Viking Ships Open | Asks Open | Request Open | 27| She/Her
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My Problem Is Finding Inspiration To Write Anything... It Would Be Amazing To Write 20,000 Words.
My problem is finding inspiration to write anything... it would be amazing to write 20,000 words.

If anyone is offering lessons on how to write a fic less than 20,000 words, I’d like to sign up please. Thx.......
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More Posts from No-confidence-to-write
Honestly, I think he died too soon. We were robbed of possible of Blaeja x Sigurd content. At least we have fanfiction.
Sigurd Snake in the Eye
This edit is supposed to underline Sigurd's soft side as a musician and a lover. It's a birthday gift for my lovely @lisinfleur

(All copyrights of the used material are credited to the owner. I mean in no way to profit by it.)
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@alicedopey @ceridwenofwales @writingfromasgard @inforapound @ariellostatci @whenimaunicorn @peaceisadirtyword @malenkaya-glosoli @vain-winter-folk @rabeccablake @medievalfangirl @funmadnessandbadassvikings @that-was-not-supposed-to-happen @edythofhastings @lol-haha-joke @isthat-tyra98 @flowers-in-your-hayr @lisinfleur @readsalot73 @tephi101 @gearhead66 @artemiseamoon @msmorganforever @myname-ishuman @lordsexmachine @flokidottirsstuff @sconniebelle @geekandbooknerd @saldelys @moonlightsspirit @the-shieldmaiden-sword @mdlady @maggiescarborough @nukyster-blog @charming-merlin @chibisgotovalhalla @pomegranates-and-blood
Viking Characters Thoughts: 01 Margrethe
Does anyone else feel bad for Margrethe in Vikings? She is a sex slave when first introduced with no autonomy. I always thought she was a slave from a young age and the name Margrethe does not seem typically Norse. It comes from the name “Margaret” which is a common Christian name.
Honestly, I wished her story was taken in a different route. With Ubbe, I wished they never married. I would still have Ubbe free her but without marriage involved. I could see her in another relationship with a freedman until he is killed in the Ragnarsons’ war. Then she likely dies in the same way by sharing Ivar’s inability to have children.
Does anyone else have a different ending in mind for Viking characters?

We needed a scene like this for every season Harald was on Vikings.

A Friday night “treat” for @naaladareia 😉
hii do u take request? if you do i must tell you more about it
Yes, I take requests.
#100 Dialogue Prompts to Make a Reader Swoon... (Okay maybe not all of them)
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