orienteddreamerrr - The Dreamer Express!❤️
The Dreamer Express!❤️

A random Tumblr blog here...nothin' special! 😁 | 22s | She/her | A Fantasizer and Pure Geek! | A small AI enthusiast | Always on the lookout for mutuals💖 | PART-TIME Fanfic writer | Like what you see? Hop aboard for the ride of my DRAMA, my weirdness but fun! | Quote: "I'm not clumsy, I'm just 'conducting' random gravity checks".

585 posts

Movies And Tv Shows I Recently Watched And Finished!

Movies and Tv shows I recently watched and finished!

Dark Matter:

Movies And Tv Shows I Recently Watched And Finished!


Movies And Tv Shows I Recently Watched And Finished!

The Bike Riders:

Movies And Tv Shows I Recently Watched And Finished!

Brokeback Moutain:

Movies And Tv Shows I Recently Watched And Finished!

Talk to Me:

Movies And Tv Shows I Recently Watched And Finished!
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More Posts from Orienteddreamerrr

8 months ago

OMGOSH!!! I remember having and making this story of Cal...where I involved my irl friend--who's barely around anymore...I got no friends... :(--and she was invited to this party, and I was invited along with her and Cal became a butler and a bodyguard for the both of us...he even acted like one??? Lol

He took us to and fro from the party...Purge Troopers invaded my friend's place...we all escaped together...and my friend ends up joining me and the Mantis crew! I only remember the title and I tilted it, "Cal the Gentleman"! It's a really fun story and I wish I hadn't deleted it...I would make it, but it seems so weird to me now...not sure why...it felt good to make it back then...

I also made this story of Cal where he had an evil twin brother who's an Inquisitor...of course got separated from birth and is now discovering that he has a twin brother...I created his name but I completely forgot it...I think it was Kevon, something like that....part of me wants to recreate it somehow but I wouldn't know where to begin!!!

If you would like to read those stories, PLEASE tell me and I may go ahead and do them! If I can just remember the plots between them more!

8 months ago



Lol, me hugging him...😊


his instant reaction tho' :(...

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8 months ago

Loki being the AWESOME man and boyfriend that he is…

Loki Being The AWESOME Man And Boyfriend That He Is



Rating: PG for...a brief assault scene and fluff!

(Loki x Fem Reader!)

Apparently, Mobius called in sick, so you had to cover for him. You donned your brown TVA jacket that had fit nicely with the outfit you picked along with a pair of black heels. You could tell this will be a very long day. You had just exited the dressing room when you notice a tall lean man standing by. It was Loki! “Oh! Loki! Didn’t see you there…”, Loki came up to you to notice what you were wearing. “You look dashing my darling!”, you looked at yourself to see what you were wearing really which was the same jacket as his. “Well…yeah, of course! We’re wearing the same thing!”, Loki looks at himself too and chuckles. “So it seems…come now! Are you hungry?”, You rubbed on your stomach a little. “Please!”, Loki chuckles again at your answer as he grabs your hand and leads you to the cafeteria. Of course, you had gotten your usual…(Your favorite food and drink). Loki of course didn’t get anything—he was probably not that hungry. As you took a seat, with Loki sitting in front of you, you can’t help but look out the window beside you to see lots of flying cars zooming past and the building structures in the distance.

“Pretty, isn’t it?”, You heard Loki lowly say those words in earshot. You look to see him not looking out of the window but towards you. You couldn’t help but feel your heart flutter but dismiss it quickly. “Yeah…I guess…”, You grab your cup of drink, taking a sip. Loki from the looks of it didn’t like how you reacted. He gestured something with his empty hand. That’s when you soon felt a flower in your hair. You take it out seeing it was your favorite. You can’t help but smile. “You used your powers…didn’t you?”, Loki only smiles towards you. “Thanks…”, Loki leans back into his chair. “Oh, you don’t have to thank me…but you’re welcome…”, You smile even more as you proceed to take a quick few bites of your meal. “So…got any plans for the day?”, Loki had asked you that question as you take another sip of your drink. You go through your mind a little before responding, “No…not that I know of…”, Suddenly in the corner of your eye, you see a woman approaching. It was your friend and associate, Greta. “Miss Y/L/N! This just came in for you!”, She came up to you and handed you a vanilla folder. You frown slightly as you take it. “Thanks Greta…”, She flashes you a smile before making her way out of the cafeteria. You turn your attention back to Loki, who was looking a little bit concerned. “Well…guess I have plans!”, You toss the folder to the side, pretending to pout. Loki smirks at how you’re reacting. “Let me help you then…I can be very helpful…”, Of course, Loki was wanting to help you.

“Ugh! Fine…but try to control your powers and maybe I will let you help…ditch them! Now!”, Loki flicked his hands, as if he had just powered off his powers. “Done!”, he leans back in his chair as he smiled his cunning smile towards you. You only roll your eyes as you finished your food. After you did, you placed your flower inside your side coat pocket for safe keeping as both you and Loki exit the cafeteria. You walk side by side through the halls, with Loki lightly holding onto your hand. You didn’t mind the public affection but your mind races into thinking that everyone knows about the two of you being together—even your friend Greta. You had finally arrived at your office as you take the key from your pocket to unlock it. As you entered, you noticed you had totally forgotten to clean up as you felt your face heat up with embarrassment. “Sorry! My space is a mess…I meant to clean it…”, You think aloud as you proceed to start cleaning up, but in a flash, all the papers were neatened, and all the trash was put away. You turn to Loki who was standing by your doorway, smiling. “I thought I just told you to ditch them!”, you tell him in an annoyed tone as you go over to pull up a chair to your desk, slumping into it. “It’s a habit…”, you hear Loki say. “Plus…I can’t ‘power’ off my powers like that…I use them constantly…”, He pulls up an extra chair you had beside you. “Habit—yeah right!”, You mutter that under your breath as you typed away on your computer in front of you. Loki couldn’t help but chuckle at how irritated you were being.

You open the vanilla folder you had taken with you to find it being a case. You see a mugshot of a short black-haired man with raccoon looking eyes. His name is Gary Park. You instantly type away the info onto your computer as you had labeled it “Case # 47!”. Loki took the folder and looked it over himself. “Another case…he looks like a douchebag…”, You mentioned that to Loki in earshot. He scoffs at what you said. “Of course, there’s lots of them…”, Loki shoves the folder back to your side as you take it to look it over again. Out of nowhere, an orange holographic clock appears in front of you. It was Miss Minutes! “Tick tock! This case is due in 10 minutes…”, She announces. You sigh to yourself. “Miss Minutes! You never give me enough time to do anything!”, Miss Minutes giggles at your complaint, placing her small hands onto her round hips. “Well, that’s why all you have to do is enter the info and you’ll be done in no time!”, You look over to Loki who was looking at you in a funny way for some reason. He was just as uncomfortable as you were. You sigh to yourself once more. “Okay, I’m almost done then…”, You turn back to Miss Minutes as she nods to you, turning her attention to Loki. “Good…and how’s our mischievous little prince holdin’ up?”, Loki groans under his breath but you willingly answer for him. “He’s fine Miss Minutes, no need to follow-up…”, Miss Minutes gives a nod to you once more before disappearing out of thin air. Once you did finish, you log off and swivel your chair around to face Loki. “You doin’ okay?”, You ask him, taking notice of his mood as he sighs, leaning onto your desk. You place a hand on his shoulder as you scoot closer to him. “What’s wrong?”, Loki only shakes his head in response as places his hand on yours that’s on his shoulder. It was like he was having this dreaded feeling about something. “I’m fine darling…are we done now?”, You could only nod as you stand to your feet and walk out of your office with Loki trailing behind you. You got in front of him to stop him. “If there’s anything wrong…you tell me, okay?”, You sincerely told him, as if you were consoling him. He smirks and nod in response. You couldn’t help but to stand on your tippy toes to give him a kiss on his cheek. He leans down towards you to instantly return it. He then gives you one last look before walking past you, making his way to Mobius’s office. You stand there and ponder…what’s going on with Loki? He never acted like this before. You shake off the feeling as you continued on your way.

Once the end of the day came, you were locking up your office, getting ready to go home and enjoy what weekend you have…with Loki of course! You are walking down this dimmed hallway, trying to search for him when you noticed this man up ahead. He looked drunk. And yet you though the policy didn’t allow beverages of any kind inside the office building. You pretend you don’t see him as you walked past him, but you hear him call out, “Hey pretty thing…you need help with somethin’?”, You turn and give him a look. “No…I’m fine…”, Just when you think he bought your answer, you heard shuffling of feet and the next thing you knew, arms were wrapped around your waist as you felt a pair of lips on your neck. You grab onto the man’s arms to try to pry him off, but it was no use. “Get off of me you asshole!”, you shout, still attempting to pry him off. You were starting to struggle. You feel his hands moving to your neck, forcing you to turn around, attempting to choke on you now as you are pushed up against the wall. “Loki! Help!”, You can only get those two words out as you start to gag. Your vision starts to darken and get blurry alongside with your hearing starting to get fuzzy and ring. But you see someone appear and hit the guy on the head with a lot of force, so much, that he collapses to the floor with a thud.

You slump against the wall as you regain your bearings from the scuffle, coughing and trying to catch your breath. “Are you okay love?”, It was Loki! He came to your aid! You see him come closer to you as he attempts to assess you for any injuries. “Yeah…I was about to come and find you when this dummy came around to get his grubby hands on me…”, Loki was looking concerned as ever as he was still checking you out. “Well…at least you’re alright…you could’ve gone the other way though…”, He points down the hallway that the both of you were still on. You look down the hallway and then back to him. “Yeah, sorry…this place is a maze!”, Loki hugs on you, smoothing out your hair that was a little ruffled up. “It’s fine love…it’s not your fault but you have to be more aware of your surroundings, alright?”, Loki releases you for a moment as you take notice of his shiny green eyes…which looked sincere and loving. You nod to him, feeling him hug on you some more before letting go and taking your hand in his. Once both of you stepped out of the building and down the steps, a blonde-haired man was waiting off to the side. It was Mobius! You rush over to hug him, feeling him hug back. “Hey! You feeling okay?”, You ask him, releasing him as you hear him sigh. “Yeah! Yeah…never better…just had the sniffles…wasn’t that bad…”, He looks to Loki who was standing behind you. “And I hope Loki didn’t cause you any problems…”, You hear Loki scoff as you turn to see him giving Mobius a look. You smile to yourself as you answer for him. “Yeah…he didn’t…”, You look back to Mobius as he only nods in approval. He gestures to a car that was hovering nearby. “Anybody want a ride?”, You smile and rush over to the car, but as you were about to grab the handle, Loki comes up and grabs it for you, opening it. “After you love…”, He smiles at you afterwards. You smile back to him as you go in, with Loki going in after you. Mobius enters the driver’s side last as he starts up the engine. You feel it start to move as you were now off back to the little apartment where you all stay. Loki can be a mischievous person sometimes, but he can be a gentleman once you get to know him!

The End!❤️

Please leave a like if you did...hopefully you enjoyed cuz I tried!😊

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8 months ago

IDK why...this little scene of Jerome doing this makes me SMILE like a dork...lol

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