proship || 26y.o. || 🇮🇪🇺🇦 || Берні Блек - чарівне сонечко. || Bernie Black - mó ghrian draíochta. Déanfaidh mé iarracht tóir a dhéanamh ar an nGaeilge agus ar an Úcráinis. телеґрам: https://t.me/cultdoBhernieBlack.
1224 posts
Is T Mo Ghr!! Athbhliain Faoi Mhaise Duit!! Is Bernie R Bhfiann Milis Na Nollag, R Gcaitn
Is tú mo ghrá!! Athbhliain faoi mhaise duit!! Is é Bernie ár bhfianán milis na Nollag, ár gcaitín 💞💞💞

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I got this little booklet from Galway Pride last year but never got round to captioning it, hence the delay. Galway Pride/Bród na Gaillimhe makes everything available in both English and Irish and in fact it was after attending an Anseo agus Aiteach (Here and Queer) meeting at Teach Solais in Galway that I was inspired to start this page.
Image description: a series of images showing the four pages of a small black paper booklet containing LGBT terms in Irish. The first image is of the front of the booklet - along the right side is the progress pride flag and it says "Gaeilge Aiteach - Queer Irish, by Galway Pride 2020 - le Bród na Gaillimhe." The second image is of the back page which has text at the top and bottom and Galway Pride's logo in the centre (the logo is a small rainbow with three people standing under it).
The top text reads "Bhí an leabhrán seo déanta le tagairtí ó 'An Foclóir Aiteach'. Tuilleadh eolais air anseo: https://usi.ie/focloir-aiteach/ *** This booklet was made with references from 'The Queer Dictionary'. More info on it here: https://usi.ie/focloir-aiteach/."
The bottom text reads "Más mian leat tuiulleadh cleachtú a dhéanamh ar do Ghaeilge, bígí linn ag Anseo agus Aiteach! Tuilleadh eolais ar Facebook 'Teach Solais LGBT+ Resource Centre' *** If you'd like to practice more of your Irish, join us at Anseo agus Aiteach! More info on the 'Teach Solais LGBT+ Resource Centre' Facebook."
The third and fourth images contain the following LGBT+ terms in Irish:
Forainmneacha (fur-ann-um-ugh-ah) - pronouns
siad/iad (sheed/eed) - they/them
sí/í (she/ee) - she/her
sé/é (shay/ay) - he/him
Mar shampla: "Úsáidim siad/iad" (mar hahmp-lah: oo-sawj-um sheed/eed) - For example: "I use they/them"
Gnéasachtaí & Féiniúlachtaí (guh-nay-suck-tee & fay-noo-luck-tee) - Sexualities & Identities
Leispiach (lesh-pee-uck) - lesbian
Aerach (air-uck) - gay
Déghnéasach (jay-guh-nay-suck) - bisexual
Trasinscneach (trass-in-shcuh-nuck) - transgender
Aiteach (atch-uck) - queer
Idirghnéas (ij-urr-guh-nay-suck) - intersex
Éighnéasach (ay-guh-nay-suck) - asexual
Painghnéasach (pan-guh-nay-suck) - pansexual
Neamh-dhénartha (nuh-yav - jay-nawr-ha)- nonbinary
Mar shampla:
"Is leispiach mé" (is lesh-pee-uck may) - I am a lesbian
"Is duine neamh-dhénartha mé" (is dih-nah nuh-yav - jay-nawr-ha may) - I am a nonbinary person
Note: I previously got an ask about how to say "I am queer" which I feel is pertinent to this booklet as they appear to have answered the question much more succinctly than I could.
Ok so I discovered something that we need to talk.
So we gotta talk. So someone on here pointed out that In the movie of disney 'Wish' that the new Villan 'king magnifico' looks sorta like doctor strange and even has magic like him and now I can't get out of my head.

Lol I mean come on!! First we get this guy that looks like tony

Now this!!! Now I want to ship them.!!!!! Lol😆

Good Bye 2023 And HELLOOOOO 2024!! :D

Omg!!!😳 a ballifico shipper!! Yay!! I would love too!!!
yes yes i am. my fanfiction is for now private, but its has 37 pages and even some hot stuff. 💓 I'll send you translation today hm??