Genshin Impact Lyney - Tumblr Posts
Lyney Headcannon
I can’t stop thinking about that video of this girl on tiktok with a playing card where she asks “is this your card? Check under your foreskin.” But it’s Lyney with his mischievous look. 😂🤭
I just feel like he would 😭😂😂
How I think dating the Fontaine siblings would be like (SFW):
• he is a magician, and wouldn’t hesitate to pull little tricks for you like taking a rose out of his hat
• He’d be very romantic and treat you like a literal princess/prince
• He’ll have you close to him in public to ensure everyone knows that you are his
• Makes Small, cute gestures towards you during his shows when you go to watch him
• During your free time he will dance with you on his stage when no one is around
• He’ll let you borrow his hat from time to time and can’t get over how cute you look in it
• She’d talk more than usual, but loves to listen to you
• Will gently hold your hand in public, like a soft hold
• You’ll go on dates at coffee shops
• She’ll snuggle close to you like a cat when you cuddle
• She is so adorable.. you’ll find yourself lost in her eyes often
•Beware of Lyney though… he’s very protective of his sister
• No funny business because of him… like.. he’ll pounce on you in a heartbeat
• He’s very shy and new to relationships so he’ll blush a lot
• Scared he’ll do something wrong so he hesitates often
• You’ll go on swimming and diving dates
• He’ll hold your hand while diving so he doesn’t lose you
• He’ll show you his little robot penguin every now and then and sometimes will use him to talk to you when he’s too shy
• Your first kiss would be while you were diving, super adorable
The Magic in Romance (Lyney x gn!reader)
This is only the beginning part of what I have written so far, I plan for this to be nsfw later on in the story but this part is SFW. Enjoy!!

The show soon ended and the crowd erupted with cheers and applause. Lyney stood at the center of the stage with Lynette by his side, smiling widely. They held hands with their arms out and Lyney's hat in hand as they were preparing to bow. He caught sight if you in the crowd and flashed a wink at you. A blush made its way onto your cheeks as you noticed the small gesture he made towards you and only you. He then bowed along with Lynette. The crowd continued to go wild as they applauded the talented twins. They soon raised their heads up and faced the crowd. The curtains slowly closed as the twins waved good bye to everyone. Your eyes met with Lyney's once more and he blew a kiss at you before the curtains closed completely. You felt a warm feeling run through your body knowing that he directed it towards you. It was his way of portraying his love for you in public, even while he was working.
You then hurriedly ran over behind the venue to wait for the twins to come out along with other fans behind the red colored stanchions. Paparazzi were already there with their cameras in hand. You were mildly squished between people in the crowd but managed to make your way to the front. It took a few minutes before the twins finally came out from backstage. Cheers erupted as soon as they came out from behind the curtains. They politely waved at everyone as they walked through to their ride. Lyney saw you in the crowd and walked over to you. A smile appeared on your face as he walked over. He gently reached forward to grab your hand and pull you towards him. In one quick motion, he took his hat of and kissed you while covering your faces with his hat from the paparazzi. You blushed lightly at this gesture, knowing that he did it not only for respect for you but for romance purposes.As he pulled away he gave you a warm smile.
"I'll pick you up at 5." He whispered to you before placing his hat back on top of his head. You nodded vigorously in excitement knowing that you would see your beloved boyfriend later. He winked at you once more before walking away to catch up with Lynette.
Rosseland the Little Shit 🤬 (Lyney x gn!reader) slight nsfw!!
I love Lyney’s cat sm and he is so silly. His name is Rosseland btw for those who don’t know. This is meant to be funny as hell.

Small moans left your mouth as you frantically rubbed yourself against Lyney’s clothed crotch. His hands were placed on your hips to help guide your menstrations. You’re completely naked above him while he is left in only his underwear. It started out with a small make out session that slowly escalated into you both grinding against each other.
Both of you stared into each other’s eyes. Your faces are full of bliss. You then begin to lean into each other for a kiss…
Until a certain someone came out of Lyney’s hat.
Rosseland jumped onto Lyney’s chest suddenly. Both of you stopped your movements immediately. You both looked at each other with wide eyes for a moment before looking down at the cat between you two. Rosseland sat on Lyney’s chest facing him. He let out a small meow while looking into his eyes.
You couldn’t help but giggle at how cute and funny this was. Lyney groaned and rolled his eyes. He was clearly annoyed that his cat was picking now of all times to bother him. Rosseland meowed again at Lyney. It seemed like he wanted him for something.
“He’s hungry… give me a moment.” Lyney told you with a sigh. You kept giggling as you slipped off of his lap to lay next to him on the bed. Lyney gently held the meowing black cat in his arms as he slipped off of the bed. He walked out of the room to go feed him. It took a couple of minutes before he came back into the room. He sighed as he approached the bed.
“Sorry… he won’t leave me alone if I don’t feed him right away. He knows exactly when he needs to be fed.” He apologizes as he climbs back onto the bed. You giggled again at the situation. Lyney then smiled softly seeing how you weren’t upset at the situation.
“It was funny.. I don’t mind!” You tell him with a big smile. You then slowly climbed back onto his lap. A smirk suddenly appeared on your face. “We can continue now anyways~ right?~” You whispered to him as you leaned in close to his face. Lyney smirked back and nodded.
You panted for breath as you came back from your high. You slowly laid against Lyney as you felt your body become overwhelmed with exhaustion. Lyney gently placed an arm on your back to help ease you. After you both had calmed down, you noticed Lyney turning his head to the door. His eyes suddenly widened.
“Rosseland! Put it down!” He spoke to the cat at the door. You turned your head to the door of his bedroom and saw the cat standing in the doorway with your underwear in his mouth. “That’s not yours, Rosseland!” Lyney told the cat again. He seemed to be unbothered then pranced away. You giggled again at the cat’s demeanor. “No! Bad cat!” Lyney called out to the cat as he gently placed you beside him on the bed. He then quickly got up from the bed to go run after the cat. You couldn’t help but giggle uncontrollably at how silly his cat was. How could you ever be upset at his cute cat?
Lyney x Reader AU…
Where Lyney is literally the Phantom of the Opera and the reader is Christine. They would perform at the Opera Epiclese and Lyney would still be a magician… but also the Phantom of the Opera without anyone knowing (because he wears a mask hahahaha). Wasn’t until the night the one and only “blonde traveler” (as Genshin says..) was going to make an appearance to watch the performance that the reader finds out who the Phantom of the Opera really is…
I might actually write a small story for this! Let’s hope I have the motivation!!
Everyone’s thoughts??
I would also not make it to where the reader grew up with the Phantom of the Opera… so basically taking out any implication of grooming.
Hey guys, recently I have been having a lot of Fontaine brainrot so I decided to draw my favorite Fontaine character, Lyney.

Hello :3 can I request a Lyney x female reader who is a mechanic, and Lyney flirts with her while shes working in hopes to make her flustered, but she ends up flirting back and makes him flustered instead, which leads to Lyney finding out he likes being topped by a girl in bed so, a sub lyney x dom female reader :3 Thank you!
💖~ I had a lot of fun with this, I won't deny it. I have never felt like this in my life heeeelp
Warning: Smut, Fem!Reader | English is not my native language, so if I have made any mistakes in the translation, I am open to corrections | Content in spanish and english!

Una sonrisa se dibujó en su rostro al escuchar el tintineo de la campana que dió el aviso de su llegada. El ruido del reloj constante entraba por uno de sus oídos y le salía por el otro mientras pasaba a través de los estantes de la tienda repleta de artefactos y cachivaches que, para el ojo de los desconocidos e incultos en tu tipo de arte, pensarían que era producto de un huracán que tiró todos los tubos y los engranajes alrededor de los estantes desorganizados.
Lyney había escuchado tu voz dándole la bienvenida a tu tienda, una frase que repetías casi de manera mecánica cuando la alerta en forma de campana sonaba. Tu entera concentración no estaba en el mago, cosa que lo molestó en algún lugar de su profundo corazón, sino que tu mirada estaba más interesada en el intercambio de los engranajes de lo que parecía un reloj en su más puro estado de metal y agujas desnudas sobre tu mesa empolvada, brochas, llaves y destornilladores te rodeaban como si solo hubieran sido tiradas sobre la mesa para esperar su turno de ser usadas por tus manos que jugaban con las partes del reloj, descubriendo poco a poco el rompecabezas que habías armado y cuyas piezas fallaban de alguna manera para caer en tus manos.
“Parece que ni siquiera tienes tiempo para saludarme correctamente, cher.” El mago, tan dramático como solía ser, se puso una mano en su corazón dolido por tu frialdad. Tus dedos se detuvieron al escuchar su voz, la sombra de una sonrisa en tus labios se formó mientras te quitabas los anteojos y los dejabas sobre la mesa.
La parte de atrás de la tienda es donde solías trabajar, era tu taller, no sé suponía que alguien entrara a tu rincón privado, pero Lyney siempre tuvo este pase de entrada, incluso si nunca se lo dijiste, él sabía que podía pasearse por dónde le diera la gana en tu tienda y tu taller. Ese era su privilegio. Solo suyo.
“Pensé que tenías una práctica para tu show de mañana.” Lyney no soportó un minuto más para tomar tu mano y quitarte tus guantes grasientos antes de entrelazar sus dedos con los tuyos y levantarte para fundirse a sí mismo en tu abrazo. Un sonido de satisfacción, como dejar salir sus preocupaciones desde sus pulmones, te calentó el pecho junto a su otra mano sobre tu cintura.
“Tengo un problema muy urgente y solo tú puedes ayudarme.” El mago sonrió, la misma sonrisa de un zorro astuto a punto de robar algo, la sonrisa que te hizo imitarlo con diversión. “Siento mis extremidades entumecidas cuando trató de subir al escenario, cher. Necesito que engrases mis articulaciones para que pueda volver a mi puesto como el gran mago que Fontaine conoce.”
El chico parecía obsesionado con soltar las peores frases para ligar referente a la mecánica, te habías enterado por Freminet que incluso llegó a pedirle explicaciones a él para planear sus avances al inicio de su cortejo, y parecía que no tenía planes de terminar con sus movimientos. Te sorprendió que no se le cruzara por la cabeza la idea de usar alambres y tuercas como serpentina un día de estos. Aunque no niegas que tal vez sí lo hizo y lo descartó para no hacerte daño.
La sonrisa victoriosa y orgullosa del mago te calentó el corazón, no importaba si querías meterle un trapo en la boca para que se calle mientras seguía soltando una gran cantidad de basura romántica mientras te hacía bailar con él en el pequeño taller. Su corazón bombeaba como el fuego de una maquinaria a vapor, estaba seguro de que necesitaría que le ayudes a transformar ese anticuado mecanismo en uno totalmente nuevo y moderno, así podría amarte mejor también. Tal vez podrías hacer algo como una fuente y jugar con la energía hidráulica para que sus circuitos te den pequeñas descargas eléctricas a distancia cuando pensara en ti.
Sus intentos de ponerte ese precioso color colorado en tus mejillas fue humilde, podrías clasificarlo en uno de los mejores solo porque su voz es preciosa mientras cerca de tus labios y acariciaba tu mejilla con la esperanza de que su magia haga aparecer tu sonrojo. Lyney era un buen hombre y merecía que lo reconocieran.
“Si es así, creo que debo abrirte y revisar qué está mal contigo.” Tu juego pudo haberse quedado en eso solamente, pero no te echarías para atrás, mucho menos cuando el propio Lyney casi se atraganta cuando le quitaste su capa y lo tomaste por los hombros para besarlo. Dio un grito interno junto a un reseteo de su propio cerebro mientras te sujetaba por la cadera y trataba de seguir tu ritmo, pero ya lo habías sentado en tu mesa de trabajo y los botones de su camisa se estaban desabotonando. Su sombrero y su camisa blanca quedaron en tu mesa, el lugar más limpio del taller en el que trabajaban normalmente arreglando guardias robots, ahora estabas aplastando el miembro de Lyney en tu mano mientras lo obligabas a no apartar la mirada.
Sus ojos casi se nublaron cuando tu mano lo agarró por el mentón y le abriste la boca con tus dedos, provocando que un nuevo jadeo se escuche dentro del pequeño taller.
“Tu caja de voz parece que funciona bien, por desgracia. Pero esperemos que una sobrecarga te arregle lo que tienes en la cabeza, amor.” Tu dedo pulgar acarició la punta del falo de Lyney, tus demás dedos parecían recordar las diferentes venas que eran parte de su carne, tu mano empezó a moverse más rápido gracias al líquido preseminal que brotaba desde la punta. “Parece que está parte de ti funciona excelentemente. Felicidades, parece que no estás lo suficientemente dañado como para tener que hacerte un análisis completo.”
Las manos de Lyney se aferraron a la mesa, tratando de arañar la madera debajo de sus dedos mientras sus piernas simplemente caían frente a él, sentía que su cuerpo caliente era arrasado por el espacio pequeño en el que estaba siendo jodido, pero poco le pudo haber importado en dónde iba a soltar su semen para cuando tus labios ya estaban dejando marcas en su cuello expuesto. Sus pezones eran muy sensibles, tanto que solo bastó que los lamiera para que manchara patéticamente tu ropa con su eyaculación.
“Ahí debería estar mejor.” Tu tono lo martirizó cuando tu mano no se detuvo, lo llevaste a través de su orgasmo hasta que prácticamente jadeó como una pasiva contra tu aliento. “Parece que aún no estás totalmente bien. Creo que necesitaré ser un poco más paciente contigo, ¿verdad?”
No pudo evitar gemir un patético “sí” contra tus labios, aceptando cualquier cosa que planearas hacerle en ese momento.

A smile appeared on his face as he heard the tinkling of the bell that announced his arrival. The constant noise of the clock entered one of his ears and left the other as he passed through the shelves of the store full of artifacts and bric-a-brac that, to the eye of the unknown and uneducated in your type of art, would think that It was the product of a hurricane that knocked all the tubes and gears around on the shelves in disarray.
Lyney had heard your voice welcoming him to your store, a phrase you repeated almost mechanically when the bell-shaped alert rang. Your entire concentration was not on the magician, which bothered him somewhere deep in his heart, but your gaze was more interested in the exchange of the gears of what looked like a clock in its purest state of metal and bare hands. On your dusty table, brushes, keys and screwdrivers surrounded you as if they had only been thrown on the table to wait their turn to be used by your hands that played with the parts of the clock, discovering little by little the puzzle that you had put together and whose pieces failed somehow to fall into your hands.
“Looks like you don't even have time to greet me properly, cher.” The magician, as dramatic as he usually was, placed a hand on his heart, hurt by your coldness. Your fingers stopped when you heard his voice, the shadow of a smile forming on your lips as you took off your glasses and left them on the table.
The back of the store is where you used to work, it was your workshop, I don't know that someone was supposed to come into your private corner, but Lyney always had this entrance pass, even if you never told him, he knew he could wander around where would like in your store and your workshop. That was his privilege. Only his.
“I thought you had practice for your show tomorrow.” Lyney couldn't stand another minute to take your hand and remove your greasy gloves before intertwining his fingers with yours and lifting you up to melt himself into your embrace. A sound of satisfaction, like letting his worries out of his lungs, warmed your chest along with his other hand on your waist.
“I have a very urgent problem and only you can help me.” The wizard smiled, the same smile of a cunning fox about to steal something, the smile that made you imitate him with amusement. “My limbs feel numb when he tried to go on stage, cher. I need you to grease my joints so he can return to my position as the great magician Fontaine knows.”
The man seemed obsessed with saying the worst pickup lines regarding mechanics, you had found out from Freminet that he even asked him for explanations to plan his advances at the beginning of their courtship, and it seemed that he had no plans to end his movements. He surprised you that the idea of using wires and nuts as a streamer didn't cross his mind one of these days. Although you don't deny that maybe he did do it and he ruled it out so as not to hurt you.
The magician's victorious and proud smile warmed your heart, it didn't matter if you wanted to shove a rag in his mouth to shut him up as he continued spouting a lot of romantic garbage while making you dance with him in the small workshop. His heart was pumping like the fire of a steam engine, he was sure that he would need you to help him transform that antiquated mechanism into a totally new and modern one, so he could love you better too. Maybe you could make something like a fountain and play with water power so that his circuits would give you little electric shocks from a distance when he thought of you.
His attempts to put that beautiful blush on your cheeks was humbling, you could classify him as one of the best just because his voice is beautiful as he nears your lips and caresses your cheek in the hope that his magic will bring out your blush. Lyney was a good man, and he deserved to be recognized.
“If so, I think I should open you up and check what's wrong with you.” Your game could have stopped at just that, but you wouldn't back down, much less when Lyney himself almost choked when you took his cloak off of him and took him by the shoulders to kiss him. He gave an internal scream along with a reset of his own brain as he held you by the hip and tried to keep up with your pace, but you had already sat him down at your work table and the buttons on his shirt were unbuttoning. His hat and his white shirt were left on your table, the cleanest place in the workshop where they normally worked fixing robot guards, now you were crushing Lyney's cock in your hand while forcing him not to look away.
His eyes almost blurred when your hand grabbed him by the chin and you opened his mouth with your fingers, causing a new gasp to be heard inside the small workshop.
“Your voice box seems to be working fine, unfortunately. But let's hope an overload fixes what's in your head, love.” Your thumb caressed the tip of Lyney's cock, your other fingers seemed to remember the different veins that were part of his flesh, your hand began to move faster thanks to the precum oozing from the tip. “It seems like this part of you is working excellently. Congratulations, it looks like you are not damaged enough to need a full analysis.”
Lyney's hands gripped the table, trying to claw at the wood beneath his fingers as his legs simply fell in front of him, he felt his hot body being ravaged by the small space he was being fucked up, but little could he do having cared where he was going to release his cum by the time your lips were already leaving marks on his exposed neck. His nipples were very sensitive, so much so that it was enough for him to lick them for him to pathetically stain your clothes with his ejaculate.
“It should be better there.” Your tone tormented him when your hand didn't stop, you carried him through his orgasm until he was practically panting passively against your breath. “It seems like you're not totally fine yet. I think I’ll need to be a little more patient with you, right?”
He couldn’t help but moan a pathetic “yes” against your lips, accepting whatever you planned to do to him at that moment.
Can't convince me otherwise that Lyney wouldn't do this cuz he totally would LMAO

which one is you and which one is your f/o
hello, could I pls have A C I U W for Lyney?
I am still not used to writing for Lyney, but I tried!!
TW: NSFW (MDNI), cum eating, finishing inside, teasing, exhibitionism, humiliation

A ftercare - What they're like after sex
With ecstatic Lyney and his abnormally high stamina, it takes a while for sex to even end. He goes for so long, hours and hours and you just have to take him, growing more and more exhausted after each position he puts you in.
Even after he's done, he's still excitable. As he towels you down, cleaning you off, he'll talk to you about whatever he's thinking about. New tricks he's been working on, places he wants to perform, people he wants to meet. You wonder how he's able to be so lively after what the two of you just did, but you yourself are too tired to think about it. Normally you find yourself falling asleep while his words become nothing but a garbled mess in your ears. You'll wake up cleaned and dressed, with water for you to drink later.
C um - Anything to do with cum, basically
Lyney consistently cums a lot. His first load is always his largest, but that doesn't mean the rest after that aren't big as well. To the point where you struggle to swallow it, let him finish in your mouth and cum will leak out of your stuffed cheeks as you try to gulp the rest down.
He'll sheepishly apologize for how much he's stuffing into you, pretending to make an effort to pull out, but keeping himself balls deep inside anyways. Soft moans will drop from his lips as his cum seeps from your cunt, running down your legs while more pumps into you.
I ntimacy - How are they during the moment? The romantic aspect
So sweet he is in moments that are tender, his lips only spewing mumbles of praise and encouragement. Holding your cheeks so you can look into his eyes, he'll start speaking of how beautiful he thinks you are, how perfect you are for him, how amazing the sex with you is. His honeyed words aren't ploys at all, he means every bit of them, and when you say something kind back, his eyes go wide with joy. The rest of the act is just spent with the two of you praising one another back and forth, cumming over and over until you both grow tired.
U nfair - How much they like to tease
Lyney is a shameless tease, a public one at that. Whether it's just out on the town, or even at one of his shows, he'll still find a way to tease you, having you wet and ready for him when it's time to go home.
Such things over the clothes groping are commonplace to him. As a magician, his touch can be easily hidden as he does these things. Reaching down to hand you something, can be quickly followed by the slight squeeze of your chest, a smack of your ass, even a hand between your thighs. All the while, everyone else is none the wiser. Eccentric Lyney makes it hard to tell.
W ild card - A random headcanon for the character
It's a tragic thing that something like humiliation turns Lyney on. Performing everyday means he's not as susceptible to things such as embarrassment. But he knows that when he feels it, his cock grows harder, begging for attention.
This leads to nights where Lyney will make you watch him. It's not the typical performance you'd get from someone like him, but it's something regardless. A small stage would be rented out late at night, doors locked so it was only you and he inside and just like usual, he would walk up on that platform and perform. Only, this time, in the dark of night, he'd be naked.
Lyney would try to get through his set, completely bare before you, your eyes seeming to take in every piece of his body. He knew he couldn't perform without his clothes, but the sight of you out in those seats, with the lights beating down on his nude body made him tremble. He'd cum long before his show was over, spilling his seed all over the floor in front of him, the shame he was feeling only making his dick harder.

(Chiori Story quest) I'M SORRY BUT HE SERVING 👏✨
Lyney! Fontaine's greatest magician!

Im like so proud of this one guys please share it! Help me get it around!

Lyney and Lynette switching their outfit
Bonus :

Lyney has cat palms and feet like lynette because i believe lyney is 1/3 cat while lennete is 2/3
That's why lynette has cat ears but lyney not

Imagine being a mage. Living in Fountain. Having all the young boys behind you because of your beauty.
And still falling for that magician.
And that magician is also in his kneels for you. You know that.
Everyone knows that. But still you want him to do it in the classic way of Fontaine's flirting traditions.
Or that was what you always tell everyone.
Since you were from ... well... Sumeru.... Yes a mage from Sumeru in Fontaine. A dendro mage in the nation of hydro.
So you wanting to see how ge will ask you out. You knew it was stupid reason. But well you were curious.
Aahhhh you dear cousin Kaveh will have to hear about it the fact that there aren't any movements from him yet.
Kaveh.. ahh your dear older cousin that ask his mother, your auntie to find you a house to stay. Since she lives now here.
You love your family very much. That was also the reason why you didn't say anything. His mother spent so much time to give him all so he wouldn't miss anything after his father died.
But you must say that after you arrived in Fontaine you didn't expect to fall somehow in love with a "mage".
Lyney was his name. He also had a cat like twin sister named Lynette .
You found quite adorable the fact that their names was matching in you mind.
You were weird in many people opinions. More dark skin than them. But that was ok.
Well with Lyney you always leave sings that will help him ask you out....but still no move.
You don't understand. He was so flirty and extrovert to the others.
But then you get closer.
He turnes into a introvert and shy mess!
That was until today.(That was what he told himself)
You were in the bakery. You know ,for a little dessert for yourself and you notice two familiar faces.
Yes the twins, wait. Oh! they are walking to you! 😦ooooooo Wait this must be the moment you were waiting for sooooo long.
Lyney was looking prepared and Lynette must be for support and they stop inford of you table- ...wait why is Lynette walking silently away to where the sweets are?
Nevermind she must want one..
You look up . You meet his lilac cat familiar eyes. Ahhhh wjat nice eyes he shares with his sister right?
He has his hands behind his back. Wait is he holding something?
Well yes but you can't see it . It's a very huge budget of : Rainbow roses and a few Lakelight Lilys.
Awww how sweet of him.
-Well well if it isn't the most talented mage in the whole Fontaine and Sumeru then who elso????~
-heheh.. hello to you also Monsieur Lyney...did i say it right?
He thought he was going to have a heart attack! BUT LYNETTE WILL HELP HIM BY PUTTING HER HAND-.... Wait where is Lynette -..... Of course she is paying for the sweets!!!(Lyney's mental state right now :'&0_':?3-;3;$!$() what is he going to doo with her.
- Ooo yes ! My Lady. You say it with the most beautiful colour in your voice that i have ever-
- Please..get to the point
You could feel him going away from the topic. He always doesn that. But you wouldn't allow it this time.
And he was grateful for that.
Then he point out the budget and gives it to you.
You take het and thank him
- Also i would like to ask of you like to go out with me sometime, my lady?-
- Yes. Tomorrow here at 18:00 . Don't be late ~
Then you get up and picked his cheek
-Sorry but i can't stay longer.
Then you whisper in his ear
-See you tomorrow.. don't be late!
Then you leave.
He was atill standing there.....
With the most stupid smile.
He was already daydream. Oooo so many things to do together like kissing, hugging, or even like se-
-Well this went very well
His sister put him in reality.
-..yessss Lynette...-
Then he remembered the sweets
“Your name
with Lyney”

It’s such a cheesy sight. Seeing her own brother develop a new fondness for someone new. A curious glint would make its way to his eyes at just the mention of your name. A soft smile would join this curious expression.
But this is before. Before he realizes how deeply rooted you are inside of him. And before he is made aware just how special this audience member and friend is.
Your name is different. Holding priority in his mind in contrast to others. Originality doesn’t matter to him though. Only the individual.
So perhaps it isn’t your name that sticks out. Just the fact that it’s you, out of anyone else.

You know what, I'm just gonna
*put these in front of you*
*walk away*

I mean this in the most respectful way possible but Lyney is just yassified Bennett.

I made a Lyney bot if anyone's interested. It's a figure skating au (I actually have no idea where I got the idea from, it was 3am when I made it 💀)

I update these fairly often. Also these aren't "accurate" per se, they're just songs I associate with the characters. Hopefully you enjoy them!