Caldre - Tumblr Posts

7 months ago

excuse the shit photos, but can we talk about the difference between their crosses? cal’s cross is truly a memorial; it has peace signs, messages saying “we will miss you,” and more. then you look at andre’s and immediately see a big fuck you scrawled across the front. it says “stop the madness” and something along the lines of “may god have mercy on you because we wouldn’t” (paraphrased, the footage is blurry).

the difference in their peers attitudes towards them extends even into death. cal is likeable. he’s in the band, and he has quite a few friends. andre is different. he’s off putting and angry, and he only has cal. we talk so much about how similar they are and how their day to day lives drove them to zero day. while that is all true, we have to also talk about how they dealt with life. they acted how people wanted them too. they viewed cal as peaceful, so he pretended he was. they viewed andre as violent, and he placed himself so quickly into that role.

Excuse The Shit Photos, But Can We Talk About The Difference Between Their Crosses? Cals Cross Is Truly
Excuse The Shit Photos, But Can We Talk About The Difference Between Their Crosses? Cals Cross Is Truly

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7 months ago

there was not a single heterosexual thought going through cal's head in this entire scene and you can tell

There Was Not A Single Heterosexual Thought Going Through Cal's Head In This Entire Scene And You Can

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7 months ago

imagine if zero day didn’t happen. cal and andre attend the university of connecticut. they share a dorm and stay as close as ever. these photos would be from a friday night. parties would be going on all over campus, but they aren’t interested. they prefer being alone together. it’s the most fun they’ve ever had. this is the sight andre has every night, and it’s heaven.

Imagine If Zero Day Didnt Happen. Cal And Andre Attend The University Of Connecticut. They Share A Dorm
Imagine If Zero Day Didnt Happen. Cal And Andre Attend The University Of Connecticut. They Share A Dorm

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7 months ago

Cal and Andre: Twin Flames.

A look into the use of fire in Zero Day.

Cal And Andre: Twin Flames.

Fire is a very important symbol within Zero Day, especially towards the end. Two major points that involve fire are the burning of Cal and Andre’s belongings and the burning of their crosses. While these scenes utilize the same symbol, they are exponentially different.

The scene in which Cal and Andre burn their belongings a couple days before Zero Day represents a melting of two souls into one, a merging of two people who are about to secure their places in history together. The boys stand next to each other, acknowledging that they will no longer be known as Cal or Andre but instead as Cal and Andre. This fire is a symbol of birth, of the creation of a new idea and being.

The scene in which Cal and Andre’s crosses are burned are represents a separation, a divorce of sorts. The monuments that constitute the boys’ lives are yards apart from one another. Instead of dying together on the floor of the school, blood and brains mixing together, someone else has taken their deaths, even if figuratively, into their own hands. This fire is a symbol of death, of the destruction of something great and dangerous.

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7 months ago

Draw Calvin and Andre Yaoi

Draw Calvin And Andre Yaoi

i hope this is good enough

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7 months ago

thinking about transmasc andre coming out in middle school, a year or two after he met cal. cal wasn’t the first person he told, but he was the first person who didn’t judge him. a couple months after andre came out to cal, andre almost started crying while they were watching a movie. cal was really confused; the movie they were watching was a fucking comedy.

when cal asked andre what was wrong, andre explained how he felt, how his body felt like it didn’t belong to him and how he wished he had some sort of control over it.

the conversation gave cal an idea.

the next time andre came over, cal had laid out tons of his own clothes, letting andre pick whatever he thought looked cool and comfortable to wear. later that night, cal took a pair of kitchen scissors and chopped off as much dark brown hair as andre wanted. maybe the new haircut was lopsided and weird, but the smile on andre’s face was brighter than anything and everything in the world.

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7 months ago

A Study of Andre Kriegman;

a poem written by me.

A Study Of Andre Kriegman;

He was a beautiful dog,

sharp toothed and quick to bite,

but a disgusting boy in the eyes of humankind.

He had been born feeble, impressionable.

Could he have been saved if trained right?

If he had been kept in his cage longer?

There was something rotten inside him

that hadn’t been released with a bullet to his head.

It would live with him forever.

It would turn his bark into a bite,

and his bite into a gnawing, guttural cry.

He would grow teeth, though his bones had long stopped working.

He came home with his own blood in his mouth,

his teeth in his head, and his brains on the floor.

He was coming home. He had returned.

A mess of bone and warmth and love shaped into a man

had now been reverted back to its original state.

Only now was he contained, a box underneath the ground.

And his parents asked,

Had they smothered him in love?

Had they planted a flower and watered it

until it could no longer grow?

Had they taken away his reality,

making him only focused on clawing his way back to the surface?

While those around him had younger siblings,

small children destined to shape themselves after them,

he had no one.

He had no one to take after him,

no one to grow up with the memory of him,

just three people who now lived their lives to forget him.

Life will move on.

His apron will be thrown away,

but his name tag will be saved and hidden away,

his hand prints in flour will haunt you.

There will be an empty space, dark and vast,

but it will be avoided, maneuvered around.

His heartbeat had once pounded furiously,

blood rushing through him in anger as well as happiness,

but nobody had opened their eyes to see the second half of him.

The story of his life did not just end,

the binding of the book had been removed,

and used to create stories of a young monster.

No arms would wrap around him,

for his skin was serrated, torn to pieces by his love.

His weakness was his devotion.

His devotion was his demise.

It was the blood next to him, the blond hair laid next to his brown locks.

It was the face next to him on tape.

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7 months ago


do y’all even think they’d say andre and cal’s names at graduation? do you think other parents would be outraged? would the gabriels and kriegmans even be welcome in the stadium? would cal’s little siblings be able to return to school? or would people avoid both families like the plague?

would their names be in obituaries in the papers? or would they only be plastered on the front covers with horrible words on top of them? cal’s blond hair covered in the word “monster” written in red; andre’s tan skin tainted by the word “killer” in a font bigger than anyone even knew existed.

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7 months ago

andre loved cal. cal loved the idea of andre.

andre loved cal’s mind and heart and dedication to zero day. he loved the way cal’s hands held his face and the way cal’s lips felt against his own. andre loved sleeping next to cal, staying up until the early morning and waking up late in the day. andre loved cal enough to die with him.

cal loved that andre was his accomplice, his best friend, and that andre loved him. cal loved that andre didn’t have anyone else, that he would always be first in andre’s mind and heart. cal loved the way his family treated andre as their own and how andre took care of his siblings. cal loved the idea of andre so much that he didn’t want anyone else to have the older boy when he passed, so he took andre with him.

andre and cal both had love in their hearts. they just loved different things.

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7 months ago

caldre is love!! caldre is life!!

cal loves andre. andre loves cal. cal loves andre. andre loves cal. cal loves andre. andre loves cal. cal loves andre. andre loves cal. cal loves andre. andre loves cal. cal loves andre. andre loves cal. cal loves andre. andre loves cal. cal loves andre. andre loves cal. cal loves andre. andre loves cal. cal loves andre. andre loves cal. cal loves andre. andre loves cal. cal loves andre. andre loves cal. cal loves andre. andre loves cal. cal loves andre. andre loves cal.

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7 months ago

the week after we died.

a poem about life after the death of andre kriegman and calvin gabriel, written by me.

The Week After We Died.

we lie on the cold floor,

brains and bone shattered and splayed on tile.

the body bags are too big.

they aren’t made to hold someone so small.

the strength and weight of our guns had left us.

with tortured minds,

our families tear through our belongings,

yearning for a letter, an explanation

of where they went wrong,

but they will find nothing.

they will go outside and spot the fire pit,

find the charcoals still smoldering.

burnt plastic and flakes of paper

that can only be explained by a tape,

by a video made in solitude.

the church refuses to hold our funerals.

we are buried with no celebration,

caskets closed for the sanity of others.

there is a family gathering for those who care:

our siblings, our parents, rachel, and mel.

our hell is our minds,

focused on one singular thought.

we go in circles,

finding ourselves in the exact place we tried to escape,

hurtling towards the point of extinction.

people are told not to live in the past

as if their loved ones do not reside there.

they are told that life will be better without us,

that life will be happier and more fulfilling,

but how can anything fill the void in which we used to reside?

we lie on the cold floor,

now only in memory and in mind,

as people avoid the space where we lay.

the way they swerve around the spot is almost natural,

as if we were designed for their hatred.

the week after we died,

graduation was halted.

the week after we died,

the police came knocking.

the world fell apart in the week after we died.

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7 months ago

T4T caldre hcs .... I need it.....

T4T Caldre Headcanons (FTM)

- Andre came out when he was thirteen. Cal came out when he was fifteen.

- Andre started T when he was sixteen. Cal started a couple weeks after his seventeenth birthday.

- For a while, they both injected T. Now, Andre uses gel and only Cal injects it.

- Andre always wore his older brother’s clothes growing up. His family never really made him wear dresses unless it was a religious holiday.

- Cal was hyper feminine when he was younger. He constantly got his mom to do his makeup, wore dresses whenever he could, and was the girliest girl ever.

- They both knew something was wrong when they were younger but they dealt with it in different ways. Andre faced it head on. Cal hid it.

- Andre’s dysphoria outfit is a sweatshirt he got from Germany and a pair of baggy basketball shorts. Cal’s dysphoria outfit is a big Nirvana shirt and a pair of his dad’s old pajama pants. (Dysphoria outfits are basically what someone wears to make themselves more comfortable when dysphoria is really bad.)

- Andre has a bigger chest than Cal. Andre wears multiple sports bras at a time when his binder is being washed; he never goes without binding in some way. Cal evenly divides his days between not binding and wearing his binder.

- Cal’s mom cuts his hair. Every time he gets a professional to do it, it always comes out looking really feminine.

- When Andre first came out, he got a buzz cut. He started to grow it out in freshman year.

- The boys share clothes constantly. Their wardrobes are basically combined.

- Cal has really bad voice dysphoria. There are days where he simply doesn’t talk.

- Andre works out a ton, even before he joined track. He wanted to gain muscle and get wider shoulders and bigger arms.

- Both boys open up to each other about dysphoria and feeling inadequate. They talk more to each other about it than they do to their parents or their therapists.

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