Doing hand-draw stuff, Tumblr look like perfect place for this
82 posts
Omega-devart - DevArt Omega - Tumblr Blog
I not fuking joking

day 1779
Your axolotl killed my frame rate to 5fps.
On Tumblr page.

day 1779
Imagine what would happen if you put her in an MRI without taking anything off...

the best part of ren faire was when she said its ren faire tjme and ren faired all over those guys

Step 1
find a good rock. any rock works but flint or obsidian good. glass also works. bone also works. of course use metal if ytou can sharpen it

Step 2
hit it with n another rock to turn it into a point. be really careful with obsidian or glass because it shatters. with those ones go at the edge with something hard likie bone or a horn to slowly chip away parts from the edge. like press it against the edge and slowly take parts off. or just sand it down if you can do that idc. idk how to do this with metal if i use those i just kinda use a shard and tie it really tight and hope it stays
step 3
do the same but take down the middle. there are two ways you can do this to make it attatch
way 1
take it in from the sides to create an indent to tie with and to keep the head in place
way 2
create a little hole in themiddle. yuo can decide if its better or worse to do it thisway by how fragile the thingy is when you take it down because the really fragile ones will just fuckin shatter if u try to do this to them. only do this if you hve a drill or your using metal so you can melt a hole in there or something

Step 4
make the stick. you can use lots of stuff you can use the horn you used tochip the thing down but then you dot ahve a horn so i dont recommend it. you can either tie it to the side (this fucking sucks) or cut a little line in the thingy to put it into . you wanna justjam it in there super hard so it stays. if you use way 2 above then you wanna drill the hole into the handle also
Step 5
Put some kind of glew in there (you make glew by boiling animal bits like sinew and fat and bone and skin and then skimming all the weird sticky stuff off) you can also make it out of plant sap but its not always as sticky but i like tree sap lots. you can like boil bark to get some if its the wrong time of year for sap because its actaully always the right time of year for sap its just sometimes it doest come out because its cold
then you wanna stick it in there super hard and jam it into the thingy and tie it up. if youcut the slit too big you can force some stuf f into there. squishy pieces work best so like wood. slices of wood or sticks or stuff but do it before the glue dries
i forgot tot ake a picture so heres a drawing

Step 5
this is whhere you want to decide how you wanna tie it. all materials work for both ways above it just changes how you tie it. if you do way 2 you can figure it out yourself because i cant be bothered to make 2 knifes to show you both
materials you can use
- string
- yarn
- vines (can be very chunky try to use smaller ones) (also can be fragile (gragile = breaks easily))
- animal sinew (best)
Step 6
leave it to dry/set
Step 7

im being OPRESSED!!!

in the files, the splatfest printer is called "God"

BarryBee graduates,wants more,joins pollen team,meets Vanessa,breaks bee rule,talks to her.They become friends.Barry discovers humans steal honey,sues them,bees win,honey production stops.Everything dies without pollination.Barry realizes mistake,makes deal with humans,restarts pollination,saves the world.Barry&Vanessa stay friends,Barry becomes lawyer for bees.end.

im being OPRESSED!!!
If we deleting all non special moments in scripts we can do that.
Give me a day and I will do that

im being OPRESSED!!!
Now we wait...



check out the size of this thing!!
Stay a little longer, with me
[Tf2 spy knife stab sound]
[Snake main music]
In another world...

The ending that we all want.
( what is your choice?)