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⚠️⚠️This is super important and I would really appreciate it if you reblogged this:⚠️⚠️
Firstly, someone has been threatening to sexually assault and kill Niki. Recently, a lot of idols have been physically threatened (eg: Bangchan at the China fan meet) There has been a sudden increase in idols being threatened by toxic fans.

Secondly, the members have been working super hard, to the point where Niki has almost fainted and Jake started to cry in pain, mid-performance. I understand that it's their job, but no one should work to the point where they hurt themselves.
[let me in, flicker, fever, criminal love, bite me, chaconne, fate (maybe just a dance break), tamed dashed, go big or go home, blockbuster, drunk dazed, mixed up, pass the mic]
Normally in kpop concerts, they dance the full choreo to a select few songs, and for the rest--- a dance break if there's one and a last chorus for songs that hype up the crowd. Please spread this.
⚠️Not a texting post but pls read⚠️

I'm sorry for tagging but this is important: @imagine-a-life-like-this @banggyu0308 @boydepartment @i520u @luvistqrzzz

°°°°°°°°°°Special place°°°°°°°°°°°
Pairing: non.idol!Jake × afab!reader
Genre: fluff
Warnings: none
Authors note: sorry for not writing anything for soooo long, I'll try my best to be more active. According to vote results here's the fic with Jake. Enjoy ~
* chat *
Jake: so...
Y/n: ?
Jake: what about a date?
Y/n: when?
Jake: eh.. next Sunday, only if you're ok with it
Y/n: yeah, but where are we going to go?
Jake: well, first we'll go for a walk, then I'll take you somewhere special
Y/n: where?
Jake: secret
Y/n: ok, so Next Sunday, 17:30 at our place?
Jake: sounds perfect
*Time skip because the writer doesn't know what happened *
It was that Sunday when he was supposed to take her for a walk and then to that special place. They were meeting at their usual place. The fact that they have already developed "their" place made her heart (go bum chiki bum) race like a roller coaster. She was worried about the new place she didn't even know a word about, while he was nervous to take her there. Well it's somewhere he'd only visit all by himself, whenever he needed comfort.
He was standing there looking at his shoes thinking about topics to discuss with her when he heard footsteps and looked up. It was her. It was her wearing that simple yet flattering black coat, that pointed out her sharp features, her perfect nose, her plump lips which were definitely rubbed by cherry lip balm several times, oh how he wanted to kiss them, make sure they're marked as his, her eye bags that pointed out her Ocean blue eyes in which he could drown for hours, her dark eyeliner which was supposed to make her appearance darker but for him, she still was that cute girl he could fall for over and over again, not regretting a single time. And she smiled. Oh that smile. It never failed to make him go crazy, want to hug her closer to his heart, squeeze her to let her know about the love he held for her, kiss her face, cause she was so perfect. Her imperfections made her so so perfect, her impurities made her so so pure and lovable. How could he show her the love he held in his human sized heart.
- Hey- she said, trying to catch her breath. Well öbviously. She was rushing to meet him. Woke up hours earlier than usual, did pilates and workout, ate breakfast, got dressed, did her simple yet breathtaking makeup. Yes, that's what he made her do.
- hey- he said smiling. Just smiling. Oh how his heart was aching cause he couldn't kiss her lips or even hug her. - let's go-
Their walks were still nervous. He wanted to hold her hand and she wanted him to hold her hand. But they didn't know about that. They'd comfort each other, talk about shit that happened to their kid selves and laugh realising their trauma causes. Maybe that's how they show their love. But that's definitely not only how they wanted to show love.
- where are we going?- she asked confused when he turned the other way
- special place- he said smiling. Now sure that she's the one he will take there.- I'm sure you'll like it
- love the confidence- she commented as both shared laugh
- heyy, is it your house?- she stopped and questioned when they were about to enter a building
- no dummy, I don't live in garage
They climbed up the stairs and reached a tiny door. The kind of door that usually takes either to dwarf world either to rooftop. Obviously it was NOT dwart world.
-oh- she sighed when she saw the view. Nothing special, just a rooftop. But the sunrset that they could see. Just the two of them sitting on the rooftop watching the sunset
You guys are sitting on the rooftop, watching the sunset. He suddenly looks at you. So you turn to look at him back. He smiles and you smile back in your awkward smile and ask him if there's something wrong. But he just laughs and shakes his head. He leans closer, your lips almost touching. Your breath hitches when he looks at your cherry red lips and says " can I " . You gulp and nod. He leans closer making one last eye contact before connecting your lips together. The kiss was smooth and passionate he put his palm on your cheek while yours was on his muscular chest. After he pulls off and looks at you adoringly and whispers on your lips " you're gorgeous"

Pairing: bf!enha!hyungline x afab!reader
Warnings: mentions of kissing, mention of break up, suggestive(kinda), cringy pick up lines, tell me if they're more


