officially-other - Frog, but a dragon
Frog, but a dragon

He/him, a brand new dragonkin (spiritual reasoning) main blog @tadpoles-and-daydreams, I scream about witchcraft and tarot over there. asks and DM's always open!

124 posts

Btw You Guys I'm Still Not Over The Way The Fucking Stars Had To Align For My Blog Title To Be The Joke

Btw you guys I'm still not over the way the fucking stars had to align for my blog title to be the joke that it is, and I for one think that I am a comedic genius. /j

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More Posts from Officially-other

9 months ago

Dragons be like “I know a place” and then take you here

Dragons Be Like I Know A Place And Then Take You Here

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9 months ago

happy pride month! the dragons are gay

9 months ago

I was just in the middle of something and remembered, hours after waking up, that my dream last night was of being a dragon. Specifically it's one of those dreams that I'm not sure was just a dream. There were others of a wide variety, but one felt... Like they weren't exactly the same type, but like they were... Idk, the same but opposite? Different? Idk like they were similar somehow.

The whole thing was just. Flying. At one point I kinda nudged one of the others mid-air and I think stuck my tongue out or made some dumb face at them. I didn't get a single loOH MY GOD I JUST REALIZED THAT'S THE FIRST DREAM I'VE HAD IN FIRST PERSON IN AGES WHAT

Sorry hold up okay this post is unorganized but I don't care; I've had one other dream in first person, and that was the first dream I had where I was just One Of The BoisTM and the whole theme of that dream was that I was with a group of guys and at one point someone made some teenage boy flavored dick joke about me and no one corrected him, because they just. Forgot I wasn't cis. (I don't even want to be cis, the whole point is that I am a trans man and that's a man, but the sentiment was there in the dream lol.)

That's the only first person dream I've ever had, and now this one... Is about being a dragon with other dragons and not being an 'other' in that group, not being the dragon stuck as a human, just being one of them. Huh. Well that's fun and I'm intrigued!

Anyway what I was trying to say- before I had that whole realization that I'm keeping written in the post as is because it's funny- was that since this dream was first person POV, I didn't get any ideas as to what I looked like. Lately the details have been a bit fuzzy since I realized that I probably had two forms rather than one- one for air/land, one for water. (Cue Loki stage-whispering "shapeshifterrrr" as he has taken to doing, which is a whole separate post that will be much less messy lol.) But I'm certainly not complaining that I didn't get any new details, I could feel the... Vastness of it. Of me.

It was weird but cool as fuck, so... Dragon dreams, apparently!

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9 months ago

I started typing in the tags but then realized: Actually I think my kintype did influence my gender a little bit. Whenever I'm talking to someone who understands trans topics in a more nuanced sense than most people in my area, I tell them that in theory I would use he/him with a teensy little bit of they/them mixed in, but hearing "they" makes me dysphoric in practice because it's what people do to misgender me without misgendering me. But it's not because I'm only "mostly" a guy. I'm full guy! Just fully a man. I just... have something a little extra that I don't think is there for most men? I remember wording it in a couple different ways, with the wording I ultimately chose to stick with being "The glass is full, full guy, there's just a little extra on the top that's only hanging on due to surface tension and most guys don't have that so idk what the fuck that is."

Ultimately, I think what I was picking up on... was dragon. Most men aren't dragons.

Bigender and polygender friends, consider this question to be asking if one of your genders has a relationship with your 'type!

Polykin, consider all of your 'types when answering!

I've been curious about this!! I know for me my gender identity impacts my inhumanity, so I was wondering what the relationship between gender and alterhumanity might look like across the community :3 if you feel like sharing your answer in depth for any of the options please feel free to reblog :}

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9 months ago
Was Very Tired Today During Work And I Sort Of Started To Shift Whilst Working, But Had To Keep Going.

Was very tired today during work and I sort of started to shift whilst working, but had to keep going. So the funny idea of a large tired dragon working at a GameStop came to mind and I had to draw it.