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Vikings talk: King Harald & Halfdan
In my feels about King Harald as I talk to @naaladareia about him.
Go back to 4.4 with his conversation with Aslaug at the throne. Listen to it. He wasn’t this complete desperate fool/ monster Hirst transformed him into. (If anything he was patient and willing to do all that for one damn women, when he could have any ) When Aslaug asks him “why didn’t you just take her?” Pay attention to his face, his emotions, his response.
I hate what Hirst did to him. I’ll never accept the thirsty for Bjorns seconds Harald. That’s not my King Harald. Hirst even has him act like a jealous girlfriend when Halfdan goes to sea with Bjorn.
I feel like Halfdan was always very clear about wanting adventure and to see the world. Since they are so close, Harald would have always known this. I imagine them talking about it together over the years. They would have supported eachother while following their own dreams. Period.
Yes, Harald was desperate for love but damn. Hirst didn’t have to make his character as ugly as he did. Plus he could have easily met and fell in love with any women who had zero affiliation to Bjorn. I mean, come on Hirst. (No we are not going to mention the Astrid situation because 👀👀)
You’re telling me this handsome cheerful king couldn’t get a woman? Look how he lit up rooms when he walked in (early seasons). Talk about Leo energy, look at his entrances. So unrealistic he was alone and waiting for Bjorn to throw out his trash so he could take it.
In a perfect scenario, Halfdan went off to see the world and travel, living his best life. By time he returned, his brother (now King) was happily married with pups. The brothers reunite and Harald can’t wait to hear all Halfdan has seen and discovered. That’s what happened. I’m sticking to it.
Don’t worry, many of us gave you a better story and a life you deserved. One with your brother alive because A, you would have never killed him, and B, Halfdan deserved better. Period. Fic writers fixed that too.

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My problem is finding inspiration to write anything... it would be amazing to write 20,000 words.

If anyone is offering lessons on how to write a fic less than 20,000 words, I’d like to sign up please. Thx.......
Yandere Nametag: Sigurd
S: stalker: would they stalk you?.
- Yes, absolutely. Please don’t think of it as stalking! He’s only looking out for you to make sure no harm comes to you. He’s not sort of creep or peeping tom. Please understand Sigurd only knows your daily schedule to make sure his brothers never crosses paths with you.
I: ideals: what kind of future do they have in mind with their darling?'
- living in a secluded cabin away from civilization and any dangers.
G: gullible: how easy is it to convince them about something?.
- Somewhat easy. I mean if you want something you’ll get it, as long as its not freedom.
U: unique: would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
- He doesn’t like killing people and will only use it as an absolute last resort (unless it’s Ivar). So he would let your friends and family live.
R: regret: would they ever feel guilty about kidnapping their darling?.
- Of course he hates seeing you upset, but kidnapping recusing you from a dangerous world is really for your own good. It’s necessary to keep you out of harm’s way
D: darling: aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darlings will?.
- It may be against your will, but he needs too keep you isolated and safe. Please understand it’s a cold, dangerous, cruel world that would only harm you.

Yandere Name Tag: Harald Finehair
. H: Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
- Being forced to have child after child with him. All you can see is his face when you look at your children. Harald teaching them to be just like him-never taking no for an answer. Or the constantly being watched by your husband, his guards, and the people of your capital. Who knew being queen would feel so powerless.
A: Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
- He’s constantly their watching you, touching you, praising you, it’s suffocating. Gifts, sweet words, kisses, physical touch, it’s a needy rough battle. The only time you’ll get a break is when he’s off in battle, but not before he’s put a child in you to ensure your not leaving.
R: Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
- No not at all. The ends justified the means. He has his beautiful, loving wife and queen and plenty of heirs. Even if he could hear you soft cries in the first few months after he took from your previous meaningless life. Afterall, what can compare to be queen of all Norway?
- Letting you go, never! He’d go to the ends of the Earth for you. Why would ever need to go? You have everything you need, everything you want, don’t you? except freedom

L: Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
- It starts with longing stares from across the great hall before laying compliments on your beauty and grace. Within a few days he’ll ask you to marry him. If you say no, he’ll ask what he has to do to make you marry him. From this point on, you’ll constantly feel someone eye’s on you. He knows your daily schedule, you likes and dislike, and who might get in the way of your relationship. When it gets to be too much, he’ll have to take you back to his kingdom to make it clear the lengths he’ll go to prove his love for you.
-If your a Christian or thrall, anyone but a Norse women, he’ll straight up kidnap you. Drying your tears, he’ll make sure no one hurts you. He’ll teach you their language, customs, and religion. You’ll have the finest of food and clothing. If anyone disrespects you or tries to take you from him, well let’s just say they’ll end up six feet under.
D: Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
- He needs heirs to continue his legacy. Don’t you want to have precious children with him? They’ll have the best combination of you and him. He’s not taking no for an answer. He assures you that you’ll be the best mother!
Everybody loves a short king*

Okay, I haven't watched Vikings... but please, tell me about Harald Finehair? :3 ❤️
Oh, Harald. Harald, my love. I'll try to keep this short because I could go on for ages about him (and Halfdan) and Vikings in general. Spoilers ahead for Vikings.
So, Harald Finehair rolls up early in season 4 ready to help raid Paris looking like a full meal (see gif below —look at that smirk, he knows he's hot shit). He's outspoken, he's charming, he's a leader, he's got a lot of charisma, he's ambitious. And he has BIG ambitions. Harald wants to make himself King of all Norway, why you may ask? For love (in my humble opinion, he's kind of a hopeless romantic who wears his heart on his sleeve and that makes it really easy for women to make a fool of him). When he was younger, Harald fell in love with a princess, Ellisif, who rejected him for not being 'important' enough. What better way is there to become important than unifying the petty kingdoms of Norway under one crown? The ambition to become king and prove himself to gain his princess's affections is a primary motivator for his character, driving many of his actions. Emotion over reason also gets the better of him a few times. It also yields one of my favorite scenes, which is a conversation between him and Queen Aslaug, who is Ragnar Lothbrok's wife and is very telling about the kind of man he is (@ Hirst, drop your location, I just wanna talk about season 6, because y u do that).
Aslaug: Why didn't you just take her? Harald: That's a good question, Queen Aslaug, but, uh, I don't know. I liked her spirit. I decided I had to be worthy of her.

Harald's also a very skilled warrior (you don't get to call yourself a king back in the day with having to survive and win a few battles), even as he gets more silver in his whiskers, his battle prowess never diminishes. Sigh, what a man. He often has his brother, Halfdan the Black (♥), around during battles. Their combined skills and general joy/enthusiasm before and during the heat of battle is why I (and a lot of others) call them the murder bros. Just look at them, both thrilled to kick some Saxon ass. Look at my boys, off to destroy people, I love you both. Another point I enjoy about Harald is he knows when's beat, and can admit it —as well as admitting when others are better strategists (e.g., Ragnar and then Ivar). He’s somehow both humble and arrogant.

If you know something about history, then you might know Harald Finehair was the first King of Norway, and the show embraces this piece of history, though it is a pyrrhic victory for Harald in many senses. He's lost so much along the path to finally wear the crown and title of King of all Norway and realizes maybe, in the end, it wasn't worth it. Harald makes it known that he regrets killing Halfdan (often), that he mourns his wife (which is a whole other topic. And maybe I'm in the minority, but even given the questionable circumstances of their marriage, I liked Harald and Astrid together, it shows that for the most part, he'd be a good husband in a better situation), mourns his unborn child (even though it's implied to not be his). Harald's story in the show makes me immensely sad that they did not include Ragnhild the Mighty, or at least allow him to be in a truly happy marriage.

But alas, Harald was Viking. He lived as Viking and died as a Viking, and he surely feasts in Valhalla with Halfdan now. And thus, I will leave you to ponder the wonder of King Harald Finehair with my favorite quote from him in the show:
Harald: I will not bargain for my life. For a Viking that would be demeaning. To us, death is bliss, and I rush to bleed.