Pizza Tower - Tumblr Posts
Looks like I have a new obsession 💀

Mine: ^^^

OG: ^^^
Hello everyone, and here I am back again, along with a new fendom called "PIZZA TOWER".
And I also brought characters sketches with me, maybe this fendom will make me be productive in drawing :D

I hope you enjoyed it, and see you again later!
👋 :>

I forgot to show this, because I've had a lot of work lately, so here's some fresh and new art from me ^^✨

How... HOW !? (°■°"")

(I'm fine if anything 🤣)
Since I got the bbygirlifying pass here he is 😈

this is @rascal-rose‘s btw jsjs hope you like it ^^

Here's Ben, a hot Goblin night, her stinky fart gf and 2 fake Peppino drawings :3
I'm sorry if I have been dead for a while jsjjss
I love them sm

WOAH I finally got time to finish this drawing this lol
anywayys enjoy jiji
Lately I’ve been trying to work on a small comic explaining what’s going on with Noisette in this au (Horror Tower)

tumblr might compress the image, sorry!!!

Reblogs appreciated!! Alts below :3c

Vigi recruits the help of a few buddies to try gather evidence that Mr Stick is commiting tax fraud. Instead they accidentally find out that he's a dork and also gay
Upon seeing the pascal car post I got curious - what do you think the Pizza Tower (from ur AU) characters would like as their cars/motorcycles/etc? Just for fun lmfao
- 💎
Firstly, it's not au lol, it's just interpretation but thank you for the ask
Peppino is loyal to his CRUSTY ASS vespa. He is not replacing it, that thing is on life support. Tho he can drive a car too if necessary
Noise defo owns every type of vehicle known to man with how rich his ass is, but alas
He doesn't know how to drive any of them, his ass doesn't have a license and he's banned from getting one. He just has his skateboard and jetpack for transport tho
Noisette 👏teleports 👏
I have no idea what Gustavo uses for transport oh gee. Can anyone help me on this one? I think he uses a deer or a bull. Man I'm so stumped you guys. If only there was a level in the game that can answer the question!
We all know Pepperman is a car jock. He probably owns like three identical cars from different companies, CUSTOM MADE. He used to have five identical cars but he crashed two of em. One for a performance art and the other because he thought it would be funny
Vigilante drives a truck and knows how to tame and ride a bunch of animals. He prefers the critters more, the truck is mostly for business reasons like produce delivery or smthn.
Fake Peppino uses his sheer fucking will to transport himself. Bro runs faster than Peppino in the boss fight, ain't no wayyyy
Pizzahead ALSO teleports but he crashes from the sky unlike Noisette who just spawns next to you. If not teleportation, he uses a fuck ass unicycle, Pizzaface or his own two legs to power walk without ceasing
Mr Stick uses anything but a vehicle cuz his ass is so Inspector Gadget. Okay maybe he also uses a car from the 80s
Gerome and John teleports
Red flags (UNO REVERSE) meme || Pizza Tower
Only Pizza head was suitable for the role of a waitress… ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Aaaaand I think Noisette is also strange, but the choice fell on this version.

so like basically? he cannot handle overstimulation anymore and he’s mad :/