College Verse | Stars Keep Calling Her To The Only Place She's Never Known: Home. - Tumblr Posts
( verses with the 🩸⚔💀 emojis after mean they take place in the same universe as her 3 relatives' corresponding one: @phoenixduelist , @infernal-general & @deathshadowed )
Resident Evil verse (also can fit in The Walking Dead & probably Last of Us) 🩸⚔💀
Human verse
College verse
Return to the Stars
Agent verse & Assassin verse 🩸⚔💀
Retrofuturistic verse
Goddess verse
Venom verse
Royalty verse
Mermaid verse with a twist
Mad max / Apocalypse AU
Horror - eldritch entity undecided fandom(s) for now

Some people are born different, with a spark in their eyes reflecting their mind. Surfaces of her brilliance made themselves known early, by the age of 3 Cindy learned how to read fluently, all by herself only asking about letters a few times. Her mind seemed not only incredibly sharp but endless as well, able to perfectly recite books word to word after a few reads. As she was growing up, she became every teachers' nightmare, an effortless know it all which guaranteed harassment from classmates. The gentle soul was shocked by this treatment...was everyone like her father? But she hasn't done everything wrong, has she?
Despite her achievements, Cindy never thought of herself as a genius, as a prodigy even when her success wasn't limited ‘only’ to academic matters. Movements absorbed and mirrored like words, her acrobatic talent adding to a seemingly never ending pile. Then the discovery of her extremely unique voice and the absolute magic she was capable of with it. She picked up the hang of the piano with ease.
There were only a few who recognized and appreciated her undeniable genius besides her mother; few encouraged to pursue whatever she wanted and she wanted all. Growing tired of the bullying and berating, she read all coursebooks during summer, solved everything in the workbooks just to piss off both teachers and students with her boredom for 9 months. She didn't bother raising her hand to answer a question, grown tired of endlessly waiting to be picked. Joined the choir only to be kicked out due to her gritty vocal stunts. Slowly, she was starting to come out of her shell when someone was struggling with something, kindness within her was as endless as intellect. She was still that weird kid no one could quite label because she was simply too much, but the goodness radiating from her like a sun along with a few hard kicks and broken noses she sort of belonged to society as an outsider.
Cindy graduated from highschool at 16 with straight A grades, spending most of her time homeschooled and completely self taught after the first year, the headmistress absolutely having enough of her. She couldn't help but snark how much it could hurt to give her congratulations for her achievements when receiving her certificate. Her matura exams soon followed...of all 12 subjects instead of the mandatory 5 as a further salt in the wound. Plus a C2 language certificate from English. She was growing bored of the exams so she decided to not go for one from Spanish despite she was quite confident that at least a B1 would be maximum score.
Her life wasn't all sunshine and success. Her father always fond of alcohol didn't fancy his daughter so caught up in academic matters when pieces of papers didn't teach life. While his train of thought was somewhat correct, the execution was horrible. During the first karate lessons Cindy didn't even want to hit her sparring partner, not quite understanding why was violence necessary and why should she do it despite she wasn't hit first. It was the first time she witnessed him beating her mother and not the last. Once she tried to step in was when she was swiped at with a broken bottle, the sharp glass almost taking her left eye out, leaving a permanent scar. Always the same sweet supportive mom, Viola did everything she could to nurture an extremely gifted child in such hostile environment of frequent domestic violence. Her somewhat closed off personality, guards probably developed because of this, there was no need for a psychologist to assess this.
Cindy often escaped to the rooftop when she heard the familiar yells flare up, gazing at the stars with helplessness, hope and amazement. She didn't belong to this world; the thought often crossed her mind. During a few nights when the sky was clear she not only saw stars but...something else too. And she was determined to find out what: her new passion found.
One night the screams were cut short by a horrified shriek followed by silence. Racing down she could catch a glimpse of Géza hastily pulling a rug on top of the stairs; below was her mom's broken body staring with empty eyes. She slipped and fell. He said. The bruises on her arms were because he tried to catch her. He said. The rest of the injuries were a result of the fall. The reports said. But the star eyed teenager couldn't be fooled; she knew she was living together with a killer.
The grieving, bestial rage Cindy never knew before halted her seemingly unstoppable soar forwards for two years, deciding to sharpen her gymnastics, martial arts skills along with training her voice. Her undying interest in space was the only reminder of who she was. One night Géza invited his friends over, endless drinking and profanities followed, it was near dawn when the front door was slammed shut after the last one. Her father ascended the stairs with heavy sway in his steps, his shoes splattering the spilled beer on top of it. He didn't even need to yell for his daughter to clean up the mess, she was already there with cold, calculated fury in her eyes.
The autopsy revealed the cause of death was most likely the broken windpipe. What wasn't concluded that the injury was obtained before the fall.
Cindy knew her mom would've wished her to move on instead of replaying the simple yet brutal taekwondo kick with two years of rage behind it. She had all qualifications, results to choose and apply wherever she wanted. As always, she aimed for the stars and reached them, accepted with scholarship to one of America's best universities; she wouldn't even have accepted less. She sold everything and moved to America altogether, Hungary no longer having anything left for her to stay.
At first, music major was a given until the first not so polite remark that something must be wrong with her voice as it was ‘too scratchy’. By now she was almost fully aware of her vocal talent and its uniqueness; the first impression flooding her with bitter disappointment. Was this why she spent years only accompanied by books? Frustration turned rebellion, Cindy decided to rediscover social life, finding out that now she was...quite popular. Flirty, witty and hungry for affection, appreciation, she threw herself into the storm, eager to experience what she has missed out. She was well aware she swings both ways, quick dates, dances and kisses painted her as a player. Social media platforms created in a flash and flooding with interested people because she had a lot to share.
True intimacy was something Cindy always struggled with, not the right person, too fast, lack of meaning. Her current boyfriend, Mr Tall, Blonde and supposedly Perfect didn't like her slow approach, he tolerated it simply because she was hot. Worth the wait. Until a house party got out of hand and he drank too much, enough to not care about the no's anymore. He was hospitalized after the incident which caused Cindy to seal her vulnerability further away.
Yet she was frustrated. Why be ogled at for free when she possibly could make money of it? So she signed up to OnlyFans with the name Starfire, one of her recognizable habits was adding slight sparkly filters or make galaxy themed edits to make her photos look even more alluring. All those Instagram, Snapchat and TikTok followers proved to be interested in knowing her even more intimately. No strings attached, boundaries firmly established, her in control of what to post and when; she found herself enjoying the attention, praise and the high it gave her more than she originally thought.
Arguments with one specific professor became more and more heated, she absolutely refused to change anything in her technique, well aware she would cause damage that way. During this rocky time her ex boyfriend Alden found her OnlyFans by accident; not spending a moment hesitating to blast the fact that she's a ‘whore’ yet beat him near death when he ‘asked for’ sex.
Prepared for the harassment, and backlash, instead of denial Cindy only smirked, yeah now she was the local pornstar. However, the surprisingly sex worker positive mindset lessened the emotional blow and the grand exposure resulted in an increased income in the long term. Not to mention according to law, sharing her media is punishable by legal action as it counts as share of nonconsensual pornography along with violating the site's Terms of Service. She parted ways with music major in a true rocker fashion, with a fuck you & a lawsuit that the prestigious university really, really wants to keep quiet about. Cindy didn't need to be taught how to perform, music history was something she easily could research herself.
To everyone's surprise, she jumped to major in astrophysics at the age of 21, occasionally visiting classes she finds interesting from vastly different subjects. Behind the drastic change lied two reasons: her mom's eyes full of amazement and pride calling her galaxy brain & her rekindled passion for the stars she sought refugee in as a child.

Warm glare of the sun never failed to lift her spirits, preferring to bask in it than hiding in a musty classroom or an echoing, empty lecture hall. Apparently, she wasn't alone sharing this thought at the sight of the crowd already taking almost all space. Whistles and cheers accompanied confident steps, a brow raising in amusement behind the trustworthy retro aviator sunglasses; so her live show last night was memorable not only lucrative.
Figuring out an alternative solution when asked for a kiss, she snatched a clean napkin, pressing the thin paper to her glossy red lips, the imprint striking contrast against the white. Cindy quickly moved on with an airy chuckle before they could recover from shock of actually acquiring a physical item (which smelled like cherries) from her.

“Later, ladies and gentlemen!” she called, crimson tipped hair a blazing supernova in the sunlight. No one could catch a glimpse of dulling jade behind the protection of black lenses.
Despite the heat, leather jacket draped across broad shoulders, the tight miniskirt with a slight thigh slit was a wardrobe malfunction waiting to happen; yet the young woman still managed to move with catlike effortless grace. She made sure to avoid future distractions, deciding to sit at the least occupied table which was still bathed in the desired sunlight.
Cindy flashed a quick, polite smile to the girl already sitting there, taking a seat the opposite side. Her backpack was...a mess and a black hole; no that was her makeup kit not the pencil case carrying highlighters in every color possible along with matching thin and thick gel pens. The notebook was quite heavy, already half filled with information sorted with precision, by topic cut into segments with a set system of signaled by the use of pens and colors.
Sunglasses slightly tipped lower, where was the neon yellow highlighter? She was sure she has put it on the table-

Plotted starter for @phoenixborn

Esther had never been the most social person. She was certain her parents were hoping college might change that. But here she was, sitting at a bench on the outskirts of the quad, as far away as possible from the other crowded tables toward the center filled with noisy students.
She rolled her eyes before returning her gaze to her sketch book to look at her messy half-finished design. Her next assignment for her class was due by the end of this month and she was no where close to being done. Not only did she have to come up with a design, but she had to make it as well. Of course now was now the time her creativity took a nose-dive.
A sigh was heaved out as she closed her sketch book. Maybe she just needed a break and come back to it later.
due to personal reasons, I will be violently successful at everything I do

The last party Cindy attended to ended up in a hospital stay, although not for her. Invites still received even after that but turned down almost immediately; as much as she enjoyed being the center of almost every kind of attention, a little space was a must. Learned the hard way and an absolute asshole ex boyfriend later. She'd planned to decline this invitation too...but a sleepover isn't the same as a party with alcohol and suspicious substances involved. Plus there was adult supervision as well.
Cindy still hasn't told them she can understand Russian. Only let it slip that it's her first sleepover and wasn't really sure what to do. The fact she wasn't laughed at was a good start and Miss Americana- Karma declared the same after her. That was a surprise, the blonde girl seemed every bit the type yet something was incredibly amiss at the same time; unlike with Ari. She was just as expected but an absolute sweetheart and a bouncing ray of sunshine.

She still couldn't sleep, only nap near the heater, alert enough to see Karma quietly jerk awake from a presumed nightmare early dawn and stayed in the bathroom ever since. Maybe she should tell someone...but she wouldn't take it kindly if the situation was reversed.
Cindy liked the company and definitely wouldn't object to repeating the experience, although she was missing her kitty, Astra terribly, the way she would curl close in a warm ball when rare anxiety surfaced. Speaking of warmth, it was still cold for her, therefore she borrowed a jacket from the pile, in the dawn's filter not quite sure whose it was. Better sorry than safe if the owner objected despite everyone wearing something different from when the night had started. After all she didn't know them for long.
“Good morning” her voice carried a natural rasp, a certain unusal edge; the hint of something lying beneath her voice. Her smile polite but practiced, in the morning mindset not as sure about the so called adult supervision. Surely, by all means he seemed a very decent man and father. But looks can be deceivingly deadly and it never hurt to remain careful at first.

New York City, May 1993
JACK had spent a good while tiptoeing around his own kitchen. He had the radio going low as he moved about wearing sweatpants and a tight-fit tank top. He threw on a silk robe that still smelled of Jean’s perfume.
He hit the coffee pot as he swirled around a pan of eggs, a cigarette lazily hanging out of his mouth. Despite it being May summer was a slow start, the heat was on to make sure everyone could stay warm. Jack Williams had listened to recent Yankees game on the radio. He had a few plates out, toast was done, and was fixing some omelettes.
The first of his kids came out, Koshmar or Koz as he went by came in the room still in a sleepy daze. Marie followed after in yellow silk pajamas that Gus got her and wandered in. She got coffee and mumbled a good morning and kissed her father before dropping to the island and listening in on the game.

“ты хоть немного поспал, мальчик?.” (Did you get any sleep boy?) He greeted to Koz as he leaned against the counter.
He shook his head and yawned. Jack didn’t want to mention as to why he was wearing William’s shirt.
“Good morning!” Ari sang skipping in wearing a pastel pink bunny onesie, Pete trailing behind like a puppy wearing clothes that Jack was sure belonged to Marie.
William, Clara, and Falcye were next, William more awake than the others.
“A great morning to you all!” William grinned as Ari latched onto his shoulder singing along.
“Good morning, good morning! It’s great to stay up late!” Ari and William sang along as Clara joined in.
She got coffee and sat next to Marie, both wearing matching yellow.
“Morning kids.” Jack smiled humming along to the music as he decided to not question why they were wearing each other's clothes, “Crazy kids.” he mumbled.
“Who wants pancakes?"
It would've been rude to refuse, coffee always dried her throat and most of the time it tasted simply terrible. Still...maybe with the honey it could be manageable and she won't apologize for dumping half of the jar into it.
Only a split second; all traces of previous exhaustion disappeared, her smile morphing into an icy sneer matched by the cold fire in jade eyes. “Yeah, been told that already.”

The tension dissolved as soon as it washed over, the moment Cindy realized she wasn't in her old house, her father is six feet under and the gaze of this man was kinder than her own ever regarded her with.
“I...sorry. My father wasn't a kind man.” For some reason she was sure he would catch the barely concealed hint. Jade eyes gently, almost shyly flicked at Koz at the mention, a ghost of a smile at his eyes; they were pretty. Like the fabric of the night sky.
Deciding she didn't want to also burn his apartment down with her disastrous cooking ‘skills ’, Cindy decided to take a seat next to Ari, offering a shy smile; God she really wasn't used to such...domestic situations. Or any kind of situation involving being having a normal relationship with people.
“Accuse me being Miss Arizona, yet I can barely make it to the table” Karma's smile and attitude easygoing, yet Cindy saw the last minute rearranged hair, the sharpened gaze and the slightest tension in her otherwise relaxed position. She didn't ask nor mention, although slightly worried about the other girl could have vision problems with such elaborate scarring around her right eye- Cindy was lucky with her left.
“Let me snake around the heater if possible” her request although not elaborately worded, her tone still polite along with longing looks towards the source of warmth. Almost too long, spidery fingers absentmindedly rubbing, prodding at her shoulder till a brief reaction of pain passed her face like a lightning strike; gone after a second.

New York City, May 1993
JACK had spent a good while tiptoeing around his own kitchen. He had the radio going low as he moved about wearing sweatpants and a tight-fit tank top. He threw on a silk robe that still smelled of Jean’s perfume.
He hit the coffee pot as he swirled around a pan of eggs, a cigarette lazily hanging out of his mouth. Despite it being May summer was a slow start, the heat was on to make sure everyone could stay warm. Jack Williams had listened to recent Yankees game on the radio. He had a few plates out, toast was done, and was fixing some omelettes.
The first of his kids came out, Koshmar or Koz as he went by came in the room still in a sleepy daze. Marie followed after in yellow silk pajamas that Gus got her and wandered in. She got coffee and mumbled a good morning and kissed her father before dropping to the island and listening in on the game.

“ты хоть немного поспал, мальчик?.” (Did you get any sleep boy?) He greeted to Koz as he leaned against the counter.
He shook his head and yawned. Jack didn’t want to mention as to why he was wearing William’s shirt.
“Good morning!” Ari sang skipping in wearing a pastel pink bunny onesie, Pete trailing behind like a puppy wearing clothes that Jack was sure belonged to Marie.
William, Clara, and Falcye were next, William more awake than the others.
“A great morning to you all!” William grinned as Ari latched onto his shoulder singing along.
“Good morning, good morning! It’s great to stay up late!” Ari and William sang along as Clara joined in.
She got coffee and sat next to Marie, both wearing matching yellow.
“Morning kids.” Jack smiled humming along to the music as he decided to not question why they were wearing each other's clothes, “Crazy kids.” he mumbled.
“Who wants pancakes?"