21 LESBIAN//CREATIVE//LOVER//AUDHD//HUMANOn the eternal quest of a full and momentary existence <3 I love my butch wife@nadisalementriche (insta)Commissions open!
673 posts
11:11 As I Type Live Oak Is One Of My Favorite Pockets Of The City And Getting To Walk Pups (or On My
11:11 as I type 🍂💫 Live Oak is one of my favorite pockets of the city— and getting to walk pups (or on my lonesome) among the tangling trees and bright waters is always a delight!
It seems, as I type, that we have finally brought in the rest of autumn this week— and days of 70° highs like this are slimming out of the forecast for a few months :3 it makes it extra special when i get to slip away to the lake ^_^
Cannot wait for the holidays!!
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I feel like I see the genius in everyone. All of my loved ones are so so so brilliant.

Me and my art from this Spring

Trying to do a intuitive soul decluttering where my phone is on focus always, only use social media to see loved ones, and cooking everything from scratch