In The Mood To Throw My Life Away Cuz Nothing Matters And I'm Only A Microscopic Dot On A Floating Rock
in the mood to throw my life away cuz nothing matters and I'm only a microscopic dot on a floating rock
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essay idea: how is rene Descartes brain in a vat theory any different than the Christian theology idea of creation? Essentially both entities created human existence, or the illusion of it, for arbitrary reasons, possible for self entertainment
Do you ever cry so hard, so much that you exhaust yourself? You drift off into sleep, unbeknownst to yourself and when you wake, the sadness lingers, it's blue shadow on all things. You were able to empty your tear ducts, but no matter how much sadness you pour, it still haunts your existence, your every step; you can never run out of it.
Try writing a "plot irrelevant" scene
We all have it drilled into our our literary heads: every piece of writing, every scene, every beat, every single sentence has to have a purpose or be justified for its inclusion on the plot.
I'm a big fan of justifying my narrative decisions but sometimes the writing can't have a purpose right from the moment it's being written.
So much bandwidth is allocated to the intensive brain-intensive process of putting stuff to words, I feel I should myself some slack if I can't fit them into the overarching themes or theses.
This especially becomes a problem on longer works where there's so much room for meaning and mistakes and mishaps. Worrying that everything has to be foreshadowing or pay off or symbolic can sap the enjoyment of building a scene and thus, kill the velocity of writing it.
So, how about if we just don't care for a bit?
Write a scene or sequence that you sort of know might make the cutting room floor, but has something in it for you if you write it, be it spending time with your favorite characters, coming up with lines for later, or fleshing out the tone. Imagine outlandish meetings of characters that would not meet otherwise, see how they react to situations unseen inside the plot.
You see, we know that readers need variety in a story, but the writers need the variety too. There's a point of critical saturation where chipping away at something will yield diminishing returns whose solution is often to rest by doing something different. Your brain will still be working on that plot thread you left on pause, but in a freer, open and more relaxed state on the background.
A bit of horizontal progress can go a long way for vertical progress.
the whole point of fanfic is to read about a guy who is literally just existing and then everything goes wrong and then everything goes wrong and then everything goes wrong and then everything goes wrong and then he fucks nasty style and then everything goes wrong and then everything gets all cute for a moment and then everything goes wrong and then everything goes wrong and th- Chapters: 35/? Updated: 2022-09-05