nillawafez - 🌀I am Mysterion🌀
🌀I am Mysterion🌀

|| Jayden || He/Him || Special Interest: South Park || Autistic ||

293 posts

Nillawafez - I Am Mysterion - Tumblr Blog

7 months ago

Things from Before the OSDDID Realization that now make heaps of sense:

Taking personality tests multiple times because even when I answered them completely honest they’d always come out different

Orientation impossible to pin down (simultaneously aroace/pansexual/lesbian/gay trans guy/queer fucking mess)

Same with gender

Conflicting opinions that somehow exist at once (I love weed/I fucking HATE all drugs and don’t want to be anywhere near them)

Frantic desire to run home and change into something totally different out of nowhere because the clothes I loved this morning are suddenly Awful

Keeps changing name every few months

If I do not journal/scrapbook/take photos of EVERY DAILY EXPERIENCE I WILL FORGET and my whole life will be a blank empty space!!!

“That’s not what you said last time I asked …”

Idk sometimes it’s my Favorite Thing and sometimes I couldn’t care less 🤷

I actually handle trauma really well because right after it happens I don’t even remember! 😇

Hate hypothetical questions because I have no clue how I’d react to any given thing until it happens and any answer feels like a lie

There’s def more but y’all should add your own 💖

7 months ago
A comic panel done in brownish red pencil and soft blue, with a soft yellow background. A hijabi girl is taking a photo with her phone, maybe a selfie, her speech bubble saying 'Say cheese!' and one hand making a peace sign. There is a flash going off effect and the sound effect SNAP coming off her phone. The hand holding the phone has some rings. The text above her says "Before the war, I loved filming very much".
A comic panel done in brownish red pencil and soft blue, with a soft yellow background. The hijabi girl with her phone held up in her hand is looking sheepish as the silhouette of a male family member, next to a more vague one, has his hands on his hips, angrily asking her "Why do you love photography??!" in a spiky speech bubble. She is wearing an open jacket. There are bushes and some building behind. The text above says "My family was hating it, though".
A comic panel done in brownish red pencil with a soft yellow background. The silhouettes of the hijabi girl, a young girl with a ponytail that curls at the end, and another family member (possibly the one from before) are sitting close together, looking at her phone. They are in front of some low wall with railings on it and various household objects are resting against this wall, among them a fan, a basket and cups. The text above says "Now, they often ask to see the photos I took,"
A comic panel done in brownish red pencil with a soft yellow background. The girl's hand, covered to the wrist by the sleeve of her top, is holding her phone horizontally, slightly askew. On it is a photo of two cups of coffee or tea on saucers, sitting on a part of a round table next to what seems to be a food box with a spoon tied to it with a thick band. In the background is a tree, some shrubs and what might be a pole. The text above says "for they are a memory of everything we lost".

art by the.gauntlets

gofundme for the family

7 months ago

What’s the fuss about comship?

I have a genuine question. Like i looked up the definition of comship and if I’m correct, it’s apparently the belief that complex or toxic or illegal relationships can and should be depicted in media with the acknowledgment that they are not condoned.

So like…media is supposed to be analyzed, right? Disturbing, sad, toxic, or gross relationships between characters exist for a reason. To invoke an emotional reaction or deep discussion, or just to bring light.

Then why is it in people’s DNI lists?? Like I’m not trying to start drama or anything. I just don’t understand what the problem with finding interest in problematic media is. It SHOULD be depicted, right? That’s how we bring this stuff to light.


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7 months ago

“Free Israel” FROM WHAT!??

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7 months ago

Keep talking about Gaza. Keep talking about Palestine. Keep talking about Palestinian martyrs. Keep talking about Palestinian survivors. Keep talking about Palestinian children. Keep talking about war crimes. Keep talking about genocide. Keep talking about colonialism. Keep talking about forced starvation. Keep talking about forced adoption. Keep talking about Israeli occupation. Keep talking about the Nakba of 1948.


Keep boosting Palestinian history. Keep boosting Palestinian graphics. Keep boosting Palestinian poetry. Keep boosting Palestinian fashion. Keep boosting Palestinian textiles. Keep boosting Palestinian art. Keep boosting Palestinian culture. Keep boosting Palestinian values. Keep boosting Palestinian stories. Keep boosting Palestinian voices. Keep boosting Palestinian life. Keep boosting Palestinian loss. Keep boosting Palestinian love. Keep boosting Palestinian grief. Keep boosting Palestinian hope.


7 months ago

Ok gotta talk about it.

As a Jewish historian, I fucking hate Israel in ways most probably will never be able to comprehend. I'm going to try and explain it anyways. The central creation myth of Israel is that it is Jewish, and then consequently, that Israel is a part of Jewishness. Its easy to simply state this is false, but fully comprehending this and putting it into practice in thought and deed seems rare to me.

The evil at the heart of this violence predates the recent acceleration of genocide. Israel is a colony, and more than that, an antisemitic fraud itself. After WW2, when Israel was being founded, the Jews of Europe generally did not wave goodbye to their neighbors and head to the promised land. Many were expelled from their homes. Zionism itself, as an action, was a false choice at the time. A mere excuse to place an ally in the middle east, and an excuse to complete the expulsion and destruction of the European Jew. The Zionist Jew is more than complicit in this, they actively seek the destruction and assimilation of all other Jews.

Many fail to realize, and largely because of Israel, that Jews are not inherently white, Ashkenazi, European-descended people. Our faith and culture has an immense variety that is spread all across the globe. Jewishness, in population and volume of culture, exists more so outside of Israel than within it. Israel is for a very specific kind of Jew. The kind that lets Yiddish die, that attaches themselves to European things, that makes themselves and their practices as white as possible.

And they have the nerve, the fucking belligerent GALL, to frame themselves as the necessary saviors of our people. To the Zionist, questioning Israel is to question Jewishness itself. They bake adoration for the colonial machine into their very prayers, and push them on us even as children. To *not* oppress, to *not* kill, to *not* genocide, is to invite death. This is the core of fascistic thought, of course. "Kill them before they kill us." And they KNOW this too, they really do. The truth of that irony does not matter, because as is true for all fascists, the truth itself does not matter to them. They wanted this, they wanted this even before the British saw it in their best interest to give them the land. Any excuse to RETVRN, as the neo-nazis say of Rome, or the German Empire, or whatever the fuck stupid country they want to poorly animate the corpse of. Some select Zionists even *sided with the fucking Nazis* in agreement they should abandon Europe to colonize Palestine. (Haavara Agreement)

My people have proved time and time and time again you don't need a nation state to have an enduring culture. We have protected ourselves for thousands of years without the help of these spiteful, doom-saying maniacs. I was going to post something like this on Passover, but that would be hypocritical. The state of Israel doesn't actually have shit to do with Jewishness. שְׁמַע יִשְׂרָאֵל יְה Vi tsu derleb ikh im shoyn tsu bagrobn. [my best translation] Hear Israel (beginning of a prayer in Hebrew) I should outlive him long enough to bury him. (an old Yiddish curse)

Free Palestine. Donate what you can, they need it right now.

7 months ago


7 months ago
Probably Macaroons Or Rugelach . Tag Yourself.

Probably macaroons or rugelach . Tag yourself.

7 months ago

Zionist Jews remind me so much of those Christian Nationalists in America sometimes— like, using their religion to shield being literal Fascists.

7 months ago

Me omw to block all the zionists on Jumblr

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7 months ago
nillawafez - 🌀I am Mysterion🌀
7 months ago

Pixie see yet another person on tumblr actually saying “wish could be nonverbal “ …

Pixie not understand how anybody could actually want that … unless them really not know anything about what is actually like to actually be nonverbal .

Pixie really like being Pixie and yes that include being nonverbal !

but is terribly hard frustrating *expensive* difficult *dangerous* to be actually nonverbal .

is not a joke is not a choice is not fun is not SAFE .

imagine risk being killed by police officer just because . try get AAC out of pocket to answer thems question . because *could* be reaching for gun in pocket … yes this really do happen , too much , too often …

imagine emergency happen to loved person and not be able call get help …

imagine get in money trouble that require calling bank and . it take too long find somebody willing help . so get lots money fines for be late …

imagine just nobody want be friends because . not can communicate fast enough so . people just think “ so rude for not answer “ and just walk away . before can even start a reply …

Pixie have lots more want to say but . fingers hands wrists *hurt* . and . brain exhausted . from using AAC so much today . ( was speech therapy today ) .

somebody please can make this make sense why why why people say this ???

pixie not understand people being so disgustingly ableist .

7 months ago

Support Labels Simplified Pride Flags

All terms I've created are based on this post. These are accessible versions of those flags.

Please do not use those flags and terms if you are not disabled. /gen

A black line divider with a round filled with pride flags in the middle and two medium sized dots at the end.

High Support Flag

A dark blue flag with a symbol in the middle. A large navy blue circle is in the middle, inside there is a pastel rainbow infinity symbol. The flag is made up of three horizontal bands, the middle one being much smaller. The colors are, in order, pastel navy blue, navy blue, pastel navy blue.

High support: Anyone who isn’t able to live independently and needs help with some or all of their basic daily living skills such as eating, bathing, basic grooming, putting on makeup, getting dressed and completing tasks. Can be abbreviated online or in writing as HSP for High Support Person or HSAP for High Support Autistic Person.

Usage in speech: Clarissa is a high support autistic person and needs assistance with getting dressed and taking a shower. Abbreviated usage online: I’m a HSAP and I’m really into physics, so the poor sucker who signs me on is gonna hear a lot about it when they hand me my iPad!

Coined by @autistic-answers. Flag designed by @themogaidragon.

[Image ID: A dark blue flag with a symbol in the middle. A large navy blue circle is in the middle, inside there is a pastel rainbow infinity symbol. The flag is made up of three horizontal bands, the middle one being much smaller. The colors are, in order, pastel navy blue, navy blue, pastel navy blue.]

Medium Support Flag

A moustard yellow flag with a symbol in the middle. A large navy blue circle is in the middle, inside there is a pastel rainbow infinity symbol. The flag is made up of three horizontal bands, the middle one being much smaller. The colors are, in order, pastel moustard yellow, moustard yellow, pastel moustard yellow.

Medium support: Anyone may or may not live independently and doesn’t need help with basic living skills, but needs help with other things like cooking, completing some tasks, transportation if unable to drive and assistance for things like grocery shopping. Can be abbreviated online or in writing as MSP for Medium Support Person or MSAP for Medium Support Autistic Person.

Usage in speech: Kevin is a medium support autistic person and needs some assistance to prepare meals and shop for the wood he uses for his carpentry projects. His boyfriend, Max, usually helps him with those. Usage online: I’m a MSAP and I’m looking for info about saws. Any fellow auties know what’s best for cutting oak?

Coined by @autistic-answers. Flag designed by @themogaidragon.

[Image ID: A moustard yellow flag with a symbol in the middle. A large navy blue circle is in the middle, inside there is a pastel rainbow infinity symbol. The flag is made up of three horizontal bands, the middle one being much smaller. The colors are, in order, pastel moustard yellow, moustard yellow, pastel moustard yellow.]

Low Support Flag

A green flag with a symbol in the middle. A large navy blue circle is in the middle, inside there is a pastel rainbow infinity symbol. The flag is made up of three horizontal bands, the middle one being much smaller. The colors are, in order, lime, teal, lime.

Low support: Anyone who more often than not lives independently and may only need assistance with minor things like balancing a checkbook, getting started on some tasks like organizing a garage sale or arranging to move from one house to another. Can be abbreviated online or in writing as LSP for Low Support Person or LSAP for Low Support Autistic Person.

Usage in speech: Jesse is a low support autistic person and she only needs help keeping her checkbook balanced. Usage online: I’m a LSAP and I’m thinking about moving to Seattle. What’s the weather and traffic like there?

Coined by @autistic-answers. Flag designed by @themogaidragon. Requested by @pronouns-flags.

[Image ID: A green flag with a symbol in the middle. A large navy blue circle is in the middle, inside there is a pastel rainbow infinity symbol. The flag is made up of three horizontal bands, the middle one being much smaller. The colors are, in order, lime, teal, lime.]

Supportflux Flag

A dark blue flag with a symbol in the middle. A large navy blue circle is in the middle, inside there is a pastel rainbow infinity symbol. The flag is made up of three horizontal bands, the middle one being much smaller. In the middle of the flag there is a gradient from left to right where all the colors of the lines change. They are turning (left) from lime, teal, lime to pastel navy blue, navy blue, pastel navy blue (right).

Supportflux: Anyone who has a need of support fluctuating over time. Can be abbreviated online or in writing as SFP for SupportFlux Person or SFAP for SupportFlux Autistic Person.

Asked by an anon. Coined by @themogaidragon.

[Image ID: A dark blue flag with a symbol in the middle. A large navy blue circle is in the middle, inside there is a pastel rainbow infinity symbol. The flag is made up of three horizontal bands, the middle one being much smaller. In the middle of the flag there is a gradient from left to right where all the colors of the lines change. They are turning (left) from lime, teal, lime to pastel navy blue, navy blue, pastel navy blue (right).]

Medi-High Support

A pastel cyan flag with a symbol in the middle. A large navy blue circle is in the middle, inside there is a pastel rainbow infinity symbol. The flag is made up of three horizontal bands, the middle one being much smaller. The colors are, in order, pastel cyan, cyan, pastel cyan.

Medi-High Support: Anyone who is medium support needs but can't live independently, seems like a combination of medium and high support. Can be abbreviated online or in writing as MHSP for Medi-High Support Person or MHSAP for Medi-High Support Autistic Person.

Term and flag coined by @the-mogai-catus in this post. @themogaidragon has changed the design.

[Image ID: A pastel cyan flag with a symbol in the middle. A large navy blue circle is in the middle, inside there is a pastel rainbow infinity symbol. The flag is made up of three horizontal bands, the middle one being much smaller. The colors are, in order, pastel cyan, cyan, pastel cyan.]

Low-Medium Support

A yellowed green flag with a symbol in the middle. A large navy blue circle is in the middle, inside there is a pastel rainbow infinity symbol. The flag is made up of three horizontal bands, the middle one being much smaller. The colors are, in order, pastel yellowed green, yellowed green, pastel yellowed green.

Low-Medium Support: Anyone who is low support needs but can't live 100% independently and/or have many difficulties doing such, seems like a combination of low and medium support. Can be abbreviated online or in writing as LMSP for Low-Medium Support Person or LMSAP for Low-Medium Support Autistic Person.

Term and flag coined by @themogaidragon. Requested by @cutelittle-organc0llector.

[Image ID: A yellowed green flag with a symbol in the middle. A large navy blue circle is in the middle, inside there is a pastel rainbow infinity symbol. The flag is made up of three horizontal bands, the middle one being much smaller. The colors are, in order, pastel yellowed green, yellowed green, pastel yellowed green.]

7 months ago

Please don't reblog/share this post, share the simplified versions instead! They are more accessible and provides more accurate informations. Thank you.

Here is the link (link).

Autism Support Needs Pride Flags

[pt: Autism Support Needs Pride Flags /end pt]

A overall dark blue flag. In the middle is the autism infinity rainbow symbol, circumscribed by a dark blue round and circle. The flag has seven stripes who goes from royal blue in the outside to dark blue in the inside.

High support: Anyone who isn’t able to live independently and needs help with some or all of their basic daily living skills such as eating, bathing, basic grooming, putting on makeup, getting dressed and completing tasks. Can be abbreviated online or in writing as HSP for High Support Person or HSAP for High Support Autistic Person.

Usage in speech: Clarissa is a high support autistic person and needs assistance with getting dressed and taking a shower. Abbreviated usage online: I’m a HSAP and I’m really into physics, so the poor sucker who signs me on is gonna hear a lot about it when they hand me my iPad!

Medium Support Flag

A overall yellow flag. In the middle is the autism infinity rainbow symbol, circumscribed by a dark blue round and circle. The flag has seven stripes who goes from butter yellow in the outside to dijon yellow  in the inside.

Medium support: Anyone may or may not live independently and doesn’t need help with basic living skills, but needs help with other things like cooking, completing some tasks, transportation if unable to drive and assistance for things like grocery shopping. Can be abbreviated online or in writing as MSP for Medium Support Person or MSAP for Medium Support Autistic Person.

Usage in speech: Kevin is a medium support autistic person and needs some assistance to prepare meals and shop for the wood he uses for his carpentry projects. His boyfriend, Max, usually helps him with those. Usage online: I’m a MSAP and I’m looking for info about saws. Any fellow auties know what’s best for cutting oak?

Low Support Flag

A overall green flag. In the middle is the autism infinity rainbow symbol, circumscribed by a dark blue round and circle. The flag has seven stripes who goes from tonic light green in the outside to forest green in the inside.

Low support: Anyone who more often than not lives independently and may only need assistance with minor things like balancing a checkbook, getting started on some tasks like organizing a garage sale or arranging to move from one house to another. Can be abbreviated online or in writing as LSP for Low Support Person or LSAP for Low Support Autistic Person.

Usage in speech: Jesse is a low support autistic person and she only needs help keeping her checkbook balanced. Usage online: I’m a LSAP and I’m thinking about moving to Seattle. What’s the weather and traffic like there?

Requested by @pronouns-flags, based on this post.

Supportflux Flag

Please Don't Reblog/share This Post, Share The Simplified Versions Instead! They Are More Accessible

Supportflux: Anyone who has a need of support fluctuating over time. Can be abbreviated online or in writing as SFP for SupportFlux Person or SFAP for SupportFlux Autistic Person.

Asked by an anon.

Medi-High Support

Please Don't Reblog/share This Post, Share The Simplified Versions Instead! They Are More Accessible

Medi-High Support: Anyone who is medium support needs but can't live independently, seems like a combination of medium and high support. Can be abbreviated online or in writing as MHSP for Medi-High Support Person or MHSAP for Medi-High Support Autistic Person.

Coined by @the-mogai-catus.

Please Don't Reblog/share This Post, Share The Simplified Versions Instead! They Are More Accessible
Please Don't Reblog/share This Post, Share The Simplified Versions Instead! They Are More Accessible

The symbol and the flag I've made. I changed the symbol because people brought up that it looked like the metis symbol.

8 months ago

Trey Parker and Matt Stone would absolutely be against what’s happening in Gaza

they hate seeing kids in fences hurt and I do too

and so does Kyle!

Trey Parker And Matt Stone Would Absolutely Be Against Whats Happening In Gaza
8 months ago


8 months ago
nillawafez - 🌀I am Mysterion🌀
nillawafez - 🌀I am Mysterion🌀




Ceasefire In Gaza NOW!
Ceasefire In Gaza NOW!
Resources and action items to call for an end to the violence in Gaza.


Act Now Against These Companies Profiting from the Genocide of the Palestinian People
BDS Movement
Below is a detailed guide of our targeted consumer boycotts, divestment and pressure campaigns. Help us spread the word to maximize our impa

[repost from twitter/x]

8 months ago

"I support my neurospicy friends!" people when they meet someone who's autistic in a way that strongly impacts their social functioning instead of just being quirky and awkward

"I Support My Neurospicy Friends!" People When They Meet Someone Who's Autistic In A Way That Strongly
8 months ago
Sentences Of All Time

sentences of all time

8 months ago

the way a lot of y’all on this site hear “autism” and automatically assume whoever is speaking means “low support needs autism” is really weird and ableist. sorry it just is

8 months ago
nillawafez - 🌀I am Mysterion🌀
“Inverse vaccine” shows potential to treat multiple sclerosis and other autoimmune diseases
Pritzker Molecular Engineering researchers led by Prof. Jeffrey Hubbell showed that their compound can eliminate the autoimmune reaction ass
8 months ago

Here's a post for the autistic people who can't relate to the "autism is a difference, not a disability" movement at all. The nonverbal autistic people. The autistic people who need help with basic self care like eating, going to the bathroom, getting dressed and showering. The autistic people who need full-time supervision to stay safe. To the autistic people who can't go places alone or can't go places at all. To the autistic people who can't help having violent meltdowns. To the autistic people who don't understand social interaction at all. To the autistic people who'll never be able to study, work or live alone. To the autistic people who have to follow a very strict routine to function. You're all an important and valuable part of the autistic community. You don't deserve to be ignored, excluded or sacrificed in the name of a more palatable image of what it means to be autistic

8 months ago

i have a disability. more specifically, i have a rare genetic condition called camurati-engelmann’s disease, or CED. it is also known as progressive diaphyseal dysplasia (PDD). it is an extremely rare disorder and only around 300 cases have been reported worldwide.

i figured i would make a post talking about it, in an effort to not only educate others, but to possibly connect with others who suffer from it as well. i apologize for the longer post but please this moment to learn about my disorder.

CED is a skeletal condition that is characterized by abnormally thick bones (hyperostosis) in the arms, legs and skull. the overgrowth in bone causes bone pain, muscle weakness and extreme fatigue. the pain feels like an electric stabbing pain, an ever-increasing pressure sensation around the bones affected, or a constant aching. pain can also occur in joints and they will often lock-up, becoming immobile and stiff. the pain is especially severe during 'flare-ups', which can be unpredictable, exhausting and last anywhere from a few hours to several weeks. this is a common occurrence for us, often causing extensive sleep deprivation from the chronic, severe and disabling pain. when this happens, we are often bedridden or housebound for days or even weeks.

those affected also have an unsteady walk and limp. thickening of the skull can also lead to neurological problems, like hearing loss, vision issues, vertigo and tinnitus. symptoms vary in severity from person to person. there are treatments, however it cannot be cured. pain management is a large aspect of living with this chronic disease.

there is very little awareness and research for CED. rare diseases are severely neglected and overlooked, as are those who suffer and live with them. research is often not considered profitable due to their cost to develop and the limited patient population. major federal funding agencies give preference to research that is likely to have a direct impact on patients.

living with a rare disease is extremely difficult and isolating. it impacts the lives of millions of us and our loved ones worldwide. those of us suffering from rare medical conditions should be entitled to the same quality of treatment as other patients. i am disabled, but i am worth it.

I Have A Disability. More Specifically, I Have A Rare Genetic Condition Called Camurati-engelmanns Disease,
8 months ago

Important Post Please don't scroll

My name is Morgan; I am chronically ill and queer while also living in a small conservative town. I am also without a car. There's only a handful of clinics in this town and I've had repeatedly bad experiences with them due to my chronic illness and being queer. I am unable to get the help I need from them and from the fact the doctors who could help me are in a city I have no way to get to. I need a car.

Please consider checking out my gofundme so I can finally get one and get the help I need.

Even the smallest donation would help.

At least reblog if you can.
Hi, my name is Morgan. I'm a chronically ill queer kid with a disabled mother stuck … Morgan Philpot needs your support for Help Me Get a Ca