Orion! - Multifandom Artist and Writer - Clown Enthusiast - Genderfluid - He/They/She
50 posts
DAY 1: Cuddle

DAY 1: Cuddle
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More Posts from Oriistar
For adults on the Autistic spectrum
- it’s okay to still have meltdowns/sensory overloads
- it’s okay to still watch cartoons
- it’s okay if you can’t cope with a full time job
- it’s if you have learning difficulties and do things at slower pace
- it’s okay to be in your 30’s and still live with your mom and dad or one parent
- it’s okay to not have many friends or none at all
- it’s okay to live a life Neurotypicals don’t appreciate
My dear florist - The Sun florist☀🌼

He finally got his reference sheet (probably)
Also yes, i decided the name of the au will be "My dear florist" i had struggles tryna figure out what to name this au and i probably had like- 3 or 2 names in my mind but "my dear florist" was the only name that could've sounded fitting for this au 😭
Was supposed to draw y/n and moon but i figured it be best if we see Sun's look first :)
Also made a logo for this au (like how Spadille did for their LDR au)
I won't say much yet about the new au I'm brewing up but I will say this:
midwest emo Moon, midwest emo Moon, midwest emo Moon, midwest emo Moon, midwest emo Moon, midwest emo Moon.

LDR belongs to @spadillelicious
This clip is taken from chapter 5:

I love the moony soooo much that I drew the new clip!
I am new here and don't understand the rules of tagging.If there is any problem with my article,I hope you can raise it and I will change it as soon as possible.Thank you very much!
I recommend LDR again!!!

Best Friend
Platonic Sun x GN! Reader
Summary: You never expected that your best friend would turn out to be a seven foot tall robot but lifes full of surprises.
Warnings: None, just platonic fluff!

Working at the Freddy Fazbear Pizzaplex was.. A lot of things. For most it was annoying and stressful. Having to wrangle unruly children while their parents paid no attention wasn’t the easiest thing in the world, especially not when the vast majority of those children were on a perpetual sugar high. When kids were excited it was nearly impossible to get them to not be destructive and anytime you heard a maintenance call over the walkie talkie strapped to your hip you couldn't help but grimace at the thought of how hard the employees down in Parts and Services must be working. All those things considered, your job was almost too easy.
The Superstar Daycare never really got much foot traffic throughout the day. There was the typical morning rush of parents dropping their much younger kids off before they had to go to work, and of course the same rush from 6-7pm when the kids were picked up for the day but other than that there wasn’t much going on outside of the initial play area. Maybe you’d see the occasional staff of security bots doing a round or a kid running to the bathrooms across from the large doors of the play area but that was about it. Yup, life as the lone cashier in the Lucky Stars gift shop was nothing if not mundane and a little maddening with just how absolutely bored you were.
There was one thing to look forward to though. Everyonce in a while, a parent would be a little bit late picking up their kid. Sure it was a little sad but what made you look forward to it was the fact that Sun, the daytime attendant, would bring said kid into the gift shop so they could get a complimentary toy to make them feel better about being left behind. It was incredibly sweet and it really wasn't often that you got to spend any amount of time with the sunny caretaker. Sun was rather interesting to you. Each of the animatronics within the Pizzaplex had very realistic AI but Sun had always stood out to you the most of all. Maybe it was because you saw him more often than the others, even if it was just the little glimpses you got of him through the massive glass windows of the gift shop, but he always seemed more anxious and self aware than the others. Always tip-toeing around the kids and definitely more careful than the Glamrocks would be and that's not even to mention his obvious deep understanding and empathy for human emotions. He was just so much more suited for interpersonal activities which made him absolutely perfect for the kiddos.
Today was just not one of your typical days though. The daycare was incredibly busy and buzzing with more activity than you had ever experienced while working here before. There were four different birthday parties going on and the daycare was far past its usual capacity. Children were running back and forth between the party rooms that lined the walls and were even more rowdy than usual since they were hopped up on soda, cake, and way too much candy from various pinatas that had been beaten to smithereens. You had been working your ass off inside the gift shop trying to prevent the mess from spreading here as well but it was in vain as plenty of kids ran through and spilled all sorts of things on the merchandise and the vinyl floors. As if the sheer amount of sugar wasn’t enough to set the kids off, it was only worsened by the presence of the Glamrocks visiting for birthday parties and you honestly wouldn't be shocked to find you had some degree of hearing loss from the shrill screeches of overly excited little kids.
When the end of the day had finally arrived, you were absolutely exhausted. Just a glance out of the shop window was enough to make you cringe at the sight of the absolute carnage that had taken place. The daycare had never been in this much disarray and you weren't even sure if you could properly process just how late you’d have to stay to get the gift shop back to pristine condition. As you stood behind the counter, you breathed out a heavy sigh of exhaustion and slumped over. You closed your eyes for a moment and let your cheek rest against the cool surface for a moment to at least attempt to pull yourself together before you needed to start cleaning up the shop. Your brow furrowed a bit as the fluorescent lights above you dimmed a bit, and you opened your eyes and glanced up to see a.. mostly yellow figure looming over you. You didn’t even have the energy in you to feel surprised by his quiet approach as you pushed yourself upright so you could get a good look at Sun.
The poor guy looked just as ragged and run down as you did though you’d say he had it far worse. The bright yellow paint coating his metal plating was smeared and scribbled on with various colored marker ink and what seemed to be smears of cake frosting? His satin striped pants were covered in soda spills and more smeared cake and you frowned when you realized that some parts of him seemed almost sticky, as if he had been doused in the non-fda-approved Fizzy Faz. He even had all kinds of stickers stuck to him just about everywhere. A small surge of rage pulsed through you as you took in his fidgety and twitchy movements and you swore to the stars above that you’d find and knock out some little kids for the way they had treated him today. Sun took in what seemed like a shaky breath before he gave you a small and almost timid wave.
“Hello friend!” He greeted you although his voice lacked that cheerful lit you had become so accustomed to. You offered him a tired smile in response and cocked your head to the side as you continued to examine him. “Hey Sunshine, what a day huh? Looks like the kids really did a number on you today..” You said with a hum, your voice dripping with noticeable exhaustion. Sun seemed to deflate a little when he fully took in your state and you were sure that if he could move his face, he’d be frowning deeply. “Oh my, oh no, no no, friend you need rest!” He began swaying side to side anxiously as he spoke, his hands reaching towards you but just hovering as he fretted worriedly. You shook your head with a little laugh and raised a brow at him. Even when he was looking far worse for wear, he was still worrying about someone else's well being. Rationally you knew it was just his caretaker code but it was still sweet.
“You don’t have to worry about me, Sunny. I’ll be just fine after a good night's rest.” You said reassuringly as you reached up and gave a comforting pat to one of his hands. “You’re in much worse shape than I am after all. Do you need help getting cleaned up?” You offered with a knowing smile. There was no way he’d be able to get all that gunk off of him alone and your hands were much better suited for getting into the crevices of his plating. It wouldn’t be the first time you had helped scrub him free of the residue of child care and it probably wouldn't be the last. In fact, you had a suspicion that’s exactly what he came here for as he happily nodded his head at your offer. “Oh, yes please! I-If you aren't too tired of course.” He said sheepishly, his tone lowering as he went back to nervously wringing his hands together. You didn’t respond, simply ducking under the counter to pull out your usual cleaning supplies that you used both for the shop counters and for scrubbing off markers or crayons from your animatronic friend.
While humming a lazy tune, you pulled out the stool you usually sat on from behind the counter and motioned for Sun to sit so you could reach him a little better. While you got to work scrubbing the sunny daycare attendant, he went on rambling about his day and how much fun he had even if it did stress him out quite a bit that the whole place was wrecked. You happily nodded along while you picked stickers off his rays and wiped cake out of his crevices and you couldn't help but smile as you listened to him ramble on and on. Finally you had completed your task and all that was left now was his stained pants but he reassured you that he had plenty of spare ones in his room and one ruined pair was no big deal. He seemed much happier now that he was cleaned up and you grinned happily as he sprang up from the seat when you gave the okay.
Sun scooped you up into a tight hug and spun you from side to side while laughing happily. “Thank you so much friend! You always do such a good job helping me clean up. Oh oh, don’t even worry about the gift shop, I can take care of everything for you!” Sun said as he set you down and snatched the bottle of cleaner from your hands. “Oh Sun, you really don’t have to do that. You already have your hands full with the rest of the daycare. You really don’t need to do my work for me on top of that.” You said, reaching for the bottle of cleaner but he promptly held it up and out of your reach. Curse him and his damn height. Sun tsked and wagged his finger in your face before scooping up the stool you brought out for him. He placed the stool back behind the counter and before you could protest anymore, he grabbed you and set you down on top of it. “You still have to count out the register right? And I just cant let your kind deeds go unrewarded!” Sun said as he quickly moved around the shop with perfect efficiency. You gave a small huff to let him know you were displeased but you didn't argue anymore. Once Sun had his mind set on something it was hard to dissuade him.
“I’m serious.” You said as you popped open the cash register and began counting through today’s earnings. “You don't have to give me a reward for helping out, that's just what best friends do.” You muttered nonchalantly as you sorted out the money and pulled out the log book of receipts to make sure you haven't made any mistakes throughout the day. Sun had stopped his cleaning, mid straightening out some plushies of his likeness on one of the shelves. He turned to look at you and he tilted his head unnaturally far to the right. “Best friends?” He asked, his voice full of utter disbelief as he quickly skipped over to you and leaned over the counter. “We’re best friends? Really?” You tilted your head upwards so you could look at him from your seated position and you nodded your head in confirmation. “Of course we’re best friends, silly.” You replied to his question with a soft smile. Sun seemed to melt a little bit but you could tell he was vibrating with excitement.
“Best friends.. I’ve never had a real best friend before..” He said, his voice full of a wistful sort of whimsy as he began to sway from side to side. You scoffed at his words as you returned to counting out the register. “You’ve never had a real best friend before? I recall you telling many kids that you’re their best friend. Are you a liar, Sunshine?” You asked, gasping in mock disbelief as you dramatically placed a hand to your chest. If Sun could properly emote you were certain his eyes would be bulging out of his head at your words and it took everything in you not to burst out into a fit of laughter as he scrambled to correct himself. “No, no, no! I’m not a liar, I would never lie!” Sun screeched, bounding around as he waved his hands in front of him to deny your accusations. “This is different! I meant I never had a uhm.. A grown up best friend! Yes! That's what I meant!” He declared with a nod of his head and you couldn’t help but laugh a little at his antics. “Well Sun, I’m more than honored to be your first real grown up best friend.” You said with a shake of your head and yet another laugh.
Sun still seemed a little upset that you had accused him of being a liar but he went back to cleaning up the gift shop for you and you joined him after you were done with the cash register even though he insisted that you should rest and leave it all to him. You protested however and he shut up about you taking a break once you gave him a simple reminder.
“That's what best friends are for.”

All of my writing is original work created by me. Please do not repost, translate, or alter them in any way.