Wildfire roaring in my veins, the entire universe blazing in my eyes.
751 posts
Phoenixborn - 𝓟𝓱𝓸𝓮𝓷𝓲𝔁 Bathing In Ashes

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It was a chase, a playful one but everything was a competition for her. She was agile, slippery and incredibly fast; just as in singing great at improvising. Of course he could use his wings, no fair! Although hers would've blinded him so they weren't brought out to play. She elegantly slid under the desk to avoid being grabbed with a bright laugh.

She was...so happy. Carefree. Excited~ Cindy didn't notice how different it felt next to her experiences in the past, how even the spark of fear of being harmed wasn't present.
A dirty trick, yes: when jumping around the corner, she quickly unhooked her bra and snapped it at the estimated height of his face when he turned after her as well


Cindy was…in a mood to say at least. Sensitive, trained ears immediately picked up the slightest difference in tone. Victory half secured. She allowed herself to rock against Erebus with a pleased sigh, nails slowly, deliberately creeping up his chest. Eyes shone with wicked glint, promising no good.
“Would that be…”

Toned thighs rubbed together at the possibility, part of her tempted to give him a chase. Pupils blown wide from excitement at the decision already formed.
“Possibly it was, you’re always so…deep in something.” her sharp smirk left the ‘which isn’t me’ unsaid hanging in the air. And the cat of a woman took off with an echoing cackle, the thrill of a hunt and the result of getting caught sweeter than honey.

Somehow, he managed to bite back a low groan that threatened to escaped from this throat. She knew exactly what she was doing to him and his body. He always valued his self-control. But ever since this spitfire of a woman had entered his afterlife, he found himself gradually losing his grip on his control.
He was about to make remark on her innuendo when she suddenly took. White eyes widened, watching her in slight bewilderment. Ah, so she wanted to play cat and mouse did she?
A wicked grin stretched across his lips.
Oh, then they could play cat and mouse.

With a mighty flap of his wings, Erebus took off in the sky after her. He did love the thrill of the chase.
sender kisses receiver to shut them up. (Reversed!) For Seviathan
Kiss prompts

After probably the eighth ‘It was just a game and I haven't even said it’ she had given up on trying to explain and/or calm the furiously rambling eldritch entity

Of course it made no sense, why would she want to kill him? Besides reckless driving and running her over if not for her powers- Anyways; that was an entirely different topic and she did total his car both as a reflex and revenge.
Still, Cindy had one secret weapon ready which hopefully could stop the never ending flow of words. A firm grab to pull him down to her height followed by an aggressive kiss with a gentle flick of a tongue.
“There. Do you still believe I plan to gruesomely murder you?”

Fuck Marry Kill Hysteria, Seviathan and Striker

“Marry Hysteria because...she's cute, she's fun, great to hang out with. Why not marry?”
“Fuck Striker and watch my sister get a hellfire aneurism.”

Which leaves....


She felt terrible for scaring the woman so badly but she has seen what lengths those ‘pushy guys’ will go if not dealt with immediately.
“Your name is pretty. It suits you.” Cindy replied with a small smile, not moving from her position just yet

“You are the first one to ask that question correctly.” Cindy sighed, head lightly hitting the lamppost as she looked up to the now standing catlike woman
“It is a long story, the short version is that I'm a cosmic entity and have no ties to Hell nor Heaven.” saying out loud...was laughable, expect Summer had seen her do something out of this world so easily
“If you would like to hear the long story, spend the rest of your day without creeps, I would gladly accompany you. And pay for your time of course. I know this realm uses souls as a currency and there's an arena for fights in almost every corner. Just say how much you would like.” she wasn't joking the slightest, Cindy didn't care if she paid for company, at least the woman would be safe from harm while with her. Even though, the ‘soul currency’ left a ghost of a laugh in her; how...fitting yet terrible name. At least when it came to her.


Of course the literal Hell wasn’t just sunshine and rainbows. Jade eyes gradually shifted in color as she witnessed a man more and more actively harass a woman who clearly wanted to get away.
Cindy moved swiftly across the street, ignoring the blaring car horns to put herself between the woman and the offender, catching the man’s hand in a surprisingly strong grip.
“Oh really?” she echoed coldly as she was told off because ‘the bitch is clearly playing hard to get’

The same untameable bestial rage swirled within her just like on Earth, her legs shifting into maroon colored swirling fire, flames darker than the Hellfire itself; hand sharpened into claws seamlessly passing through the skin, piercing flesh. The man couldn’t even scream in agony as cosmic fire flooded him from the inside, his own crimson essence of a soul pouring into her as his second life eventually left him.
Good to know she still can do this trick with ordinary people even here. But when Cindy turned to the woman her heart sank to her stomach.
“You don’t have to be.” she sighed, her height returning to normal along with her voice. Still, she had every right to be afraid.
“It’s okay. I will not hurt you.” her voice steady and she took a few steps back to give her space which she clearly needed

She rested her back against a lamppost, slowly sliding down to the ground as well to appear even less threatening.
“I’m Cindy” she offered, a simple conversation might help her get over the shock as she didn’t dare to leave her alone in this state

She eyed her warily, her fur standing on end, an indicator of her current distress. But the woman didn’t seem to want to hurt her either. Although the feline wasn’t entirely sure if she trusted her yet, she did relax. If only slightly.
“….I’m Summer.” She offered, shakily getting to her feet, her eyes never leaving Cindy’s form. The woman didn’t seem like a normal sinner. No…no sinner had that kind of power. Not even one of the Overlords. “What…are you...?” She asked.