Viking Ship - Tumblr Posts

Viking ship: I’m 5 feet tall. I hate when I’m called cute or anything like that because of my height. I have dark brown hair that goes past my shoulders and green eyes. I tend to be shy when I meet new people but when I get to know them I show my true colors. Also I love to draw and I’m fascinated by history.

I can imagine you in a relationship with Ivar.  He would enjoy messing with you and calling you “cute” (I can relate I’m 5′1 and people think I look much younger than I am). He would enjoy your study of history and would want to know new strategies from historical battles.  He would also like that you’re a bit shy so he can keep you all to himself.


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I would like to request a ship please for the vikings! I am a 5'4 female with long light brown curly hair and an hourglass body and olive skin. I am usulau a very curious(especially bout new culture and people), reserved, non judgemental type of person and everyon e comes to me when they need advice, support, protection or a shoulder to lean on. I am also very stubborn person and like to debate a lot and i dont hold back on telling the truth. THANK YOU 🙏💕

I immediately thought of shipping you with Bjorn. He would love your curiosity and could come to you for advice. I also feel that you would suit Ivar. He would love your curiosity, your non-judgemental personality, and someone to support him in tough times.


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Hello, I would love to participate in your viking shipping. I am 5’3”, pale, dark brown hair, and curvy. I am 25 years old. I am an enfp. I am caring, resilient, and always up for an adventure. Super nerdy, film or book I probably know information on it. I’d love to know who you’d ship me with. Have a great night and enjoy your weekend!!

I could see you with a variety of people. Halfdan would love your adventurous nature. Bjorn would admire your resilience and Ivar needs someone caring in his life. Your ENFP personality would suit all of them. They would all admire your passions in films and books. I also think they would enjoy a short girl to tease.


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Could I have a ship please love? I'm plus size, 5'5, pale, died blonde hair, brown eyes, British and I wear glasses too. I have anxiety and can be shy at times but when you get to know me I'm loud and bubbly. I spend a lot of time at work (I work with kids) and love naps.❤️

Of course!  I could see you with Hvitserk or Ubbe. They would both get you out of your shell but in different ways. Ubbe would take his time in getting to know you, but Hvitserk would try and make you laugh and have a good time. I feel they would love your body (especially Hvitserk) and, if you had no problem with it, would want to share you.  


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Ship please? I’m a 5’0 female with black hair and brown eyes and super pale skin. Im pan!! And a lil chubby. I love music, I’ve been in a show choir all of my life in school. Im a amateur photographer and I love to travel and try new things! I really love to cook and bake. I am a firm believer that you should treat others the way you wanna be treated! I try to be as kind and nice to peoples as I can. And I love animals I actually want to study zoology in college! Thanks!! Love your blog hun ❤️

Of course, you may have a ship! I can definitely see you with Ivar, Hvitserk, or even Halfdan.  

Ivar would admire your kindness and your interests would appeal to him. He would love your body. He would definitely tease you about being short and he would love marking up your body with love bites.


 Hvitserk would be like a best friend. He would constantly cheer you on with anything you pursue. He would love to try anything you would bake or cook. He is a big fan of your curves and also there to have a good time with you.


Halfdan is surprised originally when he discovers his attraction to you. He usually goes for shieldmaiden or just a hookup, but you were different.  He wants someone to travel the world with and sees that in you. 


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Can I please get a Viking ship? I’m 5’2 and i have grey eyes and really curly dark brown hair. I’m pretty witty and smart though I do purposely play it down and pretend to not be as smart as I am. I’m also cunning and ambitious and protective of the ones I love. I’m pretty playful and teasing and will have no problem yelling at someone because I am VERY stubborn. Also I have freckles


First, I could see your Ivar.  He would see through your act and be eager to engage you at an intellectual level. However, you two might bumps heads because he is also stubborn. So, if you didn’t want to pursue a romantic relationship, I could see you guys being great friends.


Bjorn would be attracted to your intelligence as well. He would like your playful and teasing nature as well as your protectiveness. He would love to tease you and likes it even more when tease back. 

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hii could i have a ship pls? im 20 years old, 5'8 with dark red hair and blue eyes. im currently travelling around norway on my own. i like making art and reading. sometimes i can be very awkward around people, but i make friends easily. i look very tough but im really nice. ive been told that i give off a calm energy.


- Sigurd would be attracted to your artistic side in addition to your kindness.  He would appreciate your creativity and your calm personality.


- Hvitserk wouldn’t mind your awkwardness. In fact, he would find it kind of cute. He would want you to get out of your shell and discover the person behind your tough exterior. 


- I could see with Ivar due to your calm personality. He needs someone to calm him down before he makes a rage-based decision. He knows what it is like for people to perceive him in a different way. He would be attracted to your kindness as well as your ability to make friends.  

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Hi 🖐🏻, a Viking Ship please? I'm 5'2, redhead (long and curly), pale skin, blue-gray eyes, a bit curvy. Also guilty of having resting bitch face. I'm reserved at first, I don't trust easy but once I like you or feel comfortable I'm funny, super talkative and a bit loud. Love teasing, dark sense of humor, sarcastic, sassy, opinionated, nerd, private, VERY curious, a Slytherin, love reading, emotionally intense (but usually I don't show it), adventurous and independent.


- Bjorn would be intrigued by your reserved nature and would want to discover your personality that lay underneath.

- You would complement his own inquisitive nature and he would want you to accompany him on his adventures.


- Ivar would be equally intrigued by your reserved nature.  He would enjoy your dark humor as well as your curious nature. However, I could see your independent nature and emotional intensity clashes at times. So, it might be better to remain friends.


- Hvitserk would be attracted your more outgoing nature. He likes that you’re independent, sassy, and funny.  He wouldn’t mind if you wanted more time to yourself. He would love to tease you and would fantasize about your curves.

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Hi! I was hoping to get a ship for vikings?Im a Taurus, An INTP w/ reddish brown hair, i have 2 piercings &2 tattoos, im 5'9,&wear glasses. Hazel eyes &i love to show off my tallness.I love reading, traveling, video games, history,the unexpected, animals,&music. Loyalty is very important to me &i tend to wear my heart on my sleeve. Training for phlebotomy but in my heart ill always be an artist. Open minded, down to earth, stubborn, knowledgeable, &a secret romantic.Cant wait for your reply! :)

Sorry, it took so long for me to reply. I’m on vacation with my family. I could see you with Harald and Halfdan.

 They both want someone loyal in their lives. Your looks also attract them to you. They like your confidence.


- Halfdan wants someone who wants to see the world with him. He likes that you’re open-minded and down-to-earth.


- Harald likes your confidence and loyalty is very important to him. He would bring out your romantic side and spoil you with books, exotic pets, and art supply.

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HI!ship please? My names Serena! I’m hella short with black curly hair and brown eyes. And, sadly I’m a lil chubby lol. I love taking photos and traveling. I love making my friends laugh and have fun! Im the mom friend When I go to college i want to study zoology and wildlife biology! I like being nice to people and I hate rude entitled people . I’m pansexual so I don’t really have a preference for male for female that’s up to you my mans!! I love your blog hon ❤️

Of course, you can get a ship! For males, I could see you with Ivar or Hvitserk. For females, I could see you with Torvi.


- Hvitserks likes that you’re short and thick. He definitely likes them thicker. I think he needs a ‘mom’ influence in his life sometimes. He would love that you make people laugh as well as you’re adventurous side. He feels that you are someone to rely on.


- Ivar definitely likes short girls as well as thick girls.  He needs a ‘mom’ influence in his life as well as someone that can make him laugh.  He needs someone with kindness to them so they can break through his shell. Your intolerance to rudeness would help to curb his words (or at least be sickeningly sweet to you)

- He wouldn’t have a problem shutting up anyone who would say a bad word about you. 


- She also needs someone sweet in her life as well as someone who would stick by her side for the long run. 

- She would probably feel the need to protect to you as you are one the good parts in her life.

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Hey you!May I request a Vikings ship? I'm 5"2. I have brown wavy hair and green eyes. At first I'm kinda shy but when I'm comfortable around people I get loud and hyped. I thinks there's nothing better than enjoying the little things in live and appreciating every day. I guess I'm a strong person. I absolutely love animals. If I could I would have like ten different dogs. Family and friends are also top priority for me. Also I'm a firm believer of living a plant based and eco friendly lifestyle.


- Hvitserk would love your personality and would get you out of your shell. 

- He likes to tease you about your height and thinks your gorgeous.


- Ubbe admires your dedication to your family and friends.

- He’s also a dog person. he treats his dogs like his children.

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Could I please have a male Vikings ship? Im a girl, have long wavy brown hair, brown eyes and quite dark&defined eyebrows, full lips. Im a little pale and on the curvier Side. Love the scent of vanilla. Very protective of my family and love animals. I crack a lot jokes and even tho Im very reserved around new ppl, im pretty fun. Hard time forgiving people. Try to be as kind as I can to everyone I meet. X❤️

- Sorry, it’s so short! I’m in the middle of my fall semester. please tell me if you want it longer.


- He loves your looks and your humor.


- He definitely wants a family with you. He likes your kindness and humor.


- You’re one of the people in his life that genuinely kind to him. He wants to keep you all to himself. He’s into your curves and pale skin.

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Could I have please a male Vikings ship from you? Im a girl, short dark hair, Blue-Green eyes wich changes their color a little depends on my mood, full lips. I‘m short 5,6 and on the curvier Side. Love the scent of a crackling fire, and i love animals, loving my close friends and family as well, love to visiting other cities, love watching Sunsets/Sunrises. I’m outgoing, but a little reserved around new ppl. So forgiving people, is something I can’t handle well, and being a little stubborn.

Hey! Sorry, it took so long! 


-Bjorn likes your outgoing personality. It helps to balance out his seriousness.

- You’re both stubborn, so you guys might be better as friends.

- He admires your dedication to your family and friends. 


- He loves your curves.  

- He’s the first to cave into your needs (I can’t see Hvitserk being stubborn).

- Likes it when you get out of your shell. He’s your go-to for a good time.

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If you are still doing Vikings match ups, could I have one? I am a straight, 5'3, petite female with long dark blonde hair and green-brownish eyes. I like inside as well as outside activities like cooking, swimming, various forms of crafting and hiking. I'm 100% mom friend and am rather interested and skilled in medical treatment. I'm usually polite and kind, but can get quite stubborn and fiery if I have to be. I'm a "True Neutral". Thank you :)


- He is the trademark ‘Dad friend”. If you were just friends people would often assume you two are together. 

- He likes it when you get firey and stubborn. 


- You’re kind enough to handle Ivar’s moods, but stubborn enough not to let him not to take advantage of your kindness.

- You can expect a lot of jealousy from him. He’s definitely afraid that someone else will take you from him.

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Hey! Can I please have a male Viking ship? I'm a 5'1 curvy girl, with brown/blue short hair, with a dragon tattoo on my back. I'm INFJ, Hufflepuff, I love to swim, gardening, drawing and dancing. I can pull a conversation with almost any person. I'm a little touch starved. Summer>winter, the sun powers me up. I love shoving homemade food to people I like, and I tend to speak to much when excited about something. I love horror movies, and I don't give a sh*t about what people think about me.


- #Couple Goals 

- You both bounce off each other well.

- He loves it when you cook. When he tries to cook is goes up in flames.

- He likes that you don’t care what other people think about you. Your confidence is a definite turn on.

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This is for he vikings ship thingy. I'm 5,3 and am rather petite I have big brown eyes and really short curly hair I'm on the paler side and have freckles. I'm very awkward and shy and love cute things. I have a saviour complex so I'm always concerned for people and want to save everyone . I'm friendly and respectful with people I don't know but when I'm with friends I curse like a sailor. I don't like being the center of attention. I love to cuddle and read and I like making flower crowns.


- Aslaug wants to be taken care of, but also wants to take care of others. She is a strong woman, so I can see her with a more gentle significant other.


- Sigurd just wants someone to love and pay attention to him. I can see you two living a quiet life together.

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Hey idk if you still doing ships but- I’m 5”2 brown hair and kinda chubby☺️ I’m quite reserved but once u get to know me I’m loud asf! I’m sarcastic and try tell as many jokes as I can😂 I’m a low-key nerd. I hardly open up to people unless I trust them, but once I do I have there back.

I feel that you would be good friends with Hvitserk if not a couple. He would like your sarcastic and joking nature. I feel that he would like short and chubby girls.


 With Halfdan, it would be your sarcastic remarks and your nerd interests that pique his interest. He is also of a reserved nature, so you would probably have to initiate things.


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ooh, can i request a vikings matchup? i'm a 5'0 girl w long ash blonde hair, petite hourglass figure, fair skin & dark green eyes. i have a resting bitchface. i'm very organised, unpredictable & caring. i’m always honest and loyal, to my friends. i like pranking & messing with my friends. i am openly interested in music, politics, books, psychology & horror. i dance, draw & work out. i love exploring. my mbti is INTJ. have a nice day ✨


Sorry for taking so long to relpy!!!


-You would both pull pranks on each other. Probably an easy-going and fun relationship. He always up for a good time with you.

- You two don’t share many interests but make the most of your differences. You’ll definitely tear up the dance floor together.


- You two connect through shared interests. He definitely likes that you’re easy to manhandle and pick up. 

- He’s no much of a dancer but makes up for being an enthusiastic viewer.

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Can I get a Viking ship? I am 5’7” with black hair. I am a Gemini so have my serious side and my nice and gentle side. I am a writer and focus on my work a lot. I like history and writing. I also love to be in nature and water


- You respect each other as artists and tend to be low key people.  You support each other through rough times and good times.

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Hi! Could I please have a Vikings ship (male) I’m 5’2 with longish brown wavy hair, green eyes, dimples and freckles. My favourite school subjects are astronomy and art and anything else doesn’t get my attention. I am pretty shy at first but when I’m comfortable around someone I’m a bit crazy. I am an Aries so I am adventurous, loyal, kind and stubborn. I have been told I have a strange laugh and that i say weird things at weird times. I’m also teaching myself how to play the guitar and piano.


I see you with Sigurd! He would love your enthusiasm for musical instruments. He doesn’t mind that you’re stubborn and admires your kind nature. 


The other person I see you with is Ivar. He shares your interests and admires your loyalty. He refuses to share you with Sigurd. So, get ready to diffuse some tense situations. Once he gets his braces, get ready for tons of ‘short jokes’ and nicknames.

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