Viking Ships Open | Asks Open | Request Open | 27| She/Her

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Ship Please? Im A 50 Female With Black Hair And Brown Eyes And Super Pale Skin. Im Pan!! And A Lil Chubby.

Ship please? I’m a 5’0 female with black hair and brown eyes and super pale skin. Im pan!! And a lil chubby. I love music, I’ve been in a show choir all of my life in school. Im a amateur photographer and I love to travel and try new things! I really love to cook and bake. I am a firm believer that you should treat others the way you wanna be treated! I try to be as kind and nice to peoples as I can. And I love animals I actually want to study zoology in college! Thanks!! Love your blog hun ❤️

Of course, you may have a ship! I can definitely see you with Ivar, Hvitserk, or even Halfdan.  

Ivar would admire your kindness and your interests would appeal to him. He would love your body. He would definitely tease you about being short and he would love marking up your body with love bites.


 Hvitserk would be like a best friend. He would constantly cheer you on with anything you pursue. He would love to try anything you would bake or cook. He is a big fan of your curves and also there to have a good time with you.


Halfdan is surprised originally when he discovers his attraction to you. He usually goes for shieldmaiden or just a hookup, but you were different.  He wants someone to travel the world with and sees that in you. 

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More Posts from No-confidence-to-write

Viking Ship

Ok x well my name is Nonie im normal height ish(5,5), I've got blonde hair, green eyes, long eyelashes, big eyebrows and chubby/curvy. Im very honest(sometimes comes across as mean) and very straight forward, sarcastic, forgiving, caring, sexual, opinionated, spontaneous, and kind.

Well, I can definitely see with Hvitserk. He definitely loves blondes and curvy girls. He enjoys your honesty and even if it does come across as mean he never takes it personally. He loves to party with you and always enjoys your company.  In quieter moments he feels that he can trust sharing his doubts and problems with due to your kind and caring nature.  It also helps that you’re sexual and spontaneous (so your sex life together is never dull).

Viking Ship


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Could I have a ship please love? I'm plus size, 5'5, pale, died blonde hair, brown eyes, British and I wear glasses too. I have anxiety and can be shy at times but when you get to know me I'm loud and bubbly. I spend a lot of time at work (I work with kids) and love naps.❤️

Of course!  I could see you with Hvitserk or Ubbe. They would both get you out of your shell but in different ways. Ubbe would take his time in getting to know you, but Hvitserk would try and make you laugh and have a good time. I feel they would love your body (especially Hvitserk) and, if you had no problem with it, would want to share you.  


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Yandere Vikings: Harald Finehair


- Harald is a romantic at heart and wants a fairytale ending. Once he spots you he can’t get you out of his head.  Every moment he gets to spend with you, he becomes more obsessed with having you all to himself.  He is convinced that every time you smile or laugh that it is for him.

- He does over the top romantic gesture to try to win your attention. Flowers, jewelry, dresses, the gifts are all in your favorite colors but he loves to see you in red.

- He is constantly trying to push away any competition by any means necessary.  If that means killing some men that get in the way he has no problem with that. -

- He makes sure that you never discover all the men that he has killed for you.   However, there are times when a man gets to close to you and has to make a point.

-If he sees you pulling away, he will go the ultimate step and kidnap you making sure to seal your love forever in marriage.

- Of course, he will try and be as patient as possible for your answer. Letting you have a separate room and all the privacy you want.  To ensure you don’t escape he provides shieldmaidens to ‘protect you’.

“Can’t you see my queen? I can’t live without you!”

“You are mine and mine alone. It would break my heart to see you with another”

“We belong together my Queen. I will always make you happy.”

“Tell me how much you love me. How can I show you how much I adore you?”

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Why does this remind me of that one seen in Beauty and the Beast?

Why Does This Remind Me Of That One Seen In Beauty And The Beast?

David asking Dwayne and Paul how they get all the girls, and Dwayne’s response,

“Say hello, talk to them, try to be nice?”

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