Dragonkin - Tumblr Posts
YES I was talking to my mom today about how therian/otherkin Tumblr is just... Such a safe place for me. And how I'm able to talk about a part of myself I didn't understand for so long, and how no one here thinks I'm delusional for it they just GET IT. Witchy Tumblr and otherkin Tumblr have been so helpful because I can just casually talk about being a dragon spiritually and how that effects me and even!!! Make stupid little jokes about it!!!
Idk Im so used to the attitude most people take when I make gay or witchy jokes of "not everything has to be gay/witchy" like I'm only allowed to interact with that aspect of my identity in a Serious MannerTM that it's so nice to be able to be a dumbass here. I can just meme about how I'm an aquatic dragon who's always dehydrated XD
therian Tumblr
thank you for giving me a place to truly be me, i love you all so much and will happily give each of you loving bites
YESSS no seriously I'm not usually outwardly protective often but I feel like the part of me that is protective comes from the draconic parts of me. The part of me that is angry at my friends parents because how DARE they be treated that way, the part of me that can and will get snippy of someone touches my things or invades my space, the part of me that fawns over even the smallest creatures and says "I would fight someone" for them only mostly as a joke. I was a protector of the ocean, and now I am a protector of what is mine.
I love being a dragon that protects people. The way I feel my dragonkin side the closer I am, my patients at the hospital, the child I shared my food with, the friends I hold dear to my heart. The serpent curls around its brood—and a dragon can hold its heart as the protector within the entire world.
Y'know sometimes I listen to music while I'm writing, and then sometimes I decide to duel wield my special interests and watch submarine expedition videos while I'm writing. It makes the ocean dragon in me happy, it teaches me things, AND I get to listen to the marine biologists get really excited about everything they're seeing.
Seriously I love these videos they bring so much joy.
My first attempt at writing that's vaguely like poetry: from a dragon
I am not what you think.
I walk around, awkward limbs and flighty mannerisms, and you think I’m strange. You have no idea how strange you would think I am if you only saw what was underneath.
Underneath, I am a creature of the ocean. Something that could never pass as human, and no longer wants to. Saltwater rushes through my veins in secret, silent to everyone but me. To me, it’s a roaring sound of the waves that I have never seen except for within my soul. It yearns to dissolve into the ocean like it could long ago, but for now those days are over and I am hidden underneath skin and muscle.
Underneath, there are wings; fins; antlers. They ache to tear from my back, through my skull. Nonetheless, they stay hidden for me, safe in the silence. Protected like I protected my kin in a lifetime so close to the surface and yet unreachable. Wrapped in a form that no longer coils around them like a serpent, but keeps them hidden from predators well enough I suppose.
I suppose.
I accept my form reluctantly and do what I can to make it mine. I shape it to feel better when I discover my gender, and when I can’t shape it to fit my true self I cover it in things that feel a little more like home. A little more draconic. A little more like the ocean that I never have seen, but feel homesick for anyway.
I do find joy in being in this body, at least. Out there, there are others. Angels working minimum wage, dragons sitting on a park bench, wolves buying groceries. We hide, but we do so to be free. We walk through crowds, and no one notices our scales and fur and feathers. But we do. We see each other, even if from miles away, and we see what’s underneath.
And underneath, none of us are what you think.
(Tags for side commentary/context)
I was just in the middle of something and remembered, hours after waking up, that my dream last night was of being a dragon. Specifically it's one of those dreams that I'm not sure was just a dream. There were others of a wide variety, but one felt... Like they weren't exactly the same type, but like they were... Idk, the same but opposite? Different? Idk like they were similar somehow.
The whole thing was just. Flying. At one point I kinda nudged one of the others mid-air and I think stuck my tongue out or made some dumb face at them. I didn't get a single loOH MY GOD I JUST REALIZED THAT'S THE FIRST DREAM I'VE HAD IN FIRST PERSON IN AGES WHAT
Sorry hold up okay this post is unorganized but I don't care; I've had one other dream in first person, and that was the first dream I had where I was just One Of The BoisTM and the whole theme of that dream was that I was with a group of guys and at one point someone made some teenage boy flavored dick joke about me and no one corrected him, because they just. Forgot I wasn't cis. (I don't even want to be cis, the whole point is that I am a trans man and that's a man, but the sentiment was there in the dream lol.)
That's the only first person dream I've ever had, and now this one... Is about being a dragon with other dragons and not being an 'other' in that group, not being the dragon stuck as a human, just being one of them. Huh. Well that's fun and I'm intrigued!
Anyway what I was trying to say- before I had that whole realization that I'm keeping written in the post as is because it's funny- was that since this dream was first person POV, I didn't get any ideas as to what I looked like. Lately the details have been a bit fuzzy since I realized that I probably had two forms rather than one- one for air/land, one for water. (Cue Loki stage-whispering "shapeshifterrrr" as he has taken to doing, which is a whole separate post that will be much less messy lol.) But I'm certainly not complaining that I didn't get any new details, I could feel the... Vastness of it. Of me.
It was weird but cool as fuck, so... Dragon dreams, apparently!
Okay wait, I know I don't have a lot of outreach on otherkin Tumblr but I am really curious SO.
To the fellow dragonkin, or anyone whose kintype results in collecting/hoarding things, or really anyone who wants to answer:
What are your hoards? I just love hearing what everyone hoards, especially since my own vary from unique-ish (noncorpeal hoards my beloved) to literally the stereotype (crystals are just gemstones in a different flavor.)
I'll put mine first; Plushies, weird little facts, crystals, and fidgets. My altar is also a hoard, just a hoard I share with my deities <3
Edit: DICE. I FORGOT DICE. I HOARD SO MANY DICE. (At least as many as my budget allows. Genuinely considering getting a pound of dice someday though.)
hi!! I wanted to ask about your work with dragons! if you're comfortable, could you sort of explain how you view them in context of your spirituality/how you work with them? like are they similar to historic dragons of folklore or are they something else? seeing dragons as spiritual beings is an entirely new thing to me (I'm a pagan, but I don't consider myself a witch) and I'd really love to hear more about it!!! :3
This is a cool question, ty anon! Apologies, this is a pretty long and rambly; I really like talking about dragons, hence the whole entire blog for it :D Feel free to send in another ask if something here isn't clear or I misinterpreted your questions^^
My belief in dragons, if I'm honest, is very UPG/personal experience. Something that, in my experience, anyone who's worked with dragons extensively* will probably tell you "Yeah it's a lot of just working with whatever you learn on your own, no one's beliefs will look the same. It's not something you can really research online or in books much." *I am not nor do I claim to be one of these people. I still feel new to dragon work, although I will acknowledge that if we're counting any time spent with them as "work" I've been doing that for years lol.
All that out of the way; I view them primarily as astral entities. Divinity in a sense, I suppose, although I feel- and I think they feel- like it's laughable to call them "above me." But that's more about my experience of divinity as an ally rather than an authority figure- I don't view any deity as above me, just bigger and different. (Sort of like a human to a small animal of sorts. We're not above them in my opinion, we're not better, but our experience of the world is fundamentally different and we can see things/understand things that they can't.)
WHOOPS philosophy aside; I view them as astral/nonphysical entities, and while the historical mythology is a huge part of my reason for believing in them* it only has so much sway in my practice. I have ADHD that makes research difficult, so most of it is just... what I've felt, seen, and done. I do believe the dragons I work with are the reason for historical mythology, but since they're idividuals, it wouldn't be all that much help anyway. Looking at the whole of America wouldn't tell you shit about me, as a weird comparison. *seeing as just about every culture has a "dragon" of sorts but we can't trace their origin point because they all came up with it independently.
Right now my work with them looks pretty similar to my deity work. I don't do spells or any such thing often, so it's mostly just chatting and enjoying each others presence. I ask for help when I need it, or for insight, but to be honest mostly right now my work with dragons looks like my familiar popping in like "Hey, you should value ur inner child and playfulness should have a place in your spirituality" and popping back out. Mostly I think they're leaving me to settle into my identity as a dragonkin (just in case you're from my main: my soul is that of a dragon/I have past lives as a dragon, it's a whole Thing) before forming a relationship with me. Something about figuring out what being a dragon means to me and what that looks like before seeing what it means to them so I don't assume that my identity has to look like theirs.
Would you want to use Dranonic pronouns as neos?
I fully respect neopronouns, and think they're cool as hell- but I could never use them myself. Not because there's some underlying dislike of them, but primarily because... idk man that's just so much work. I can barely get the guts up to correct someone when they don't use he/him for me, and those are pronouns that are already normalized.
But, of course, that's not the only reason- otherwise I would recognize it as a thing I wanted to do but couldn't. But as is I just don't feel like any I've seen would fit right, and frankly all the dragon-y ones I've seen just don't flow right in a sentence in my brain. Like if I had to use neopronouns I'd want them to be pretty and flowy sounding. Ultimately I do think that there are ways I'd like to express being draconic more, but I don't think pronouns are quite where it fits.
Loki: god of foreshadowing
Bold can be skipped if you know me from my main since you likely already know this: My mom and I are both witches. We work with Loki, amongst other deities, and most of our deities prefer what I call "direct communication." AKA we get thoughts that aren't our own, words, images, that sort of thing, and we know it's them. This is important context.
So, Loki has been emphasizing a theme of shapeshifting in my + my mother's life lately. Like, we'll be talking about something, and whenever they can one of us will get this quiet "shapeshiftiiiiiiiing" stage whisper in our heads. Sometimes we'll both pick it up, but usually it's whoever it's relevant to most at the moment.
The thing about this is... uh... we figured out why.
Long story short, turns out my mom is otherkin too. She's a polymorph, but specifically a gryphon. (Not sure if she's more of a gryphon who shapeshifts, or a polymorph who's got a few favorite forms and one of them is a gryphon. I keep forgetting to clarify.)
But wait, there's more! /ref I don't have a single draconic form. In fact, whereas I thought I had one and then maybe two (one for land and one for the ocean) I... probably basically had a bunch of traits to pick and choose from as I so pleased. Mix and match. Also, mimicry. Like a cuddlefish or octopus. The reason that I have (privately, I haven't posted about it) been struggling to figure out what my draconic form looked like is because... well, there's no one answer. It looked like whatever the fuck I wanted it to look like.
So yeah. UPG, Loki is now the god of foreshadowing to me.
"A dragon and a griphon walk into a kitchen and start making tacos while chatting with Hermes."
This sounds like a "walk into a bar" joke but this is just my household at 1:30 AM.
me @ the one dragonkin Neuvilette oneshot I have brewing in the background of my brain
posting niche fic on ao3 is like releasing a small creature into the wild and hoping it survives and finds sustenance
So, did a very short meditation and sort of 'took inventory' of phantom shifts bc I was like "why does the top of my head feel weird" and the answer was "you have antlers dipshit."
I have come to a couple conclusions:
1. Why is my tail so skinny, what the fuck
2. Oh so it wasn't just my imagination that I get fins along the sides of my arms, that's fully a thing now??? Okay cool ig
3. WHO WAS GONNA TELL ME CLAWS FEEL THIS WEIRD???? I don't think I usually had limbs as an amphithere so claws aren't a usual thing, and holy shit how does anyone use their hands like this wtf. How am I gonna do tarot readings like this. (/Mostly joking)

A small dragon in a potion bottle
What if the eldritch cosmic space horror beyond mortal comprehension was just some guy
Intro post 2.0
Hello! My name is Frog. Ironically, I am not frogkin.

If you're coming from my main blog:
Welcome to my strange little closet I yell from every once in a while! This blog may seem very different, but I assure you it's the same dude who runs @tadpoles-and-daydreams. My main blog is where you see and hear, at the time of typing, a very watered down version of my identity and practice as a witch. That blog gets the posts that the witchcraft community as a whole can understand and wouldn't side-eye me for, because it's associated with me as a tarot reader. I prefer being much more professional over there. This blog, however, is where I don't filter myself in the slightest and where things get very "cringe." If pop culture practices that fall under the multiverse theory, Alterhumanity, plurality, and such bother you- this blog isn't for you, hence why it's separate! I'm happy to answer questions about what these are if you have no idea what the hell I'm talking about, as well. And last but not least; While I don't think I'll ever come out on my main, I am plural. I, Frog, am the only one who runs the main blog. This one, however, is for all of us!

What this blog is:
This is both a place for memes and goofing around, and a place we intend to use as a journal of sorts. We want to share our experiences for the sake of getting it out of our brain and into words, as well as so anyone who relates knows they're not alone. Or hell, if someone who doesn't relate finds this educational or something, then good for them! This blog is for Alterhumanity, plurality, witchcraft- all of it. Just whatever is happening that we want to post.

Who is "we?"
We don't have a collective/system name yet. We're new to knowing we're a system, have no idea what we're doing. The list of headmates will update as time goes on. Feel free to ask any questions about us/our system in particular, but that applies to any topic we post about! We are collectively auDHD and 21 years old. (Ages for anyone other than Frog are fuzzy at best. Somewhere around his age.)
Frog: He/him/it/its. Trans, panromantic, polyam, just generally queer. The "host," although I'm not particularly comfortable with that term. I honestly so far have just referred to myself as "the fucker who started all of this" lol. In terms of Alterhumanity I am an Amphithere, a type of oceanic dragon/sea serpent with feathered wings. My interests include but are not limited to: Witchraft, writing, Genshin Impact, the ocean, psychological horror/horror in general.
Malaika: She/her/they. Queer. A witch (in the fantasy sense rather than the spiritual sense, although real witchcraft is something I might get into) with cat ears and too much energy. All the fucking whimsy. I demand more whimsy. Lover of magenta despite the fact that everyone else here thinks it's too bright of a color.
Alhaitham: He/him. Yes, that Alhaitham. Hoarding all the executive function, the only one who gets shit done around here. (/hj affectionate.) I'm a Seelie, or Seelie descendant/Seelie in human form, it's hard to explain but some Seelie descendants are full-blooded Seelie. Probably reading. Also in charge of @vines-of-mine alongside Frog, a fictionkin and fictive sideblog.
Ranboo: He/they but is still confused about the point of pronouns. The character, not the content creator. Full-blooded Enderfolk; the white skin is a result of time travel. Frog isn't getting his Ender particle plushie back, ever. That's all.
Techno: he/him, "the funny one." Claims cussing is half his personality. Local anarchist. Would punt a transphobe and hurt our foot doing it.
Tubbo: No intro bc he hasn't spoken much yet

I'm aware DNI's are pointless, but I still feel the need to add this. Basic criteria applies. Queerphobia of ANY kind (ace, aro, agender, trans, intersex, and anyone else I might be forgetting included) is not tolerated. Anything that harms anyone, in general, will get you blocked. All good-faith identities are accepted. Systems of ALL origins are accepted. Basically I literally don't care why you're here just don't be an asshole and you're vibin'. I also block freely, even simply for things like "That's not my vibe I don't want to see that," so don't take it personally! It may not be anything more than me not wanting something on my dash. If you feel you need to ask my opinion on anything to feel safe on this blog, feel free to do so.

speaking from the void: Any journaling. (Our internal world is just a void, so... ha.)
post log: Literally any original post from here on out.
quotes: Exactly what it says, just random shit that's been said from anyone in our lives. Headmates, deities, friends/family, etc.
Tags to be added as needed. All original posts will be signed off with a name and a corresponding emoji or two in the tags, according to everyone's comfort levels.
Sunshine ❤
[1069 words teehee]
Description: You, a fae of the seelie court, meets a dragon-kin with horns that shine like gold. (Technoblade x GN!Reader)
[Read the rest under the cut]
You are a protector of a hidden spring and secret entrance to the Faerie Realm, hand chosen by Queen Titania of the Seelie court and accepted by the old Queen Mab of the Unseelie court. You had trained since your youth, since before you had gotten the gift of wings, to become a high-rank fae in the court. You were now, though still youthful in the eyes of the court, with a strong connection to Life that granted you a thumb greener than a dryad and your magic it's own boost.
After many years of trickery for it, your position is often one filled with quick, sword drawn fights, ending in adventurers' heads laying at your feet, staining the blessed lands with their sinful blood. It is an honour, truly it is, to defend such a vulnerable point.
... However, it does sometimes get boring. You haven't had the option of stealing a name in decades and the only fae who greet you also leave within seconds. The routine had gotten too common place, too repetitive. It would ruin everything you had worked towards to give up your post so soon, especially with the high expectations from the courts, but some moments you found yourself considering it.
And blessed be by Fate, the ground rumbled with something ferocious. The cave shook and trembled, not crumbling with its blessing but shaking nonetheless and it was exhilarating. Finally, a moment of excitement. How could the might creature outside not be for you to cleanse your boredom when it come at such a convenient time.
With quick hands you grab your bow and head out of the cave. There is no sun here, not with the thick enclove of trees that hide your world from the masses. As you walk, a dragon-kin greets you. Large horn-like antlers on their head, glittering like gold. Their scales ripple down, a sunset pink that rests soft against their pale human skin.
They do not stumble or stutter in their step when they see you, just come to a smooth stop a good few feet in front of you. "Which court are you from?"
"Seelie," You answer, pleasently surprised by the question.
"May the sun shine upon you," The dipped their head, a sign of respect that had you fluttering your wings-pleased. They fix their braid, tucking pieces of hair behind their ear. "I seek refuge in the fairyland, if I may have the honor."
It's with a happy grin that you nod, "Of course. Your people are our allies, refuge is but a small gift." Gesturing for him to follow, you turn back towards the cage. Truth be told your people haven't had to accept a dragon-kin in ages for they were too strong to need refuge. For one of them to ask now, you were sure he was going to bring excitement to the world!
"So," he started, trailing off a bit. "It's a nice cave you've got here... very roomy."
You snort despite yourself, the cave can be described in many ways but never, ever in your experience, as "roomy". The dragon-kin smirks, looking awfully chuffed with himself. "Our hidden entrances are small for a reason, dragon-kin. They are meant to be hidden."
"Fair point," They huff, trails of smoke following despite the relatively high tempatures of the day. "You can call me Techno, by the way."
"Not a real name, I assume," You grinned, looking back over your shoulder with a sharp-toothed grin. "It's rather foolish to do so, if you did."
"Nickname," He shrugs, not bothered as Techno bares their own friendly little sharp-toothed grin. "Is there something I can call you?"
"Humans refer to me as an Anchor so I've recently taken to it as a nickname," You set your bow against the cave's side, hand coming up to rest upon the overgrowth that cascades the rest of the cave. You pull it aside and wait for Techno to duck around you. "But you can call me whatever you please."
Their chest rumbles with a chuckle, in a way so unfamiliar to you and yet you crave it all the same. "If that's the case than you can do the same."
"I think I might," You laugh back, although a part of you is curious just how far you could that the name game. As you yourself pass through the vines, your beautiful home lay in wait. The entrance you guard over comes to a popular area in the kingdom, close to the heart of the capital mostly filled with shops but densely filled all the same.
"Welcome, Sunray," You rest your hands on your hips, a proud smile as you overlook the kingdom and its citizens you protect proudly and would resolutely die for. "Just don't eat anything people give you." They'd snatch Techno up the second they could and if he ate anything you couldn't stop them.
"I wouldn't come here unprepared," His golden horns glitter in the lights, your own personal drop of sun. His words are oddly skirting around blunt words, something you hadn't initially thought the dragon would try. "I've read my fair share about fae before coming here."
You smile at the self-confidence, knowing that if you truly craved his soul he'd be dancing until his feet bled dry in a fairy circle by now. "Careful, sunshine, us faeries do like the sun but you forget some would rather snuff it out in favour of eternal moon. A special few here wouldn't see the difference between you and the sun."
Techno's lips quirk up at the thought, as if it amused him more than scared him. "That'd prove a problem for them, I've been told I'm a tough one to kill."
"For your sake I hope that's true." And for some odd reason, maybe it's the willingness he accepts the nickname or just your oddly eager adoration, but you link your hand through his. Techno lets you tug him along to get another guard to watch your station, grinning when you carry him to fly past evening traffic. You know now, with the prettiest drop of sun hanging from your arms, that your boredom was the best thing that ever happened to you.
"Go faster!" Techno yells, looking so very pleased. You push yourself for the giggles that leave him, like honey to your ears.
[Okay I only realized I didn't post this halfway through my Dream God post <the one I'm gonna post in like an hour idk>]
[Anyways guess whose brothers birthday is tommorow (today?) I do not have a gift. I only have my little pogchamps and you guys aren't tradeable. :(]
[L0v3, k1ng]
Taglist: @creatorofstars
dragon that builds a nest out of pillows and blankets and gets all cozy