novadreamer648 - Welcome, Traveler...
Welcome, Traveler...

I post my art in no specific order; I just post whatever comes to my mind. That's why you might see art from 2018/2019 in 2020, and so on!

305 posts

Sweetie There Is A Sequel To Drawn To Life!! (if Im Correct There's Also A Third Installment On The Wii

Sweetie there is a sequel to drawn to life!! (if im correct there's also a third installment on the wii I think which was really hated).

I wont spoil you the ending of the second game but its quite something!

The only game that I've played was The Next Chapter, and I loved it! (Really wish there was a post-game, though...) I think that's what I meant when I said I wanted a sequel; I wanted a sequel for The Next Chapter. I never played the Wii version or the original, though.

I've heard that they developed a game for the Switch (Two Realms); I might check it out in the future!

Thank you for sending that ask; it made my day!

More Posts from Novadreamer648

1 year ago


The 11th emoji in your history is now your cutie mark đŸ‘ïž

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1 year ago
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Pocket Monsters | Pokemon - All Media Types, Pocket Monsters: X & Y | Pokemon X & Y Versions Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Calme | Calem & Serena, Calme | Calem & Platane-hakase | Professor Augustine Sycamore Characters: Calme | Calem, Serena (Pokemon), Satoshi | Ash Ketchum, Citron | Clemont, Eureka | Bonnie, Platane-hakase | Professor Augustine Sycamore Additional Tags: Test Fanfic, hospital mention Series: Part 1 of Pokémon Alternate Summary:

Calem, a quiet and frail teenager, leaves the hospital to embark on his journey.

The thirteen-year-old boy slowly opened his eyes. All he saw, was a blank ceiling, with a single light. He looked around, and realized that he was in a hospital.

He tried to remember why he was here, and how long he was here. From the looks of it, he must have been here for a while. The boy then heard the door creak open and turned around to see an old-looking doctor. The doctor said, “You have fully recovered. You’ll officially be released. All I need is proper paperwork from your parent or guardian.”

After the necessary paperwork was done, the boy was finally able to leave the hospital. A few days after leaving, he finally decided to start his journey. He was sent off to Professor Sycamore’s office, where he would start his journey.

”This world of ours is widely inhabited by creatures known as PokĂ©mon! These mysterious creatures can be found in every corner of our world...some run across the plains, others fly through the skies, and others yet swim in deep oceans...We live together with these PokĂ©mon, lending our strength to one another to live and prosper.” Professor Sycamore told the boy as he motioned towards the starters. There was only one PokĂ©Ball left.

”Tell me, what’s your name?” the professor asked the boy, before he could take the starter.

”It’s...C...Calem...” the boy stuttered, trying to straighten up.

”Alright, Calem, you can now choose your PokĂ©mon,” Professor Sycamore told Calem.

Calem then took the only starter that was left, Chespin.

He then received his Pokédex and PokéBalls, and was now ready to start his journey.

*a few weeks later*

Coumarine City Gym

Leader: Ramos

Calem read the stone plate, fingering its engraved words.

He then thought to himself, Since Kirlia’s on my team, I might be able to win this...

When Calem was about to walk inside, a familiar girl and her friends walked out. Whirling around, he saw a girl with blonde hair, talking to a teenage boy with spiky black hair. Another teenage boy, with light blond hair, and his sister, also happily participated in their conversation. They all walked away together, without a care in the world.

”S...Serena...?” Calem whispered as he started to follow them. “WAIT!”

It was only then, he got the group’s attention.

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1 year ago

please read this if you don’t support the fucking genocide

there are palestinian kids who should be in school, getting ready for a new semester. they should be procrastinating their homework, texting their friends. they should get to go home when they feel unsafe or upset.

instead, the school year was suspended on november 6th. over 200 schools have been bombed. more than 7,870 children have been killed. kids do not have a safe place. anywhere. their homes are being destroyed and their schools are being destroyed and the places they used to hang out at and eat at and shop at and pray at and mourn at and live at are actively being destroyed

people of palestine, of all ages, should be living their lives. they should be having normal experiences. they should be going to the movies or redecorating their rooms or celebrating birthdays or scrolling their phones for no reason. but they’re not. they’re not allowed to have the comfort of mindless human joy without constant threat and fear and bloodshed, and it is the fault of israel, the united states, and other fucked corrupt governments.

there have been close to 20,000 palestinian deaths, almost 2.2 million people displaced, and an estimated half of those people face starvation.

we need to fucking do something. the fact that the US still refuses to support a ceasefire is disgusting and evil. the claim that all anti-israeli statements are based in antisemitism is hurting both the people of palestine and jewish people worldwide.

here’s some things you can do:

-donate if you can or ask someone you know to donate

-sign a petition to demand a ceasefire

-fill out a form to email your representative. then do it again. then do it again. then do it again.

-boycott and avoid all companies on this list that you can (especially now that the holidays are rolling around: buy from independent stores, non-big name brands)

-spam text your friends and family with this post and these links

-reblog to spread awareness, interact with other posts that give instructions for direct action, follow palestinian voices

-instead of feeling guilt or denying yourself personal happiness, do all you can to make a difference. it doesn’t matter if you don’t have money to donate or if you’re a minor. you can always contact representatives or sign petitions


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