nico | 19 | drawin’ | he him
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Nikoco11 - () - Tumblr Blog

anyone remember this guy… i remember this guy

My friend Bilal @bilal-salah0 is in Germany tirelessly campaigning for the rest of his 18 family members in Gaza to escape genocide.
The German government is planning to deport Bilal on August 15th. With the stress of resisting this act of genocide, and potentially finding a new place to live, he cannot afford to campaign for his family alone. We have to help him as much as we can!!!
He is less than €9,000 away from his goal of €70,000! Please donate and share. No amount is too small, even a $5 donation will bring his family closer to safety.
Along with the kids depicted in my art, Bilal's family includes three newborn babies who are facing malnutrition because baby formula is scarcely available.
He is vetted on line 136 of Nairuz and Hussein's spreadsheet.
There's also a raffle where you can get a chance to win a Collector's Edition copy of the A Wrinkle in Time series by Madeleine L'Engle.

Don't delay! Don't look away!
The best time to act was yesterday and the second best time is right now.
Do u hab any tips 4 drawin
if my tags r working then i have some stuff around #qna about more specific things!! right now my big art tip is to pleasw stretch and watch what ur posture/how ur resting ur wrists, elbows etc….
i had a numb hand and elbow pain for 2 weeks bc of being dumb abt this……… fold up towels or whatever so ur not resting joints in hard surfaces………
umm and also never ever even for a little worry abt consistent style if ur still early in learning. be hungry to change and adapt at all times, do full 180’s if that means you’ll feel more fulfilled w what ur drawing
ummmmmmmm. try lowering/raising ur brush’s pen pressure drastically if ur having a hard time w sketching/lining digitally. migjt just b working w settings thag don’t click for u

firm believer in pink suit miles

HI what brush did you use for the coloring here if you don't mind me asking ?? i love your art :D!
hi thank you!!
i mostly used the brush below as well as “artemus chalk soft” i thiiink… i don’t quite remember
lmk if the link doesn’t work sometimes it’s finicky!!
both for clip studio!
how are u so confident and clean with your lines??
one thing that helped me was getting a bigger tablet that forced me to sit upright and allowed more broad movements to draw! more space = easier to do big swoosh line = ooo pretty
BUT the bigger thing was that i did a lot of practice using only pen in some old sketchbooks!!!
rather than draw slow with pencil and eraser to get something right, i’d draw it fast like 3 times with pen until i got the general shapes down. i found it really fun so i did this everyday for a few months and filled a lot of sketchbooks LOL mostly loose drawings with reference, like below!

additionally i hateeeeee doing lineart, i hate having to redo lines that i didn’t like, so i have forcefully developed an art style that allows me to start coloring as soon as my sketch is done lmao
Urgent appeal, please support🙏🍉
Donate, donate and participate to perform a bone graft operation in my hand💪, please

This is the donation link.

Thank you, artist Haruka, for your support and backing us up.

Don't pass by without contributing by donating, reblogging and sharing.🙏🍉
@90-ghost @el-shab-hussein @ibtisams @acepumpkinpatrick @just-browsing1222 @gaza @palestine @13ag21k @the-bastard-king @boyvandal-blog @apsswan @youdontknowwhotfiamm @mangocheesecakes @fallahifag @sealuai @palipunk @malcriaada @riding-with-the-wild-hunt @acepumpkinpatrick @nabulsi @fairuzfan

I was really inspired by your falin art and had a circular canvas so I'm making a painting for myself
I'm adding more details later to make it more mine but I just wanted to say your art is really cool
Would you be okay if when I'm done painting or during painting I share it to Tumblr? (With you credited) Completely okay if not. Thank you for your time
OH THIS IS REALLY COOL !!! go for it, i’m totally okay with that!!
really great honor to see something i’ve made become physical like this :’3 thank you
whenever ppl repost or trace my stuff or like pretend to be me, they never ever pick the drawings that i think look best LOL consistently now, they always pick stuff i think is bland….. maybe that’s the fun in actually making art, ur eye is always improving and ur goals r always shifting… good feeling…

Some bots have been scraping through tumblr to steal art and put it through ai
oh wow it looks uhhhh fucked LOL that sucks, thanks for letting me know 😭

been learning to do some new things!!! always time to learn something new!!!!
ah. oh boy.

Save me and my family. Don't leave us alone. Donate to me and my family and share the link

A message from Wafaa
I talked to Wafaa again today and she asked me to post this message as she is weak from not enough sleep:
“I am in a state of despair. My campaign is slowing down again, and this is something that has frustrated me a lot and frustrated my children. I am in a state of disability. I do not want us to stop in the middle of the road. The situation is bad and my family’s supplies have become expensive, including food, water, housing, tents, milk, containers, and many other life necessities. Please, I want your support again. I apologize. If this is a lot, but you are able because you have big and compassionate hearts, then your donation may be small, but this will still help my campaign.”
As people may know, Wafaa is a mother of 6 beautiful daughters and a grandmother to 4 grandchildren, including one newborn grandson. Her family’s campaign is verified by Hussein and Nairuz on their spreadsheet (campaign number 171).

In the past week, Wafaa’s family has been forced to stay put in a neighborhood in Rafah where the iof attacks have been escalating because of lack of funds for further displacement. Because of this, Wafaa’s beloved sister and niece were both martyred. The rest of the family is still forced to stay in the same neighborhood, praying for their own safety.
Wafaa’s campaign has been stagnating alarmingly today—only €7 in donations has been made in more than 2 hours.
Currently €23,442 raised of the €50,000 goal!! Please do not let this family down now at the halfway point, donating what you can makes all the difference

hi! i just have a qq about ur commissions: are people allowed to post the comms you make them? (w/ credit to you, obv)
oh yea of course!! u can do whatever w commissions as long as it’s credited (if public) or not being used commercially (to advertise a product, resold, etc etc) :3 !!!


finally finished this i’m happy!!!!!! she’s one of my favorite designs in game and my favorite designs i’ve ever drawn wahaahaaaa

@nikoco11’s ocs (nina and cho)

today bashar turns only 19 years old.
instead of spending this time like many young people can- celebrating with friends, or preparing for school, or even just going home to eat alongside his family, he is instead displaced and in danger.
every share helps. even $5 can add up quickly to help him and his family escape.

a palestinian in gaza still needs your help 🍉

bashar is someone i’ve been posting about for many months now. a while ago, he had reached his initial GFM goal of 60k AUD. it was only then that he was informed of the conversion rate to USD, and that he would need nearly double the amount of money to afford supporting himself and his family.
it was incredibly heart breaking to go from the finish line to being set back again to 50%.

currently, he is a little over 70% of the way to his goal. any and all support counts. i give my full permission, and encouragement, to repost my artwork to any platform alongside his GFM link in hopes to help spread the message. thank you always for reading and helping!

Making an urgent new post for Feras because I found out they can't get funds out of GFM fast enough to address their needs for water so please donate to their campaign via

Feras is a good friend of my friend's Abby, Olivia, and their mom Hope.
They're trying to raise funds to get a water filtration device/system for their community. The community is dangerously/near-LETHALLY low on water. Please send even the minimum amount donation. It adds up and it's so urgent.
a palestinian in gaza still needs your help 🍉

bashar is someone i’ve been posting about for many months now. a while ago, he had reached his initial GFM goal of 60k AUD. it was only then that he was informed of the conversion rate to USD, and that he would need nearly double the amount of money to afford supporting himself and his family.
it was incredibly heart breaking to go from the finish line to being set back again to 50%.

currently, he is a little over 70% of the way to his goal. any and all support counts. i give my full permission, and encouragement, to repost my artwork to any platform alongside his GFM link in hopes to help spread the message. thank you always for reading and helping!

recent outfits
I'm Amira from Gaza 🍉, responsible for my family since my father passed away. Despite becoming a university lecturer and app developer, the recent war destroyed everything 😥.
I urgently need to leave Gaza to care for my sick mother and continue my aspirations.
Any help or sharing of a support link would be deeply appreciated.
Thank you sincerely 🙏🙏
sure! to anyone reading, plz donate if you can -