otterfromoctober - oh, yes! Thoughts!
oh, yes! Thoughts!

Guys, my English is bad. please tell me if there are any mistakes. I'm still learning!!

37 posts

Otterfromoctober - Oh, Yes! Thoughts! - Tumblr Blog

1 year ago

man this year is gonna be the year i either die or become someone else i dont know which one maybe both

1 year ago
otterfromoctober - oh, yes! Thoughts!
1 year ago
otterfromoctober - oh, yes! Thoughts!
1 year ago

Cuando el jefe no viene a la obra

1 year ago



1 year ago

Some more thoughts about Branch and Brozone

I love all the recovery fics on AO3, can't get enough of them, but a lot of them seem to have something in common: Branch is the most messed up of his brothers.

Which fair enough, we know Branch's story, lots of terrible things happened to him, but he's in recovery, he has a supportive girlfriend, is a pillar of the community, a surprising number of friends, so Branch basically has his life together

Branch is happy with his life, he's settled. Sure he has some grief and regrets he's not quite ready to talk about, but that's normal.

Bruce seems to be basically in the same place, he has some grief and regrets, but he has a loving and supportive family, is a member of his community, and has a few friends.

Except has Bruce actually dealt with anything? Or just pushed it aside because he has to be strong and responsible for his kids?

Then we have Clay, while he is a valued member of the community, he's trapped, there's no option to leave, no freedom, surrounded by a group of traumatised trolls who are terrified of the outside word to the point they're censoring themselves?

Clay's willingness to just throw Poppy to Viva as a distraction so he and his brothers can escape?

Yeah, no way Clay isn't hiding piles of trauma and his insistence of still playing a role, even if that role is completely different from his previous role

We have John Dory, who's living in the past, refusing to see that his brothers have changed. Who returned to the tree and found everyone gone, and was convinced everyone was dead for years? Who put so much pressure on himself and his brothers, he broke?

And Floyd is going to be extremely traumatised by his near death experience, months of captivity. Althrough lots of stories are already covering his recovery, what happened before then?

But the brothers are safe now.

And the funny thing about Trauma? It's easier to break down when you are finally safe, bringing up all the terrible memories again.

I really want to see a fic where Branch is actually the least messed up of his brothers, because he's dealt with his trauma and knows what is likely to trigger him, has strategies in place when things get harder.

Now the adventure is over, do the brothers attempt to be a family again? Can they meet in the middle without setting each other off? Can they learn to be kind to each other? Can they be kind to themselves?

Or is everything swept under the carpet until it explodes?

1 year ago
I Dont Know If Anyone Has Ever Done This Before But, Here Ya Go The Different Types Of Fanfiction!
I Dont Know If Anyone Has Ever Done This Before But, Here Ya Go The Different Types Of Fanfiction!
I Dont Know If Anyone Has Ever Done This Before But, Here Ya Go The Different Types Of Fanfiction!
I Dont Know If Anyone Has Ever Done This Before But, Here Ya Go The Different Types Of Fanfiction!

I don’t know if anyone has ever done this before but, here ya go… The Different Types of Fanfiction! 

I probably left a few out, but these are the most common, compared to their base fiction’s canon plot. Enjoy! XD

1 year ago


1 year ago
otterfromoctober - oh, yes! Thoughts!
1 year ago
Just Something I Really Want To Share On Here Because Its Important.
Just Something I Really Want To Share On Here Because Its Important.
Just Something I Really Want To Share On Here Because Its Important.

Just something I really want to share on here because it’s important.

1 year ago

it's beautiful

whenever i see that post about swapping female characters with male ones in video games i always think about this

Whenever I See That Post About Swapping Female Characters With Male Ones In Video Games I Always Think
1 year ago

Unpopular take but Branch's brothers weren't in the wrong for walking out. They were at the age where they could, they weren't leaving Branch alone they left him with their gran (they didn't know she would die) they were escaping an environment that was detrimental to their mental health or simply their lives and they had every right to do so.

They were his brothers, not his parents.

1 year ago

It's been a long time since my last post. And in all that time, I've gotten really into Brozone fanfics. I've been reading a lot of fanfics about their family reunion, reading fanfics that center on one brother (give me more fanfics with Bruce). And I'm really enjoying it all!!! But I've noticed one thing.

A lot of fanfics reveal the characters' roles rather than their personalities.

Okay, maybe you don't really understand me right now, but let me explain.

As we all know, each brother in boyband had a role. J.D. is the leader, Bruce is the heartthrob, Clay is the funny boy, Floyd is the sensitive one, Branch is the baby.

And don't you think that's very superficial?

I mean, Branch's role was literally to be the baby of the band because he was the baby. But those were roles, not personalities. And most people think that's what they are! But they're not.

Like Floyd. He's a sensitive one. And a lot of people write him as if he could cry at any moment. That it's hard for him to watch violent scenes or blood because he'll throw up and pass out. A lot of people describe him as shy and quiet. But that's just the role. Look at him in the movie! When we see him locked in the diamond prison, he's not sitting there crying because he can't get out. No. He tries to find a way out, he tries to explain to the twins what they're doing wrong, he even tries to negotiate with Veneer to let him go! But when he says he can't, Floyd realizes why and doesn't yell at him or get angry. He tries to explain that Velvet is mistreating him.

Floyd is a "sensitive one" not because he's ready to cry about some bug becoming food for a predator. No! Not at all!

He was given the role because he has a well-developed emotional intelligence. Which in turn only came about because he lived with three older brothers who argued with each other all the time.

I honestly have a lot more thoughts and explanations for each brother, but I just don't have enough for one post for all of them.

I will try to put out a post on each of them where I explain how I see their characters.

Yes a lot of people may disagree with me, I may say some rude things about them (sorry John Dory fans) but I just want to share how they are to me. I'm not trying to insult any of the characters or their fans, I'm just analyzing.

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1 year ago
1 year ago
otterfromoctober - oh, yes! Thoughts!
1 year ago
otterfromoctober - oh, yes! Thoughts!
otterfromoctober - oh, yes! Thoughts!
otterfromoctober - oh, yes! Thoughts!
otterfromoctober - oh, yes! Thoughts!
otterfromoctober - oh, yes! Thoughts!
otterfromoctober - oh, yes! Thoughts!
1 year ago

These are going to be short posts from the perspective of each brother and then make a longer one about everything in general:

This is from the previous post where the brothers are obsessed with Branch's attention, and someone commented on an idea and now it doesn't come out of my head, for that person you are responsible for this.

They will be like #Beloved Little Brother.

John Dory


Okay, JD gets it, they left and... And he gets it, they hurt Branch, but this is more than just a band, it feels like a -replacement-, a little shameless in John Dory's opinion.


But this isn't about him, it's about Branch and he likes how happy and calm the baby looks, DESPITE being around these guys, so he'll let it go, but because of the look in his other brothers' eyes , this is something that us agree with.

These guys won't take Branch away...

As soon as he lost sight of them, his smile faded and he looked with absolute hatred at this band, one of them was touching Branch.


John Dory won't last long with those guys around...

1 year ago

Okay, guys. I was just watching the "BroZone's back" video on YouTube and saw comments about Branch singing and dancing for Poppy. I BEG YOUR PARDON?!? FOR POPPY?!? HE WAS HAPPY BECAUSE HIS BROTHERS WERE HERE!!!

I don't usually write posts but I just couldn't keep quiet.

(Forgive me if my English is bad, I'm writing through a translator.)

At the very beginning when Bruce and John Dory first offered to sing Branch was standing off to the side and nervous.

Okay, Guys. I Was Just Watching The "BroZone's Back" Video On YouTube And Saw Comments About Branch Singing

He stood there and couldn't take his eyes off the brothers. You know why? He wanted to join in. He really wanted to, but he didn't know how! So Poppy pushed him because she knew he wanted to. I mean, yes, of course she wanted to see her favorite band reunite, but that wasn't the reason. She wanted Brinch to reunite with his brothers. She knew it wasn't about her, it was about Branch.

But even though he wanted to join in he still pretended to be unhappy dancing with his brothers. Guys. HE'S SULKING AT THEM. OF COURSE HE WON'T SHOW THAT HE'S HAPPY WITH THEM. THEY LEFT HIM FOR 20 YEARS!!!!

Okay, Guys. I Was Just Watching The "BroZone's Back" Video On YouTube And Saw Comments About Branch Singing

But like Poppy said, Branch just couldn't help himself. He remembered what it was like to be back in the band. He remembered what it was like to be with his brothers.

Okay, Guys. I Was Just Watching The "BroZone's Back" Video On YouTube And Saw Comments About Branch Singing
Okay, Guys. I Was Just Watching The "BroZone's Back" Video On YouTube And Saw Comments About Branch Singing

You just look how happy he is.

Okay, Guys. I Was Just Watching The "BroZone's Back" Video On YouTube And Saw Comments About Branch Singing

Even his skin color turned the same blue as his brothers.

Okay, Guys. I Was Just Watching The "BroZone's Back" Video On YouTube And Saw Comments About Branch Singing

Because. He is. Happy. To be. With his brothers.

So don't you dare tell me he's only doing this for Poppy. My boy just wants some family love!!!

His brothers are finally around. They dance and sing with him like they did 20 years ago. And a very sad but interesting headcanon popped up in my head. What if some of the words in the song were addressed specifically to the brothers?

Okay, Guys. I Was Just Watching The "BroZone's Back" Video On YouTube And Saw Comments About Branch Singing

"You're all I ever wanted"

Okay, Guys. I Was Just Watching The "BroZone's Back" Video On YouTube And Saw Comments About Branch Singing

"You're all I ever needed"

"So tell me what to do now"

"When I want"

Okay, Guys. I Was Just Watching The "BroZone's Back" Video On YouTube And Saw Comments About Branch Singing


Okay, Guys. I Was Just Watching The "BroZone's Back" Video On YouTube And Saw Comments About Branch Singing


I will absolutely write more about them.

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1 year ago


He doesn't just say "bye" he says "see you later".

He Doesn't Just Say "bye" He Says "see You Later".



He didn't understand them right. He was smiling. He was a baby. He thought they will come back. He thought they aren't leaving for long time. He thought he'll see them again soon. And then he grew up without them. He didn't know that what they meant was that they'll never come back again. Imagine him that day, that week, that month, that year, and years later thinking "why aren't they coming back? Where are they?" And then growing up knowing that he's all alone and accepting the fact that they left him or, you know, since Bergens were attacking, he probably assumed some of them were killed too. Wow.

He Doesn't Just Say "bye" He Says "see You Later".
1 year ago
otterfromoctober - oh, yes! Thoughts!
1 year ago
Santa Is On Strike Due To Global Warming. All Presents This Year Will Be Delivered By Sasha The Christmas

Santa is on strike due to global warming.  All presents this year will be delivered by Sasha the Christmas Tiger.  Milk and cookies may not be sufficient.

1 year ago
otterfromoctober - oh, yes! Thoughts!
1 year ago
Thought This Could Fit In Well Here

Thought this could fit in well here

1 year ago
otterfromoctober - oh, yes! Thoughts!