Posted This In A Yt Comment Section And Wanted To Put This Out There Somewhere Else Why Eh Just Wanted
Posted this in a yt comment section and wanted to put this out there somewhere else why eh just wanted to :b Jokes on you life dosent have a purpose, there is no meaning to life no reason why we exist, life its what you make of it, there is no destiny and no certain future for anyone, its just what you make of it and you can do anything anytime and affect anyone you want however you want, no meaningfull purpose dosent mean you cant have a masive effect idiotas, do what you want and leave things better for the next mf, why cause why not its nice to be nice we are here by chance so make the most of it you one got oneshot (still wouldn't chose to be indestructible forever lol)
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There's ads are getting abit to much
How the hell is this a real fuxking state sponsored ad? At least they know their target audience
Twitter is just a public chat room with pvp owned by one of the players and he is weponising his power
In this case the cake 🎂 is not a lie
*moth man theme intensifies*
I haven't seen anyone do this yet