operationandre - 𖤓 matt 𖤓
𖤓 matt 𖤓

he, 18, concerning.andre’s no.1 fan.

706 posts

Watching It Again.

watching it again.

-the passenger anon

ME TOO!!! i’m mid rewatch rn bc school work interrupted me 🙄🙄🙄 i’m going to post so much about them tomorrow i swear (i’m about to fall asleep rn :o)

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More Posts from Operationandre

5 months ago

thinking of young andre who grew up in a house that speaks almost purely german and nothing else. on his first day of kindergarten, he walks in to kids talking and laughing with each other. he knows basic phrases and questions, of course, but even then, his voice is laced in a thick accent like his father. laughs follow his every word, and he sits alone at recess. books pile up next to his bed as he begs his parents and brother to read to him in english every night. he feels like he’s so far behind and will never catch up.

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5 months ago

yeah :((((

nomnomnom crunchcrunchcrunch

rachel lurie from zero day 🙂

Rachel Lurie From Zero Day

Rachel Lurie from Zero Day eats glass

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5 months ago

will u perchance be posting more elephant headcanons..

YES!!! i will be! also if anyone wants to send asks about them i'm more than happy to answer them!! it can be about any character, not just alex and eric

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5 months ago

thinking about how dylan k got buried with a bunch of stuffed animals around him.

imagine cal laying in his casket with a halo of comfort around him. his siblings place their favorite toys on his shoulders while his parents cover his chest with his childhood blankie, the blue of it blending in with his face that lacks oxygen. there’s a stuffed elephant and dinosaur resting above his head. he’s surrounded by something so childlike. his gunshot wound blew the back of his skull out, but when he’s lying there on his back, it’s invisible. the last sight his family has of him is a stark contrast to their son’s and brother’s actions. they’ve turned a villain, an evil criminal, innocent.

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5 months ago

can u pls pls pls make head canons abt female cal and andre..,, i need that in my life rn

Female Cal and Andre Headcanons

(using the names Callie and Andrea)

- Andrea has always had very thick, very long hair. Callie, on the other hand, has always had short and thin hair. Whenever the girls put their hair in ponytails, Andrea’s goes down a little beyond her shoulders while Callie’s is a short tuft of hair by her neck.

- Andrea has PCOS. She tries to push through it when she has her period, but it’s almost impossible to not double over when she’s working out or doing a lot of drills in track. Callie has endometriosis. She stays home from school a ton during her period, curled up in her bed with a heating pack on her stomach and dried tears on her cheeks.

- Andrea mostly wears comfortable, sporty clothes like sweatpants, loose t-shirts, sports bras, and worn down tennis shoes. Callie wears a lot of band shirts with long skirts and combat boots. Her favorite outfit is her Pearl Jam shirt with a white skirt that goes to her ankles.

- They’re both Taylor Swift haters. When other girls mention her, they roll their eyes. They genuinely think they’re not like other girls with their music taste.

- Callie bites her nails constantly. Andrea often has scratched up black nail polish on, but her nails are in very good shape.

- Andrea doesn’t wear much makeup. She was never taught how to do it, and it makes her feel suffocated. The most she wears is tinted chapstick and mascara. Callie wears eyeshadow, mascara, lip gloss, blush, highlighter, and more. There are always sparkles on her, even after she uses makeup remover.

- People think they’re dating. It always surprises them when Callie gets a new boyfriend or girlfriend. Andrea always says she can’t be bothered with dating, but she kind of wants a girlfriend deep down.

- Callie is bisexual. Andrea is a lesbian.

- They make fun of men together. Multiple times, men have tried to impress Callie only to get laughed at by the duo. Their patience for men is almost nonexistent.

- Andrea sleeps in a sports bra and shorts. Callie sleeps in a gigantic shirt and her underwear.

- During sleepovers, Callie always convinces Andrea to do face masks. She goes along with it as long as she can pick the movie they watch while they wait for the masks to dry.

- Callie is flat chested while Andrea isn’t. Andrea’s back hurts often because of it. Callie feels bad and massages her back.

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