Tsubaki Yayoi - Tumblr Posts

BlazBlue + Tumblr text posts (2/?)

BlazBlue + Tumblr text posts, part 4
time to stop the (number/???) crap, I feel bad predenting I'll ever stop

BlazBlue + Tumblr text posts, part 6

BlazBlue + Tumblr text posts, part 9
belated happy birthday, BlazBlue
may you make sense one day

BlazBlue + Tumblr text posts, part 11
25 days remaining until Arakune can curse you instantly by entering Overdrive
(get hype)

BlazBlue + A Softer World
and now for something completely different
P.S. Chronophantasma Extend is amazing

BlazBlue + Tumblr text posts, part 12
I’m wondering what I’ll do with my life once I run out of these to make
if ever

BlazBlue + Tumblr text posts, part 14
back when I started this I briefly considered moving it to a separate blog but then I thought “haha there’s no way I could make enough of these to warrant that“
look at me now

BlazBlue + Tumblr text posts, part 15
“I have exams this month so there may be no more updates for the time being“
said no one ever

BlazBlue + Tumblr text posts, part 18
it’s been 3,000 years but it’s finally here

BlazBlue + Tumblr text posts, part 21
Centralfiction has ruined me.
brb crying forever

BlazBlue + Tumblr text posts, part 22
surely you didn’t think I was done with these

BlazBlue + Tumblr text posts, part 23
I can’t believe I can finally type “JUBEI CONFIRMED" unironically
I don’t know which I’m more hype for, him or Cross Tag Battle

Ok hear me out. Kokonoe and Tsubaki with a househusband s/o.
Anon who the FUCK gave you a cooking license? I'm taking it away.
You are now head chef, keep those banger asks incoming.
Step one to being best girl: Have hair a shade of red, pink included.
Step two: Be voiced by Julie Ann Taylor
Kokonoe A. Mercury

-Being one of Sector Seven's top scientists, Kokonoe brings in more than enough to support a household. Realistically, being in Sector Seven yourself, specifically as one of her field agents is the only way you could've gotten to know her well enough to make her of all people want to end up marrying you.
-Being her field agent for so long before marrying her, naturally you've...seen a lot of shit. You were more than happy to hang up the gear and take the role of househusband. You really had no reason not to.
-Half the time, being Kokonoe's husband is like taking care of a child to be completely honest. A hyper intelligent child whose hiding away an entire stockpile of nukes as Hakumen found out in CS, but a child nonetheless.
-Being involved with Kokonoe in any capacity, ESPECIALLY as her husband, requires a lot of patience. Even to her lover she's sassy, short tempered, and sarcastic, all the while being way too absorbed in her work and addicted to that damn silvervine candy.
-She eventually comes to depend on you entirely for her diet. The only way she's eating anything even remotely healthy is if you make it for her, otherwise she's living off silvervine, coffee, and chocolate.
-Most of the time if you wanna see Kokonoe and not just call her (which sometimes she doesn't even pick up), you're gonna have to head over to the lab yourself. If someone else is already there with her, she's gonna tell you to wait until they're gone. She's a bit embarrassed of being seen with her husband by anyone else.
-You're the only guest she ever actually looks forward to, not that she'd admit that out loud (though you already know anyway). Usually when you come visit it's to give her some actually decent food.
-She won't ever admit to it, but she really appreciates when you do it. A homecooked meal from her husband always lifts her mood, reminds her of the life she never got to have since it was taken from her by Terumi. It's one of the few things that actually makes her feel any emotion other than anger, irritation, or a sick satisfaction from watching one of her crazy ass plans come to fruition. You're just glad you can actually make her eat decently for once in her life.
-You'll also have to convince her yourself if you want her to come home for once and get some actual sleep in a proper bed. It'll take some effort but you'll get her to do so at least once a week.
-Sleeping in the same bed as you is the one time Kokonoe truly gets to relax. Once her brain finally winds down she melts into your embrace as she feels the inevitable pull of sleep, purring softly in your arms. Seeing her so unguarded like this is a unique privilege that only you have. God is it fucking precious.
-As much of a pain in the ass she is and how much she can test your patience, it's the moments like these that make it all worth it, when she finally shows her soft side to you and lets you know that she really does care about you. You wouldn't have it any other way.
Tsubaki Yayoi (my beloved 💗)

-Ending up as a househusband is pretty straightforward similar to Kokonoe. This is the heiress/soon to be head of one the families of the Duodecim, bagging this lovely heiress means you never have to work a day in your life again.
-Of course you still wanted to do at least something for such a perfect woman you had the impossible privilege of calling your wife, but she insisted you didn't need to. Eventually househusband was the thing you both agreed to. Maids and servants exist but having her husband fill the role felt much more natural. More cozy, made the house feel more like a home.
-The arrangement ends up being one you're both happy with. Tsubaki is able to continue her duties of an NOL soldier while knowing you're safe and far away from the danger taking care of the house.
-You'll occasionally drop by the base sometimes just to see her whenever you get bored. The other soldiers there eventually get used to your presence and leave you be. Hearing your knock on the door to Tsubaki's office is always the highlight of her day, she'll drop any work she's doing to spend some time with you in what would otherwise be a monotonous, boring shift, especially if you took the time to make her something to eat. It definitely beats the food offered on base.
-Of course it doesn't beat walking through the door of the house every day, having you welcome her home with a kiss. It's all blissfully domestic, like she's always wanted after living a life of such lavish luxury like she has.
-One duty of the house you both share is cooking duty. It's one of her favorite ways to spend time with you while bonding over good food. You two talk about your days, the new gossip in the Duodecim and the base, whatever tomfoolery Makoto's gotten into, overall just getting to wind down and talk about things not relating to work.
-Though speaking of Makoto, her and the rest of Tsubaki's friends on occasion sometimes are called over to have some off time together. As long as there's food prepared by you and her, the last thing anyone needs is there not being food and Noel trying to get into the kitchen.
-It's not long though before the conversation of kids inevitably comes up. Unlike Kokonoe who's probably not the biggest fan of the idea, Tsubaki's quite fond of it. She'd want at least two, she wouldn't want to have an only child that grows up without a sibling like she did. As far as she's concerned, no kid should ever have to be lonely like that, even if they'd have two parents present.
-It probably happens eventually. However many kids you two end up having, she's perfectly happy. Despite growing up richer than almost all their peers, Tsubaki will ensure her kids are raised to have dignity and compassion to the people around them. They're in a safe, loving environment where they can truly learn about the world around them and learn to appreciate it for what it is.
-Now she has even more to come home to every day, with her precious little bundles of joy. It reminds her of why she does what she does why she fights to uphold justice. So that families like hers never have to suffer pain, and can live in a world free of injustice and suffering.
-You. Her children. Her family. It is why she fights, the family she would put her life on the line to protect. Her entire world. Her past, present, and future.
Best girl's birthday
My dudes, today is March 14. It is the best waifu of all time's birthday, the lovely Tsubaki Yayoi. To commemorate this, I will be Tsubaki posting today, including both the requests for her. Not even God nor the copious amounts of snow outside today will be able to stop me.
Art is not mine, I have unfortunately not been able to find a source.

Jesus fucking Christ, chat, she's so perfect ❤️...
I hope this isn't too complicated but I was thinking you could do the childhood friends to lovers trope with Tsubaki and a reader that is the adopted son of Hakumen and his apprentice.
Holy shit anon, this idea is super cool. I'm totally down for this. Hakumen's CS story made me fall in love with their dynamic.
Though not nearly as much as I'm hopelessly in love with her, why the fuck can't she be real...?
(LONG ass post incoming, I had way too much fun with this.)

-For the sake of this ask, canon will have to be changed around a bit. Hakumen never went into the Boundary, he was able to force Terumi into it without having to do a hail mary. Also, Tsubaki sees Jin as only an older brother, as is confirmed by in-game dialogue.
-For all the curses and inconveniences of having to wear the Susano'o Unit to be able to fight, there were it's upsides, such as being pretty much immortal, or at the very least a drastically increased lifespan, likely longer than mages.
-One day, by pure chance, Hakumen ended up finding a small child while wandering through a barren, quiet part of the city of Naobi.
-At first, his instinct was to pay this child no mind. But, getting a good look at you, something...seemed to awaken. Or rather, re-awaken. The humanity he thought he'd thrown away a long time ago when he put on the armor. What little of Jin Kisaragi remained after all this time.
-Hakumen was cold, yes, but he wasn't cruel. No kid deserved to be condemned to survive on their own out in the lower levels of a Hierarchical city where seithr poisoning was a possibility if one wasn't careful.
-...Perhaps he could give this boy at something of a life, a childhood that he never got to have, that was taken from him by that damn bastard Terumi.
-It wasn't long before the Duodecim caught wind of the leader of the Six Heroes adopting a child. The Yayoi family had taken a particular interest in such news, inviting the two of you over to their manor.
-There weren't kids your age you could see there. Hakumen had told you that you didn't need to stay, and to feel free to wander the manor at your own leisure as long as you stayed on the property. That was how you eventually found yourself in the garden outdoors.
-It was when you wandered out that for the first time, you'd found someone your age. A redheaded girl dressed in traditional clothing.
-She seemed to freak out, in a good way, when you told her that you were taken in by Hakumen. She was apparently a huge fan. The two of you became fast friends, being the only kids in the manor and the girl, who called herself Tsubaki, seeming ecstatic at just finally finding someone her age, not having any siblings or cousins.
-When the time came to leave you told Hakumen about your new friend. It was hard to really tell what he was thinking most of the time, mostly due to the fact that he had that mask always covering his face, but he seemed almost...nostalgic, longing. He didn't really do much, saying it was good you'd managed to make a friend and left it at that.
-He did make it a point for you to see Tsubaki as often as you could from then on, though. Whenever the Yayoi family was going anywhere, he'd make sure to follow mostly so you could see her, and accepting their invitations to the manor, which was quite a surprise considering none of the other families could say the same. When questioned on this, Hakumen refused to give an answer.
-Fast forward a long while, and you and Tsubaki both find yourselves in Torifune together to attend the academy. It had taken quite a bit of convincing to allow Hakumen to let you go (mostly because he knew the NOL's true nature), but he eventually gave in, on the condition that you'd "make the right decision when the time came." There were a lot of ways for that to be interpreted and he didn't seem to be in the mood to elaborate.
-As you go through your years there together with Tsubaki, you make memories, friends, and eventually the time comes to graduate and join the NOL. For the most part all seems to go well. That is until...Continuum Shift.
-Something changes inside Tsubaki, you heavily suspect it has something to do with Jin, and possible jealousy of Noel being his secretary.
-Of course, being as perceptive as your master/father had trained you to be, it's not long until you figure it out, and your worst fears come true. She had fallen under the Imperator's curse, and had become nothing more than a mindless slave to her will.
-You find yourself soon being swept up in Kagura Mutsuki and the Grimalkin's plans to overthrow the Imperator, though the main reason you join is to assist in saving Tsubaki from the Mind Eater curse.
-You join the operation inside the Eclipse Field with Makoto, Noel, and Jin. Once she'd materialized the Zero-Type Izayoi it was up to you and Jin to snap her out of it. Jin was to hold her off and weaken her a bit before tagging you in. You desperately held her off with all your might, trying to encourage her to resist the Mind Eater.
-Her breaking point is your reminding her of the promise you made as children. That'd you always be there for each other, no matter what. If you had to die for Tsubaki's sake, you'd gladly do so. The thought of you dying for her was the push Tsubaki needed. That's not what she wanted, she didn't want you to to be taken from her. At the very least, not without being able to tell you how she felt. Unfortunately for her, the Imperator had other plans.
-She stabbed you head on with the Immortal Breaker before passing out. Hakumen, or rather a vision of him appeared to Tsubaki as the curse broke, encouraging her to confront her true feelings.
-It was then she woke up and realized that thankfully you were unharmed. It was when your will was strongest, when you wanted to see Tsubaki safe and happy even more than you wanted to draw breath, that you finally had finally mastered Hakumen's teachings. The power of Order had manifested from your strength of will and protected you from the fatal blow.
-Tsubaki quickly breaks down into tears seeing you're alright, apologizing profusely for everything she's done. Makoto, Jin, and Noel thankfully have the tact to realize you two need some privacy.
-It's a long conversation of apologies, and reassurances between you two, and eventually you two realize you can't afford to hide from the truth anymore.
-Tsubaki's the first to confess. Ever since that fateful day you two had met, she'd felt some...special connection to you, even ignoring the fact that you were the son of her childhood hero. And you admit that you had fallen for her back. The tears of sadness and regret soon turn to ones of pure joy.
-That night you find yourself unable to sleep. Too many emotions were going rampant through your mind. Most were good, thankfully, yet some were of worry. There was still a lot to do. You wander through the city late at night, when out of nowhere a voice startles you out of your thoughts.
-Your father was behind you, arms crossed and back turned to you. Despite his closed off body language he congratulated you for what you'd done.
-It was then you realized what he'd meant those years ago. He wanted you to make the right choice, and save Tsubaki. To not leave her in her darkest hour, when she needed you most.
-An awkward pause permeates the air for a few moments. Hakumen seeming to try and come up with the words to say what was on his mind. He makes his way to leave, but not without saying something. A few short words that you never thought you'd actually hear from him in a million years.
-He was proud of you.
-And deep down he was, he really was. You were better than him when it mattered most. You stayed by Tsubaki's side and never gave up on her. Because of you, she'd live on.
-Hakumen of the legendary Six Heroes...no...Jin Kisaragi...
-He'd finally found peace.
This just came to me, but how about Tsubaki sparring with her S/O, and said S/O giving her a kiss on the lips to distract her?
Hell yeah I can do that. Let's keep the Tsubaki train, goin', baby!

-This probably happens during your days at the military academy together. You have a combat aptitude test coming up and Tsubaki asks you to be her sparring partner. Being her S/O you knew exactly how she fought and how to point out her weaknesses best.
-You were of course more than willing to accept and help her out. She'd definitely do the same for you and you really didn't wanna fail the upcoming exam. You'd definitely be hearing from both her and your parents if/when they found out.
-The two of you went into the training area of the academy city, grabbing practice weapons of your choice. Thankfully no Ars Magus needed to be used during the exam, lucky for you considering how good she is at it.
-Her stance and technique is practiced and efficient, clearly having more experience in fighting than you. you put up a good fight yourself but you're quickly put on the backfoot.
-Your wooden weapons clash, Tsubaki was being surprisingly unrelenting even in a spar. She was intentionally pushing you to your limits just as much as you were trying to do to her.
-You're close enough to see the fire in her eyes, her unwavering determination. You need to come up with something quickly to trip her up, otherwise this isn't going to end for a while.
-Suddenly, a little voice seems to speak in the back of your head and you get a wicked idea.
-Without warning you lean over your interlocked weapons and give her a peck on the lips. Instantly she stutters, her face going red and her strength starting to falter. That's enough to give you the advantage you need, pushing her blade away and sweeping her legs out from under her, thus winning the spar.
-Once Tsubaki regains her composure she stands up and starts reprimanding you. That was not a move you could pull during the exam, let alone actual combat, it was an underhanded move for you to do, and a bunch more excuses.
-You don't really care though. Unnoticed to her you just stand there with a smug smirk on your face like the conniving little shit you are, admiring how cute she is when she's mad, thinking something along the lines of that Goofy meme: "I'll fuckin' do it again."
-It was so worth it.
How about Tsubaki wearing her taller boyfriends clothes?
Anon you are cooking with gas now. Absolutely sublime.

-Normally Tsubaki doesn't need to resort to such drastic measures, however she found herself caught in an awkward situation.
-She was sent out on a mission to investigate reports of Seithr corrupted beasts terrorizing people on the lowest levels of the cities of Ikraruga.
-They turned out to indeed be real. Thankfully for an actually trained soldier it wasn't too hard to deal with. She did take a couple good hits however, and due to protocol, her outfit needed to be turned in for seithr disinfection so nothing happens to her, so she needed to figure out something to wear in the meantime.
-It was while she was thinking that she got a text from you, asking how the mission went, and then a lightbulb seemed to go off in her head without her permission.
-Thankfully you weren't in your quarters, out doing some work of your own. She was able to get in and borrow an outfit. It was then she realized something.
-She wasn't quite prepared for the size. She's a tad bit on the short side, clocking in at 5'3, meaning you're a good bit taller than her. Wearing such comparatively baggy clothing is rather embarrassing but she didn't have much other choice.
-And besides, it's not like it was the worst thing. Your clothes felt so much comfier than hers. They felt just like it did whenever you held her in her arms, even smelling just like you. Just putting the outfit on brought a soft smile to her face.
-Despite this she was absolutely not going outside like this. She opted to stay in her office getting important paperwork done. At least like this she had a valid excuse to not come out and keep everyone out.
-At some point though, there's a knock on the door. she's about to tell them to not come in until she hears your voice on the other side, saying you need to talk to her. With a bit of a stutter, she hesitantly tells you to enter.
-You had noticed one of your outfits mysteriously missing, and you intended to talk to your girlfriend to ask if she happened to know anything about it. What you didn't expect was to realize who the culprit was the moment you opened the door.
-Seeing the confused, bewildered look on your face she explains the situation and why she... 'borrowed' some clothes from you, all the while sporting a bashful, embarrassed demeanor.
-Well, at least that explains why you were missing a set of clothes. You couldn't possibly be mad though, not when she was so precious right now.
-You teasingly ask her if she was comfortably in your clothes to which she lets out a surprised gasp and stutters out in embarrassment that she was.
-Maybe you should let her take your clothes more often.
Ok, guys but like...
Tsubaki in NOL uniform? Thoughts?

(Gotta love when sources aren't fucking available. Credit to whoever the original artist is.)