. Don’t show any sign of weakness. Ill keep my door unlocked.
Diamond: Thank you Tami.
Tami and Diamond hug and Tami heads back to her apartment next door.
Diamond texts Jermaine and says it’s an emergency.

Queen meets with Diamond (Before Diamond finds about Jermaine and Queen)_
Queen walks off and into the office. She locks the door behind her. Thinking to herself:
I can’t believe this b*stard. He was just here! Like I don’t understand why he couldn’t have told me. He just had his face in between my legs. Like wtf.
(Tori knocks on the door)
Queen: Hey.
Tori: So....
Queen: Girl I don’t want to even speak about this right now. He was just here!
Tori: I just had him screaming my name earlier today. He looked me dead in the eye and never said a word!
Queen: There’s no way he didn’t know!
Tori: He could of warned us.
Queen: That’s his girl? Ewwwww
Tori: She wants to talk to us in 5 minutes.
Queen: I will hurt her feelings. Trust me.
Tori: Maybe that’s why he didn’t tell us. Because it would interfere with what he has with her.
Queen: What does that have to do with us? You like him or something? They are here to replace us. This is our club! Money over bums!
Tori: Yea I totally get that. I am just saying. He is definitely hiding something.
Queen: Yea I will play it cool for now. We gotta get to the bottom of this investigation.
Tori: Something tells me she doesn’t know he frequents this place. She is too excited to be cool with us.
Queen: He is living a double life for sure. Sometimes when he’s with me, she calls. I’ve only heard him speak to her once and he lied. Other times he ignores her calls. Said he was laying down because he was tired.
Tori: What?!
Queen: He’s only tired because I just got done f**king his brains out. He complains about never being satisfied. I never really knew he had a legit situation though. She just seemed annoying to be calling all the time. Now it makes sense.
Tori: So, should we stop messing with him? I mean I heard some of the girls saying he told them not to approach him while Diamond is here.
Queen: He never said a WORD to me. I will keep quiet for now.

Diamond catches Queen and Jermaine in bed at the club Pt 3
Diamond arrives at her apartment, completely drained and tired. She is hungry and confused. She calls Tami in a panic. She can’t stop crying. Tami lives next door and even though it is midnight, she agreed to come over.
Tami: Hey why are your eyes so puffy. What is going on?
Diamond doesn’t say thing at first. She stands over the cutting board with tears falling down her cheeks.
Tami: Diamond?
Diamond wipes her tears. Still doesn’t say anything.
Tami: How’s the club? Why are you so upset? Talk to me girl.
Diamond: I went to the club to work on the reports, and I couldn’t get a hold of -
Diamond stops talking and starts crying extremely hard again.
Tami: Huh? Diamond Stop. Take a deep breath. Woosa and try again. Get it out.
Diamond turns to the sink and washes her face. She stands for a minute and takes a few deep breaths. She turns back to the cutting board and looks up at Tami.
I couldn’t find Jermaine. He never answered any of my calls yesterday. I must of called him 50 different times.
Tami: Omg is he ok? Did something happen? Have you contacted any hospitals or the police? Do you think he is missing?
Diamond starts crying again.
Diamond: Yes he is ok.
Tami: Then why are you so upset? You must of been crying for hours. What is going on Diamond?
Diamond: I walked around the club checking things out and I ..... I...
Tami: What? Spit it out!
Diamond stares straight at Tami with a look of defeat. She bats her eyes trying to fight the tears from falling again.
Diamond: I am embarrassed to say. I just love him so much. I have been so stupid. You were right about him, and I didn’t listen. I feel so stupid!
Tami is confused. She gets up and walks over to Diamond. She shakes Diamond.
Tami: What the heck are you trying to say? Right about who?!
Diamond confronts Queen - throw back
Logan: I am going to head out. Call me when you get a chance.
Queen: I will.

Queen heads to her office and gets on the computer.
Diamond barges into her office.

Diamond: Why aren’t you on stage? You were supposed to be up there 2 hours ago.

Queen doesn’t respond. She continues to type away.

Diamond: If you don’t stop this, we will have to let you go. You are here to work. That is all. Do you understand me? Get off that computer. Right now. Your place is on that stage!

Queen balls on her fists and bangs the table. She jumps up from the desk and walks toward Diamond.

Queen: You can go to hell Diamond. You are making this job environment unbearable. I am here to work. We know this. You are here for some annoying reason. There have been several complaints against you. You are stealing from those girls. If I decide to report you, you will be let go from your city job. What you are doing is illegal. I am here to make sure the other girls don’t kill you. That is MY job.

Do yourself a favor and LEAVE me alone.
Melissa and Aiden Dorm Life Pt 1

Aiden: How were your classes today?
Melissa: I have to get a tutor for math. I know for sure I will fail.
Aiden: We are only in the second week how could you know that?
Melissa: I failed the first test they gave us. I had no idea they only give you 5 days to study the material. I have never had this math before.
Aiden: Where is your homework? Maybe I can help you?
Melissa: Nah I want to just chill with you. I haven’t seen you since yesterday.
Aiden: My roommate doesn’t come back until tomorrow. Want to hang out in the dorm?
Melissa: Absolutely.
Aiden: We have to hurry. They do roll call in 3 hours.