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Looking Forward To Destroying Everyone ( Mostly Myself )

Looking Forward To Destroying Everyone ( Mostly Myself )

looking  forward  to  destroying  everyone  ( mostly myself )

  • deathrazed-moved
    deathrazed-moved liked this · 3 years ago

More Posts from Nvctmgone

3 years ago

anyway on a lighter note: one of jordan’s go-to karaoke songs is christina aguilera’s “fighter”

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3 years ago
 Recoverys A Bit Of A Fallacy Because Theres Not Really An End Date Where You Get To Say, Oh, Im A Hundred
 Recoverys A Bit Of A Fallacy Because Theres Not Really An End Date Where You Get To Say, Oh, Im A Hundred

❛   recovery’s a bit of a   fallacy   because there’s not really an end date where you get to say,  oh,  I’m a hundred percent better now.  you just have to take things one day at a time and eventually it’s just part of the routine.  but right now?  I’m fantastic.  I have my career and a really amazing support system. I’m one of the lucky ones.   ❜

and there’s something about his earnestness that really makes you believe it.

independent original character.  managed by  allison.  promo by @louvrecommissions.

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3 years ago

jordan really loves it when she reaches that level of establishment in the industry where she doesn’t have to work all the time and can choose projects as they fit into her balancing raising a family, and her favorites are ones where she plays/cameos as herself and gets to specifically make fun of herself in those roles (think james van der beek in don’t trust the b).

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3 years ago

i’ve  been  watching  mila  tequila  videos  while  working  on  this  meta  ( of  which  is  going  to  be  longer  than  my  actual  bio  good  god )  and  1.  highly  recommend  them  if  you  like  video  essays  about  pop  culture  in  the  aughts;  2.  she  uses  the  drama  effect  sound  in  one  of  them  and  now  i’m  watching  a  tiktok  compilation  and  thinking  about  jordan  and  nick  making  a  bunch  of  these  in  college

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3 years ago

it’s  graveyard  hours  but  allow  me  to  very  quickly  plug  my  interest  tracker  and  my  meme  tag  and  also  my  meme  call

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