77 posts
Fuck Man I Really Want A Buttered Croissant Rn. I Have A Croissant But My Mom Also Likes Croissant And
Fuck man I really want a buttered croissant rn. I have a croissant but my mom also likes croissant and I don’t wanna get out of bed. I’m gonna have to fight her for it. A battle to the death!
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“Can One Punch Man beat-”
Yes. Always. Good lord. I never understand why people can turn this into a big serious discussion. Yes, One Punch Man would beat Thanos. He would beat Luke Skywalker, Superman, every single character from Dragon Ball Z, and every ninja from Naruto. He would beat Thor and Wolverine and the Hulk in a tag team match.
Because he plays by different rules. One Punch Man is a PARODY character. His skill set is defined by comedy, not power levels or physical strength. One Punch Man not Superman facing off against an ever-more powerful lineup of villains. He’s the Roadrunner against Wil E. Coyote’s ever more convoluted plans. Deadpool is the only other super hero type character who comes close to living in the same realm of parody, but frankly, Deadpool repeatedly getting the crap beat out of him would be funnier than Deadpool winning, so One Punch Man would win that fight too, even if he can’t actually kill Deadpool in one punch. Because parody.
If I see another Youtube video recommended to me like “Could One Punch Man beat-” really, truly, I do not care.
Do you ever fall for someone to realize that even if they did like you back it will never last long?
In the moment you can be the happiest and most in love with each other but when you look into the future it won’t last. The core incompatibilities run so deep that you know the relationship is doomed from the beginning.
What do you do then? Do you try to avoid the heartbreak of a near future or continue to love in the present? Do you continue to hold each and laugh in todays sun, risking to grow cold in tomorrows shade?
For this I have no answer. Love and let love until you can no longer love anymore.
I’ve imprinted of aizawa as a father figure SO HARD that sometimes when I’m really tired and emotionally wrecked I think “ maybe I should talk to dad about this?” Then realize that he’s no a real person. Don’t get me wrong I love my irl dad but that man wouldn’t know how to do deal with emotions. I love him but he’s why I’m emotionally constipated. (My mom too. Just because I’m open with her doesn’t mean she’s not at fault) anyway I might get a psych evaluation for my b-day.
It my first time taking melatonin to help me sleep and damn either this shit works fast or I’m a little bitch. I’m so close to knocking tf out.