Otherkin Blog - Tumblr Posts
God As Otherkin
I want to talk to you about how being otherkin, and growing up (distantly) religious, has influenced my understanding of God. If that interests you, then buckle in.

My family wasn't religious growing up. My parents weren't, neither were my siblings. My grandma however, was. I did the prayers she told me to do before bed, and sat quietly while she read and explained various parables and passages from her text.
To me, religion was a thing that I was told to do. Not a belief that I had.
Eventually, that changed somewhat. I began "making up" my own prayers. Treating God as something to talk to, even if I wasn't getting any answers.
Over time however, that faded. I began to proudly proclaim myself an atheist at first. Then an agnostic.
In terms of conventional beliefs regarding God, I'm still agnostic. I don't believe in any of the Gods outlined by any religions I'm currently aware of.
Yet now that I'm an adult I find myself seeing nature in a very similar way to how I experienced God and religion.
A distant force, vast and on some level incomprehensible. Capable of being spoken to, but not likely to answer you. A thing to which you belong, without ever really understanding what it is.
People talk in reverence about being in the presence of their deity. In a sense, I feel similarly about nature. It isn't a reverence exactly, but a sense of awe and even smallness.
My kintype isn't quite human, nor is it an animal exactly. But it belongs to that world anyway. Made in the image of this complex web that I don't fully understand.
As a werewolf, I see myself as a product of nature. Even though my kind may have never existed in the wild, in a way we did. The myth of the werewolf is in many ways, a fear of the natural world. I am every predator that mankind has ever been afraid of. And yet I am also none of them.
When I'm out there in the wilderness, there's the feeling of connecting to my kintype. But there's also another feeling. The feeling of being surrounded by something ancient, indisputable, and in a way powerful.
That's my God. Not a definable figure, or a thinking being from another world. Instead, a vast force comprising every living and inanimate thing. The organic and inorganic history that shaped my bones.
An invisible shepherd.
Like the photography? ❤️ (P.S. my walk playlist)

I took a walk to enjoy nature and it was honestly nice 😌
With all this despair, my alter human but needed it 🥲
I guess lately, I've just been enjoying the whole nature child vibe 🥀
But in a way I guess it makes sense. As much as I've at times avoided them, I prefer animals to people 🐈
That being said, I didn't get home and expect to find a wasp casually crawling about my neck 💀
Maybe I'm too in touch with nature 😅
Tragic therian matters 😭
Intro post
Hello! My name is Frog. Don't ask me why I'm not frogkin, but my name is Frog, I don't know. /silly

If you're coming from my main blog:
Yup, this is the "super secret" otherkin account of @tadpoles-and-daydreams. I decided to make a separate account and blog for dragonkin and dragon work rambles, since... well, to be honest I just wanted to separate my blog for witchcraft writing, tarot, etc. from this. This is a more personal blog in which I mostly reblog and post random little memes and tidbits, heavy UPG, dragon work, and what the hell does it look/feel like finding out your soul is draconic anyway?
And just in case: if you're coming from my main blog and are unfamiliar with any of the shit I'm talking about here in terms of otherkinity, dragonkin, being a dragon- please feel free to send in asks. I plan on writing more in-depth in a bigger post about what it is, what it's like, how I found out about it, etc. etc. but that will take a lot of time and energy that I currently don't have. Further down, though, I give the best TL;DR I can!

If you have no clue what the fuck the main blog is:
I talk about my experiences as a witch and meme about the funny side of witchcraft over there. Go there and check out my tarot readings if you want a dragon to throw some cards at you, or if you want to hear more about my craft outside of dragon work! I write a lot as a witch over there so if you like my witchy posts here, it's worth checking out.
He/him pronouns
Trans, panromantic, polyamorous, just generally queer
My special interests include: Writing, Genshin Impact (I don't associate with most of the fandom they scare me), music, anime, the ocean, and "weird miscellaneous facts."
Dragonkin, specifically an amphitere.
local funny little witch man, I work with primarily with my deities and dragons and get bullied by a deck of cards a lot.
My familiar- though I hesitate to use that word due to its connotations as an "assistant" rather than a partner in my practice- is the one who kickstarted this by implying my energies were draconic in nature.

For everyone, regardless of how you found me:
This is where I plan to blog about my experiences when it comes to working with dragons, and fucking being one apparently. I want a safe space to write about my experiences, no matter how much I change. I feel like I've only dipped my toes into a vast ocean, a whole new aspect of my identity and my craft. I decided that I wanted to be able to write completely transparently about it- fears, mistakes, flaws and all- without it reflecting majorly on my main blog/my professionalism as a tarot reader who's just starting out.
So expect it all; the funny, the cool as fuck, the ranty posts, everything. This is just as much a tumblr blog as it is a journal, for me. I heavily value transparency, and that's something I can't be in public as an otherkin.
So I'll do it here instead. ^-^

Important posts:
A post I plan to update continuously of everything I know about my kintype:
The current closest reference I have for what I look like as a dragon, although admittedly not fully accurate:

What I know so far
This is just a basic information post about EVERYTHING I know so far about my draconic nature, past lives as a dragon, etc. etc.
My soul in its truest form, my "higher self," whatever word you want to use for it, is a dragon.
I spent multiple lifetimes as a dragon, it's probably the most common form I take when it comes to reincarnation.
My soul's truest form isn't even based in earth. The only information I have is that the earth is probably "too young" and that my soul is older. Cryptic fuckin' intuition -_-
The amphitere is probably the closest to my "truest" form, or at the very least it's the form I would find most useful to remember in this lifetime since it's based on earth. "No use in yearning for something not even on this planet." This way, I can at least find things close to what feels like home.
Multiple people in this lifetime have known me in other lifetimes. More specifically, my brother (I feel the need to specify that he doesn't live with me, we didn't both grow up in a household that encouraged spirituality and such or anything) knew me as a dragon. He was human, but we both get the sense that he had multiple human lifetimes within my one lifetime as a dragon.
My mom also at least met me during that lifetime.
Appearance traits I feel I had as an amphitere: (likely blue in my case) scales, feathered wings (not blue? not sure), antlers, swimmy/fluid in motion, long snake-like body, the ability to dissolve into the ocean from a solid form. I hesitate to write this last one, as I previously have viewed dragons solely as astral plane beings who do not and never had physical forms in this realm at any point in history, but it felt like I had a solid form- and the ability to dissolve it. The strong emotions that came with the thought, of how nice it would feel to become "one with the ocean" and how much it would feel like home, was impossible to ignore.
Things that resonate strongly with me but aren't appearance: Aquatic association, protectors of the ocean and its inhabitants, storytellers.
"You make more sense as a dragon, actually."
-my mother, who reacted the same to me "coming out" (I never really was in the closet, I updated her as I learned more about it) as otherkin as she did when I came out as trans. The same words and everything.
Outing myself as the anon because this is absolute genius and thank you for the tidbits!! Holy crap the crocheted hand warmers are gorgeous (I looked them up) and absolutely I plan on looking into them when I have the money.
I'm not sure how old the post of yours I'm referencing is, so this either looks normal or DEFINITELY weird depending on how long I was scrolling through the dragonkin tag, buuut... I saw you post a shirt in which you made the sleeves look like they had dragon scales running down the sleeves.
first off, that is so ridiculously cool. Second, if I were to- someday in the probably distant future, in a world where I have the resources- make something similar, would that be okay? I'm a dragon, I sort of just figured it out, and I will absolutely never shut up about how I wish there was more casual clothing with draconic elements. (Even before I realized, I just... wanted clothes with draconic elements. not with dragons ON them, clothes that make me look like a dragon in a human suit.)
This is a ridiculously long ask for a VERY short question, but you get the idea. I typed this out at a very late hour, so forgive me XD
Yes, of course!! I certainly do not own putting dragon scales on things, please go right ahead :} I've also always wanted draconic clothes before I knew as well, it's so frustrating when the only things out there are (often very cheaply-made) costumes or, as you said, just things with images of dragons on them :/
if you make something I'd absolutely love to see it!!!! :}
A few other items of clothing I have that make me feel more draconic, and were definitely less effort for me, are two green jackets with an offset quilted pattern, so they look a bit like really small scales. I found these at a thrift store, but lots of stores have quilted shirts and jackets. You could also sew the sort of quilted diamond pattern on to any piece of clothing you like! I've been thinking about doing it to some pants. My other dearly beloved dragon piece is a set of crocheted dragon scale hand warmers, which I bought handmade from etsy since I don't know how to do that. But if you do know how to crochet, or want to learn, they are very awesome and I'm sad it's a little too warm to wear them now. You can do a lot with adding crocheted elements to clothing as well!
I'm having a sort of time of really quick and intense discovery, right, and last night as I was going to bed a couple things just sort of popped into my head and they make so much sense now.
I've always slept on my stomach. I HATE laying any other way, I've never been able to articulate why it just bothers me. Now that I can borderline feel my wings, laying on my stomach goes from something I feel is important but can't articulate why to making perfect sense. I don't experience any phantom feeling or pain, but I sort of just "feel" them energetically like they're there, and I don't like when I have to have my back against something if I can feel them strongly.
The other thing I realized today; I've always felt, often, like there's something behind me. It never felt malicious or scary, I kept assuming it was one of my deities or entities that I work with because it just felt like some vague energy behind me- but I could never figure out who, or why. I eventually attributed it to the fear of something behind me, because typically that's what it's portrayed as, but I never actually felt afraid.
Well, now I know why past me couldn't figure out who it was. Surprise, it's you buddy, you've just sorta got wings. Have fun.
Literally, I remember when I had a nonbinary phase (/pos it was a very important phase!!) before I realized I was just fully a guy, and the "My gender is a void," "my gender is just a lil creature," "my gender is simply a cryptid from the ocean," etc. etc. type of humor became such a staple in my own sense of humor.
Looking back, it definitely would've clued me in if I'd known about otherkin. I don't feel like it would've gone over well had I figured it out sooner, so it's okay for me personally, but it's outright comical how Very Not Subtle I was.
I believe i said this before on another account but imma say it again
If it was normalized to question your species then there would be so much more alterhumans 🙏
The amount of comments and posts i see of people saying they "miss having wings" or want fangs or are "just a floating orb" but never stating they're alterhuman, LIKE it's so many i can't even talk about them all here. I just got reminded because i saw a post of a so obviously Fictionkin person. But i didn't say anything bc they have to figure out what they identify as ofc.
But you get my point
you are not you.
and yet i still see you.
i see the wings beneath your clothes, rustling and trying to get used to being so small.
i see the horns beneath your hair, threatening to grow and point towards the skies like they did before.
i see the claws beneath your nails, wanting to poke free and scratch at the bark of the nearest tree.
i see the pads on your hands, soft and invisible, waiting to touch the snow of tundras again.
you are not you.
and yet i still see you.
This is only sort of related, but the other day I was talking with my mom about being dragonkin and such.
And this woman, I love her with all my heart, had the AUDACITY to just go "Well you've been roleplaying nonhuman characters since you were in elementary school."
Cue the very long pause. Because while I'm aware that I've had a comically predictable pattern of DND characters being either "bird flavored" or aquatic (my dragon type has feathers and is aquatic) and I know I've been writing inhuman characters a lot since high school.... what was I doing THAT far back?
She just looked at me like it was obvious and went "Warrior Cats. You literally met your current partner roleplaying Warrior Cats."
reblog if reading Warrior Cat led you down the trans pipeline
![Screenshot of an article titled "Protect Your Kids From 'Trans' Activism - Look For These Red Flags". Posted by [username blocked out].
The list goes as follows :
'• Artistic interests
• Interest in anime
• Participating in video game chats
• Unrestricted use of a smartphone
• Unmonitored access to the internet
• Reading Warrior Cat
• Reading Wings Of Fire
• Any anthropomorphic art - which is animals with human-like qualities"](https://64.media.tumblr.com/b56f4647d6e13fbcd3434260487a3699/abfacc7fc17aafe7-47/s500x750/65787757cc020d5b23b2d1550fd8e9bfc809a432.webp)
Today on "no one could have prepared me for being a witch and a dragon"
for those seeing this somewhere other than the otherkin tag, I am a dragonkin witch and I work with Hades.
Me: "Idk I've always pictured Persephone as having [hair color]." (I get the DISTINCT vibe from Hades that I'm very wrong, to the point of it being comical)
My mom: "I.... I just got a very distinct 'Fucking dragons, colorblind' from him. Like dragons are weird about colors. Like.... maybe they don't see the same color spectrum or something?"
Me, gasping: "WAIT LIKE SHRIMP COLORS??????? Maybe dragons see shrimp colors!"
After some debate, it was essentially confirmed- although my mom burst into laughter after she asked why Hades was implying my face blindness was also dragon-related and got back "I DON'T KNOW I'M NOT A DRAGON."
Bonus tidbit-
Me, softly after getting really strong vibes of excitement after marshmallows are mentioned: "Do you.... want... a marshmallow, Hades????" (for context, his tastes are a lot more refined so this was WILDLY out of the blue. He is very salty that this has given us such a specific view of him, since "what, do you think I'm ABOVE a marshmallow??????")
WAIT holy shit I never posted this
HEY YEAH BY THE WAY I used flight rising's predict morphology thing to try and make what I look like. I sort of just went through it intuitively, since i didn't have much more than a vague shape and color, and I swear to you I got emotional the more things began to click.
And by the end, I was looking at... basically me. I think I only have one pair of wings, so maybe take the second pair away or turn them into fins. Add antlers and take away the feathers around the head, probably elongate the snoot a little, I think take away the little clawed wings, and there ya go that's me.

tbh the white patterns are specifically, I think, meant to look watery so I'm not sure that it's like... A solid pattern. I think it's meant to ripple and reflect like the surface of water. I don't think my form IS water, but I think it looks like it quite a bit.

Finally posting my altar/hoard of trinkets and crystals.
Obligatory disclaimer: You don't need trinkets to be valid as a witch or otherkin. These are just things that bring ME joy. I am gushing about them because I enjoy it, and I don't promote the idea that any of this is necessary. It's just a fun bonus. Consider this a little show and tell post.
In order:
- Recent sea flavored stuff, my personal section of my altar dedicated to self-love. (Angled it so the octopus isn't visible bc... I don't want to jumpscare people + not sure if Tumblr would appreciate it.)
- My tarot/Oracle decks (the boxes in the back are just boxes. Cards are one of the things I work with most as a witch! Also don't ask me why Loki's has a bottle cap on it instead of a crystal. They wanted it there, idk man.)
- Black tourmaline, my beloved
- Crystal hoard + Aphrodite's altar in the background lol
- Aphrodite's shell heart because it's so fucking pretty
- My familiar's blue apatite! It looks like dragon scales :D I got one for myself and then they nudged me towards that one so I got two.
- Hades' and Persephone's section of my altar. (and the centerpieces of my altar, a crystal tree + black kyanite which is intensely grounding and I fucking love it + a tree agate sphere to represent the earth)
- Loki's and Apollo's section (Yes, that is Dr. pepper in a condiment container. It's my most regular offering for Loki XD they like the Mt. Dew better tho. Also Apollo's section is just vaguely cute, idk why he just likes it like that. Ignore the leftover spellwork he wanted to help so it's sitting there.)
- The Snake BoxTM is an offering box. It usually has candy in it for Loki. Also the snake box is one of my favorite things I own.
- Vivianite! This deserved its own picture because it's one of my prized possessions. DEATH MENTION TW HERE. It can grow on corpses- human included- in the right conditions! It's not common and I highly doubt that my piece did, lol, BUT I still associate it with death-y energies and wanted it for future work with Hades and Persephone.
A short introduction for those from my main blog who would be interested in this one
I spent hours writing this post. These feelings are hard to articulate, something soul-deep that I know I’ve barely stepped into. The length of this post doesn’t reflect that, but believe me; I edited and re-edited so many times. Then, I realized as I was writing this post that I was no longer writing about my feelings on being a dragon and working with them, I was writing a post trying to justify and explain it. So let’s start again.
Hi. Most people who see this will be seeing it on my main blog, @tadpoles-and-daydreams. This is a blog built more around UPG, personal identity, and dragon work than my main one. This is… sort of an intro post. Not to me, you already know me- but to this part of me.
On my main blog, I don’t talk about my familiar. Here, I’ll refer to them as… well, admittedly the only current name I have for them. “Friend.” I’ll make another post about them and how we met sometime. They showed up in my life, told me I need to value my inner child essentially, and then promptly stepped back. I didn’t talk to them for weeks. I felt bad. I was talking with my deities and doing other things, but Friend- and the other dragon who works with my family as a whole- just completely weren’t a part of my craft. For Friend this was new, but I’ve been intending and intending to work with the other dragon I know for most of my practice. I’d always wanted to work with dragons, but just… never had.
Now I know why; because it feels like home. I wasn’t ready to go home.
“Home,” in this case, is a part of my identity that I’ve kept hidden even from myself. Home looks like wings of fins and feathers, swimming through the water or air, being one with the sea and protecting every creature within it like your own kin because they are. Home, to me, is learning about what my soul truly is; a dragon. I’m in a human body, yes. Whatever your beliefs are around life, mine are that I’ve chosen to incarnate as a human in this lifetime for whatever reason. It doesn’t change what my soul is, in its truest form, and it hasn’t changed no matter how much I tried.
I have repressed this long and hard. I’m a high-masking autistic, and I learned very quickly in my childhood that there are right and wrong ways to be. I was never, ever, the right way to be. I never will be, either; not in the eyes of most people. The “right” way to be certainly doesn’t involve being a dragon.
So I’m going to be “wrong,” as enthusiastically and loudly as possible, on this little corner of the internet. I’m finally coming home; to myself, and to my dragons. We have one hell of a journey ahead.
Heyo! I’m a bit too shy to go off anon but I do follow your other blog and opted to follow this one, but I’m actually so happy to see you’re discovering yourself and 🤝 I may not exactly be kin with anything (to my knowledge) I’ve got a deeply rooted connection with dragons & ravens (closest to say I’m otherhearted) so like idk I just got really happy for you 😭🫶
-(if I send any other asks I’ll just go by Raven anon LMAO)
I had a really exhausting day yesterday and another couple ahead of me (/pos, all good things) so I wasn't able to answer this when i saw it, but this made my night seeing it last night!
You don't have to be otherkin to be happy for us, much less to be welcome on my blog- so thank you so much for sending in this ask! It was so genuine I could tell, it made me happy :D sending all the good vibes your way
A longer post because there were some fun dragon things today
I'll be posting the other half (which actually happened first, chronologically) on my other account, but this is the part that I feel like writing out first. Obligatory UPG disclaimer, this is a personal experience so it has no basis in anything other than my own beliefs!
So! Crash course in how I believe reincarnation works for context: I believe that I- and everyone else- have what one would call a "higher self." Think of this like a lake, and each individual incarnation is a little whirlpool. Still part of the overall lake, but it's an individual at the same time. Or, I suppose, you could view it as a cake with pieces or whatever other metaphor you can think of- point is, my soul is whole but I am not all there is to me. My higher self is more aware, and not stuck in a physical body like I am.
My mother works very closely with her higher self. I... somehow just never saw that as an option for me. When I realized I was dragonkin, I immediately knew why; big huge dragon + little tiny human who's easily intimidated and doesn't know that they're a dragon yet = bad time. After I realized that, I decided that when I had the time I wanted to sort of say hello. Today I finally got the chance to meditate and have a chat.
I've understood my Amphitere nature is the draconic form that, in this lifetime, is likely the form it'd be most useful to know of and relate myself to. Not my truest form, but the one that will FEEL truest in this lifetime. So I knew higher self wasn't gonna look like that.
He is... fucking huge. I expected that, but it was still surprising. I couldn't get a good clear image of the body plan or anything, but he had feathered wings. The thing was; he was gold. I asked if he was actually gold, because that would mean that me and my mom separately picked up on that, and the following conversation ensued:
"Wait, so are you really gold?" "Yes.... sort of?" "WAIT OH MY GOD ARE YOU SHRIMP COLORS?????"
He laughed and said yes. I asked in the first place because it was something I just suddenly knew intuitively; gold is really the closest in energy that a human can perceive, but if I had a wider spectrum of color available to me he wouldn't look the same.
After some chatting I asked if he could help me connect us a little better, because I just... have a hard time looking at this massive fucking dragon and going "you're me, but big! :D" like no that's a dragon. Who am I to claim that that's me. Wtf. And after a moment, I just... sort of felt these massive fucking wings?? not my blue ones, but HIS wings. On my back. The full wingspan of them wouldn't even fit in my fucking room, it was wild.
Also, Loki and I have worked together WAY LONGER THAN I THOUGHT???? I asked higher self if he had worked with Loki, not as me, but as him and he and Loki looked at each other like they were in on some joke and I wasn't. I shit you not, he just sort of...
"Not... all lifetimes, just most of them-" LIKE THAT'S WAY MORE THEN A DOZEN, WHO WAS GONNA TELL ME THAT???
Anyway the punchline of this was the "shrimp colors" I just wanted to put the rest of that so I remembered, I fucking cannot deal with how weird my practice is getting over here XD
Y'all did I ever mention that I explained my draconity to my partner? because fun fact that conversation went infinitely better than I expected and looked like this.
Me, nervous as fuck but starting to drop hints: "Yeah, there's this community of people I found through the witchcraft community that just... don't feel human*. Like there's a ton of different ways to go about it, spiritual versus psychological reasoning- but they just don't identify with humanity, and usually have some sort of animal or mythical creature they feel they are."
My partner: "OH OH I KNOW THAT ACTUALLY actually I follow someone, it's so cool to watch how they've trained to move in a less human way and stuff- I mean hell if I don't feel human sometime, I get it-"
Me: "So... the reason I brought that up was to gauge how open you would be... uh.... because I'm a dragon."
So, I learned something new about my partner, and I think I found the funniest possible response to me coming out as otherkin. Which is to just one up me XD
I seriously am considering doing an otherkin positivity post in the form of quotes from my accepting mom and friends and moments that made me happy for this exact reason actually
Therian joy is such a beautiful thing, I know people can be awful about us but please don’t let that stop you from experience the joy of being yourself
YES I was talking to my mom today about how therian/otherkin Tumblr is just... Such a safe place for me. And how I'm able to talk about a part of myself I didn't understand for so long, and how no one here thinks I'm delusional for it they just GET IT. Witchy Tumblr and otherkin Tumblr have been so helpful because I can just casually talk about being a dragon spiritually and how that effects me and even!!! Make stupid little jokes about it!!!
Idk Im so used to the attitude most people take when I make gay or witchy jokes of "not everything has to be gay/witchy" like I'm only allowed to interact with that aspect of my identity in a Serious MannerTM that it's so nice to be able to be a dumbass here. I can just meme about how I'm an aquatic dragon who's always dehydrated XD
therian Tumblr
thank you for giving me a place to truly be me, i love you all so much and will happily give each of you loving bites
YESSS no seriously I'm not usually outwardly protective often but I feel like the part of me that is protective comes from the draconic parts of me. The part of me that is angry at my friends parents because how DARE they be treated that way, the part of me that can and will get snippy of someone touches my things or invades my space, the part of me that fawns over even the smallest creatures and says "I would fight someone" for them only mostly as a joke. I was a protector of the ocean, and now I am a protector of what is mine.
I love being a dragon that protects people. The way I feel my dragonkin side the closer I am, my patients at the hospital, the child I shared my food with, the friends I hold dear to my heart. The serpent curls around its brood—and a dragon can hold its heart as the protector within the entire world.