noactofcharitygoesunresented - Disney Fairies music and stuff
Disney Fairies music and stuff

Jenny šŸ–¤ fan of a lot of things This is my main blog, primarily about Disney Fairies. My side blogs include: @the-bafflement-of-scotland-yard -- musical blog @transcriptions-of-unknown-music -- arrangements and audio transcriptions by me @ask-the-storm-fairies -- Rumble and Glimmer ask/rp blog @mydisneycollection -- literally my personal Disney collection @alastheswarmleaderhasescaped -- BIONICLE blog @ahsoka-its-all-of-us -- Star Wars blog

562 posts

So I Recently Discovered This Opera (go To 3:47), And All I Can Think Of Is This:

So I recently discovered this opera (go to 3:47), and all I can think of is this:


Like can you imagine Roā€™s face when her sproutlings suddenly start singing and dancing and everything

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Hi, sorry to break in; I actually have the scores of almost all of the movies as MP3ā€²s (and have studied them extensively), so if you do want to listen to them let me know, I can help you!

Different anon, wasn't last question about "score" as in the music? Or am I understanding it wrong?

OH! Maybe I understood it wrong. I just thought they meant ā€œscoreā€ as in the competitive sense, like which ones are 10/10 and which are crap.

If they meant the musical composition, thatā€™ll probably be a different answer, but I also have never sat and listened to the whole scores of any of the films so my answer to THAT is ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ

@ranibell You Inspired Me.

@ranibellā€‹ you inspired me.

I hope this fits, it has been ages since I last watched that show. I guess Musa could have been Sil, too, but I couldnā€™t really see Fawn as Flora.

It is SUCH a good thing I never got into Winx like I did with Disney Fairies...

One time, way back when I was a kid, sometime in the 2000s, I got a trading card packet from somewhere and got a holographic Flora card and I still think about her to this day.

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@disneyfairiesfanclub:Ā #YES DISNEY FAIRIES MUSIC!Ā #ive recently tried playing a little tune by earĀ #im not a professional musician at all so it's very amateurĀ #might post it here later

Yes, please do, I love it when people engage in the wonder that is Disney Fairies music!

Also I actually am a professional musician, so if youā€™d like feedback or help at some point Iā€™ll gladly offer it.

Now that Iā€™ve finally decided to become an active Tumblr user, let me start by sharing an old arrangement of a part of the TinkerBell soundtrack I made for brass band. Iā€™m curious if the other fairies like it!

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