69 posts
A Fun Fact About The RaC Universe;
A fun fact about the RaC Universe;
The existence of organisms that can live in the vacuum of space implies that there could be entire "Flesh Planets" roaming the Universe somewhere out there.
Living planets made entirely out of biomatter, like that one planet from the Junji Ito story. These planets would be Rogue Planets, moving around the Universe like bacteria in a petri dish.
Have fun.

Interesting. Not sure what I'm supposed to do with this information, so I'm just gonna start to gaslight people into thinking flesh planets are real.
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More Posts from Offmanntheoddman
I love how Sans is so lazy he didn't bother to raise both arms for his own reference sheet. You gotta admire such a commitment to not moving your ass a single inch all the time.
I like how you draw the bone boys, is it alright if you can draw them doing a 360 T pose for personal reference drawing ? (Almost like them first meeting human encounter scene) you’re really cool man ✨

Sure! You're cool too, I like your doodles ^^
Anons: *Materialize from Spamton's computer as the computer equivalent to an eldritch abomination* "b e n o t a f r a i d."
Spamton: "WH4T THE [[fifty percent off!]] ARE YOU DO ING IN HOUSE ?!?!"
Anons: *change of voice* "We wouldeth like to interrogate thou about what flavor of iced creameth thou thinketh is the finest."
Spamton: "... [[Watt]] ???"
Anons: *change of voice* Also, here, take this glock. *give Spamton a FUCKING gun* Now get out and go do some crime. Of the illegal kind, preferably.
Spamton: ... W H A T.

anyways heres what i think you would look like if you had a physical body ^_^ You'd be the equivalent to a mass collective conscious of writhing veins which encapsulates the many organs inside :-3 bye
Keep yourself safe people, you probably matter more than you think.

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-Why is he standing like that?
-Muscle memory. Also he thinks he's a T. Rex or something, just leave him be, it's what makes him happy.
say hello

hes changed a little and by a little i mean he has bigger legs and is weighed DOWN.

enjoy him
Wow! That outfit is Smokin'! *insert weird Jim Carrey laugh*

He lost all the money.