Sundrop X Reader - Tumblr Posts

8 months ago

I feel special >w<

I Feel Special >w

Your sun in your boxer au

He's pretty very pretty

I would smooch him

Your Sun In Your Boxer Au


Hes a clumsy little loser boy<3 A pretty and very cute one<3

Your Sun In Your Boxer Au

I support your wish>_<

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3 years ago

Ok- a weird idea that just popped in my head.

Moon/sundrop x reader right?

What if.. you found a fanfic where you and the author’s self-insert both like sun/moon . But you and sun/moon get together before the self-insert can express their feelings to the daycare attendant.

But they can’t get in your guys way so they let it go.

However sometimes the s/i gets to work not in a good state but they pretend that everything is fine in front of you, after some time they catch feelings for YOU the reader aswell and it messes them up more. Because they think none of you (you and the daycare attendant/s) will catch feelings for them cuz you have each other.

Little did they know, that you and Sun/moon also like them aswell. And the story goes on from there.

Idk if I will even write it cuz i have like— two fics I haven’t finished.

Ok- A Weird Idea That Just Popped In My Head.


Here's a Drawing i made of it.

Btw that's a moon plush

Tags :
3 years ago

Jelous Moondrop x fem!reader My Ao3 account was suspended for 30 days so Tumblr here I am!!

(Inspo: )

You were one of the very few secruityguards that were employed in the Mega Pizzaplex. Your area to secure was the daycare center.

While you tried to avoid any confrontations with the customers, it was you that the parents would complain to if something went slightly wrong. Their kid had scraped their knee? Complain. Their kid was hungry? Even then they’d sometimes complain. But the more it happened the more it became funny to joke about with the other securityguards that sometimes came by in their brakes.

Some parents would even drop their children off just before sitting down on the couches that were placed right infront of the daycares playground.

None of that mattered to you though. You enjoyed your jobs, even with some hiccups here or there. But… one thing was off. It’s your ‘coworker’. The animatronic that looked like a sun and had the energy of one as well. You kind of envied his ability to take care of the children as well as he does. When you two were alone he acted… strange.

The day always started slow. You would arrive at the Mega Pizzaplex and walk to the door with the text “SUPERSTAR DAYCARE PICK-UP” hanging over it, greeting some of the earlier arrived night time employees during your way there.

After unlocking the door you’d look around for any signs of a break-ins or damages. As always, there were none. Everything looks just like it did when you left the day before. “Hooo-hoo hoo!”, a voice called out. Your head turned towards the small platform build up high in the air.

The animatronic lifted it’s arms and was about to do his main entrance of jumping down into the ballpit, but he didn’t jump. There weren’t any kids here yet, was your daily explanation. He looked around the room until he spotted you leaning against the red gate next to the slide. His face seemed to brighten with joy, you don’t know how to describe it. How can a robot like bim look more happy? There was no explanation to it. It was just something you began to understand after the last few days of his attention.

The robot waved to you. You smiled and waved back. The hand you used to wave was held to your mouth, acting like a megaphone as you told him. “The daycare will open in 20 minutes! You can go back to your room if you’d like!”

The animatronic didn’t respond. He only sunk his one hand and continued to starre at you. You turned around to face the statue. The golden face of Sun and his counterpart Moon was beautiful in the light of the room. It stood high above you.

Talking about standing, your feet were getting tiered from standing, so you grabbed a chair and placed it infront of the slide. You reached for your backpocket, taking out your phone. You entered your password and played some games to pass the time.

But only after a few minutes of playing you noticed something from the corner of your eye. You screamed in shock. “Gosh! Don’t scare me like that!” “I APOLOGIZE!!! I just thought I’d greet you!”, Sun said with his head poking out of the slide’s entrance.

You appreciated the thought, yet it could have been done with less of a scare.

“Well hello Sunny.”, you greeted him with a smile. ‘He did that thing again!’, you thought ‘his face is full of happiness again?!’ “Do you have any ideas on what to do in the remaining 15 minutes?”, you asked calmly. He seemed to think for a moment before speaking. “We have glitter glue! And crayons! Maybe we can paint something?” Before you could even think a single thought his rambling continued. “Oh but- if you don’t like that then we can play a game! Like Tag or Hide and Seek!”

You looked the animatronic in the eyes while you chose what to do. Even though he’s now sitting on the ground with his legs crossed, he was tall enough for his eyes to directly starre into yours, with little difference in hight.

“Let’s play Hide and Seek!”, you proclaimed.


It’s definitely not the best hiding place. Not at all. But it might be enough to entertain both of you.

You were hiding in the right block of slides and stairs. as well as 2000 different deceases children might have spread here- (It’s where the generators are but I don’t know the word dor it-) You were hiding in a slide that connected the top and middle floors.

“4… 3… 2… 1! Ready or not here I come!”

You felt giggely as you heard him walk around the daycare. His bells making a sound every time he took a step or moved his hands. Usually it would be almost unbearable due to the sounds of different children chattering. But now? Now it’s just you and that animatronic. And 10 minutes of time left-

“Where are youuu?~”

You held a hand infront of your mouth and nose every time Sun would come near you, hoping to avoid any hints to your position. But even with the adrenaline this game brought, you were having fun!

“GOTCHA!”, Sunny shouted as he gently tackled you. You laughed as he laid ontop of you. “And now you will be the Seeker!”

After both of you want back to the spot infront of the ballpit Sunny added a new rule. “Hey! You know I have these bells right? Welll~ it would be unfair if you could just listen to where I go right?” You took the hint and cupped your ears with your hands. The animatronic nodded and went to go hide in his “Super Secret and Amazing Hiding-Spot!!” after you had closed your eyes as well.

“89… 87… 86…”

Sun knew the perfect spot.

“75… 74…”

He sometimes plays this game with the children so he’s learned a lot from them!


He almost reached his spot. It’s somewhat difficult to get to but it’s alright seeing that you’re an adult.

“43… 42… 4-“

You stopped counting. ‘What happened? Why are the lights off??’ You weren’t cheating, but even with your eyes closed you saw the difference between the normal Daycare lights and pitch black darkness.

Your hands dropped to your sides. You could hear Sunny’s awful cry. But you knew it’s dangerous to even get near him right now. You were not dumb. Well- not that dumb.

You made a burst to the tall wooden door. Quickly unlocking and opening it. And as fast as it was opened, it was closed once more.

‘But- The lights only turn off during the night- wha-‘, you thought before you spotted a clock. ‘4:35 AM?!?’ There was no way- Did you travel back in time? You pulled your phone out to check that this wasn’t some power outage or worse, some silly prank.

And on your phone it stood. ‘6:05 AM’

‘Ugh I knew I needed a new one- Did I break some part that controls the clock?’, you questioned yourself.


After a few more moments you began to move to the Lobby. Maybe you can still get out and go home? Sleep for a bit more? But no. Of course not. Life had to give you an extra kick. And a hard one at that.

“Give up!”, he yelled from behind.

You ran. Fast. You were never good at any sports. Getting exhausted easily was something your teachers would nagg you for. Well now you wish you had the stamina of Hercules.

You did some random turns, trying to shake the aggressive animatronic off, but all attempts failed. Being blown in the waters of Montys fast steps.

Why was he attacking you? A malfunction? Does he think you’re an intruder? Who knows. But you know that you’ll make a good meal for him.

That is until you turn around another corner.

Dead end.

You turned to face your soon-to-be demise. Your eyes getting watery. Your knees feel weak. You’re exhausted. Yet- Monty stops. He stood at the entrance of your dead-end hallway of death. Was he taunting you?

Looking through his star-shaped glasses you could see him looking… shocked? He wasn’t even looking at you. He didn’t approach you. The opposite actually, he took a step back. And then another. He even turned and ran away after mumbling a “s-sorry.”

You were glad that you haven’t died. But you were also confused.

All until someone touched both of your shoulders. Your shoulders tensed up again. Was there something worse than Monty behind you?! You looked at your right shoulder. The hallway was dark, yet you could see the color of the fingertips that held you down. They were… blue?

‘What animatronic here has blu-‘

“It’s past your bedtime~”, Moon giggled into your ear as he wraps one arm around your waist and moves the other around your chest, lifting you in the air before carrying you on his shoulder. But he didn’t return to the daycare. Instead he went into a different direction. Or at least you presume that, it isn’t easy to know where you’re going when all you are able to look at is the floor. But it seams like he went somewhere backstage?

You were not familiar with any other location beside the main daycare.

You heard Moon move something and then he climbed inside of the walls? After going down a slim hallway you both entered a room. Moon dropped you down onto the floor. All you could take in was that the room was strangely messy. There was a table with a random box on top of it. And under the table was a torn apart security bot?? Next to that was a broken shelf and a toy house. Behind you was a small staircase that led to… Sunny’s stage? Was this their room? How is it this messy? You know that both sides have a strict code for cleanness.

Behind Moon was a red colored wall with the company’s logo painted on it. “FREDDY FAZBEAR’S PIZZAPLEX”. But most of it was blocked by Moon who was directly starring at your face.

Both of you didn’t say anything for a few minutes. The air laying full of awkwardness. Who will talk first? Turns out it was you. “Soo… is this like your guys room?” It was a good conversation starter. Or so you thought. Because Moon continued to starre at you in silence.

Eventually you saw his arm lift. He looked like he was about to touch your arm but he stops himself, still holding eye contact. He looked… confused? Like he was trying to figure out who you are. “Bad children must be punished.”, he said, maybe to himself, and grabbed your arm. He pulls you down so you lay beneath him. Your face flushed as your mind began to wonder about all of the dirty things this robot could do to you.

Moondrop hummed and placed his knee inbetween your thighs. ‘Why is this hot?’, you asked yourself. His fingers danced to your uniform. Undoing the buttons on the top part, revealing your bear chest. “Naughty Naughty…”, Moon whispered as he unclasped all of the buttons of your top, revealing your (color) bra. Next he lowered his fingers to your crotch. Your breath hitched as his hand dived straight into your panties. Your arousel dripping onto his fingertips as the teased your clit.

His fingers rolled against the bundle of muscles. The core of pleasure continuously grew inside of you. You were enjoying this and he knew. His fingers worked like magic on your sensitive parts.

You whined as he removed his hand. But Moon worked on getting your trousers off first. Now you laid there only on your underwear.

All needy.

All seeking pleasure.

All for him to see.

You extended your hands and grabbed his faceplate, smashing your lips onto… his teeth? It was weird yes, but in the moment it felt right. Not long after the kiss ended, Moon pushed your panties aside and slid two fingers back into your wet pussy. You let out a deep breath from the continuance of pleasure. Moondrop’s other hand wandered around your sides. Going from your hips, up to your shoulders and back down once more.

But once your breathing got heavier and your pants became more audible, Moon drifted his fingers to your throat and gently pressed down on your blood vessel, making you feel slightly lightheaded. “Tsk tsk tsk… such a naughty thing… Creaming all over my fingers like that~ What are you going to cum just from my fingers doll~?”, his words went straight to your crotch area, making you quick to release your cum onto his palm. Moon snickers and you hear him move some fabric. You tilt your head to look at him and get flustered as you see his cock.

Why would they give an animatronic a dick?? What horny maniac would do such a thing?

Yet you had no real time to think about it seeing that Moon immediately started to fuck your pussy while it’s still warm and wet. You threw your head back as he rutted inside of you. While you were panting and letting some whined escape your mouth, Moon was actually growling and grunting. “C-can you feel this?”, you looked him in his red eyes and asked. Moon’s voicebox spoke “Yes. I can feel your little wet cunt fluttering around my cock doll~”, he said.

You almost envied his capability to speak flawlessly while simultaneously railing you harder then any human might ever be able to. Yet you just laid there in what you think is his room and took everything he gave you with thankfulness.

His body moved yours every time his hips would make contact with your rear. Your thighs shock. Your voice slowly started to get raspy. At the same time Moon was starting at you. He adored the look on your beautiful face. The way your hair fell onto your face. The way your face was contracted in pleasure. It was getting him closer to his realease. “Fuc- please! Moon please!” You didn’t know what you were asking of him. But Moon knew. His hips made a loud clapping sound, which after your plea lost its rhythm. But where rhythm was lost, speed was gained. Moon removed one of his hands from your hips and placed it back onto your clit, moving his fingertips in a circular motion. Your voice gained volume as you reached you peak. Your walls fluttered around the animatronics cock. You were filled with your own wetness being fucked back into you, but now something was added. ‘Did Moon just cum!?’, you thought.

As you looked down onto the messy scene, you saw a glimpse of what you assumed was the robots cum. It was a dark blue color. But your view was cut short as Moondrop smashed his face against yours again. You messily made out with his faceplate again. The ‘kiss’ didn’t last for long.

After the affectionate kiss you took a deep breath in. Was that… the smell of Blueberries? You didn’t think about it too much. ‘Whoever gave an animatronic a dick must have made the cum edible and safe… hopefully-‘

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3 years ago

hi, i've saw your requests open, so, i was wondering if you could write some fluff headcanons about sundroop and moondrop (separately if that can be) with a chubby s/o.

ignore this asks if its not of your liking and take your time with it. <3

A Spoonful of You.

Hi, I've Saw Your Requests Open, So, I Was Wondering If You Could Write Some Fluff Headcanons About Sundroop
Hi, I've Saw Your Requests Open, So, I Was Wondering If You Could Write Some Fluff Headcanons About Sundroop

Prompt ;; so you're a bit more chubby than some others, and what? you're wrong if you think that'll stop the daycare attendant(s) to stop thinking you're a delight, in fact, this is what they'll do. [part 1/2]

Type ;; headcanons, fluff!! [Part 2 here]

Chars. Involved ;; sunnydrop, moondrop [soon].

A/N ;; AAA this is such an adorable request, i really do hope i did it justice! Since I'm not really the skinniest myself hehe.. enjoy!

Hi, I've Saw Your Requests Open, So, I Was Wondering If You Could Write Some Fluff Headcanons About Sundroop


Hi, I've Saw Your Requests Open, So, I Was Wondering If You Could Write Some Fluff Headcanons About Sundroop

He absolutely does not care tbh.

He dealt with kids of EVERY KIND!!! you really think a little more chubbiness is going to bother him?

He'll just take it as more of a reason to surprise hug you everytime.

Oh you're annoyed because he won't stop latching off of you?

"Gah!! I'm sosososo sorry! You're just very soft and i, i, i, i can't help myself!!!"

He'll honestly try to not absolutely squeeze you so much but yk.. it's Sun so like.. do you honestly believe he'll lay off for long?

If you're comfortable with your body, great!!!

He'll be so happy for you!!

But watch out because now everytime he wants to talk to you about something, he'll finds that he needs to squeeze your cheeks while doing it.

If you tell him that you want to get skinnier, he'll honestly get a bit bummed out because that means he won't be able to squeeze you as much anymore but he'll support you too!!

IN FACT! He'll absolutely will try to help you work out if you're okay with that!

Except sometimes he forgets that he's a robot sun animatronic made to be able to spring around with full energy without being tired.

And you, well...

Let's face it, none of us can survive running a mile 😭.

And once you tell him that, then he'll stop telling you to do jumping jacks so high you can reach the ceiling.

But he's only trying to help!!

If you're just chubby because you're a foodie, (a bit like me), he'll take mental notes of what kind of food you prefer most.

Are you a sweet tooth? The savory type? Spicy? Sour? He'll make sure to bring some of your favorites to you by asking one of the glamrocks. <3

If you're trying to go on a diet then he'll absolutely be so loud about it to people.. and by that i mean-

Oh a kid is trying to go into the Daycare with an ice cream in hand?

"No no no!! Dear, i cannot permit you to enter with that delightfully sweet snack in your hand!!! You see, my beloved (Y/n) is on a diet! And i can't let them tumble out of their goal!"

Like, omg Sun you don't gotta do that 😭😭

In the end you'll let the kid in yourself and reassure Sun that it's fine.

Either way, he really really really do love you and could care less about your shape! You're a source of happiness to him! And as long as he can cuddle with you, then everything is a-okay!

Hi, I've Saw Your Requests Open, So, I Was Wondering If You Could Write Some Fluff Headcanons About Sundroop

Tumblr hates me and makes me accidentally post this again when it's not finished (this is the second time in a row today) or it's just that i am absolutely so freaking clumsy, so Anon, If you're reading this, Moon is going to be here in part 2 which will arrive soon enough. I'll try to make it up by making Moon's part longer than usual (which I'm absolutely okay with since i love him sm), please treat this as a part one part two thing. I'm sorry for this mistake i h8 tumblr.

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3 years ago

Hi!! Could I have headcanons for sundrop, Freddy, and Monty(separate) with a gn night guard s/o who’s basically the parent/guardian of Gregory??

Like maybe the time Gregory snuck into the pizza place the s/o was sick so venessa took over for them so the animatronics had no idea until one day they mention that they have a kid and the animatronics are like “ah shoot fr bring them in!!” And the s/o does and it’s just the feral child

Sorry it’s so long thanks for you time!!


Hi!! Could I Have Headcanons For Sundrop, Freddy, And Monty(separate) With A Gn Night Guard S/o Whos
Hi!! Could I Have Headcanons For Sundrop, Freddy, And Monty(separate) With A Gn Night Guard S/o Whos

Prompt ;; a situation where you tell your dear sweetheart that you have a son. You're nervous, beyond nervous actually, but quickly became so happy when they were okay and even asked you to introduce him to them. That happiness quickly turned into confusion when.. they knew him already?

Type ;; headcanons, fluff <3

Chars. Involved ;; g. freddy, monty gator, sunnydrop.

A/N ;; don't mind me just casually writing this, i know I probably should be working on the event asks but... i just love the idea of this ask sm. thank you for the idea anon! <333 also! this is an AU where gregory is not homeless and goes to school, etc! you being his parent. ALSO idk why these are so long okay I'm sorry-

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Hi!! Could I Have Headcanons For Sundrop, Freddy, And Monty(separate) With A Gn Night Guard S/o Whos

Glamrock Freddy.

Hi!! Could I Have Headcanons For Sundrop, Freddy, And Monty(separate) With A Gn Night Guard S/o Whos

You've been with Freddy for some time at this point.

He always knew you had such parental energy from the moment he laid eyes on you. It honestly makes him swoon for you even more.

Like, you just ooze of someone so caring when it comes to children, almost as if you have years experiences when it comes to them.

Little did he know that you absolutely do-

The reason that he didn't know about your son is because you never really brought him up, not to the animatronics' at least.

And it's not like he can check your job profile, it didn't have a question on whether or not you're a parent, just whether or not you have experiences dealing with kids and how old you are.

Which can just mean you were a preschool teacher in the past, how can he assume you actually have a child??

And honestly, you didn't really wanna tell him for some time- that time being how long you've known him for, which is months.

But your kid's birthday is coming soon, and you wanted to celebrate together, sooo...

The moment you approached him, you were practically sweating buckets.

I mean, you know he's not gonna be upset or anything, he's one of the most supportive and understanding being you ever known.

But it doesn't mean that you can't be nervous-

When you finally sit him down and told him you have a son, it took him a while to process.

But then his ears perked up and his eyes practically glittered!

He's beyond excited to meet who the little fella is!

Oh God oh shit wait does that mean he's a dad?? An actual father???

He's absolutely buzzing from joy thanks to this news!! You better bring your little boy so Freddy can meet him 😡

He'll be bothering you about this all night- even after he apologized three times for potentially annoying you while you're on your nightguard duties.

Look man he's just very excited:((

Tomorrow comes and Freddy just finished decorating his little room, hoping that your son will like it.

But the arrival of you and your little semi-clone is what surprised him the most.

As you guide Gregory who's currently on a blindfold, you told him to stop right before he walked into the table with the cake on it.

Freddy is just like "??? Why is Gregory here?", but it clicked in his mind like two seconds later.

His eyes widen so hard he can probably see planet pluto with it.

He didn't want to interrupt Gregory's attempt at guessing where he is so he kept quiet, and once you've opened his blindfold.

"Surprise, sweetheart! This is-"

"Surprise, superstar! I've missed you so much!"



You were about to ask him what he meant but then-

"Freddy! I've missed you too! I didn't know you'll be here?"

Wait huh-

You're just there looking at them cause like? Huh? You two know eachother? From where???

"Ahem," the two of them avert their gazes towards you, as you fold your hands by your chest, looking for answers.

"Any of you care to explain?"

Gregory just kinda look at Freddy, panic written in his eyes as he obviously forgot that you had no idea about him sneaking in. And even causing some property damage...

Freddy took notice of this and slowly hint at Greg to go hide behind him, looking at you with tender eyes in hopes that you'll cut Gregory- no, both him and Gregory some slack.

Please spare em some mercy,,

"You see, Starlight... Gregory and i-"

"You even know his name?"

"Well, yes- but that's because we've met eachother you see."

You're just looking at Gregory who's behind Freddy's legs with those parental eyes, we all know em.


"It wasn't my fault!! I was trying to find you after school so i went here, but all i could find was that scary blonde lady.."

You put two of your fingers on your temple, trying to understand what he's telling you.

"Gregory, did it not occur to you that maybe, just maybe, i was at home? And what do you mean ‘after school’, the show starts at 8 pm."

Uh oh Gregory, you're busted, again.

"W-well.. i maaaybe took a detour and.."


Freddy, noticing the tense atmosphere immediately got in the way of you two, as he then puts a hand on your shoulder to calm you down.

"Hey.. dearest, let's calm down, alright? It's the boy's birthday today! Cut him some slack, hm?"

"Right, before that. Greg, where were you actually when you weren't at home and told me that you were ‘spending the night at a friend's house’?"

Silence, even Freddy seems like he's hesitant in saying something.


"I may or may not was... Here... With Freddy... But i was just trying to go home all night, i swear!"

You took a glance at Freddy for confirmation.

"That's right, dear!! He just, accidentally stayed a bit too long- which is my fault! And got trapped here due to closing time... Oh, but i did tried my best to keep him safe!"

Honestly? You're not worried all that much if Freddy kept him safe or not, it was such a great gesture sure, and the thought of it got you swooning a bit.

But like...

Gregory is your son, you know what he's capable of, and you know exactly the kind of trouble he has gotten himself into in the past.

Escaping a facility full of Animatronics that roams at night? Yeah that ain't gonna take your son down.

Still,, you're gonna need to look at his body for injuries once you get home, even though he may seem alright at the moment.

"So, the ‘little kid that snuck in and did some heavy property damage’ that Vanessa told me during her taking up my shift. That was you? Not only do i have to pay her back for having to deal with this type of trouble while covering for me, but also knowing that the one making that trouble is my own son? And the one that helped him did it, is the animatronic I'm dating?"




"..M-maybe it's time for some cake-?"

"...Yeah, i wanna eat my cake now.."


How are you supposed to get mad at them now??

You sighed, letting both the bear animatronic and the kid go, you're gonna have to explain this to Vanessa somehow, but you're just thankful Gregory didn't let himself get caught by the security cameras. Or at least not enough for them to recognize him.

You're a bit proud of him for that tbh, and for being able to survive a whole night without crying or just,, trauma,, in general.

I guess you can let this slide... He is your feral child anyhow.

"Alright well, fine. I'll let this slide, for now. But only because you managed to impress me in some ways."

Freddy was happy you let this go, and was a bit surprised by your parenting skills. Still, he took the lighter and gave it to you, lighting the candles that is on Gregory's birthday cake.

"Happy Birthday, Darling."

"Happy Birthday, Superstar."

",,thanks guys! And (mom/dad)?"


"I'm sorry :("

You sighed, petting him on the head. Might as well give him a nice birthday.

Hi!! Could I Have Headcanons For Sundrop, Freddy, And Monty(separate) With A Gn Night Guard S/o Whos

Montgomery Gator.

Hi!! Could I Have Headcanons For Sundrop, Freddy, And Monty(separate) With A Gn Night Guard S/o Whos

Now with Montgomery, everyone practically knew you were with him.

Since he loves showing you off to everyone, at this point it's obvious.

At one point, you kinda just blurted out that you have a kid, which in results have him really curious about your little guy.

He just wants to know if they're cool or not, who knows, maybe them two can both have some rockin' fun together!

He can teach him the Bass, cause some ruckus together and all will be well and dandy.

So you told him about Gregory, his age, how he is, etc etc.

The Gator CANNOT WAIT to meet him.

Though he kept saying that the name is kinda familiar, he just doesn't know from where, so he shrugged it off.

Back on topic; a little dude that is an absolute rowdy rascal?? He needs to meet him.

So you promised the animatronic that you'll bring your son when you can.

Which turns out to be around the next week.

Monty was playing in his golf area when you told him that your son is going to come soon.

My mans was so surprised he even missed his shot smh.

I mean, it's not like he forgot about it, haha, hahaha.

Yeah he forgot about the whole meeting your son thing. 😔

The only reason the little troublemaker can come today is because he doesn't have school the next day, so he can visit the Pizzaplex even when it's after-hours.

When Gregory arrived, he called you to ask where you were, in which you said you'll just pick him up at the entrance.

Now, when you told him to follow you into Monty Golf, he surprisingly walked ahead of you, as if he knew where it is.

And he did, somehow.

When you're at the entrance of Monty Golf, he stopped, waiting for you to catch up before asking to hold your hand when coming in.

Then the part where he meets Monty..

"Alright! Gregory, this is the person, well, animatronic who i wanted you to-"


You flinched, hearing Monty's voicebox boomed.

The animatronic stomped his way up to the poor boy, as he immediately hides behind you.


He pulled on your wrist, stumbling as he's trying to drag you to the exit.

As Monty walks menacingly towards Gregory, you got in front of him, pushing away the green animatronic.


The way you raised your voice got both of them to stop, as you try to make sure no one gets hurt.




And the room falls silent, as you try to understand the current situation.

"Alright, explain. One at a time."

Yeah... Did you really think that'll work?

Both of them headbutts with eachother, trying to get you to side with them.

You rolled your eyes, as you try to make sense of what they're yelling at eachother.



"Language- wait hold on. Gregory did what to you?"

A moment of silence began once more, before the bigger, metal built one out of the two scoffed, obviously displeased.

"Yeah, this rascal here, he threw the whole shitty bucket from my own goddamn area and-"


"...and it fu- And it broke me in half."

He immediately fixed himself, trying to not disobey your warnings, no matter how annoying it may be to him.

Poor Gregory is just there looking at you like 🧍

You looked down at him, arms crossed as Monty had a smirk of satisfaction, thinking that he successfully got you to side with him.

"Two questions. One, how did you even ended up here, two, was the thing he said true? And you better say no."

He looks down, fiddling along as he slowly moves back.

You don't even know what happened when suddenly Gregory just goes >:(

Hands on his hips as he looks up, determined.

"HE-" The boy pointed, "WAS HUNTING ME DOWN!"

"He what-"



"Kid, you fucking DESTROYED ME."



Finally, they calmed down.

You look at the both of them, intense glaring meeting both of their gazes.

After some time, they finally explained to you what happened, in which you responded with a big exasperated sigh.

"Look, i don't know how, but i want you two to get along." You told them, hand by the temple of your forehead to get rid of the headaches. Soon after, you go home with Gregory.

The first few days of your son coming with you to work that only happens on weekends finally started.

Yeah.. they didn't get along.

At first at least ;)

They had their banters, fighting for your attention.

"Does he always harass you like this??"

"Watch your mouth you fuckin' brat."

But soon enough they'll get along if they can actually move past the fact that they were out for eachother's throats-

Like when Gregory told him he can do golf better than him.

Monty was pissed- but it ended up well with them being competitive!!

They'll even cause some trouble by just stomping around the Pizzaplex with Gregory on Monty's shoulders AWE.

Or that time where they went to piss off Roxanne on purpose.



Cue Gregory wheezing.

Good job!! Now you have two crackheads to look after <3

Hi!! Could I Have Headcanons For Sundrop, Freddy, And Monty(separate) With A Gn Night Guard S/o Whos


Hi!! Could I Have Headcanons For Sundrop, Freddy, And Monty(separate) With A Gn Night Guard S/o Whos

Now, this fella...

I think it's pretty obvious that he was absolutely ECSTATIC when he knew you have a kid!!

I mean, he's practically made to get along with kids sooo.

He would be BEGGING for him to meet your son.

"OOO gosh! I wonder what type of kid he is!!! Is he bad? Of course he isn't!! He's your son afterall! OH OH, MAYBE WE CAN DO FINGER PAINTING TOGETHER, what kind of food does he like???"

Like, smh, calm down Sun🧍

Watch out, cause he'll absolutely bother you about it from now on.

Trying to go home?

"OH OH! Goodbye, Sunshine!! Tell your even little-r Sunshine i said hi!!"

Just arrived at work?

"RISE AND SHINE! You look splendid today! How is little Gregory? Is he at school?? Ooh, i wanna see what he's like at school!!"

You constantly need to remind him that you two have work to do.

But at one point in time, you need to take Gregory with you because he doesn't have school, and you don't trust him enough to let the ten year-old boy be alone in your house for a whole day.

It took a little convincing since he for some reason seemed so against going to the Pizzaplex, but you managed to win him over with-

"I'll let us get McDonald's once I'm done with work."

"I want a Happy Meal AND a Mcflurry."

"??? No sir, you just had ice cream yesterday."

"Well then I'm not going."


"I want a Mcflurry."

"You had ice cream last week too, you'll get sick."

"I don't care. >:("

"Gregory, i literally work at a Pizza place, you can have as much snacks there, just no ice cream."

"...fine, but can i at least play on your phone?"

"I'm very sure you have an ipad."

"It isn't as fun:("

With a sigh, you let out a small "fine." as he finally cheers at him own little victory, getting ready at the same time.

As you finally arrived to drop him off at the daycare to be looked over by Sun at the moment, the Sun persona jumped out of nowhere.

"(Y/NNNN)!!! HOORAY! Oh you brought a little guy! Hello, little on- GAH RULE BREAKER, RULE BREAKER! YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE HERE! YOU'RE BANNED."

He yelled out, as he suddenly moves forward and picked up Gregory with ease. Carrying him all the way to the exit of the Daycare.


Gregory kinda just let Sun do his thing, almost as if he knew this would happen.

You had to ask Sun directly on why he did what he did, and his answers shocks you.

"Wait, he was here? Like, here? In the Pizzaplex?"

"YES! And he broke the one rule i told him not to! He's nothing but a trouble maker!"

The way he folded his arms and sassily look away was so funny, you couldn't help but Chuckle. Gregory is still outside by the exit of the Daycare like 🧍.

Poor Gregory 😔.

You had to call him back again after convincing Sunny, explaining what happened.

"IT WAS AN ACCIDENT THOUGH!! I didn't mean to turn off the lights.."

"I WARNED YOU!!! And you didn't listen to me! >:("


You had to ask Gregory how he even was here in the first place, with a facepalm by the end of your talk.

Sun sided with you, both of you crossing your arms with a disappointed and a bit of anger on both of your faces as you look down on him.

"Well, i suppose I'm just glad you're safe. But you're in so much trouble young man."

"That's right! Can't wait to tell this to your parents. >:(("

A moment of silence rung as you look at him, obvious confusion seen on your face.



"I'm his (mom/dad). Haven't i told you that?"



He looks at you with so much surprise that he felt like he needed to express it with his whole body, before looking at Gregory.

"So he's your son?!?!"

"Uh, yeah, i am."


He picked up Gregory once more, swinging him around in delight. Even tossing him up lightly.

Gregory being banned from the Daycare??? What are you talking about?? Never happened. :)

He would absolutely do a 180 on Gregory and treat him with very obvious favoritism.

And also emphasizing to NOT turn off the lights.

It's bad enough before he was just a kid, but now knowing he's your son??? Yeah he's making sure he's safe at all costs.

After that day, he'll bug you EVEN MORE to bring Gregory again.

He'll even prepare stuff for Gregory this time, what his favorite activities are, etc etc.

Peace and quiet? Never heard of it.

Good luck, comrade.

Tags :
5 months ago
Best Friend
Best Friend

Best Friend

Platonic Sun x GN! Reader

Summary: You never expected that your best friend would turn out to be a seven foot tall robot but lifes full of surprises.

Warnings: None, just platonic fluff!

Best Friend

Working at the Freddy Fazbear Pizzaplex was.. A lot of things. For most it was annoying and stressful. Having to wrangle unruly children while their parents paid no attention wasn’t the easiest thing in the world, especially not when the vast majority of those children were on a perpetual sugar high. When kids were excited it was nearly impossible to get them to not be destructive and anytime you heard a maintenance call over the walkie talkie strapped to your hip you couldn't help but grimace at the thought of how hard the employees down in Parts and Services must be working. All those things considered, your job was almost too easy.

The Superstar Daycare never really got much foot traffic throughout the day. There was the typical morning rush of parents dropping their much younger kids off before they had to go to work, and of course the same rush from 6-7pm when the kids were picked up for the day but other than that there wasn’t much going on outside of the initial play area. Maybe you’d see the occasional staff of security bots doing a round or a kid running to the bathrooms across from the large doors of the play area but that was about it. Yup, life as the lone cashier in the Lucky Stars gift shop was nothing if not mundane and a little maddening with just how absolutely bored you were.

There was one thing to look forward to though. Everyonce in a while, a parent would be a little bit late picking up their kid. Sure it was a little sad but what made you look forward to it was the fact that Sun, the daytime attendant, would bring said kid into the gift shop so they could get a complimentary toy to make them feel better about being left behind. It was incredibly sweet and it really wasn't often that you got to spend any amount of time with the sunny caretaker. Sun was rather interesting to you. Each of the animatronics within the Pizzaplex had very realistic AI but Sun had always stood out to you the most of all. Maybe it was because you saw him more often than the others, even if it was just the little glimpses you got of him through the massive glass windows of the gift shop, but he always seemed more anxious and self aware than the others. Always tip-toeing around the kids and definitely more careful than the Glamrocks would be and that's not even to mention his obvious deep understanding and empathy for human emotions. He was just so much more suited for interpersonal activities which made him absolutely perfect for the kiddos. 

Today was just not one of your typical days though. The daycare was incredibly busy and buzzing with more activity than you had ever experienced while working here before. There were four different birthday parties going on and the daycare was far past its usual capacity. Children were running back and forth between the party rooms that lined the walls and were even more rowdy than usual since they were hopped up on soda, cake, and way too much candy from various pinatas that had been beaten to smithereens. You had been working your ass off inside the gift shop trying to prevent the mess from spreading here as well but it was in vain as plenty of kids ran through and spilled all sorts of things on the merchandise and the vinyl floors. As if the sheer amount of sugar wasn’t enough to set the kids off, it was only worsened by the presence of the Glamrocks visiting for birthday parties and you honestly wouldn't be shocked to find you had some degree of hearing loss from the shrill screeches of overly excited little kids.

When the end of the day had finally arrived, you were absolutely exhausted. Just a glance out of the shop window was enough to make you cringe at the sight of the absolute carnage that had taken place. The daycare had never been in this much disarray and you weren't even sure if you could properly process just how late you’d have to stay to get the gift shop back to pristine condition. As you stood behind the counter, you breathed out a heavy sigh of exhaustion and slumped over. You closed your eyes for a moment and let your cheek rest against the cool surface for a moment to at least attempt to pull yourself together before you needed to start cleaning up the shop. Your brow furrowed a bit as the fluorescent lights above you dimmed a bit, and you opened your eyes and glanced up to see a.. mostly yellow figure looming over you. You didn’t even have the energy in you to feel surprised by his quiet approach as you pushed yourself upright so you could get a good look at Sun. 

The poor guy looked just as ragged and run down as you did though you’d say he had it far worse. The bright yellow paint coating his metal plating was smeared and scribbled on with various colored marker ink and what seemed to be smears of cake frosting? His satin striped pants were covered in soda spills and more smeared cake and you frowned when you realized that some parts of him seemed almost sticky, as if he had been doused in the non-fda-approved Fizzy Faz. He even had all kinds of stickers stuck to him just about everywhere. A small surge of rage pulsed through you as you took in his fidgety and twitchy movements and you swore to the stars above that you’d find and knock out some little kids for the way they had treated him today. Sun took in what seemed like a shaky breath before he gave you a small and almost timid wave.

“Hello friend!” He greeted you although his voice lacked that cheerful lit you had become so accustomed to. You offered him a tired smile in response and cocked your head to the side as you continued to examine him. “Hey Sunshine, what a day huh? Looks like the kids really did a number on you today..” You said with a hum, your voice dripping with noticeable exhaustion. Sun seemed to deflate a little when he fully took in your state and you were sure that if he could move his face, he’d be frowning deeply. “Oh my, oh no, no no, friend you need rest!” He began swaying side to side anxiously as he spoke, his hands reaching towards you but just hovering as he fretted worriedly. You shook your head with a little laugh and raised a brow at him. Even when he was looking far worse for wear, he was still worrying about someone else's well being. Rationally you knew it was just his caretaker code but it was still sweet. 

“You don’t have to worry about me, Sunny. I’ll be just fine after a good night's rest.” You said reassuringly as you reached up and gave a comforting pat to one of his hands. “You’re in much worse shape than I am after all. Do you need help getting cleaned up?” You offered with a knowing smile. There was no way he’d be able to get all that gunk off of him alone and your hands were much better suited for getting into the crevices of his plating. It wouldn’t be the first time you had helped scrub him free of the residue of child care and it probably wouldn't be the last. In fact, you had a suspicion that’s exactly what he came here for as he happily nodded his head at your offer. “Oh, yes please! I-If you aren't too tired of course.” He said sheepishly, his tone lowering as he went back to nervously wringing his hands together. You didn’t respond, simply ducking under the counter to pull out your usual cleaning supplies that you used both for the shop counters and for scrubbing off markers or crayons from your animatronic friend.

While humming a lazy tune, you pulled out the stool you usually sat on from behind the counter and motioned for Sun to sit so you could reach him a little better. While you got to work scrubbing the sunny daycare attendant, he went on rambling about his day and how much fun he had even if it did stress him out quite a bit that the whole place was wrecked. You happily nodded along while you picked stickers off his rays and wiped cake out of his crevices and you couldn't help but smile as you listened to him ramble on and on. Finally you had completed your task and all that was left now was his stained pants but he reassured you that he had plenty of spare ones in his room and one ruined pair was no big deal. He seemed much happier now that he was cleaned up and you grinned happily as he sprang up from the seat when you gave the okay. 

Sun scooped you up into a tight hug and spun you from side to side while laughing happily. “Thank you so much friend! You always do such a good job helping me clean up. Oh oh, don’t even worry about the gift shop, I can take care of everything for you!” Sun said as he set you down and snatched the bottle of cleaner from your hands. “Oh Sun, you really don’t have to do that. You already have your hands full with the rest of the daycare. You really don’t need to do my work for me on top of that.” You said, reaching for the bottle of cleaner but he promptly held it up and out of your reach. Curse him and his damn height. Sun tsked and wagged his finger in your face before scooping up the stool you brought out for him. He placed the stool back behind the counter and before you could protest anymore, he grabbed you and set you down on top of it. “You still have to count out the register right? And I just cant let your kind deeds go unrewarded!” Sun said as he quickly moved around the shop with perfect efficiency. You gave a small huff to let him know you were displeased but you didn't argue anymore. Once Sun had his mind set on something it was hard to dissuade him. 

“I’m serious.” You said as you popped open the cash register and began counting through today’s earnings. “You don't have to give me a reward for helping out, that's just what best friends do.” You muttered nonchalantly as you sorted out the money and pulled out the log book of receipts to make sure you haven't made any mistakes throughout the day. Sun had stopped his cleaning, mid straightening out some plushies of his likeness on one of the shelves. He turned to look at you and he tilted his head unnaturally far to the right. “Best friends?” He asked, his voice full of utter disbelief as he quickly skipped over to you and leaned over the counter. “We’re best friends? Really?” You tilted your head upwards so you could look at him from your seated position and you nodded your head in confirmation. “Of course we’re best friends, silly.” You replied to his question with a soft smile. Sun seemed to melt a little bit but you could tell he was vibrating with excitement.

“Best friends.. I’ve never had a real best friend before..” He said, his voice full of a wistful sort of whimsy as he began to sway from side to side. You scoffed at his words as you returned to counting out the register. “You’ve never had a real best friend before? I recall you telling many kids that you’re their best friend. Are you a liar, Sunshine?” You asked, gasping in mock disbelief as you dramatically placed a hand to your chest. If Sun could properly emote you were certain his eyes would be bulging out of his head at your words and it took everything in you not to burst out into a fit of laughter as he scrambled to correct himself. “No, no, no! I’m not a liar, I would never lie!” Sun screeched, bounding around as he waved his hands in front of him to deny your accusations. “This is different! I meant I never had a uhm.. A grown up best friend! Yes! That's what I meant!” He declared with a nod of his head and you couldn’t help but laugh a little at his antics. “Well Sun, I’m more than honored to be your first real grown up best friend.” You said with a shake of your head and yet another laugh.

Sun still seemed a little upset that you had accused him of being a liar but he went back to cleaning up the gift shop for you and you joined him after you were done with the cash register even though he insisted that you should rest and leave it all to him. You protested however and he shut up about you taking a break once you gave him a simple reminder. 

“That's what best friends are for.”

Best Friend

All of my writing is original work created by me. Please do not repost, translate, or alter them in any way.

Tags :
5 months ago
Paper Pals
Paper Pals

Paper Pals

Sun x GN! Reader

Summary: Congratulations! You've been awarded the high honor of being Mr. Sun's Super Duper Craft Time Assistant! What does Mr. Sun have in store for today?

Warnings: Paper Cuts and Fluff.

Paper Pals

Another beautiful day in the Superstar Daycare and everything was running just as smoothly as you could have hoped! The children were being surprisingly good today and you only had to kiss two knee scrapes which was a new record. Sure there were one or two spills during snack time but that was easily cleaned up and the kids surprisingly went down easy for their nap time too. It was much later in the afternoon now, nearly time for parents to start arriving to pick up their kids, and Sun had decided that a special craft time was the perfect way to wrap everything up for the day. So here you were, standing in front of a group of twenty or so children with Sun by your side and happily explaining what craft they'd all be doing today. 

While the kids were sitting at their little tables, you and Sun stood behind a bigger table with all of the needed supplies laid out neatly. You both honestly looked like those chefs that showed up on talk shows sometimes and the image made you laugh a little to yourself. The supplies you had today were paper plates, colorful construction paper, markers in a rainbow of colors, googly eyes, and of course glitter glue. You were going to make paper pals! It was a craft that the children had done with Sun before so you weren't exactly sure why you needed to be his ‘Super Duper Craft Time Assistant’ (A name picked out by him), but he insisted that he would need your help to show the kiddos how to make them properly. Of course, he did whisper to you that most of the paper pals the kids made turned out less than stellar and you had to remind him that they were kids and not as much of a crafting expert as he was. He seemed to preen at the praise though and that was satisfying enough.

Sun ran through the basic steps and admittedly none of the kids were really paying much attention to him as they had already started making their own varying kinds of paper pals. You assisted the bubbly animatronic as best you could but again, you weren't sure why he had insisted on you being his craft time assistant when he was more than capable of doing everything on his own. He effortlessly drew a rather familiar looking face on his first paper plate before he turned to you with a grin. “Oh my super fantastic helper, could you pleeeeease hand me the yellow construction paper?” He asked in a lovey dovey tone, clasping his hands in front of his chest as he swayed from side to side. You rolled your eyes as a few of the children giggled at his antics but he did ask nicely so you lifted the small stack of construction paper and started sifting through it to find a yellow piece. “Of course, Mr.Sun.” You replied teasingly, knowing that he hated when you called him that. You gave him a sly smile as you held out the yellow construction paper and watched his rays retract and expand the way they usually did when he was a little annoyed. 

If he could roll his eyes you were sure that he would as he took hold of the delicate paper with his fingers and pulled the sheet from your grasp with a quick snap of his wrist. You let out a small hiss as he did so and jerked your hand away to inspect the sudden dull sting in one of your fingers. Sure enough, you had a thin paper cut running along your pointer finger and a small bead of blood was peeking out from the incision. You frowned in annoyance and were about to just ignore it but Sun was on you immediately and fretting as he took hold of your wrist and inspected the cut. “Oh gosh, oh no, i'm so so so sorry Starshine!” He wailed and his panicked state had caught the attention of the children sitting at their little crafting tables. A few of the kids were already starting to panic too, seeing Sun in such a frantic state was making their own little emotions flare up. You needed to calm the poor bot down before chaos ensued. 

You quickly placed a hand over one of Sun’s way too large ones and began to try and soothe his worries. “It’s just a paper cut, it's fine Sunny.” You muttered, your face warming as he gently caressed your hand with his silicone coated fingers. He didn’t respond so you continued to try and calm him down. “It’s only like a small drop of blood,” You muttered softly so the children wouldn’t hear you and freak out further, “And it only stings a little, it'll go away soon.” Apparently that wasn't the right thing to say though as he clutched your hand a little tighter in his and a staticy sound of distress came from his voice box. “Ohhh no! I made you bleed! I hurt my precious Starshine!” His wailing was much louder than before and a few kids burst into tears on the spot once he mentioned blood. You scoffed in utter disbelief at his behavior. Sun had dealt with countless scrapes and bruises on the children, why was he losing it over a silly papercut?

While Sun was busy losing his marbles over your paper cut and the kids had started with a full blown tantrum, You quickly reached for Sun’s forearm and pushed down on the plating that hid a small compartment you knew was there after having seen it plenty of times before. Sun froze in place when he felt the compartment pop open and he watched as you pulled out one of the Superstar Daycare themed band aids and swiftly wrapped it around your injured finger. “There. Problem solved.” You said with an affirmative nod of your head before you closed the compartment on Sun’s arm. He stared at you for a long moment, ignoring the still sniffling children that had calmed down now that you showed them your bandaid, before he reached out and took hold of your wrist again. You were about to question him but were promptly stunned to silence as he lifted your paper cut inflicted finger and pressed the teeth of his smile to it very gently. His voice box made a sickeningly sweet ‘Mwah’ as he pulled away. You could feel your face getting hotter as a few ‘ooooh’s sounded from the few kids who were paying attention but Sun just giggled before he went back to making the little paper pal version of himself. “All boo boo's get kissed better! That’s just one of the daycare rules!” He said, sounding very pleased with himself. You mentally cursed yourself for getting flustered over such a display, he was just doing what he was supposed to when someone got hurt in the daycare! 

Things mostly return to normal with you handing off supplies and occasionally scampering away to sign out kids since parents had begun to trickle in for pick up. Sun finished up his paper pal with the few kids remaining for the day and let them play with it for a bit while he made his way over to you. “Is your finger still hurting, Starshine? I can distribute pain medication if you feel it is necessary.” He chirped up happily and you shook your head at his offer. “Pain medicine for a paper cut? I told you it wasn't that bad.” You laughed and you leaned over the security desk to pull up the last few kids' info in preparation for then their parents would arrive to pick them up. You settled into your usual playful back and forth banter with Sun until you were interrupted by one of the kids crying. It didn't take long to arrive at the scene of the crime where you found a little girl crying on the floor and a young boy holding the, now ripped, Sun paper pal in his hands. 

“She wasn't sharing! I wanted to play with Mr. Sun!” The little boy began defending himself immediately as he dropped the paper pal to the floor. It didn't take much coaxing from Sun before the true story came to light and supposedly the little girl, named Ava, had been playing with the Sun paper pal when the boy came over and demanded she give it to him. A tug-a-war ensued which had resulted in the ripped paper pal you were now holding in your hands. While Sun reprimanded the two kids and brought them to their parents who had shown up very soon after, You made your way back to the craft tables and began piecing the ripped paper pal back together with some scotch tape. With all the children finally back in the hands of their parents, it was time to start cleaning up for the day and Sun returned to the messy craft area to find you holding up the messily repaired paper pal. “You fixed it?” Sun asked with a little gasp as he sat down on the padded floor and hugged his gangly knees against his chest. You nodded your head and a sly smile crossed your features for the second time that day as you glanced over at Sun and made a huge show of placing a little kiss against the rip that marred the paper pal that was decorated to look just like him. Sun just stared at you as you giggled and repeated his words from earlier, “Every boo boo needs a kiss, right?” And he was certain in that moment that he was very much in love with you.

Paper Pals

All of my writing is original work created by me. Please do not repost, translate, or alter them in any way.

Tags :
5 months ago
One Of Faz Cos Forgotten Projects Camp Superstar Reopens This Summer In The Woodlands Of Colorado. It
One Of Faz Cos Forgotten Projects Camp Superstar Reopens This Summer In The Woodlands Of Colorado. It

One of Faz Co’s forgotten projects –Camp Superstar– reopens this summer in the woodlands of Colorado. It used to be a massive hit in the 90s and although it's a bit rundown now, the staff are aiming to give the camp a new and stunning image. Being away from home for the whole summer was nerve wracking, even more so when you realize you’re one of the only human employees on the grounds. What challenges would come along with working alongside two celestial themed counselors and more importantly, what secrets is this old place hiding?

Warnings: This series will contain horror, sexual content, a lot of cursing, and depictions of violence. Each chapter will have its own set of warnings but minors please dni with this series as I am not comfortable with you reading it, thank you!

This series is also avalible on AO3!

One Of Faz Cos Forgotten Projects Camp Superstar Reopens This Summer In The Woodlands Of Colorado. It


Chapter One - Welcome to Camp Superstar!

One Of Faz Cos Forgotten Projects Camp Superstar Reopens This Summer In The Woodlands Of Colorado. It

Series Art (Coming Soon :3)

Sun and Moon designs and facts

Reader Outfit and facts

Camp Logos/Flags

Camp Map and main buildings

One Of Faz Cos Forgotten Projects Camp Superstar Reopens This Summer In The Woodlands Of Colorado. It

Tags :
5 months ago
Chapter One - Welcome To Camp Superstar!
Chapter One - Welcome To Camp Superstar!

Chapter One - Welcome to Camp Superstar!

Sun and Moon x GN! Reader

Summary: A substitute teacher looking for a summer job finds themselves applying for the position of camp councelor at an old rundown summer camp.

Warnings: None!

Chapter One - Welcome To Camp Superstar!

Wind whipped your face as you drove down the spruce tree lined highway that your trusty GPS was instructing you to take. With the windows down, you could take in the glorious scent of damp dirt and fresh leaves and it only had you brimming with excitement for your destination. This job had been lined up for almost two whole months now and finally you were on your way. You tapped the steering wheel of your beat up old 2005 Honda Civic as you bobbed your head along to the opening beat of Violet by Bad Suns, a staple on your summer vibes playlist. With the sky a clear expanse of blue above you and the hazy outline of the Colorado mountains in the distance, you were glad that it was finally the end of May and summer was starting. 

You were a substitute teacher, still going through your last years of college, and while working at a middle school one day you had stumbled across a flier advertising open positions for counselors at a summer camp in the Rockies. You needed some form of income until school started back up again anyway so you decided to apply for the position and were ecstatic when you saw the acceptance email in your inbox a week or so after. Sure it'd be one hell of a drive and you were required to live on the grounds for the three months the camp was open but you were honestly looking forward to the escape, especially when you were in a place as gorgeous as this. 

The camp wasn't so excluded anyway. When you had looked up the location you took note of a small town about a thirty minute drive from the camp grounds which wouldn't be a huge trek if you really needed a break from the camp. While looking up the location though, you had found out that the camp was shut down some time in the late 90s and this would actually be its first summer back in operation. You were excited that you got to be part of it's reopening, the few old photos you had seen on Google looked adorable and for the excruciatingly long two months you waited for the time to depart on your mini road trip to the area, you had often daydreamed about giving your lucky little campers the greatest summer of their lives.

Sure you didn't have any prior experience as a camp counselor but you did have plenty of experience with kids thanks to your job and you were aiming to become a full fledged teacher after you finished college anyway so a little extra experience with kids of all ages would be perfect practice for your future. All things considered, it probably was your time spent as a substitute teacher that had secured you the job and for that you were grateful. 

You hummed along to your music as you took your exit off the highway and closely followed your GPS’s directions as you drove down some unkempt roads. Eventually you found yourself on a rather rough dirt road and a large, old looking wooden sign hanging from two rustic pillars that suspended it above the road let you know that you were in fact in the right place. The sign’s raised letters were painted with a faded forest green, spelling out ‘Camp Superstar’ proudly. You gripped the steering wheel a little tighter as your car bumped along the road and you could hear your luggage rustling in the back with every rock your tires jostled over. Eventually the shaded road opened up into a clearing that functioned as a parking lot and you were shocked to find that there were only two other cars parked in the lot, a yellow 2012 Jeep Wrangler and a black 2004 Volkswagen Jetta. 

According to the schedule you were given, the camp was supposed to be officially opened in two days and you assumed that more of your fellow counselors would have already been here by now but you assumed more of them would show up by tomorrow. There wasn't anything wrong with being a day ahead of the crowd after all! You parked your little Honda Civic next to the large Jeep and quickly put the vehicle in park before taking the key out of the engine so you could get out and finally stretch your legs. You weren't exaggerating about the long drive, the city you lived in was over 3 hours away and you had made sure you had plenty of water and snacks for the drive so you wouldn't have to stop along the way. Sure your knees were a little sore but it was worth it. 

You took another deep breath to really savor the fresh air. As you turned around, you examined the yellow Jeep you had parked next to and smiled a bit to yourself when you realized that it was decorated with little star decals, how cute. Deciding to leave most of your things in the car for now, you grabbed the papers you were instructed to bring with you and your phone before you pushed your car door shut and started up the pathway connected to the parking lot. Your eyes widened a bit as you stepped out from the cover of the trees and were met with another, much larger, grassy clearing that made up the main area of the camp. 

A large wooden cabin was the first thing to greet you and you tilted your head curiously as you realized that it was rather.. worn down. Someone had clearly made the effort to patch up most of the damage but its age was still prevalent and you wondered if this was one of the original buildings from the camp’s previous operation time in the 90s. The glass of the windows were sporting a filmy yellow hue and plaster was smeared between the aged logs that made up the walls. The large sign above the door marked it as the ‘Canteen’ and there was a smaller, newer looking cabin beside it marked as the ‘Office’. You admired the structure for a few moments before you clutched the folder in your hands a little tighter and started towards the office building. 

The office building had an almost identical look to the canteen but the wooden planks and logs that made up the walls were very noticeably much newer. You assumed that this building must have been built no more than a few months ago. You stood awkwardly in front of the door for a moment, trying to decide if you should just walk in or knock first and wait for a response. You pulled an uncomfortable look and decided on a midpoint between the two as you rapped on the door lightly and then pulled it open. You were pleasantly surprised to find that the building was air conditioned. Inside was a counter that sectioned off most of the building from the front that was decorated with a potted fern in one corner and a few uncomfortable looking chairs pushed against one wall. Behind the counter you could see a very outdated looking computer and various filing cabinets.

The room had a sort of musty smell to it. Like old paper and moth-eaten fabric but it wasn't so bad. You were more concerned with the fact that there didn't seem to be anyone inside. “Uhh, hello?” You called out uncertainty as you set your small stack of important papers on the counter. You leaned over it a little bit as you heard shuffling from deeper inside the building, hardly audible over the humming of the window AC unit that was keeping the small building cool. A moment later, a woman that looked to be in her late twenties popped her head from around the corner and seemed confused to see you at first. Recognition crossed her features for a moment before she smiled awkwardly and quickly made her way up to the counter. 

“Hey! You must be the new counselor.” She greeted you, placing her hands on the counter. She was a bit taller than you and had long blonde hair that was pulled up into a ponytail, a few strands loose around her hairline that gave her a borderline frazzled appearance. “I'm Vanessa, the general manager or whatever you wanna call it. Basically I'm in charge while the big corporate guys aren't around.” She introduced herself with a light laugh as she pulled the papers you had set on the counter closer to her. You gave her your name and she nodded in confirmation as she took the papers from the counter and moved over to the old computer. “I'm glad you got here a bit early, it'll give you plenty of time to get familiar with the grounds before the kid's get here.” She said as she booted up the computer and began typing into the system. 

“Well I do try to be punctual.” You said with a lopsided smile as you watched her type away at the computer. You weren't sure what to say but thankfully Vanessa didn't leave much room for small talk as she started moving around the office space while explaining some basic stuff to you. “Okay so, I guess I should start out with how we do things here..” She said with a hum as she started gathering a few papers. “Basically, we split the kids up into three groups that we call ‘teams’. Each team has their own cabin area and a team leader, which is you, their designated counselor.” She explained as she set the new papers in front of you. A map of the campgrounds and what seemed to be a schedule of sorts. “There's team Solar, team Lunar, and team Stellar. You'll be in charge of team Stellar and your other two counselors will be the heads of team Solar and Lunar.” She went on and you furrowed your brow a bit at her explanation. Only three counselors on site plus her? That seemed like way too little given the size of the camp.

“Don't worry about them though, you'll meet Sun and Moon soon.” Her words only confused you more. What strange names but you guess you couldn't really judge. Vanessa went on to explain some more things about the camp and soon she approached the counter with a badge in her hands. She reached over to a charging port that held a few handheld radios and snatched one up that was fully charged before she set it and the badge down, pushing them over to you. “Radio so you can contact me or the other counselors whenever you need to. You should have a connection anywhere on the grounds as long as you don't wander too far. Just stay within the barriers, lotta dangerous animals out there y’know?” She said as she pointed to the map she had given you earlier. Vanessa made sure you really got the point about the perimeter before she moved on to point out the more important buildings on the map like the team cabins, showers, staff quarters, ect. It was a lot of information to retain but she assured you that you'd have plenty of time to get things down before the kids arrived.

“Oh and of course you’ll have access to the office here. Your badge will let you into any rooms that have chip readers locking the doors. There isn't much in here but you’ll be able to get a hold of me on the phone when I'm not around.” Vanessa said with a bored sigh as she gestured to the space behind her. Her words confused you again though. “When you’re not around? I’d be able to call you on the radio though, wouldn't I?” You asked curiously as you picked up said device and fumbled with it for a moment, clipping it to your belt similarly to how Vanessa had hers. “Oh I won't always be on the grounds.” She said it so casually, as if it was common sense but her statement had you reeling. If she wasn't going to be here all the time then that meant there was really only you and the other counselors taking care of possibly hundreds of kids all summer? Three adults was nowhere near enough. “Wait, what?” You asked, your tone dripping with disbelief.

Vanessa just shrugged. “I’ll be in town, I've got stuff going on over there, but I'll visit about once a week for check-ins.” She attempted to explain a little more but it didn't help much, you were still shocked. “Don’t look so scared.” Vanessa huffed, laughing a little under her breath at your expression which you could assume was one of horror. “Sun and Moon are more than capable and we aren't expecting more than maybe fifty or sixty kids anyway. Honestly those two could run the whole camp on their own but we have labor laws to adhere to.” She laughed again. She was really hyping this ‘Sun and Moon’ up and it did ease your worries a little with how confident she seemed but you still had your reservations. What did she mean by labor laws anyway? Was there some sort of minimum employee quota they had to meet or something? You still weren't sure how a camp like this was supposed to run. 

“Uhh.. your confidence is.. Something.” You muttered as you reached for the badge that she had slid across the counter earlier. “Who are Sun and Moon anyway?” You decided to ask about it since she had been good about answering your questions so far. Vanessa tapped a finger against the wooden counter and hummed in thought before she answered. “They’re.. Interesting. Personally I think Sun is the easier of the two to get along with, Moon can be really standoffish sometimes but they’re sort of a package deal.” She said with a huff, as if just thinking about this Moon guy was making her annoyed. She looked like she was going to continue but stopped when you both heard what sounded like the rev of an engine outside. Vanessa sighed as she looped around, pushing open the door that separated the counter from the waiting area of the office. 

“Speak of the devil and he shall arrive..” She said as she folded her arms across her chest and stood beside you, glaring at the door. You were confused once again, did anything in this place make any sense? You didn't get the chance to ask though as the door to the office was pushed open and nothing could have prepared you for what, or rather who, you were now facing.

Chapter One - Welcome To Camp Superstar!

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2 years ago

Okay, genuine question.

If I wrote a y/n x daycare attendant story, where the reader came from a family of rich business people and straight up buys the Megaplex. Like, they could have any other company, but they went "This one, this one riiiiiiiiiight here!". And then they slowly fix the plex's problems, and upgrade and renovat the place.

Like........would yall read that.

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11 months ago
I Don't Think It Came Off As Much In The First Chapter But The Reason Reader Is So Scared Is Because

I don't think it came off as much in the first chapter but the reason reader is so scared is because Sunny is literally unnerving to look at. He's not biblically accurate, he's even worse.

His eyes are like those malfunctioning Chuck e Cheese animatronic videos and to know something like this is able to perceive and talk to you is absolutely terrifying.

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11 months ago
Good Evening Folks! Chapter 2 Is Finally Out!!

Good evening folks! Chapter 2 is finally out!!

I have not edited looked at it since posting so it's probably going to be barely readable, but here it is!

This one is more of a quick filler chapter, but I was just really impatient to start the next one! Third chapter is going to introduce our beloved Moonshine, in all his horror! Hes going to be so fun to write :333!!

Have a great day y'all!!!!
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

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1 year ago

Can you do 30 headcanons for Sundrop?

30 Sun/Sundrop Headcanons

Can You Do 30 Headcanons For Sundrop?


This post will contain: NSFW,Sfw,Fluff,Smut

It’s also Genderless for the girls,gays and theys! You are a Technician in these scenarios!


Let’s begin!

His favorite nickname for you is “Sunshine!” but he calls you every nickname that he can find.

He always talks super eccentric wich leads you to misunderstanding him often.

In the after hours of the Pizzaplex he pins all the drawings that kids made for him on the walls in his room.

He’ll randomly pick you up and treat you like a toddler, just to mess with you.

He’s usually not roaming free in the Pizzaplex but when he’s concerned about you he’ll storm out within minutes.

He’s a desperate dude. He would beg just to let him fuck you. Just drooling over you and your perfect figure praising you every minute.

He can handle various types of kids who are different than others. He knows ASL and has bells around his wrist so the blind kids hear him.

He learns the names and interests from kids who are regularly with him.

He has a lot of stamina. Like. A LOT. So he can go on for hours and hours.

His head spikes spin when he cums, but he always puts his head behind though, so he won’t hurt you accidentally. “F-Fuck sunshine~ This is amazing!”

He loves making puppet shows for the little ones! And sometimes he’ll ask you to join him to make them more human and interesting to look at.

When the kids leave he’s usually very alone. Cleaning the daycare or searching for you to accompany him.

He’s a fan of Karaoke but he doesn’t want people to hear his voice.

One time you came into the daycare in the after hours to search for sun. His monthly maintenance was due but he was nowhere to be found.

It’s weird since he’s always on time. You look through the whole daycare but he wasn’t there. So you go to his room and look over it. And there he is bawled up in the corner.

“Sun? What’s up dear?” you asked gently knowing that he needs you right now. “Sunshine?! Oh… I’m so so sorry that you have to see me this way again.” He said in a super sad tone while looking on the ground. “Don’t worry Sunny. You know you can tell me everything…” He looks up at you with hope.

“Oh… I… uhm… the parents were talking about me again.” He continued to tell you how the parents were talking bad about him. It broke your heart. You sat down beside him and hug his slim build. “You’re the best Sun. Don’t let anyone ever tell you otherwise.” You give him a reassuring smile and you guys hug for a long time.

His love language is Acts of Service. He appreciates everything you do for him, even if it’s something small like leaving a sticky note for him.

He apologizes a lot too. Even for stuff that isn’t in his power.

He likes dancing with you. No matter if it’s more partying or if it’s more of a slow dance. “Come here sunshine. Let’s enjoy this moment…”

He’s not only programmed to entertain children but also to educate them. He has a wide range of languages and can count up to 100.

His dick is basically a tentacle. It’s twisted with moons part wich makes it even better to play with.

He has ADHD and uses stimming toys to calm himself. His favorite are the fidget cubes. He also got really sad that fidget spinners didn’t trend anymore.

Sometimes he wishes to be only one animatronic instead of two. After all Moon gets to spend all night with you and he doesn’t.

Every time the younger kids are explaining new memes to him he doesn’t understand. “Oh! What you drawing there small one?? What’s that? A skibidi Toilette…? That sounds disturbing…” You pat him on the shoulder. “Yeah no one gets what they like about…. That.” You say with a slight disgust on your face.

He also wished he could be more comfortable. His metal build isn’t really good for comforting the kiddos. He asked you a bunch of times if you can change something against that but you can’t due to the strict guidelines for him.

He tries to get into your special interests. Asking a bunch of questions so you know he’s interested in your life.

He’d be a switch with a bottom preference. He loves getting touched by you. But he also loves seeing you desperate.

One time you asked him if he still loved you. That man looked at you with the most shocked expression ever and just hugged you.

He hugged you and said “Oh Y/N… my sunshine… you’re the best thing that ever happened to me! I love you with all my body, heart and soul!” You guys just stand there holding each other for a very long time


That’s also finished! I wanna send a huge shoutout and thanks to @millenniumproductions !! I’ll make sure to fulfill all your requests sooner or later! If you’re new here you can also leave a Follow and request! And once again thank you for reading!

- Your Ghost ༼ つ ╹ ╹ ༽つ

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