65 posts
Working On Something For My Favorite Skeleton Artist's Birthday But It Is Taking Some Time. For Now,

Working on something for my Favorite skeleton artist's Birthday but it is taking some time. For now, have this repost of a drawing I did of him.

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Omg it is just like I imagined thank you so much for writing this. Sorry I took so long to see it my notifications aren't working for some reason. Thank you again for this as I love the dc Batman comics universe and twisted wonderland. Keep up the good work 👍.
Hey are you still receiving asks if so I was wondering if you could do a little twisted wonderland opening ceremony prologue except yuu is comic book Jason Todd after he was resurrected and after he was no longer Batman's enemy.
Yes, my asks are absolutely still open! I'm sorry this took so long, my Tumblr didn't notify me about it

Jason Todd!Yuu; Opening Ceremony
When Jason woke up all he saw was darkness and a small peek of light coming in through one of the coffin edges. He shoved the coffin open as he sat up, heaving in a breath.
"Bloody hell that thing was stuffy," He muttered. After catching his breath he looked up and was met by a giant mirror, floating coffins, and...a flying cat?
"Huh?! You're awake already?!" The cat cried, clearly not expecting Jason to already be awake. "Well no matter, just give me your uniform and I'll let you go," the cat said, their tiny arms crossed and a wide grin on its face
Jason raised a brow at the flying cat, "Uniform? What uniform?" He looked down and saw that he was indeed wearing a uniform. "Why am I wearing this thing?" Jason looked back up at the flying cat, "You. Where am I?"
The cat started laughing, "You're joking, right? You're at the magnificent Night Raven College!"
Jason looked confused, his brow still raised. "College? Fine, if you won't tell me I'll find out on my own," he replied as he got out of the coffin and left the Mirror Room. It didn't take long until he wound up in the Library. "Alright, maybe the cat wasn't lying..." he muttered
"Of course I wasn't lying!" Came a voice from behind him
Jason turned to see the cat right behind him, "Jeez! Don't sneak up on people like that! Dumb cat. Why do you keep following me?"
"I already told you, I want that uniform! And I have a name, it's Grim not 'dumb cat'!" Grim stated.
"Well well well, this is quite the problem. A student is supposed to wait with the others before emerging from their coffins," Another voice said. The voice belonged to a tall thin man with blue hair and a bird-shaped mask.
"Oh great, another weirdo..." Jason grumbled. He had just about enough of this place.. wherever he was
"That was rather rude, I assure you I am not a weirdo. I am Headmage Crowley. You and your familiar should be in the Mirror Room with the other new students." The man said, his arms crossed
"I am not his familiar!" Grim said, offended at the very notion he'd be some human's pet
"Look, I just want to know where I am and get the hell outta here," Jason stated
"Yes yes, that's what they all say. Come along now, I shall explain everything. Truly my kindness knows no bounds!" Crowley replied, ignoring Grim for the moment as he ushered them back to the Mirror Room.
As they got back to the room it was full of students but the main thing that caught everyone's eyes were the people in the front of the room and what looked to be a floating tablet.
"Those who will remain in Heartslabyul remember one thing; my word is law. Those who do not follow the law shall be beheaded," the shortest of the group spoke. He had bright red hair and a stern look on his boyish face
A man with lion ears and long brown hair yawned, "Good this thing is finally over. Those in Savanaclaw come with me, and be quick about it. I want a nap."
Another man with pale skin and pastel purple hair wearing glasses was the next to speak, "I wish to congratulate all incoming freshmen on a wonderous opening ceremony. May you all have a wonderful first year. As Octavinelle's dorm leader I look forward to seeing your progress."
There was a blonde-haired with a purple fade man also in the front. He was sight in of himself with combination of both beauty and charm. "Even if things are finished that doesn't explain where the Headmage ran off to."
"Maybe he was sick?" A short boy wearing a turban chimed in
"Or he abandoned his job again," came a lazy voice from the tablet added
"It was neither of those things! Have you no faith in your Headmage? I went to go retrieve the missing freshman," Crowley stated, his hands on his hips and an annoyed expression on his face. He then turned to look at Jason "Well then, you are the last to be sorted. State your name to the mirror and we'll get you in your dorm right away."
Jason looked less than thrilled to be participating in whatever this was but if it got him home, so be it, "Jason Todd."
A solemn face appeared in the mirror, "Jason Todd. Thy soul is...." it started before trailing off. "I cannot say."
"Pardon me?" Crowley asked
"I sense no magic in this one. I cannot tell what he is like so I do not know where to put him." The mirror stated.
Jason scoffed, rolling his eyes, "I could've told you that. I'm as magicless as they come. Unless you count getting resurrected." "Well that is...problematic. Where did you say you were from?" Crowley asked. "Gotham City." "I don't believe there is such a place in our world. If there is I've never heard of it." "Well that's just bloody brilliant," Jason stated, pinching the bridge of his nose. "When I said I wanted a vacation this is not what I meant." "Let me take his place then! I have magic to be used!" Grim interrupted with a smug smirk on his face. He then proceeded to blow blue flames into the Mirror Room as a 'show of power' "Most certainly not! Look at the mess you have caused! I cannot allow such anarchy in my school!" Crowley scolded, an irritated expression on his face and his arms crossed over his chest. The red-haired boy from earlier stepped forward with his wand pointed at Grim, "I will take care of this. Off with your head!" "Oi! What's the big deal?!" Grim stated, trying to tug off the collar that was now stuck on his neck. He tried to use his flames for a second time but to no avail "Ah, yes. Riddle's signature spell. 'Off with your head' completely blocks out the other person's magic until they leave campus. I would love to learn how it worked," The man with glasses mused. "How dare you! I am Grim, mage extraordinaire! I will not be collared like this!" Grim complained, glaring at Riddle. "It serves you right for disobeying the school's rules. I will not be removing it," Riddle stated. "What a mess this has all become.." Crowley sighed. He turned his attention back to Jason, "Until we find a way to send you home you are welcome to stay in our spare dorm outside of campus. Your familiar may stay with you as well." He then had a self-satisfied smile on his face, "Truly my kindness is boundless." Jason rolled his eyes, "Sure, fine. It's not like I have much of a choice." With this new decision in place Jason found himself stuck in a place that seemed stranger than his own home if that was even possible. Time will only tell where this new adventure will take him...

I really hope you enjoy it as much as I did writing it! Thank you again for your ask!
Hey guys, slowly coming back into posting on here again. Would have came back sooner but recently I was having a major problem with my camera but I finally was able to fix it 😁👍.
Anyways this particular post has been in my head for a while. Glad to have finally finished it after struggling to draw a particular individual for so long;*coughs* Xiao *coughs*.

Hey guys, recently I have been having a lot of Fontaine brainrot so I decided to draw my favorite Fontaine character, Lyney.

Hello everyone, sorry I have been so inactive between life and other creative projects I just haven't had much time to post. So to make up for that here are some sketches I made inspired by the undertale community.

When does a Lamb become a Monster (cult of the lamb fanfiction W.I.P)
Lambert has gotten used to this life of cultism. After being revived he serves the one who waits without question. After all.... He saved him. As a cult leader the lamb does many things to grow his community some of these things are less than moral. One day he is summoned by his god the one who waits, to investigate a bothersome rumour. Doing so he finds himself in a battle unlike one he has ever faced, against an unexpected opponent. There are many more hurdles to come in this tale as morality is questioned, ties are broken, pasts are explored and new bonds are forged.
Chapter 1
It's been over 200 years. In all that time, the Lamb chosen by the one who waits has managed to kill two of the four bishops and grow a prosperous cult. After the deaths of Leshy and Heket there had been an influx of followers to the cult, especially from the darkwood. In this cult things were mostly idyllic with ample food and shelter for all. For those in the domains outside the cult however, things had never been worse. Having to contend with dwindling resources and places to hide from devoted cultists seeking blood, everyday is a fight for survival leaving many bitter at the one who brought all this change, the Lamb. Those outside the cult actually knew very little about the Lamb prior to the change he brought with him. Most information gathered is from dissenters or personal experience. This culminated into a rule that was best known as the 'golden rule'. Excluding the devoted cultists everyone agrees to follow this rule. Do not cross the Lamb.
After getting caught by a cultist to be sacrificed or having gotten over their anger after realizing that the lamb technically freed them from servitude to the selfish gods that once ruled the lands, they hope desperately that the Lamb can 'rescue' them once more. When the Lamb does show up they are so overcome with joy they bow at the Lamb's feet immediately if they are able. Once indoctrinated into the cult things seem idyllic at first. This however, can change seemingly at random after a while in minor and major ways. The inconsistency is to much for some and though they know the punishment will be severe if found out they dissent. The punishment for dissenters also seems to be random sometimes dissenters are simply re-educated while other times..... there is no coming back. Some say this is a small price to pay for having all your needs met and others blinded by their faith, completely disregard the notion something is even wrong. Due to all this, life is indeed mostly peaceful with problems rarely ever poping up. The only ones who know the true purpose of the cult are the bishops and the Lamb themselves. "Sometimes I envy them" the lamb says to himself as he watches his followers go about their day from afar. "How wonderful it must be, to be so ignorant."
The Lamb is walking down the path from his temple one morning greeting followers as he passes in a show of politeness. As he passes a row of out houses he hears two of his followers hiding behind them, gossiping in hushed whispers. When he listens in, he can't help but shake his head. Recently there have been rumours from some of the newer followers about sightings of a strange cloaked figure with horns in the darkwood and it has spread like wildfire. Some think it's simply a enemy cultist while others think it's a monster in disguise. This in itself wouldn't be a problem as animals tend to talk. The real issue is it was affecting faith as people are growing scared, worried or both. Hopefully this just blows over soon he thinks to himself and continues on his way. It did not blow over. In fact he was just summoned by his god to go investigate this troublesome rumour, believing it to be a potential threat. If it did turn out to be true he has been ordered to eliminate whatever it is so it no longer distracts the cult. Accepting his new mission the lamb sets of for the darkwood. The lamb moves stealthily through the woods battling monsters and enemy cultists along the way. He eventually comes up on a clearing with bearies and decides to pick some, crouching down to do so. Before he can, a figure wearing a marroon hooded cloak obscuring the face, comes out of another patch of bushes to his right. Only their two horns are visible. but stops in their tracks upon spotting the lamb still crouched down. Both the lamb and the hooded figure stare at each other in silence. The moment is broken when the figure turns and runs in the direction they came. The lamb immediately leaps to their feet. Drawing their sword and giving chase. Although the figure seemed to know the terrain better, the Lamb was faster and was quickly catching up. Using a curse the lamb trips the mysterious figure, making them face plant into the dirt. Now looming over the injured target the lamb could see they were struggling to stand. as he got closer he saw something white peaking out from the hood. Finally managing to get on their knees the figure turns their head to face them. This action lets the hood fall and revealing a frightened face framed by soft, chalk colored wool, spilling over to cover their left eye.
End W.I.P
Hey guys, thank you for reading. Sorry there isn't more I am still new to the fandom so I will need more time before I feel confident enough to write long character interactions between my oc and the other cotl characters. Additionally I did this just to get the idea down so I apologize if there are any grammatical or structural errors with my writing. There will be more posts regarding this story's world. Some will be long and some will be short. I sadly do not plan on writing a multi chaptered fic for this idea at the moment. Though I do look forward to sharing what I have written with you all. See you soon!👋
Also this is what my oc looks like.