He/Him, casual writer on the side and ADHD-ridden gremlin. Forever a simp for Tsubaki Yayoi REQUESTS ARE OPEN
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I Hope This Isn't Too Complicated But I Was Thinking You Could Do The Childhood Friends To Lovers Trope
I hope this isn't too complicated but I was thinking you could do the childhood friends to lovers trope with Tsubaki and a reader that is the adopted son of Hakumen and his apprentice.
Holy shit anon, this idea is super cool. I'm totally down for this. Hakumen's CS story made me fall in love with their dynamic.
Though not nearly as much as I'm hopelessly in love with her, why the fuck can't she be real...?
(LONG ass post incoming, I had way too much fun with this.)

-For the sake of this ask, canon will have to be changed around a bit. Hakumen never went into the Boundary, he was able to force Terumi into it without having to do a hail mary. Also, Tsubaki sees Jin as only an older brother, as is confirmed by in-game dialogue.
-For all the curses and inconveniences of having to wear the Susano'o Unit to be able to fight, there were it's upsides, such as being pretty much immortal, or at the very least a drastically increased lifespan, likely longer than mages.
-One day, by pure chance, Hakumen ended up finding a small child while wandering through a barren, quiet part of the city of Naobi.
-At first, his instinct was to pay this child no mind. But, getting a good look at you, something...seemed to awaken. Or rather, re-awaken. The humanity he thought he'd thrown away a long time ago when he put on the armor. What little of Jin Kisaragi remained after all this time.
-Hakumen was cold, yes, but he wasn't cruel. No kid deserved to be condemned to survive on their own out in the lower levels of a Hierarchical city where seithr poisoning was a possibility if one wasn't careful.
-...Perhaps he could give this boy at something of a life, a childhood that he never got to have, that was taken from him by that damn bastard Terumi.
-It wasn't long before the Duodecim caught wind of the leader of the Six Heroes adopting a child. The Yayoi family had taken a particular interest in such news, inviting the two of you over to their manor.
-There weren't kids your age you could see there. Hakumen had told you that you didn't need to stay, and to feel free to wander the manor at your own leisure as long as you stayed on the property. That was how you eventually found yourself in the garden outdoors.
-It was when you wandered out that for the first time, you'd found someone your age. A redheaded girl dressed in traditional clothing.
-She seemed to freak out, in a good way, when you told her that you were taken in by Hakumen. She was apparently a huge fan. The two of you became fast friends, being the only kids in the manor and the girl, who called herself Tsubaki, seeming ecstatic at just finally finding someone her age, not having any siblings or cousins.
-When the time came to leave you told Hakumen about your new friend. It was hard to really tell what he was thinking most of the time, mostly due to the fact that he had that mask always covering his face, but he seemed almost...nostalgic, longing. He didn't really do much, saying it was good you'd managed to make a friend and left it at that.
-He did make it a point for you to see Tsubaki as often as you could from then on, though. Whenever the Yayoi family was going anywhere, he'd make sure to follow mostly so you could see her, and accepting their invitations to the manor, which was quite a surprise considering none of the other families could say the same. When questioned on this, Hakumen refused to give an answer.
-Fast forward a long while, and you and Tsubaki both find yourselves in Torifune together to attend the academy. It had taken quite a bit of convincing to allow Hakumen to let you go (mostly because he knew the NOL's true nature), but he eventually gave in, on the condition that you'd "make the right decision when the time came." There were a lot of ways for that to be interpreted and he didn't seem to be in the mood to elaborate.
-As you go through your years there together with Tsubaki, you make memories, friends, and eventually the time comes to graduate and join the NOL. For the most part all seems to go well. That is until...Continuum Shift.
-Something changes inside Tsubaki, you heavily suspect it has something to do with Jin, and possible jealousy of Noel being his secretary.
-Of course, being as perceptive as your master/father had trained you to be, it's not long until you figure it out, and your worst fears come true. She had fallen under the Imperator's curse, and had become nothing more than a mindless slave to her will.
-You find yourself soon being swept up in Kagura Mutsuki and the Grimalkin's plans to overthrow the Imperator, though the main reason you join is to assist in saving Tsubaki from the Mind Eater curse.
-You join the operation inside the Eclipse Field with Makoto, Noel, and Jin. Once she'd materialized the Zero-Type Izayoi it was up to you and Jin to snap her out of it. Jin was to hold her off and weaken her a bit before tagging you in. You desperately held her off with all your might, trying to encourage her to resist the Mind Eater.
-Her breaking point is your reminding her of the promise you made as children. That'd you always be there for each other, no matter what. If you had to die for Tsubaki's sake, you'd gladly do so. The thought of you dying for her was the push Tsubaki needed. That's not what she wanted, she didn't want you to to be taken from her. At the very least, not without being able to tell you how she felt. Unfortunately for her, the Imperator had other plans.
-She stabbed you head on with the Immortal Breaker before passing out. Hakumen, or rather a vision of him appeared to Tsubaki as the curse broke, encouraging her to confront her true feelings.
-It was then she woke up and realized that thankfully you were unharmed. It was when your will was strongest, when you wanted to see Tsubaki safe and happy even more than you wanted to draw breath, that you finally had finally mastered Hakumen's teachings. The power of Order had manifested from your strength of will and protected you from the fatal blow.
-Tsubaki quickly breaks down into tears seeing you're alright, apologizing profusely for everything she's done. Makoto, Jin, and Noel thankfully have the tact to realize you two need some privacy.
-It's a long conversation of apologies, and reassurances between you two, and eventually you two realize you can't afford to hide from the truth anymore.
-Tsubaki's the first to confess. Ever since that fateful day you two had met, she'd felt some...special connection to you, even ignoring the fact that you were the son of her childhood hero. And you admit that you had fallen for her back. The tears of sadness and regret soon turn to ones of pure joy.
-That night you find yourself unable to sleep. Too many emotions were going rampant through your mind. Most were good, thankfully, yet some were of worry. There was still a lot to do. You wander through the city late at night, when out of nowhere a voice startles you out of your thoughts.
-Your father was behind you, arms crossed and back turned to you. Despite his closed off body language he congratulated you for what you'd done.
-It was then you realized what he'd meant those years ago. He wanted you to make the right choice, and save Tsubaki. To not leave her in her darkest hour, when she needed you most.
-An awkward pause permeates the air for a few moments. Hakumen seeming to try and come up with the words to say what was on his mind. He makes his way to leave, but not without saying something. A few short words that you never thought you'd actually hear from him in a million years.
-He was proud of you.
-And deep down he was, he really was. You were better than him when it mattered most. You stayed by Tsubaki's side and never gave up on her. Because of you, she'd live on.
-Hakumen of the legendary Six Heroes...no...Jin Kisaragi...
-He'd finally found peace.
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More Posts from Nkn0va
You were in the rwby Fandom? Poor soul. (Okay it started out fine and then downhill)
I was never quite in that fandom in the traditional sense. I watched the show without engaging in it until about halfway through V5 when it got too fucking unbearable to handle. Other than that I just watched KickVic go down and shipping wars mostly from the side. I only engage with those rabid beasts when talking about bbtag or when they attack me for saying Black Sun is better than Bumblee lmfao. It's fun to trigger them, I will admit even though it's true. Other than that after Monty died the series as a whole ended up like a daughter without a father figure and fucked themselves over with poor decision after poor decision. You really hate to see it.
Ok well maybe not that much but still
loved the western s/o fanfic for persona 4 thank you
Glad you did. Wasn't quite up to my own personal standards for what I usually do Blazblue asks but it's good to hear it satisfied you.
Tsubaki's S/O finds a way to free her from the Mind Eater curse, but do so by transferring the curse to themselves.
Ok god damn you're really going straight for the gut this time, aren't you? I could probably make a whole fic out this if I wasn't so lazy lmao. Hope this is satisfactory, this was fun to do.

-It had gone so well almost all the way through, exactly according to plan. Tsubaki had successfully awakened the Zero-Type Izayoi and you were doing your best to hold her off while she resisted the curse. She'd been showing signs of at least somewhat successful resistance. This was not the way the Imperator had expected things to go.
-The Major had gotten far too close to her liking to break the curse, it seemed somehow all but certain at this point. That was until a rather dastardly idea came to mind. Phantom had recently made some modifications to the spell...yes, this could work quite nicely. All she had to do was wait for the right moment.
-Tsubaki held her head in pain as she struggled against the spell, fighting back with all her might. Seeing your lover struggle, you tried to reach out to her physically. What you didn't know was that was exactly what the Imperator had been waiting for.
-As soon as your hand touched her shoulder, you felt a sudden, invasive, encroaching presence weigh on your mind. Tried as you might, you felt your consciousness slip, become chained down by some force that wasn't there before, as Tsubaki fell to the floor, exhausted and Noel and Makoto cried out your name in worry.
-It was as if you'd fallen into a deep sleep, or as if you were having an out-of-body experience as your conscious was practically thrown into the backseat as something else took over. You could still see from your point of view, yet your body and voice were acting on their own without your volition. Everyone else saw you slowly rise to your feet, your original eye color gone, replaced by the same crimson red that Tsubaki's eyes had turned to. Worse yet, Tager's Eclipse Field had now run out of power, now Observers could use Phenomenon Intervention to change the outcome of these events if they so chose.
-However, nothing happened. The Imperator watched simply watched with interest. She wanted to see how this turn of events play out, and how everyone would respond.
-Tsubaki soon awoke, coming back to reality as she took one look at you and realized what happened. No...no no no...!
-This wasn't what was supposed to happen. You weren't supposed to take the curse from her. This was looking really bad.
-However before she could really start to panic, she was snapped out of it by Jin's voice. Now wasn't the time to falter. They finally had her back, and now was the time to start redeeming herself.
-The words Tsubaki had died in her throat. she was about to question Jin if that was really possible, but she quickly realized he was right. That was for later, now they needed to focus more than ever, to save you from the same fate she was about to suffer.
-Thankully you had no sort of hidden weapon transformation they needed you to awaken, so they could skip straight to the important part. Tsubaki was immediately the one to volunteer. Noel and Jin were too tired to continue fighting, especially someone of your considerable strength, and Makoto didn't really quite have the same stakes. Sure, she was your friend just like the other two, but the progress of the Mind Eater curse had been carried over to you. Your mind had already been almost completely consumed. Tsubaki was now the only one who could save you at this point.
-Her will reclaimed and her resolve now stronger than ever, she immediately took the offensive. You knew how she fought too well for her to beat you normally, but she wasn't fighting normally anymore. Now with the Zero-Type Izayoi at her side, she was far stronger than before.
-Even still, you were never a pushover. The both of you push each other to your very limits, all the while Tsubaki keeps ecouraging you to fight back against the curse as well.
-The look in her eyes...the part of your consciousness that was still left couldn't stand to see it. You didn't want her to be hurt because of you. However the more you fought back, the more the Imperator's voice rang in your head, telling you it was useless to resist.
-Yet for however loud and overpowering her presence was in your mind, one thought refused to be extinguished; Tsubaki.
-Memories of her, of your time together flashed before your eyes. Feelings began welling to the surface as you thought of her face. Joy, admiration, the nerves that went off in your mind the day you told her of your true feelings, and so many more. All of them culminated into one thing.
-You could hear Tsubaki from the outside, reminding you of the promises you made to each other, the way she loved you like no one else did. She gave you strength, and that strength turned into defiance against the Imperator. No longer would you be another one of her NOL lapdogs. Now, you were going to fight for your beliefs, your future. Your future with the people you cared about. With a final scream of effort, your surroundings soon turned to black.
-Darkness. That was all you could see. You called out in a desperate attempt to hear even the slightest noise that wasn't your own voice. That sound, and sight, came in the form of Hakumen, or rather a version of him in your head made by your subconscious.
-Your will had been so strong, that it overpowered even the Imperator's, and now you had a choice. To wish for Tsubaki, to wish for your future with her even more than you wished to live. The strength she gave you was enough to return to the real world, the curse broken for good.
-You vision returns in a flash as you take a deep gasp for breath, you're back in the colosseum. Tsubaki, tears in her eyes, instantly brings you into the tightest hug of your life, almost suffocating you, but you're more than eager to return.
-She's sputtering put apologies profusely, both for everything she'd done while under the Mind Eater and for unknowingly passing it onto you. It's a long time of you having to reassure her that nothing was her fault, and that you still loved her with all your heart.
-It was a long road, but you both came out of the other side together, stronger than ever before. No longer would you let other people decide your lives for you. You'd forge your own path to the future you wanted, to the life you envisioned.
-And you would do it together.
How about Tsubaki wearing her taller boyfriends clothes?
Anon you are cooking with gas now. Absolutely sublime.

-Normally Tsubaki doesn't need to resort to such drastic measures, however she found herself caught in an awkward situation.
-She was sent out on a mission to investigate reports of Seithr corrupted beasts terrorizing people on the lowest levels of the cities of Ikraruga.
-They turned out to indeed be real. Thankfully for an actually trained soldier it wasn't too hard to deal with. She did take a couple good hits however, and due to protocol, her outfit needed to be turned in for seithr disinfection so nothing happens to her, so she needed to figure out something to wear in the meantime.
-It was while she was thinking that she got a text from you, asking how the mission went, and then a lightbulb seemed to go off in her head without her permission.
-Thankfully you weren't in your quarters, out doing some work of your own. She was able to get in and borrow an outfit. It was then she realized something.
-She wasn't quite prepared for the size. She's a tad bit on the short side, clocking in at 5'3, meaning you're a good bit taller than her. Wearing such comparatively baggy clothing is rather embarrassing but she didn't have much other choice.
-And besides, it's not like it was the worst thing. Your clothes felt so much comfier than hers. They felt just like it did whenever you held her in her arms, even smelling just like you. Just putting the outfit on brought a soft smile to her face.
-Despite this she was absolutely not going outside like this. She opted to stay in her office getting important paperwork done. At least like this she had a valid excuse to not come out and keep everyone out.
-At some point though, there's a knock on the door. she's about to tell them to not come in until she hears your voice on the other side, saying you need to talk to her. With a bit of a stutter, she hesitantly tells you to enter.
-You had noticed one of your outfits mysteriously missing, and you intended to talk to your girlfriend to ask if she happened to know anything about it. What you didn't expect was to realize who the culprit was the moment you opened the door.
-Seeing the confused, bewildered look on your face she explains the situation and why she... 'borrowed' some clothes from you, all the while sporting a bashful, embarrassed demeanor.
-Well, at least that explains why you were missing a set of clothes. You couldn't possibly be mad though, not when she was so precious right now.
-You teasingly ask her if she was comfortably in your clothes to which she lets out a surprised gasp and stutters out in embarrassment that she was.
-Maybe you should let her take your clothes more often.
Best girl's birthday
My dudes, today is March 14. It is the best waifu of all time's birthday, the lovely Tsubaki Yayoi. To commemorate this, I will be Tsubaki posting today, including both the requests for her. Not even God nor the copious amounts of snow outside today will be able to stop me.
Art is not mine, I have unfortunately not been able to find a source.

Jesus fucking Christ, chat, she's so perfect ❤️...