Wildfire roaring in my veins, the entire universe blazing in my eyes.
751 posts
Phoenixborn - Bathing In Ashes - Tumblr Blog

“By ‘as usual ’ are you referring to the time I saved Gabriel from disappearing into nothing because your precious god didn't give two fucks about his mudblooded creation's rampage?” the strike back immediate, accompanied by a smile too cold from an entity of fire
“This” Cindy gestured around with barely concealed disappointment laced disgust “is based on a book. Souls' fate based on scriptures written by men, upheld by so called divine puppets. Whom are rid of if they fail or dare to scratch the prison walls. Of course it was doomed to failure from the second it formed.” the contradiction waved dismissively, ancient wisdom pouring from a too young winged creature

“You...often forget what I am exactly. I've seen the rise and ruin of planets, civilizations and dimensions. Sometimes caused both when I deemed necessary.” the Fire lamented
“In the end, don't be too hard on yourself. I give the credit for damage control till it was possible; although my ancestors, especially the General won't spare any niceties. Even if it's true. But I don't fault her for that. She has the right for her rage at both Heaven and Hell. And I have the celestial right to be the one to figure out a better system for the sake of balance.”

@phoenixborn said: For Sera because...she is like this.
“So the glided gated kingdom with a secret army is cracking apart. Oh what a surprise.” sarcastic at first, almost as if she hasn't torched the ream roughly a year ago
“Actually, it is. Incompetence is hand in hand with omnipotence.”

And of course it will be her who will have to deal with the mess when it implodes.

"...Cindy." Sera greets flatly. Perfect, just who she wanted to deal with at the moment. Fantastic.
Sera flinched, the cosmic entity words striking a nerve. Incompetence...Yet another painful reminder of how Sera only seemed to fall short of her duties. How she was beginning to realize how she was incompetent despite all her efforts.
"Have you come to gloat or are you just wanting to make a nuisance of yourself as usual?"
My peak vibe is “the most annoying person you’ve ever met but with just enough charisma to pull it off somehow”

I just found this in my folder and honestly; accurate.
Bold what applies. Italics apply sometimes.

fight honorably / fight dirty / prefer close-quarters / prefer range / chat during / go silent / low pain tolerance / high pain tolerance / attack in bursts / attack steadily / go for the kill / aim to disarm / fight defensively / strike first / provoked easily / provoke their opponent / tease / get visibly frustrated / shout while attacking / use strategy / focus on their battle / experience conflicting thoughts during battle / rush in recklessly / try to read their opponent before fighting / fight wildly / fight calmly and or apathetically / fight with anger / fight with excitement / fight because they have to / fight because they want to / fight without regard to wounds / run away when wounded / hide wounds / take a blow to protect another / prefer a blade / prefer to use their abilities / prefer a bow / prefer a shield / prefer a pole arm / prefer a personalized weapon / prefer magic or spells / prefer brawling / their greatest weakness is physical / their greatest weakness is mental / their greatest weakness is emotional / transform for battle / fight as they appear / rely on strength / rely on speed / use everything they have / hide their full potential / exhaust quickly / high stamina / doubt their strength / proceed with caution / behave arrogantly / brag after landing a hit / belittle their abilities / use psychological tactics / use brute strength / avoid civilians / strike down civilians / damage surroundings / avoid damaging surroundings / signature fighting style / making it up as they go / mastered skillset / learning their skillset / fancy footwork / sloppy footwork / messy fighter / elegant fighter / efficient fighter / accept defeat / refuse defeat / beg for mercy / compliment their opponent / insult their opponent / use unnecessary movements / move efficiently / barely move / prefer to dodge / prefer to block / defend their blindside / has no blindside / use all available methods / strictly use one main method / play around / hold back / fight ruthlessly / show mercy if possible / wait for opponent to be ready / strike when opponent isn’t ready / fear death / fear pain / fear killing / has PTSD / avoid fighting / has lost a fight / has won a fight / has killed / refuses to kill / wants to die standing / would succumb slowly

I will definitely polish this further but here's the rough idea:
Cindy has extremely bad authority problems and dismissal.
This stems from her being the oldest sentient entity born and almost singlehandedly creating, reshaping although barely/rarely ruling the Universe. She is old. Beyond ancient. She has seen all types of governments, civilizations and planets flourish, fall and collapse. What's a god compared to a legend?
When it comes to rulers, humans or entities she doesn't bow, follow orders, speaks freely and at best she is polite but never overly so. She doesn't feel the weight of authority because no matter the situation she is always the true higher power, therefore sees no point in playing a part of hierarchy. However Cindy rarely names herself other than Eternal Fire or The Phoenix, she has to be truly angry to use titles to describe the extent of her authority.
It isn't fully arrogance, more like knowledge/being aware she is simply above. Despite born as human and originally only intended to be a Host for the oldest power she ended up merging with it completely and by now they cannot be told or ripped apart. Young, yet the oldest. Impulsive, passionate yet wisdom of millennias glisten in galaxy eyes.
what soft romance cliché are you?
because i love you!

passionate; you are the heated moment of an argument. when the person you care for has done something outrageously stupid or dangerous. all of your pent up emotions that you've kept inside of you come bursting out: "beCAUSE I LOVE YOU!" how could they be so dense. how could YOU be so dense. you've loved each other this whole time. your love tends to be strong, and loud. sometimes it might be hard for you to express your feelings but you let people know that they are cared for. you're also hot. good for you.

The collision with the roof almost couldn't be felt, she burned through the tower almost immediately. Although it managed to slow her fast, unwanted descent from the sky. Grateful for the surprising space within, colossal wings spread wide to avoid slamming into the ground as well. White, bordering on blue flames at the tip of the feathers singed any material they passed close by, the vaguely woman shaped supernova landed with an inhumane phoenix cry. The reply came in form of a laugh more akin to a peacock's call, mocking and amused.
“You are getting so predictable ”

The crystalline woman carefully perched in the air, making sure to not come in contact with the molten metal chuckled mockingly.
“So are you for never starting a fight in outer space.”

The Fire snapped back with a quick scan of the surroundings; probably a sorcerer's workshop and- oh shit. The two entities noticed the human mage in roughly the same time.
“What a shame.”

She smirked with casual cruelty and a spike of twisted excitement as hail and icicles rained down from the ruined roof.
Cindy moved out of ingrained reflex, even if the man was a mage, there was no strong enough defense spell to counter cosmic ice other than her own fire. Careful to not burn him, phoenix wings closed as a protective shield, projecting most of their heat outwards. She still felt three stabs in her left but not enough time to register because she knew Chione too well.
She whirled away from the man, golden white fire exploding from her palm to stop the ice spear hurled down as a twisted goodbye.

An extremely thin tightrope of just enough power in order to not obliterate the whole castle and everyone inside but still prevent the weapon slamming down as it would have the same result. The spear slowed but kept advancing despite the cosmic blaze enveloping it, until it shattered at last, the ruined pieces dissolving in the torrent of white golden.
Wings flared, more than ready for an explosive takeoff to chase down the other entity; stopped by a cry of pain. Universe eyes snapped at the source, three icicles piercing the left completely through.
An enraged huff turned into a sigh, her inferno slowly but eventually dying down. The burst needed to heal such damage would kill the man and everyone within range, drawing her wings back to herself with ice still embedded in them sounded like willing poisoning.
“...Sorry for the roof. And for the other things.” she spoke at last

Gone the celestial visage, jade green eyes looked almost apologetic, the previous supernova hair now light brown shifting to bright crimson at shoulder length. The reminder that the woman was the same entity that melted metal with terrifying ease were the wings, the injured one resting on the floor.
“Are you alright?” she asked with barely concealed worry at the possibility he might've gotten hurt despite her efforts

how do you need to be loved?
like the burn marks on my hands

you need to be loved gently, taken care of. you need to let yourself be taken care of. you deserve the kindness. you deserve to have fingertips pressed to yours, you deserve soft smiles and quiet laughs. you need to be kissed in the middle of the night, you need to be told it’s okay. you’re used to aggressive love, you you need it gently.
In "We Didn't Start the Fire," Billy Joel chronicles the four decades of his life leading up to the song's 1989 release. He argues, in the chorus that no generation is unique in having its flaws, atrocities, and disasters. "We didn't start the fire. It was always burning, since the world's been turning."
Cindy and cosmic entity turned Gabriel watching Heaven spiral into chaos from a nearby nebula with drinks.
Insert *We didn't start the fire* song.
I am not arrogant. I simply know my place. It’s quite far above yours.

oh no
Actually it's a recurring Véghváry thing™

Rozy has no idea about modern slang and their meaning, will misuse/mix them in the worst ways possible. She's slowly losing a grip on newer/evolving Hungarian ones, you can imagine how she is with English.
Karma is extremely confused about most Pride stuff & doesn't understand what 'straight' means in that context. For her it means a respectable, honest person, she knows the 'norm' as heterosexual.
Cindy has absolutely no grip on what considered normal due to her insane level of power. That creating a dress out of stars is an everyday trick for her instead of a whatthefuck how is that even possible?? thing
Raia has no shortcomings. She did, does and will do her research to keep herself ahead of the game, as she always had done so.
& the mun:

Asexual bisexual 💖💜💙
🌈Happy Pride!🌈

Gray asexual bisexual
It would've been rude to refuse, coffee always dried her throat and most of the time it tasted simply terrible. Still...maybe with the honey it could be manageable and she won't apologize for dumping half of the jar into it.
Only a split second; all traces of previous exhaustion disappeared, her smile morphing into an icy sneer matched by the cold fire in jade eyes. “Yeah, been told that already.”

The tension dissolved as soon as it washed over, the moment Cindy realized she wasn't in her old house, her father is six feet under and the gaze of this man was kinder than her own ever regarded her with.
“I...sorry. My father wasn't a kind man.” For some reason she was sure he would catch the barely concealed hint. Jade eyes gently, almost shyly flicked at Koz at the mention, a ghost of a smile at his eyes; they were pretty. Like the fabric of the night sky.
Deciding she didn't want to also burn his apartment down with her disastrous cooking ‘skills ’, Cindy decided to take a seat next to Ari, offering a shy smile; God she really wasn't used to such...domestic situations. Or any kind of situation involving being having a normal relationship with people.
“Accuse me being Miss Arizona, yet I can barely make it to the table” Karma's smile and attitude easygoing, yet Cindy saw the last minute rearranged hair, the sharpened gaze and the slightest tension in her otherwise relaxed position. She didn't ask nor mention, although slightly worried about the other girl could have vision problems with such elaborate scarring around her right eye- Cindy was lucky with her left.
“Let me snake around the heater if possible” her request although not elaborately worded, her tone still polite along with longing looks towards the source of warmth. Almost too long, spidery fingers absentmindedly rubbing, prodding at her shoulder till a brief reaction of pain passed her face like a lightning strike; gone after a second.

New York City, May 1993
JACK had spent a good while tiptoeing around his own kitchen. He had the radio going low as he moved about wearing sweatpants and a tight-fit tank top. He threw on a silk robe that still smelled of Jean’s perfume.
He hit the coffee pot as he swirled around a pan of eggs, a cigarette lazily hanging out of his mouth. Despite it being May summer was a slow start, the heat was on to make sure everyone could stay warm. Jack Williams had listened to recent Yankees game on the radio. He had a few plates out, toast was done, and was fixing some omelettes.
The first of his kids came out, Koshmar or Koz as he went by came in the room still in a sleepy daze. Marie followed after in yellow silk pajamas that Gus got her and wandered in. She got coffee and mumbled a good morning and kissed her father before dropping to the island and listening in on the game.

“ты хоть немного поспал, мальчик?.” (Did you get any sleep boy?) He greeted to Koz as he leaned against the counter.
He shook his head and yawned. Jack didn’t want to mention as to why he was wearing William’s shirt.
“Good morning!” Ari sang skipping in wearing a pastel pink bunny onesie, Pete trailing behind like a puppy wearing clothes that Jack was sure belonged to Marie.
William, Clara, and Falcye were next, William more awake than the others.
“A great morning to you all!” William grinned as Ari latched onto his shoulder singing along.
“Good morning, good morning! It’s great to stay up late!” Ari and William sang along as Clara joined in.
She got coffee and sat next to Marie, both wearing matching yellow.
“Morning kids.” Jack smiled humming along to the music as he decided to not question why they were wearing each other's clothes, “Crazy kids.” he mumbled.
“Who wants pancakes?"

The last party Cindy attended to ended up in a hospital stay, although not for her. Invites still received even after that but turned down almost immediately; as much as she enjoyed being the center of almost every kind of attention, a little space was a must. Learned the hard way and an absolute asshole ex boyfriend later. She'd planned to decline this invitation too...but a sleepover isn't the same as a party with alcohol and suspicious substances involved. Plus there was adult supervision as well.
Cindy still hasn't told them she can understand Russian. Only let it slip that it's her first sleepover and wasn't really sure what to do. The fact she wasn't laughed at was a good start and Miss Americana- Karma declared the same after her. That was a surprise, the blonde girl seemed every bit the type yet something was incredibly amiss at the same time; unlike with Ari. She was just as expected but an absolute sweetheart and a bouncing ray of sunshine.

She still couldn't sleep, only nap near the heater, alert enough to see Karma quietly jerk awake from a presumed nightmare early dawn and stayed in the bathroom ever since. Maybe she should tell someone...but she wouldn't take it kindly if the situation was reversed.
Cindy liked the company and definitely wouldn't object to repeating the experience, although she was missing her kitty, Astra terribly, the way she would curl close in a warm ball when rare anxiety surfaced. Speaking of warmth, it was still cold for her, therefore she borrowed a jacket from the pile, in the dawn's filter not quite sure whose it was. Better sorry than safe if the owner objected despite everyone wearing something different from when the night had started. After all she didn't know them for long.
“Good morning” her voice carried a natural rasp, a certain unusal edge; the hint of something lying beneath her voice. Her smile polite but practiced, in the morning mindset not as sure about the so called adult supervision. Surely, by all means he seemed a very decent man and father. But looks can be deceivingly deadly and it never hurt to remain careful at first.

New York City, May 1993
JACK had spent a good while tiptoeing around his own kitchen. He had the radio going low as he moved about wearing sweatpants and a tight-fit tank top. He threw on a silk robe that still smelled of Jean’s perfume.
He hit the coffee pot as he swirled around a pan of eggs, a cigarette lazily hanging out of his mouth. Despite it being May summer was a slow start, the heat was on to make sure everyone could stay warm. Jack Williams had listened to recent Yankees game on the radio. He had a few plates out, toast was done, and was fixing some omelettes.
The first of his kids came out, Koshmar or Koz as he went by came in the room still in a sleepy daze. Marie followed after in yellow silk pajamas that Gus got her and wandered in. She got coffee and mumbled a good morning and kissed her father before dropping to the island and listening in on the game.

“ты хоть немного поспал, мальчик?.” (Did you get any sleep boy?) He greeted to Koz as he leaned against the counter.
He shook his head and yawned. Jack didn’t want to mention as to why he was wearing William’s shirt.
“Good morning!” Ari sang skipping in wearing a pastel pink bunny onesie, Pete trailing behind like a puppy wearing clothes that Jack was sure belonged to Marie.
William, Clara, and Falcye were next, William more awake than the others.
“A great morning to you all!” William grinned as Ari latched onto his shoulder singing along.
“Good morning, good morning! It’s great to stay up late!” Ari and William sang along as Clara joined in.
She got coffee and sat next to Marie, both wearing matching yellow.
“Morning kids.” Jack smiled humming along to the music as he decided to not question why they were wearing each other's clothes, “Crazy kids.” he mumbled.
“Who wants pancakes?"
vilf (villain I'd like to fuck)

Silent giggles shook her shoulders as she watched her boyfriend read through the application she's snagged from his sister and had way too much fun with it. The lack of surprise lightly irked the creature's ego, calling for a challenge; no one should be able to say she's predictable.
An acrobatic flip down from her chosen perch, with a smile that promised no good.
“Alright.” Cindy agreed to his ‘request’, yet instead of getting...more dressed she simply pushed the tight vinyl fabric of her skirt up, cleaning the desk of every object with one elegant sweep.
Within seconds, she was already on top of the table in comfortable splits, fingers playing with the tiny ruby fabric, barely concealing yet still hiding the glistening evidence of excitement.

“Dinner's served.”

For Erebus because she's a little shit 😂
Fuck Buddy Application
Name: Spirit of Vengeance and Artistic Freedom; the Eternal Fire but Cindy is fine
Age: Well, technically 13.8 billion, but let's stick with 23
Are you attracted to me?: Take a wild guess.
Sub/Dom: Brat 😜 can you afford a therapist for years if I top though?
How often are you available?: To be fair I kill minimum 30 people daily, strict workout schedule, singing practice...but always have time for you ❤️🔥
Will there be extra’s?: I'm already an extra. But if that's your way of asking whenever I'm into butt stuff the answer is yes.
When can you start?: Look above you
Fuck Buddy Application

Somehow, he's not even surprised at this point. "Damn. Take a guy out to dinner first, huh?" He smirks.
Put this on and start booping.
Results will speak for themselves I guarantee that😂