Just an artist with an evergrowing list of hyperfixations,,.
220 posts
P0t3nt1al - Theres Always P0t3n1al. - Tumblr Blog
Reblog if you’ve made amazing friends online and are grateful for their existence
Asexuals who still enjoy sex are just as valid as sex repulsed or sex indifferent asexuals
Aromantic folks who still crave romance are just as valid as romance repulsed or romance indifferent aros

Aroace folks who want to be with people outside of being friends are equally as valid as aroace folks who do not want to be in a relationship with anyone
Alloaros and alloaces are just as valid as aroace folks and we should not be excluding them from the aspec community
Agender people are part of the aspec community and we should not neglect agender folks in favor of acespec/arospec folks

Just a sketch for the brothers’ design for the Charter Chaos AU

Mikey is in eighth grade, Leo is in ninth grade while Donnie is in tenth grade (Donnie skipped a grade), Raph is in eleventh grade. their school has uniforms with different colored shirts, with the elementary schoolers’ shirts being lighter while middle and high schoolers’ are darker. Splinter is in the PTA and ALWAYS goes to the meetings while the brothers are in extracurriculars (Raph and Mikey are in art club, Leo is in Drama club, and Donnie is in the STEM club).

New Counselor Alert! ( 2/9 )
Meet Anemone !

Like a few other campers and counselors, Anemone is a Riadion Siren (a species of humanoid sea creatures that often dwelled off the coast of *Arcadia, New York- where Camp Hamato and Camp Usagi is), Anemone bears three rookie bandannas, reasons being that in Anemone’s registration form, They noted they often lost things, so as an attempt to help, they were given three rookie bandannas for their time as a rookie counselor. Anemone was first known for having uncooked pasta on one of their horns, which was stuck on there during a cooking activity. As their first few duties, Anemone will be first assigned as an assisting lifeguard with the another aquatic counselor.
* a fictional city in New York, right near New York City

Yall knew it was coming
I’ve been trying to do stuff for the AUs and Camp Hamato but I’ve been so bored I wanna do a webtoon based of a whole other story.
(Maybe I’ll just skip over the Shipwreck Shatter with a fic [with three different endings] and just go to the most recent chapter/episode of Camp Hamato for the au rp blogs idk)
I'm so sorry I saw this post's reblogs and I just

@bettertwin1 @mrsleepytello

Cowards won’t Reblog

I’m not trans (I’m genderfluid) but this is SO CLEVER ^^

Things that should be normalized:
Taking meds in public
Going out to eat by yourself
Not having your drivers license
Asking about allergies when eating out
Things that should NOT be normalized:
Watching loud videos in public without earbuds istg stop it its so annoying I don't want to hear some Minecraft dude screaming while I'm trying to eat my pancakes in peace
BIG news eddsworld fandom I've had my greatest vision yet

Better yet its been officially sanctioned by mr lobster himself

Now its YOUR turn eddsworld fandom ! Spread ! The ! Word !!

please read Keno’s lines with Dante Basco’s voice
Casey Jones Jr is dating Keno, the delivery guy

New Counselor Alert ! (1 / 8…?)
Meet NightShade!

NightShade is a (currently, as of Pride Month at Camp Hamato) rookie counselor in the Purple Ponderers, bearing the well-known Rookie Counselor Bandanna (or RCB), which is always seen on new counselors, with their bandannas being the color of their cabin! NightShade is named obviously from their tail- which is like a literal NightShade, with his having a stinger that can inject a hallucinogenic serum, but can be covered by the five petals. NightShade is also called “PurpleStar” for the five petals on his tail and the star over their nose, some may ask “Why not Belladonna? That’s another name for NightShade.” That’s because there may be another camper o r counselor nicknamed Belladonna…

me when i get tagged by mutuals: oh my GOD my friend noticed me,, omg my bestie in the world wide web, my beautiful wonderful amazing fren whom i cherish dearly, JUST NOTICED ME,, I AM ABOUT TO C O M B U S T
me when tagging mutuals: oh no... i hope im not annoying you.. or anything.. if you want I'll never tag you again.. only if you want tho.. if you don't want to be tagged then that's okay.. i love you.. pls don't hate me,,,

i am an advocate for Big Dumb Man rights and i will not take this blatant erasure by the anime twitter users
medieval backstreet boys: you are… my friar
I just found out there is a crab that looks like a pancake and now the world seems brighter.

Just some Hibiscus (variation design) art!