21 posts

1946-1991 💛
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More Posts from Oldsoullover02
Helping Nikki After his OD
(Reader been besties with Nikki since 1975 and goes to his house after the news of his death)
- once you got into the house you felt his presence but he wasn’t here no more
- you wondered around looking at phots of his from Vince egging him on to do something stupid to you and him when y’all was 14 and 17.
- You wondered from room to room trying to feel something only to have tears go down your face again.
- finally you get to his room and see Nikki laying on the bed with tears in his eyes.
- You are shocked beyond anything on this earth. Your best friend isn’t dead but he looks like he’s been through hell.
- You immediately hug him while he gently hugs back.
- You started to ask questions then realize he wasn’t up for it. You gently got into his arms and he shifted so he’s on top of you and you’re holding him
- it was Christmas Eve the next morning and Nikki still asleep on you. Trying not to wake him up climb out of bed down to the kitchen to make him something.
- you decided Nikki’s favorite breakfast item.
- you took it up to him and the smell of it woke him up. He looked at you like you are Godsend which you are.
- you bring him presents back from your moms house. Your mom got him lots and so did you.
- he loved every gift.
- he kept hugging you over and over with excitement.
- little did you know he would make you his girlfriend next year.
Reblog if you DARE someone to write a fic about you and the character of their choosing and send it in an ask/submit.

Heaven ft Betty Who

“Happy birthday George! I hope you’re resting easy up there. You was a kind, loving person, and above all a good person. I hope I get to meet you one day.”